an SIDECKDEIZCDUHNIWIINITWIS EDGAR WA MEETS OCT 11 led sway suddenly on Thursday dreamy were residents at mid eonununity for idolan are on trip to Hem psyne tor few days Mr and Mrs Coninn oi rudmmoanrn rs essor is at pun Devotional Mre Partridge Roll call uote verse hi thanks ironl theB hie some time More moving to ilnmnto Sympathy is extended tr tile family in their hereevr nien Mrs hieeAiary oi Willow Toronto visited his and Mrs ONeill Mr and Mrs Demos and son Rinth Wiliewd Vil ited Mr and hire arm lunch Mrs McLeod Mrs Dolley spent the weekend at Annlter Mr and Mrs Grimes and children of Newmerkst eat esday at Ha hire Molaan has taken wmmomm Mrs Dicker attended the in ternetinnsl plowing match at Believiile on Friday Mn Young lively visited hi Everett this past week Mr and Mrs Hayes of Whitbl Mr Gould Mr and Mrs Mobowsll and son of Toronto and Cecil Hayes at Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hayes Miss Janice Handy spent the ALICE summs weekend in Toronto and God ringtom BDDASTRIP John and Walter Livingston and Mr and Mrs Ash It Lacy luxurious and EASY ho orochetl Make scarf ends and tended the LivlnsstonWsliwln wedding in Central United Chur accassorios by joining strips eh Barrie on Saturday Oct Just pinupï¬da strips or utenSinchJcar endearichairr SAMUEL CAMPBELL back or 5x11 nrm rest in Friéddswer sorry to learn No 30 Pattern 7189 crochet 83 Emmi direction Sendntrtyiive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecrnit Dept 60 FrontSt Toronto Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN on Sunday Mr and Mrs Kant and 11111115 Streetsvilleflr Ind Mrs Kanis and inmilylolt dale spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Partridli Mn Keats at Richmond Hill spent Thlnkuivinx with his and Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Anderson were Hilda and Michael Duiiy oi Weston or the weekend Mr and Mrs Jack Moliin and thirdly oi Mil liuntreal spent the weekend with the latters parents Mr ton on Sunday Mrs and Mrs Jamelt at Toronto who week with them HOME AND BCEDOI MidlandSchool Al Mr and Mn Wilmer Wilson locithin will not hold Bet and family spent the weekend in on Oct 16 it will me on with the latters parentI Mr Oct to uguuts oi Littles Mrs Allred Schunke Sardinia BMW to hear speaker on New York National Deienoe itir and Mn Kenneth Suther muagsltnezilnbzflizymrs has and agiï¬lgyvaimlcgnlmmt return toruume on hes Itudies at Bib Coils mother Mrs Maude Wilson DAMSmeME GOFISGER ANDNAFewMoMnNm the winter or Mrs Wilson returned to Toronto Flmuwgggtw againsmpm Mun mflrwmj withthem or months visit held at 11ko United Church at 55 WW 11 am and inn on Sun m°mm°h° Wm 11 end in Meaiord if ilirs James McDermoitis teaching in the junior room in the absence of the teacher Miss McQuay who has taken few days leave to be married Sevorel from thin community attended Harvest Service at St Judes Thornton on Oct Speedy recovery is ad or the sick andshlllinsï¬peeJ inlly Helen Smith who had her LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE Mr and Mrs Arthur Dyer and Miss Ella Robertson oi Barrie were Thanksgiving guests ournaw 1862 Needlecrait Ceta log ready uowi See Beauti ul as in oompleteiash ion section plus bedspreads lin ens toys Afghans silpcovsrs es 200 desiï¬ns to knit crochet dewI weave embroider quilt in JULIET JONES NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUEl 200 plus tree patterns Send as oenls nowl TELEVISION PROGRAMS cxvacuauï¬stéaanme MONDAY OCTOBER is 4410 Womenl Show lnlc iiusie muin Papaya and Pail News Headlines rim Stoolcs Flm lilikal Report News Dnn Ysrnielnn wenthar Sports Znne Grey Theatre Dori Menu suniiu Denny TthI Show Live Borrowed Lila nob Cummtnu Show CBC TV News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community News use Mliiiad Joan mason OCTOBER li ll TE Pattern 1100 Popeye and Pals 1130 Noondalt are News West er Sparta Farm Ru ort Comm Cartoon Romper Room Che Helene Num School Open Dine school Telecast Lets Look Alberta Gama Farm The Womens Show Arthur Heine Show Rania Danie Cartoon rim News Headlines Lenn to arm Farm Market Report anr Don nrnleson Weather Sports rmnFPrrl 599999 ESSSQSES Gs38322 sea mum P999999$PPN agasssssnsssa Ben cuy Gary Moore Eh Rad skllton Front Pan Chllenle in ulry intelpal csuins cac TV News The Wesuinms Today in Sparta Csmmunitv News Crossroad wanmnu ocroaest ll 1045 rm Pattervi Romper linens Popye and run Noond anrt News on Sports rum Ragst Coming nnu Movie Mlle as Paris Mill Hulk Friendly Giant Music muggin The Women Show No No Nanette rimio null Hlflkllhllfy sound News Headlines Nations Businlll Farm Market Report New Dnn Jaminson Wenther spurt alerin lie on no Law and an rnnen Bachelor ritnnr greysé erry mm News Malsine Explorations cnc TV News The aveuremia Today in on Community ews um senorw sasssscssss