CroWd Attends gton HS Codiington Home and School Association held to am meet ing of the season Monday with record attendance of tin ar IHE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER IMP Bradford And Opening Meeting BRADFORD Special The Creemore Women Enjoy Fall Meet CREEMOILE The September by everyone good education he said would prepare each to beagoodciuusipreareeach student to take his ce mork ally and socially These advan tages were of great importance MODELS The hustle and bustle in the dressing rooms of Zeliers store was significant of the big event scheduled for today and tomorrow Racks of fall clothes were being tagged and numbered for easy dress ing during the fashion parader THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW stimulating day Plane tary aspects favor practically all endeavors and are particu larly generous where personal relationships are concerned Use this period to cement old ties and encourage new friendships Any plans you make for enter taining should go off exceedingly well if tomorrow is your birthday VIEW COSTUMES business interests should prosper recognitlon for past services The front window of the store has had its face lifted and is decorated in colorful fall shades enhanced by potted mums donated by Harris Flower Shop Models will in clude Mrs Lorraine Yasher Mrsfltfadeline Bakogeorge both your personal life and your and there is also indication of some pleasant surprises in Job matters fdr instance there is the possibility of some unusual dui ig October also in late De cember The latter period inci dentally should mark the begin ning of sharp uptrend in your financial affairs which if capit alized upon could put you in fine position for many months to come in fact before your next birthday roilsarnundeyou should be happily pleased with your chart prcsnges good year your monetary status in personal affairsexcept for ahead According to the stars FOR FASHION SHO Mrs line WaLson Mrs Mar garet Watson Miss Jacque line Fournier Miss Sue Watt Miss Tanis McVeigh and Miss Gayle Gardner above Mrs Lorraine Yasber left and Mrs Mae Wagon check over their wardrobe for the show Examiner Photo brief period in November your domestic social and senti mental interests should be un usually Pleasant only the Lib ran tendency toward quick anl ger over trifles could spoil these pleasing prospects So try to be on sunliy tolerant and under standing of your fellowmeii and womenl Opportunities for present past presidents pin last year for his very interesting and co ents paying membership ees for this year Ron Lambert presided and called upon Dr Mulchinock to to Mrs Earl lgigh in tip reels tioa of her excellent lea ership The teaching staff was intro duced by Mr Marianna who noted there were few chang This yeanlii Cecil We tl onng chairman of the school board tarytreasurer are introduced by vimprincipal Mr Jannan Mr Young gave brief his torioal outline of the growth of the school system and describ ed the work of the uhwflrd Eanamed thï¬arlous commit tees of the board along with the tasks which they are call ed upon to perform Mr Partridge thanked the iboard members for taking the time and trouble to be present and Mr Young in particular lightening talk Refrubrnents were served at the close of Ute meeting by the social committee It is the policy of the exccu tive of Codrlngtoo Home and School to start all meetings promptly at 515 pm and to close at 930 pm This trend in very much appreciated by the parents and teachers travel are indicted between May and August child born onthia day will be an excellent competitor in business and creative lines be cause he is willing to work hard and see opportunities that 11th ersmiss However be will in sist on the some fair play from others that ha praclices him Challenge Women In Church ALLISTON Special Th regular meeting of St Johns Evening Auxiliary to the Wom ans Missionary Society was held in the church hall with the president Mrs Newton Wilson presiding Many matters of bus iness were dealt with and the president and Mrs Angus Blair gave reports on the Executive meeting of Simcne Presbyterlal held in Central United Church vitni problem everywhere There Barrie Sept 11 The program was in charge of Mrs Howard Downey and Mrs James Murphy and dealt with the new study hook Sig nals for the Sixties great challenge is now go ing out to the womens groups of the United Church of cannon asking them to face the fact that the church is not meeting the needs fo its communities and that it is now becoming is great need among