By LEONA VAN DYKE Anderson went to the Volley Wednesday marked the ogen BKADFORD DISTRICT HIGH ball Clinic on Saturday Th0 Inl day the Beaten II midihihihi rm emanate may re ea 3mm 503° °I University of Tomato They They are not only dismissed their first male of appeal On watched coach Marthinchn lor the afternoon but many of last Friday when they went to aid and her Pan American the ntrai students enter into AMIan The 1110 SW1 champs play demonstration the competition witbab by winninglto The images lost to How am mm congratulate Kathy Wast ever they made up for it on vex Egï¬naefgg lazing 13 Buy 3th Who flow by wg 15 dung gava Â¥olnters on playing skills alsï¬eiï¬zm In Hume ewrnar sen or vnma wl IItle scoreh til fsislngï¬e gï¬ï¬mfl Eff wields 12A directed thusï¬r are sure was Corn desurmwnaiisdtarm to vic Pfu Kirkupl Bumble Boogia pI mum mm pm rendition lass sin of mu duce good team lor this year The next game is scheduled Les Enfants Du Fires and for Wednesday against Picker The girls intramural fall the Gossip Column aii provid ing program goes into full swing ed the sudents with amusing Several girls along with at the end of Octoben entertainmen raSrtudentsrPlace In Track MadeBï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ High School do ltiiiÂ¥i The annual nidhopcThnmpson the spectators of Central made singles Torch c1rude Elmvctle High Cdunéil Sets Pcnctang emerging as victors ANI be FOOTBALL i3nriysiio3 We On Wednesday afternoon Lon Annulmentirony Mammogram ammummninm Cince Or 1116 111 1011011 wcre not casuy as central lingwood seniors ramped to nor Juniors September 28 The big bonfire on the track Alter ed with football players then unwed closely behind with 16 victory over Central ladst Alliston captain is John Ford few rousing cheers for Eant crowd of Banting students can EuistLE HIGH The first high school dance those concerned and also raises second in me girls and hin in the junior game both teams with citcaptains Bob Doner lng Memorial and its football rying torches and lastrbrut not Brundrmnml the year for the purpose of the status of the school Boys in he be were scoreless during the first and Bob lrwin Brilliant block team we startedsourwlorch leestrrr fire truck rovidcd MM inlti ting the grade ninos was believe it or not the girls think paint gamers or boys half but lack of players nous ing by Fred Wheeler and Bruce Parade Preceding us was through the courtesy the AL nsored by the Student Coun great deal more of you when we junin and intermediate ed Central boys to tire there Hoibert enabled Jerome Brnd police cruiser to clear traifi iiston Fire Department Mam ha med om September 29 Entertain you are dressed class were Gosney Cox Henry 1051 1M lay to break through the Stay ment for the evening was ac mee and Penny Both teams showed improVe ner learn and almost into the Sticciaï¬uéï¬gr Eginitemhlge Med 89 mi WHY In um 5mm mile important menl hutlnpscs in blocking and clear Bob lrwin threw key 930 but was rather slow un lord Col ngwood and Thorn tackling assignments caused de block which allowed Bradley to after 900 The main reason LEGIO IlsaiIIIglpIpaItcvï¬eeï¬e Elli feet so all the way for Bantinso my mm for this was the fact that team consisting of Stewart in Central were only iouchdown of the day 5359 iof°fosftfl 3311 ï¬ll1 great number at students felt Roh Shannon and mumpsun Sutherland Badley and Yorke convert made by Mac liether game Wm be my bukwamt about commg Wt laced first with their run be In the third lian the lantern was blocked byStayncr and Wednesday in Emvnlo WSW Student Caun Big 510 ofa second on the ex schedule Central journeys to Stayner succeeded in secur cu dedded that the bnys should isting record Drillln this Friday log three touchdowns on con Biggeecsagmlfngflgpgns mum young gentlemen as SATURDAY while Central hoys gained CHEER LEADERS Win Signpmwarigï¬nyï¬gwig lett and Joe Rowntrea were my Wanted to 56 and 07 1961 Flni required them to wear white points our girls slowly gained The newly organized cheer nouncers and timekeepers points for secondplace stand ladLng telgam cannsisiingl of mm By chm1 new $1131 013 dress pants and 745 Pam na or urn enmnn arena BORDEN or ALUSTON centrnls Mary LouSishop Law Lora Henncby Diane Law The senior game against niggesimgnmaï¬hgï¬ 9191 As the evening wore on new JACKPOT STARTS outdtstanccd hcr competitorslin Peggy Wardie Marion Cassel Camp garden was held the day mo and they oral students commenting on 311900 the senior standing broad with mnnI Linda Hogan Nancyjord same day with Alum again PM aan many mg mmmes We the dress felt that they wero record Jump ol 15 345 and Dorothy Waterer mode as host it was closely fought have arranged that we more dignified and self conii LEGION HALL b32v°°kii Hfggirangalggtll iigiflidiiï¬namï¬t 5mm mm the hm team 103mg CENTRAL concentrat mm 533 gggg$ifsienwsabvdfi events winners ball games Keep shouting scam across the syrn with BA in the 7I COLLIER