FFEEsnsssse SiftsPP assesses he CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO newsmaocmnann Perso llty Show Prolessors Whirlth Sports Weather Pierre Berton New Belt as Hideava Father Knows Top Cat Whiplash Inspector Mamet Take Chance Rilieman Lnretta You News Weather sport Me at Destiny ttar Late only ONE There is only one 99959999 SSéSgSSESEaS eeo Weather us aw no so ngtlnns so For information on WMngom phone RA mnvhml mzanaatrocrolsm 1030 News In and Eu 130 Channel Theltn silken Milk Sclenna Fiction Theatre Personality Shnw Proieuers Eidhlwly Whit bird sport s= all min lri Chaelmuale Peter Gunn irrfii en es hatter Lat WEDNESDAY notches in 1050 Ne 10 Fre and Elly LIO Chennai nutr muldred Hour Blunt no Dnllllns Fellhanks Present 55 News 400 Personality Show Lila Protesnors Bidsway 000 Whlriyhlrdi 630 Spam 559999 838388 snort ==== 3823 nod 11 ennuistun woo Football moo one nnelnu Show moo lheDeteetives 1100 News Weather 1120 um Coleman 50 Better Late navel £135 °° IIPIIOLSIIIIING WK QUE AND MODERN neautitui Samples Free Estimates PICKUP AND DELWERY snowmansou HARRIS Upholstorin is our BusinessNot Just sideline as Br diord 5t smutMISS Ylilii It your carrier has not arrived by 9111 please phone PA 8243 And soapy Will as Delivered To roan nonl THERE IS No CHARGEiOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEXOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Mrs George MacDonald oi Barrio is visiting liliu Gerard Moran Mr and Mrs Clarence Car son and family visited Mr Llflinln at Alienwood Min Janet Lucas was home from Toronto lol the holiday Miss Kapteyn Toronto spent Thanksgiving with her brotherand sisterlnIsw Mr and Mrs Kapte Michael Kennedy his Bill and Bill McDernlett To main visited Miss Kennedy Sunday George MacDonald and Gene CONTRACT BRIDGE BY IA INorth dealer VliorthSouth vulnerable 0A1 Lures wan miss one Kmoos eaqsosesmyln 91 see was norms as vases KQMM aloe mum ream nine suite wax l$r erra so Opening leadeight of spades History dnesnot record the declarer in this hand played some years ago and South un lortunatelywill havrtobe re membered only by the name of AuthorAnonymous alienWest were playing weak jummercalls and Easts two spade bid was designed only to harass his vulnerable opponents Wests three heart bid was more of the same kind oi med icine Apparentlythase tactics were successful because they lockeyed NorthSouth into po or three notrump contract West led apadeand South won with the lack Declarer could see only eight tricks and little hope of in ninth He knew uni rcsosswono seam aunt ILPmuhie Em tonslls out at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio Mrs Claude Banting and Bren da spent the weekend at the home of llir and Mrs Harry Baker and called on friends in the village SOOTHING PRACTICE LONDON CPlAu advertise ment one store selling small pieces of polished onyx stone sa iho pence afforded by stran the cool satiny surface oi polished piece at jade was China or jangling nerves and he led the three of heartsi wdiknnwn remedy in ancient tired minds BECKER that it he attempted to give up in club trick early in the play in order to establish the suit thedefense would be BMAV rtiontoruniive or six heart tricks But South considered the matter careiuliy and after while came up with an ingeni ous scheme to steal the con tract Accordingly at trick two This apparently suicidal play worked out dust as declarer had hoped West did not go up with the ace of hearts which would have settled Souths hashirn mediately but made the normal ay of the East jgrged win the returned diamond Declarer took it in his hand and led the nine of clubs and ducked in dummy The psrly was now over East won with thequeen and relumed another diamond whereupon deciarer msde ten tricks consisting at two spades our diamonds an four clubs South had realised that Wests heart holding could not ve ry well include the AKQ or he would have led the suit origin ally Deniarsr on the bidding credited West with sixc suit and therefore placed East with singleton Ahonor which he hoped was the king West could have saved the day otcourso but how many players do you know who would have gone right up with the ace of hearts Tomorrow Highoi ï¬n Inuunnnnnnn IIInull Ionuni in lionInu EH IHIIIVVA IlVzflï¬ï¬ ï¬g IIIII at Vsflï¬WflIIIIVflL Seme HEWEl flï¬liiiil ï¬lï¬lllsflilll my nl IfAiflllll Iï¬iilllll lode campsis 62s HOPE EilA DOESNT COME iN ANDCATCil CALLING DELMA Fl LON $354 325 hhwir HE WAS HERE WHILE AGO HAVEBEEM BirgiitiiIKEGIXTY suasruom mum IWIS 10 DEER7 THAT LOOKS LIKE HIS DOG WHAT GOES tools JJOltiEurHi so communalshruqu Your LEELIEVE BE FIGHTING 10ng FREEDOM OF MY PEOPLE BlitfllEYCAEE NDTlilNï¬FOR tiiitlsmiv wits POWER THEY WANT TO SElZEMYCollNIRY 1fliKNiTTIN5 ctuas EETING AirEiZALll ï¬rtummï¬ithif 63 Til ï¬ï¬ï¬jrflmcï¬nn mommy