mic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers United 16 Bayfield street Barrie Ontario meson omens so an Pul pecire Oi Appeasement gooms OverTheNewBariy Lyhat as the most significant fea tu of the recent House of Commons de ate on external affairs Surely to those who have taken the trouble to read Hansard closely the most disquieting aspect of the debate lay in the utterancespi Mr Herridgeforelgn policy spokesman for the socialist New Democratic Party Those utterances in retrospect suggest that despiteNDP lender Douglas policy of support lth strong reservations for the North Atlantic Treaty organization the spec tra of appeasement still runs strong among socialists in the Commons At one point in the debate Mr Her ridge spoke of the need for the Canadian GovernmEnt to take stronger posi tion on the Berlin crisis Then he said member for Kootenay had to offer was that Mr Diefenbaker like Mr Nehru of India should pack hls bags and hurry off to Moscowsto appeal to Mr Khrush chev withrespéotthhe present dan gerous world situation Apart from such impractical proposals and comments strongly suggestive of appeasement uninsufsausrn Mr Her rldge who has consistently been crit fool of Canadas role in NATO found himself in the unenviable position of having hardly anything to say of the somewhat more moderate views of his party leader Mr Douglas who whatever misgivings he may have about NATO ivhasrbeen discreet enough to be moderate inehisrstatementsiMrr Douglasrtobr In our opinion we have no cause in logic friendship orhonor to go to war now in futile and suicidal attempt to end the unhappy division of Germany andEerlln He also accused the West ern Powers of seeking to perpetuate the unnatural state of affairs created in Germany by the Second World War Theonly recommendation the misuse Private Enterprise At Work In an age when foreign aid to under developed countries appears to have be come permanent feature in the budg ets of industriallyadvanced countries it is important to bear in mind that real industrial progress is the result not of government action but of private enter prise at work Canada and other industrially advanced countries do not owe their progress to government action Rather that progress has rESted over the years on the existence of political climate favorable to private investment to sav ing and to individual initiative Private investment saving and in dividual initiative are no less important sure knows that to advocate Canadian withdrawal from NATO would be polit ical suicide The question which thoughtful Cana dians are asking themselves is how ef fectively Mr Douglas in hisicapacity as leader of the New Democratic Party will be able to cope with what is clearly substantial body of appeasing sentiment famong those who are supposed to be his own supporters flexibility It is the chief source of skills and techniques for the less developed areas of the world It pro vides the training ground for managerial and technical abilities without which reai economic growth cannot occur Its achievements attract private capital Thus private enterprise isa powerful nonpolitical device for expanding and using efficiently the worlds resources to provide those things people most want or need Governments in the underdeveloped countries up to now have tended to rely heavily upon socialist practices to raise their living standards and provide better life for their peoples This is ml the progress oftheundendevelopedunfectunatefor in the end socialism is co ntries than they are and have been to Canada and to other countries high the economic scale The specific in mlrits of private enterprise are its quick appraisal of needsgwlllingness to take If kifddnpbabmty to change and general likely to lead to disillusionment Foreign aid alone cannot accomplish much on less the recipient nation is Willing to create polltlcoeconomic climate fav orable to the growth of private invest ment under free market system Other Editors Views ELECTRONIC SLEUTHS Milwaukee Journal adar tracks speeders Closed circuit Eevisioin catches shoplifters in the act aw en orcemenJg emdroppsrswire is send the likelmore than theyara wil rig to admit Ehw the internal revenue service is seling up an automatic data processing tern that will trap taxpayers who are filing returns Every taxpayer is go in to be assigned number congress AIRY SUBSIDIES N0 BONANZA London Free Press Canadian dairymen are finding them selves involved haying their cake butter smplusesand sidies seem to bolthat cake The dqiryirig lobbies have always been re garded as among the strongest in Ot tsgartheir wishes tor federal price sup have stood up against all opposi tidn Â¥et despite this aid the industry is getting intoan increasing surplusposi ti and now the governmentis being bl ed for its interference Head of the largest dairylng group tlonal Dairy Council President Pierre to complains that excessive and ewesincreasing governmental interven tl ll ah ada wholly producer group wants the government to continue to pay 12 or illcent per pound subsidy on butter yet sell the product at 50 cents per pound far below cost to make