ST td the 1931 32 real the idea This is good social The competitors as well as girls ALLISTON AT BARRIE 331° for the various gum nutmeg1gsll€ngnflplSMat and cultural women Alliston visited the city of Barrie for game Thursday cu dub Yardwood the president of tho lde ta Sept28 Barrie quickly tank in their MW Pm Student Council or the teach ko announcements of char of the am ite the UPPER LEFT Gary Maw 95 Erma the amigo gerence president of um Key Club the coming events In the last anque an ntertainmen iul EE°iiiiiiefn mm ii°TElddfégciï¬itE 5th ii disses 33in c3233 gegbxlitgalgrtnixmf $553 Culbï¬udnehitti lgIPIJhl gghidgsldaré ï¬wjglnglilnrgés glee DANCING BANQst IEIIIIEICIMIH hIIBaBrEiZsD 031 112$ dIeIrIIIIoIthoPlgIrafiicdugï¬bItIgII IIaEdD risen in different countries Saturday MEETINGS enabled Eric Fowler and Bob club presidents will be run of the worldBy Keith Loclew The Rhymmcn Robbins to make the tackle be ARY GRIFFEN 119 WGEk mm 50 NS fore the Barrie team was able Ample Parking WEDDINGS to run the bail out This gave downs and made one convertt This was followed by field tgaalhflfor maria p315 anotllier THIS SATLRBAY ouc own it en run us NORTH Collegi hag ele oliifée ttreesureraÂ¥zlrli4301157werytidbitblocking enabled Lacks TEF eda new Students ounci pres en an li In Jerome Bradley to go night BEBTE They are left to right Terry vicepresident and Doug Mus Banfln v5 on db By ELIZABETH TRAINOR name Barrie Centra Coileg THE YEARIIL Idcson lst vicaprésiden Smith Grade 10 representa Iiown Mac Hetlgierlngtgn Idek A5 1001 83mm have Odober their elections of officers for berry Dyck Jon Hennebry one MININGIi first was Les ï¬ehï¬ngtflfgï¬ewï¬ $3115 the school year pictures of the and Bob LoiIgheed were the another Banting presidents of each club sum delegates sentmmJMLW Borden High School Election niitiiiiieiiifiitiiii did initiations tittiestransition immunity HARVEST moon DANCE of members will be in this col The Drama Club under the lagging igï¬hsg zpirienfcétang umn to help new students at presidency of Pat Scruton is Bf er and59m Than ye ea II the play but now recovered Central to become familiar considerin V5 99 mm new the extracurriculin IF presented at Drama Night Shaw Nightly at 745 FEATURING ByleRBARABENSON mambohave Just arrived on be on hand for the Friday vines of 151 Sbchwlï¬ in early March Camp Borden lligh School Camp This shall be held some games in Orillia October degï¬slggry ï¬aivwsoï¬e 1223 The music of Bob Hunters IO piece band can Thetaéecltms mil Camp ï¬dmm Wm campbeu Iice fcfllililbtfor thish attihooll lItKiIs rel Ontarios Greatest en 11 en counc were old PEP RALLY DA OE aion con last Friday Our new council thsiï¬egfe£fgiï¬lmea This was our second dance wanls Club At school the Kay SIYHW by HEWkM animuilï¬ll is as follows Head boy Terry grade nine will be picked as of the year and our first at Club performs such duties as guest 53 Jane Gabaurhrj ch ad 11 ts rib HIT secfetaryg FayiggICagItll iï¬gmï¬vgfï¬fmjhï¬aï¬gu IIoIIIgIs itgoIiItccgsspiIgrergyoyrt an EsncinodllBCelgIllgg This Atmosphere galore in the night club selling of treasurer Marg Robertson ms dispelled when the crowd be year the Key Club has erected centrfl Ontarios ï¬nest bpllroom gany decor9 president of the Athletic Asso Sp we gap to gather sign on the north side of the 9drwiflrnaiuresuwflsplendiddm CIBIIPdfl tDEfxiéliS VgillliamS Vice 53de £2333le gï¬gbn 1235 The evening hegan with ev school proudly displaying the rest en ï¬fegam Babacl 59° we played against Banting Prizes an surpr zes you may euro one Memorial High The score was proceeds To CPT Fund of the frsaturkeys to be given away me things have already aorden Alliston gt Free bus transportation leaving Barrie City Hall school year We plan to hold first game of the year resent olelock an Int ionD for the grade bright future for ellrpfiï¬lbï¬lsr PRESENT EggIll Ihgglztcored two touch unlogglmsggolg copy been proposed for the coating We all think win in our the new team this ye Organize Your Party and Make Reservations Now IIE IADYS NOT FOR BURNING By Christopher Fry Pd ODD ELLOWS HAL Oriliia Cali Collect FA 47335 COLLIE ST If nekpot skies not go game will play out for $2500 EVERY FRIDAY 8r SATURDAY with OCT 25 830 5777 l00F HAliTCOLIJER TOM caowe and his Quintet ALL sEigï¬ï¬gsgï¬faï¬rï¬$355332s 5259 SATURDAY MEL LAVINGE And His Bluewaier Boys ADMISSION 75c REFRESHMENT BOOTH Suï¬ MWIIHS No SLACKS on Jeans PERMITTED NsroriiGiiHis maids erowNL feawring TONIG ATROAY ALEX BARRIS HT All COLOR SHOW SE CARTOONS JACK DUFFY iiliiiiiiéiit gt as gt ICronkett Doodle it BARBARA HAMILTON widows BETTY ROBERTSON titers And An AliStar Cast THURS and FRI gar tern 20th structure AT agitation NORTHCOLLEGIATE AtiDlTORIUM 71 tosmietrvms andsoiih Des the Barrie Lions Club enormous TICKETS $200 ï¬figgigï¬gi whitish 3i CUnlINUOUs snow ssrflwmflmmmflm airs anus some FEATURE Proceedain aid of Community swimming Pool project of Friday Feature Times at 25 and 935