Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1961, p. 2

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Benefit DAYS no IBBHRIGES Mrs Lawrence Scott oi finten Mills perusea The ttNorthcrn Advance and seems little surprised at and items as cameras going for $300 and mens suits for $1400 No ita not bargain dly or tire sale The Mr son iorthecrasyprlces ls the date on the paper June 1907 Triviontreal Leading Toronto gin Population Sweepstakes arorrawa cm Metropol itan Montreal has topped the 2000000 population mark to re main Canadas biggest urban area Whats more rival Tor gt onto is falling farther behind Population ctr pnlltan Montreal rose to 2059341 from linmsrn norrs Ensilage Crop Good Storage Is Problem By RG One of the biggest yields of corn or ensllage is now being aarvcslcd in lnnisfil Fades products have been exception ally good this year Many lar mers have had up to fourth crop oi hay and it is not un lusual to see stacks of baled ibay piled around barns that are filled to the root with the aurplua feed Many of the lar mers will be short of allege iapace and even plenty of itramping will not get their crop astored We are fortunate Edistrict and the present warm fiwcather has allowed many nwho have not caught up with their straw and silage to get this crop under way The farmers who have or ageharvestersare able to put some at this crop in each day allowingthc contents of the silo to pack and enabling more food to be stored Where this equipment has to be hired on custom basis and the work done in day or so it meanr packing by the tramping meth od Ii one hashever spent day tramping silo then it is an experience that should be enjoyed When we weretrad ing work on the farm that was our lot as our weight made double impression as we work ed our way to the top How ever in case anyone has ideas our services are not for hire GOVERNMENT DOCK When an employee of the Department of Public Works attempted to iind boarding house in the vicinity of the 8th line and Innisili Park word leaked out that the Govern ment Dock there was tn be rebuilt this fall However just what this work entails has not so far beendis closed to the Innisfil officials ill it is case of reconstruct tag the dock as it was origin ally but in manner which 521on resist the storms then it will be put back in the steam boat day period and not made ashelter for small cralt during an easterly storm it would mean that an would have to be added to the old dock When the matter was discuss ed in the Township Council Councillor Todd remarked its their money let them spend it However the problem of boat shelter is somethin that the Park no me owns it NESBITT VAre pleased to announce and DAVIES MRAIC ARIBA 1741813 between the 1956 and 1981 census the bureau of sta tistics said today in prelimin ary report of the June census The Metro Toronto census area grow by almost as much increasing to 1798491 Inhabi tants from 1502158 But it will have to iaca soon as these craft cannot be allowed to clutter up the shores Also the owners are willing to pay lor service that will allow them to store their craft in protect ed harbour The next best thing would be dredged har bour into the swampy area north oi the picnic groundsln the form oi Marina The number of boat owners will soon equal that of cars and all these owners cannot have waterfront property hence the demand for the storage service It will be uniortunata ii the old dock is to be replacedwith out consideration at present day requirements The Wiz inal dockrhadbracketr bolted on to enable tugboat or steam er to fasten hawsera It is hoped these will not beneglect ed in the rebuilding progrern They make good place totla up small boat If there are any historic sites in Innisiii they should be brought to the notice or the Historic Sites Conunittee whlchnhavestigates themand if worthwhile brings them along to point of having plaque placed to commemorate the site If anyone has any infor mation of pieces they feel worthy of commemoration they ahotrldad partmant of the Inniaiil Busi ness Mens Association They are endeavouring to put the name of the township on the map as partoi the tourist area of the Huronla district The local asaociationis anx ious to become member of the Huronia Association which is recognized by the Provin cial Department of Traveland Publicity for grants The mem bershipis based on percent age of the asessinent oi the whole municipality and this makes it out or thequestion group depending on an indi iduai membership to meet the cost Each year these business men pay an annual member ship which is too small to al low excessive expenditure The suggestion is that thisvmem bership be rmd for the comfy ing year However it hun dredper1ent membership of business men inthe township were received it would also be help ARCHH Ai the opening of their own fficea for the practlcoofiArchltecture to be known as Nssam aDAVIss ARCFIITECTS ow Nsrnssr trailed the Montreal area by 260850 wider gap than in 1956 Torontos only consolation is that it had faster growth rate 19l7 per cent compared with 112 per cent or Metro Mont real However another pair oi riv als in the West expanded even more rapidly Metropolitan Calgarys popu lation jumped 352 per cent in the five years to 271764 