it more compet itive The Dairy Council would notsug in that old saylnTabout and control are ruining its bus Africa duatry which is one of Canadas top cash crops toward better times through this priceaid committee federally sup ported 18 months operation the federal butter surplus has moved from 110000000 pounds to the 180000000 pound mark Are Canadians dodging these fatty foods Itrwould seem to be time the entire dairyindustry including support pro ducts and others that have been without federal aid got together an out plan that would give them reason able assistance It is hardly fair for Ottawa to grant millions from the fed eral coffers and be accused of ruining ms dairymans business SECOND LOOK AT KATANGA Edmonton Journal The ceasefire in Katanga should pr vide an opportunity for the United Na tions to take new look at this situa tion From the beginning the UN intervention has been an act ofques tionable moralityianddoubtful wisdom Britain and France have opposed it and the fact that Russia claims it has not gone far enough is sufficient reason for believing that Moscow has seen it ad vancing the cause of communism in SALES IN MECCA Milwaukee Journal one of the factors in the incredible West German economic boom has been hard hitting and ingenious salesman ship Ihelatest tale which sounds to us bit apocryphal involves some Ger man salesmen in Saudi Arabia who are seat 58mm price but ks that usaidetohave embraced the Islamic reli should be reduced materially Yet our members of parliament be lieved they were helping the dairy lné The Barrie Examiner Autheflsed ucone mn mal Poll owe assortment Ottawa Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH wALLe Publisher BRIAN SLAIGHT Gallon Manager MePnEBsoN Managing Editor CHARLES EL WADOE Business Manager may WILSON Adverflllug Manager JOHN HOLDER circulation mull Subscription rate daily by carrier Iso 820 year Sink copy 70 By men In £700 year 00 six men he also three months mania burns ammo 6900 yen Outside csnu so now you owe see UnivennV Ave ToronIO Cathcsn grunt sinnersl me er en items1 slrm Vancou Member or dis Canadian Daily Newspaper nu lllban Association The Canadian Press and to Audit Bureau of circulation The Canadian run is exclusive entitledto the use for republicationor all new is etched in this glass credited to it or The Assoc mu Press or enters and also the local news pubullufl innla gion made calls in Mecca forbidden to nonMoslems andobtalned orders for power and lightlggï¬eiwipment to mod ernize the holy city Hows that for knowing the territory Pdragraphically Speaking settlement of if you are allergic to dust dont plan to visit the moon Scientists say it is cov ered withidust about 12 inches deep It seems in order to assume that with reference to he otiaiing with Russia for tie Berlin situation the Western Alliesare making careful sur veys in an effort to determine exactly the location of the line between honor able compromise and appeasement Note to triggerhappy hunters Dont shoot at any twolegged animal wearing clothes worked edas first leasebio CONFLICllNG VIEWS served Only Few MP5 Have Built Basement Fallout Shelters ly 7AM MONK we limos The Barrie Examiner OTTAWA The federal Con vs government is official ly committed policy of gzomouzï¬cibc construction of me at shelters for can edition But check can among Coauwaiggqglmwindiv cafes that very few if government members have on steps to build basement shelters in their own homes The question of rum in ecslfned MflYlIWJM unions on against nuclear out in the event of an atomic blast has been gaining steady prero inence lhroughoflo country it roseio penis seek of interest la of the recently concluded less on of parliament Several government members ke strongly in favor of Cans lsnl embarking on ihe building of luck shelters which might cost around 3500 on an average if conlimctcd by rcfeuionsl builder less if the ob is done on Joyousself basis No less nvernmeat person age than me Mlnlsier Diel enbaker told the House of Com mom on Sept 23 that If nu clear war should come he would be with Mrs Dlefenbaker and his staff in fallout shelter at parliament with ooave our fruit cellar into shelme fell Harold Danforib MP for Kent isnt as definite as Mr Hales and admits but he hmf given the mailer much thought or had much opportunity if look lnio cools and plans Wills ouL any immedlate plans for own shelie Wm look We ugh Dsnforib lion before the next session of lpens prairie lP Ernest Pu one of Moose Jaw Sash plans in into the roblem while he at home tween but doubts Ihalbll basement is high enough with out some excavation work He ï¬el the international sliuaiion to to build their own shelters Wallace Nesblit MP for 0x ford reports ihat his basement lends itself to shelter and says he has taken umber of EMO pamphlets to riding for people who are interested Mr Nesblit plans to look into the shelter question in the near future SUPPORTS PROGRAM The siranges supporrlorthe governments scller and EMO program comes from Heber Smith MP for Simone North these efforts are not 24 Sussex Street in Ottawa the wom our phylc and 19 mil arms is OTTAWA OTTAWA