the you ngand old alike for understand ing and help and the field of endeavor must be strengthened and action must be takiniii TOMeet CommitieSTï¬biems responsibilities to get out and work in their local parishes and to be enthusiastic and opti mistic in their thinking Mrs Downey advised that ex cellent leadership will be given through iiterat rom the United Church Publishing House in Toronto Mrs Murphy read an example story of how one woman oi the streets was greatly helped to better life through the efforts of town policeman who be lieved in good Christian stew ardship Before closl meeting the president asked for dona tions of clothing for the com ciotiiiiig ounhoard in AL th skinner MR AND MRS JACOB PROCEE Bride Chooses Traditional Gown For EveningVWeddingCeremony many of Miss anie Easticantje Span Painsw and Jacob Procee of Barrie Rev Gen zebroek officiated at the even ing ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Span Al llstonVThe bridegroomspaF eats are Mr and Mrs Titus Procee Barrie Given in marriage by her father the bride wore full length gown of white silk or ganza over taffeta The bodice of the dress featured scooped neckline enhanced with flower ed applique and lily point sleev The billowing skirt was ga thered in slight bustle effect falling to dupe train headdress crown of tulle butterfly wings and pearls held the bnuifant veil of tulle illus ioniwith flowered applique edg ing She carried bouquet of orchids stephanotis and ivy Bridal attendants were Mrs Gloria Van De Hock of Pains wick the brides sister matron of honor Bridesmaids were Miss Anne Span Alliston sister of the bride aadVMissiEliza beth Procee Barrie the bride grooms sister Flower girls were Miss Laurie Jane Sew chuk and Miss Stephanie Pro2 cee also sister of therbridei groom Thrdttendants were gowned alike in gowns of white silk or ganza over taffeta Their dres ses were fashioned with beli Commercial or Industrial Photos Furtraita PassDnrt Film Developing CALL SMIIII srunio 38 Dunlap St PA 84116 shaped sleeves and commer bundeffect at the waists The flowergirls frocks had hows at the waistline Their head dresses were wing shapedpet sis with pearls and tiny veils The attendants bouquet were of gold and bronze mums with croton leaves Leo lroceeshi Bangs was groomsman Vney roceeJ Bariifaï¬i BoF Span Alliston acted as ushers The soloists Mr and Mrs Jack Brown were accompanied by Bert Senly Thomton organ is The reception was held in the church parlors Receiving the brides mother wasattired in tWop ce suit of powder blue linen With black and white ac cessories Her coxsage was white gardenias and pink Sweet heart roses Asslsm bridegrooms mother were gown of blue silk organza over taffeta with white accessories Her corsage was pink Sweetheartsroseshndehitev carnations The bride travelled in sheath gown of peacock blue wool with beige accessories VOn return from wedding trip toNortbem Ontario the cauple will reside at 54 Shirley Avenue Barr Before You Buy Furs compare As To QJALITY STYLE WDRKMANSIIIP ABOVE ALL Pnic Large Selection To suit Every Endzct We Invite Your inspection No Obligation msnnmn REPAIRING oconn sTonAGn satisfaction Gdarantoed WIIiGIIIS IliIiS Barrles Exclusive Farrier who makes and aeils inmonly Barrie Toronto Dnnlop St PA 84h Over Huntl there is to be any improvement in the thinking and behaviour of the people who face great difficulties today in their priv ate lives Udeer the ew organizahonir The United Church Women many special projects will get under way and it was stressed that it is up to the women of the church to take on many ADDITIONAL SOCIAL NEWS ON PAGE ll FASHION SHOW SAT 1000 an 300 pm ExceilaneaL Grownups like It bibles thrive on it smooth soft EJunket Reboot Dessert in chocolate or any of the other six delicious flavours Youll find the meiosisappeal in all SaladoShirriflHoreoy desserts Eve Sinai Shin unomy amounts quail guaranteed hyt baseman Symbolof FUR TRIMMED COATS when It Comds To Coats Come To Strsnsmans ANMANSI $444 DUNtor 51 TR lsstscnoNl mes meeting of Creemorn Womens institute was held in the town ball when goodly number of members from Cains Corner Duntroon and Pine The were present The meeting opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect followed by Bible reading by Mrs John Miss Wilkinson The president Knlhpett welcomed the gums to the observed in memory of life member of Creamer branch who had passed away Roll call was answered by 19 Cree mors members Mrs Arthur Gowsa annual entertainment agricul lureeoan gawmntarcoatesrby Mrs trunks CAMP