from 201012 Metropolitant Edmonton grew by 30 per cent to 330704 from 2544 GROWS MORE SLOWLY In each of the four cases the city proper grew mnrealowly and the city of Torontos popula tion actually declined to 657452 gtirom 667706 Population of in corpurated Metropolitan Toronto not the same thing as the cen sus arearose to 1595809 from 1358028 Montreal elty grow to 1155 178 people from 1109439 Aabestoa Abth Alum Stool Aluminium Albert GII 35 has NE Va 89 47 23 Dana Tu Gt Likes GILPJW nlataneemnd lorIccuracy onhirown mqlalslts Pin Famous may Kennedy Move May Hurt Us By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CF Presi dent lcnncdy has signed into law new subsidy bill which the creases the concern of Canadian authorities over the lutura oi the American market or Canadian load and zinc The bill eiiectivc Jam next provides federal subsidy or some 400 small American lead HolclPlay Day lit Hillcrestfi Books were ut aside at Hill crcst Public Sbhool this aiter noon aa 500 pupils participated in piay day organized by David Kcyho physical educa tion instructor for the citya public schools The children from grades our to eight were divided into 24 teams in take part in series at strenuous efifilsel and games planned by Mr Keyho and his mu The pro gram included ball handling jumping and soccer kicks ior Play day is special Pct project of Mr Keyho as it brings about anus participa tion Similar programs have already been held at Oakley Park Codrlngton Prince 01 Wales and Johnson Street pub lic schools DIES IN FALL KINGSTON ICP Willem Rocheafort an empoyeeoi Kingston Shipyards Limited was killed Thursday when he and rinc mince to help them compete against big domestic producers and against imports irom Canada and other coun tries Canadian worry lows from fear that the aubaidya direct reversal oi policy under terms president Eisenhower likely will increase American produc tion and tend to upset the Amer ican market Since subsidlm are to be paid over period oi iour years Ca nadiana ice the new program reduces vhope States would be willing to with draw or modify existing import restrictions that iour your periodfi RESEMBLES PREVIOUS The Kennedy law is similar to one Eisenhower had vetoed In the 1960 election campaign Kennedy maintained that it such bill had been placed before him he would have signed It He did so alter Congress passed the necessary legislation in the dying days of the last session just ended Ever since the United States imposed restrictions on imports in 1958 Canada and other sup plicls have appealed or revi sions on the grounds restric tions are contrary to trade oblt ligations imposing hardships on foreign producers The annual import quotes are limited to 80 per cent of what country shipped to the United States in the liveyear period 195357 or total annual lmrort quota oi some 870000 tons lead and zinc or all countries Canadas share is about 266000 tonal She felleJeotiniotheemptyhold lake cargo ship 4hcrciorrhasahlgltakefntifa American rnnrkct New Scholarship Contemplqted scholarship land in mem ory 01 Patrick Woods has been started to assist Grade 11 French students at Barrie North Collegiate Patrick son oi Mr and Mrs Woods and brother at Kath leen was high honors Grade 11 student with promising fu ture He was keenly interest ed in languages excelling in French and ODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop at Barrio WDUETBIAL none round Dona Stores out we not 15 15 Nor Ont NJ Moon corp Onhlwn Paciii Peta studying Spanlih PATRICK WOODS Patrick drowned in water mishap during the summer 15 Boll TeL Brazilian BA Oil 50 Power Home Oil Cdn air or com Imp Oil can nrawarlea CFR 51 15 2714 6V4 144s LII4 46 20V 433 Canada Cement Can Chcmlcll Cm OII Con Min Sr 8111 Con Paper Consumer Gas Labatt Ndrsndl Gunner bi nolunser 56 no 40 965 to 191 5916 22 Camp Chi Can DelRin Con Denlson Con Hall sulllvan Jalwnbrldgo anlquo Normatai Opemlskl Enrch Forms Home Pit Hudson Bay Min Imp Tobacco mo AcCo Inland Inter wickerW lntcrprnv Pipe rocxcy Club lilac Powell Riv hiasrfly For MINING KerrAddison Lon Lu eritlmcs 325 51 143 32 5V Steel Can Steinberg Hinton BIL Trans can Pipe Trans Int Pip Traders Fin Texaco Union Bu Walker 656W Quemont Sher Gordon steep nook United Oil Ventures wum also 1oz rlfl 27a ans North Collegiate is interested in the scholarship fund and will personally assist in raising the money by being the master oi ceremonies at variety night which will be held Nov is at pm All proceeds from the will go towards the schol arship Thasefiioare unable to at tend hut wish to donate to the fund may send their contribu tions to Miss Nancy Orser Mid hurst ivy Aunetulruntes The arrival oi Major Gen eral Turpin ORE Dir ector Supplies and Trans port tbe War Otilce in Lon don England at RCAF Sta tion Camp Borden chnea It was just simple cue oi misunderstanding said ch Lechnncc Chairman oi the Separate School Board lllrl Lachance was rcierring to the case or Robert Silman the Roman Catholic school Collegiate Board for per mission ior their son to ride in the High School hua When re fused they wrote the Separate School Board appealing to them to negotiate contract with the high school board We were disappointed that we were not approached be fore said Mr Lachence we had been no