REPORT Newest rCampus Welcome Addition PATRICK NICHOLSON Canadas newest university campus is being opened this week as welcome addition lo the educational facilities of our newest province Memorial University in St Johns Newfoundland was de velop from Memorial College which was opened in 1925 as memorial in the sons and daugh tors of Newfoundland who gave their lives in the First World or The college was launched for the dual purpose oflraining much needed school tenchers and also to providesiudles above the high school standard then available in Newfoundland When Newfoundland entered Confederation as our tenth prov lnce in me there was sworn in as premier man who had long been acutely conscious that higher education was essential to develop the maximum aco uornic potential of his homeland Thus one of the first sets of Mt Smollwoed was to elevate Mc morial Collage into university has been formed to publicize wiih full ds resconfrrin lia mpmhahlyuisebuttetWhetterspreaduiyahflw CAMPUS HOODED The small collegebuilding on its little twosacrc campus on the famous old Parade Grounds quickly became impossibly over crowded faeilltles which had been ample for 50 oreuniversity students in ms were entirel in ador nfc for fullblown un ver slty quarter of century later So quonsel huts and torn buildings were thrown up all Around the college From Parade Street to Marry rneeilng Road boys and girls from the towns and outports scr ibied for classroom space and living accommodation Joey Smallwood the fairy gomnoiher tHawfmdlsnd had to turn his urgent attention once again to what was one of bis favorite projects be planned an entirely new ifltacre campus introducing the latest method of the smartest financiers in the business world to the ivory tow ers of education Mr Smallwood organized the construction of whatiiilmnst certainly Can campus The first of the three fouryear construction phases is already complete and at the opening of this university year record number of well over 1000 on dergradusies registered on the new campus The opening of Memorinls new campus will usher in new era for education In Newfound land Cheslcy Carter former teacher who now sits in our house of Commons as Liberal MP from our imh province as sured me The inion of this colorful Newfound snder is inle resting for he has unique as soclailon with Memorial When the First World War ended he was just leyenrs and three months old yet he had already served overseas for over year with the Royal Newfound Regiment lie was ilius young enough to be the only ex servicemsn of that war to enrol in the new university college width was Med seven years later as memorial to the wsrl heroes NEW CHANCELDOE TOO In addition to its new campus Memorial has got new chan 1101 too The first outstanding friend of Newfoundland ap pointed to ibatpost inme was Englands Viscount Roibermere whose family had founded the islands pulp and paper business half century earlier He has been compelled by illhealth to resign and last week anoiber of the publishers of Britains mare circulation newspapers was in stalled as his succesorihe Cs nndianborn Roy Thomson Smallwood was deter mined to choose for chancellor mu mmy mm on ouisianding personality sought the advice of four men in England when was trying to decide he confided to me These were Lord Beaverbruek the Hon George Drew Sir Eric Eowster sod Lord Roihermere They were in perfect agreement that ought to make ovary ei fort to induce Mr Thomson to accept the sppolaimsni Mr Thomson did accept and this added Premier Smallwaod is stroke of great good luck for the University and for the province We believe that Roy Thom son wlll bring to the new unlver my the dlsiineilon of great name in fold that has pro dueed names said Mr Small wood who is himself an citjour nalist Roy Thomson who has publishing interests on three continents is already perhaps the greatest iniemsiionaloew paper publisher of all time Thus Joey Smallwcad has launch on course let for his dear project of Newfoundlands first university llspiranis Strain To Win Leadership Ty nor oaaliin TORONTO Everybody may gain out of the PC leadership contest With the race so close all as pirants are straining to win voles And the strain means thought about the problems of the day and particularly about those of various localities ALL PROMISE Northern Ontario for instance almost certainly will gei break The Attorney General Kelso Roberts has pledged particular attention to its problems The Minister of Energy llon Robert Macaulay then came up with the promise of northern development council other candidates you may be suroywiil follow along HUBERT Is that somemmotyoursarcasm Vnhxmï¬gxrfaasmuwmww was This attention of course is good There are particular prob lems in many areas which have merited it before new But it takes campaign to give the extra stimulus whleh brings action AREA ousorroivs One can foresee now certain other developments which will be brought about by the cam palgn It is ulte likely for instance that act on will be taken towards buildingup the Niagara escarp ment as recreational and park area Eastern Ontario should get its