BORDEN Mrs Plummer of RCAF Station Camp Borden has been promoted and posted to tho of MI as stenogrepher During the past three years Mrs Plummer has worked at ASCSchoolas Steno grapher The RCASC Smool have two new office workers Mrs Clara Murphy of BR Alliston who is Stenographer and Mrs An na Ferguson of Camp Borden who is clerk William Mason of Barrie who has worked for almost 11 years on the maintenance atafi at Camp Borden plans to retire from the Civil Service in the middle of October MESS DWNER mixed mess dinner was held in the RCASC School Ser geants Mess Sept 29 pm reception was held in the lounge prior to the dinner Amongthe guests at the We1Captain and Mrs Blake RSM Smith and Mrs Smith W01 and Mrs Holtzbauer W01 and Mrs Routtenberg W02 and Mrs Fox and W02 and Mrs Krause vicepresident of the Mess SSgt Short proposed the toast to bet Queen and the esting talk on conditions of fanning she and her husband had observed on their recent trip to the Maritime and New England The evenings entertainment was very enjoyable and consist ed of piano solo by Miss Judy Lawrence song by little Miss Nevile and reading by airs ll Presser of Cains Corner Duntroons contribution to the program was duet by Mrs two monologues by Mrs Whita side and contest conducted by MrsJames winner being Mrs John Knappett irereemorea part was lum hled picture contest and Bible SOCIAL NOTES the Mess youngestmum LSgt DeMilia respond ed Other guests included Mr and Mrs Glenn and Mr and Mrs Robinson Ill of Barrie Camp Bordens catholicWF ens Society will hold regular monthly meetings the third uesday of each month at oclock in the Email Bldg Mrs waive epurcésident Mrs Loop vioepresw ident Mrs Dowdeli Spa Katcbewf Boulevard secre tary and Mrs McEachlt era Meipha loop treasurer The Society also operates the Champ Bourdai Thrift dath and are gran opening bake sale Oct 25 commencing at 730 in buildings T153 which is adiacent to the tics of lines They also have another project and that is giving re iigious instruction to Catholic pupils whd attend Camp Borden Public Schools ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY mm to pm PA 871 flrst meeting of the Bradford Home and School Association was held in the public school auditorium on Sept 27 in charge of the new president pro gram opened with Canada fol lowed by tho Home and School prayer Minutes of the last were read by Mrs lea Hare Mrs lernhout introduo Mrs John Fernhout The meeting ed her executive Mrs an rlttain wl last June and as th of Grade passing to the graduates stressed that as Hon ache and find Iowanen Dedds Indoor Pill now minnow lllngs cgent will picture of Queen Eliza Mr Brittain spoke to ih who graduated to high chm practice ch mduite given diploma as proof Robinson introduced Rev Woolley who spoke MEI woioiiey mu tion as possible should be take If Youre TIRED MEI TIME may an same bul fnl Nubxwitltflnndhandatalldru of giving up when the Mrs um Queen and the iadi Limited PRESCRIPTIONS MORE DISNEYKINS sear 28th to not no IMPORTEDBOYSLINVE5 CORDUROY ï¬rms stzes To is This is timely special with the oool fail days we are having The colors are brown laden charcoal or boxer WitEL and self belt and flaps on the two back pockets WAL KERS GREAT TARGET SALE navy Styled with ball 29 lo COMPLETE YOUR SEI SHOP TONIGHT Ammonium the Final Days of Walkers Great but manly good education pre pared one for the privilege of making living Mr Wooliey urged that all should complete high school and not get the idea suits sets to He also advis that one never through loam ing and these graduates should xebelk as much knowledge as p05 is social hour ovar tea and sandwiches prepared by es 11 ltir Woolley was thanked by Gardner The meals VIMFORTED GIRLS LINED CORDUROY sums SIZES 741011 Popular colors are red zipper fastener and elastic watkeas GREAT TARGET SAL in half of the wais pockets Warmly lined for fall and winter lilac laden and black Styled with side Also with two side WEN iuanvrzooa IMPORTED LITTLE BOYS LINED CORDUROY JEANS SIZES Practical colors for with WALKERS GREAT gt TAgGEr 5an VSTORE HOURS Daily 915 am 510 pm Wed 915 Noon Frl 915 am 00 11111 nos theyounger fellow are as charcoal and loden green This size range has full boxer eiaslie fly sndhvopocke waist Zipper warm flannelette i3 SECOND FLOOR FIRST QUALITY SECOND Tim CANNOISLT BATH Almge distributor released just in time for our last day usually LA and 149 each WALKERS GREAT Tenser sALa whims of VBARRIEj towns in discontinued Cannon bath towels of Target Sale All first quality and 50 DUNLOP ST PA 64321