highway situation cleaned up in hurry Windsor will probably find quick attention being paid to its industrial growth ND RELIGION Again there will be other broad steps already has been reported that liquor changes are certain stimulus will be given to in dustrlal development generally and this field will get the posi ï¬ve attention ityhas been lack But also there will be the taboo steps Dont expect much to bcsald about labor Although there will not be large labor vote at the convention there will be just enough to scare off the condi dates Dlilo religion separate schools or religious teschln in the schools Most if not all candidates will avoid these For they are among those sub latte on which the politician can never be sure whether he is win ning or losing votes by mention ing them FM MEMBER First woman member of the nlted States Congress Jean nette Rankin was Montana Republican in the 1917 House of Representatives tornSouth prime ministers home And ir Dlefcnbaker went to some pains to emphasise first his fall out shelter would not be fancy one but would be built ac cording to the same specifica flons that are being urged by the Emergency Measures 0r ganlzailon as means of pm vldlng fallout protection to every other Canadian citizen MOST STILL CONSIDERING But despite the lengthy de bate and the governments efi forts to encourage people to provide some means of mice lien for themselves an their fnmiles few MPs have done serious thought so far have given the matter lot of thought as am sure all thinking Canadians have com ments John Palleii MP for Peel and parliamentary score iary in the prime minister the family is the basic unit of our life and must be preserved We will be put ting one in our home although we cant imagine that condi tions will dcterlurntLthlidly that we will ever have to use ll But it is like buying fire insurance you hope that you never have in collect but it litsnizomfnrtlug to know you have The araliel between shel ior an fire insurance struck several MPs including Matthews from Nanalmo BC He agreed that people who bought such insurance were not hopeful their home would bu bdowndnstsmWTlTHllmm it But Mr Matthews has not et built his own shelter nor as definite plans for one He is giving it very serious con eldcrailnrl SET EXAMPLE However Mr Matthews and several other Conservative MP5 admit when pressed that as members of government which advocates homo shelters ey should set an example for rest of the eople in their own constituenc es and lose little time in building one Alfred Hales MPior Welling agrees with this premise We havent built one our selves but as Conservative MPs we should set the pace hs saysï¬WE haveK discussed the matter fully in our own familynagid lt 1001315 as lihgugl we procee ng on think there will be nuclear war as neither side can take the chance of starting one However wouldnt be at all surprised if we didnt proceed AmLiluilord lal support than crhn we should surrender in lczraveg fear to alien philosophies Mr Smith declares if we have any true faith in democratic principles and if we are Christian country as we claim be we must take nllsfeps necessary to survive We will do this not through piecemeal surrender of principles but by our determination to hold on to thosethings that in our way of have real value Mr Smith deplores the fa llsilc approach that nothing can save Canada and her people and points out that in any nu ear war Canada will not be area Thus the greatest danger will not come from blast and fire but from radiation which the fallout shel ter ll designed to meet However Mr Smith is among the many government MPs who are still without their own home shelters and like the vast ms jorliy of Canadians are only now giving serious thought to the possibility of going ahead with their ow um nine protec BIBLE THOUGHT on lllem to lead them the way by and Exodus 21 mm dnd still guides His people Sometimes the path seems long but the long road with God sit1hr shortcut Diggers Unearth Prehrst oric Giant TUPPERVILLE Ont CF group of weekend diggers have unearthed the remains of giant elephantlike mastodon 6000 years after it lumbered to deathmmmtTouniy hamlet The Etoblcoke Historical Secl ety began delving into the site on the farm of John Fergu son after tooth the size of grapefruit and kneebons were uncovered FunheLseanLra vealed aclflï¬h piece of task several vertebrae and ribs front leg bone and skiinchiong ton bones Pieces of wood recovered with the bones were studied at the University of Western Ontario and estimated to be about 9280 years old avings Bonds Canadas Malt Poputsr Investment Our October Reviewf pnCdnada Savings tutop an article Investors de siring the ultimate in security together warming liquiditymnd attractive return are purchasing increasing amounts of Canada Savings Bonds The Securities List contains diversiï¬ed selection of GovernmentMunicipal Bonds and Corporation Bonds and Shares suit able for current inves tmeni AcepyafourRanewandSeeu in List will bl forwarded upon request Wood Gundy lef Com pony ted gt IDEAL REPRESENTATIVE ALAN HESS 176 wellington 5m East Barrie Tequbcnc M903 whole quwgt