embarrass ment would have been caused to the Collegiate Board The Separate School Board is awarc that the Collegiate Board is unable to grant any attending another school rides on their buses arnte School Board yesterday WEATHER Synopslr Fresh southwesterly winds have carried warm air from the Middle West into Great Lakes areas Temperatures are expected to rise well Into the 705 at many localities today in iar Northern Ontario there is likely to be sudden return to cold air bynightiall but this new cold outbreak will likely stall north of Lake Superior un til about mid day Saturday when it will begin pushing south ATHilfilltoh orlnnpanntwerdmmnre Lakes Ontario St Clair Erie Huron Georgian Bay A1 goma Hallburton regions Wind sor London Toronto Hamilton North Bay Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury Sunny and warm but windy today Sunny with few cloudy in and little change in temperature Satur dayl Gusty southwesterly winds near 20 throughout Lake Huron bake Erleandhake Ontario Geno MLnu oowqorxaa Nnw DISORDERSW 39 Dunlop nvn MOST Adm STOCKS inter Prov Pipe Llr nurault Laredo Moore com Monarch Ens Pood Yams AVERAGES industrial lip 162 Rslll down 06 Utilities up 21 TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE INDEX Industrllls up 31 Gold up 0531 Metals up 81 Oil down HASTINGS DSC PODIATRIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF FOOT PA 84991 Featuring At Special Dining Room Hoursa sPrclnrnsnrsoiviuooln AT THE overshoot4 Roast Young Tom Turkey fTlllet Mign Chops and Veal Cutlets Thanksgiving prices Childrens Portions Served Family and Group Rates10 Discount Lunch on to 200pm Dinner 53T For Reservations oaIlPA 32484 ourENS HOTEL9 BARRIE gt RESEARCH ADVICE NESBIII 8i DUNLDP ST PA 82412 lthnElLs Toronto Montreal anmcm Coast to com in srocKsBonbsMuruAt runes without obligation THOMSON rAND COMPANY LIMITED SUITE 103 ENTRANCE FRED GRANT SQUARE BARRIE Fun PETER WEST BASe Eng as land Stock Exchange Inldl New York Balboa London Eng Zurich vaery prescription challenge From thousands of drugs about us we must select the exact ones firedfied gt7 is error is unthinkable for mistake orover dose could cost lite and our career Each Ingred ient must be checkcd and rechecked or accuracy The directions must he clearly explained Each prescription must be permanently recorded for fu ture reference Careful is necessary for safe YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need medicine Pick up your prescription ii shopping nearby or we will deliver promptly with out extra charge great many people entrust us with their prescriptions May we compound yours CALDWELLS DRUG Geo Caldwell ram Dang Karo th Cor Owen and Dnniop Sta RERGRERVRDR Georgian Bay day marked the opening oi the 21th annual general meet ing oi the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps Allocl Aatlon Thc gcncrsl accom panied by Colonel lieu avcning at their regular mcet lug when Ihe lcttérlroimiiiii Silmana was read that ho had been in touch with the Depart meat oi Education and had been notified to the eiicct that ii the Collegiate Board did give wtioseparahls EpplledmIF The Boy Permission to on the HighSchool bus they would be breaking their con tract with the has company and subsequently would have their transportation allowance mm the Department of Ed ucation stopped njbLSeparatenScbnnLnnard said they realized that fire Col leglatc Board had to conform to regulations ltlrs Silman Roberts mo ther said this morning that they have not received word from the Separate School Board In answer to their letter appealing to thc board to negoe Nate the contract mmaa5eprmssnmamvur Robert was still travelling the FORECASTfi Southwesterly winds 20 to so knotsl Fair weather Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Saturday Windsor 55 so St Thomas 75 London 7s Kitchener 78 Wingham 75 Hamilton so St Calharinca so Toronto 78 Pegterbor 73 minnow asch rm to nbNLni or minim BRITISH GENERAL BBBIVES IIT BURDEN chnn CD Commandant of the RCASC School Camp Bordon inspects precision like airman gua oi honor mounted on the sir strip7 the Station cnce Photo Natlo Must Make Own Way School Board States Pme din ENE taklfi public us and than walking mm the bus station to St Josephs Separate High School It has nothing to do with us JOWsrld1lr Larhancc We cannot aliord transportation facilities ln attending the Separate High School it Is undcrstood that the students must provide their own trans portation he added royal water lilies found In the back waters at the Ame ron have leaves with 21foot olvcu mtoranca tennis as now plays wés adapt ad from court tannls by Major Walter clopton Wingfluid In 1873 oversn of goodsmoking will be interested to know that Ogdens Cigarette Tohar co has designed It package lGAREllE TOBACCO awnm MILD vmamunw ssrnnoonnr WITH CHROMEPLATED FITTINGS SAFETY neoumes ATTENTION TO DETAILS pharmacist compounds In attention to every detail prescription compounding STORE PA szaos mwmmammmm 11 to Vitreouachina WHITE SET COMPLETE SPECIAL COLOUR SETS PINK annals SUNTA man 1511mm 759 BENEFIT ST SET INCLUDES basln with centre let iaufct peo plug chain and stopper trap Vitreous china close coupled toilet with seat ft steel enamellcd recess bath with tan tiller and waste and overflow chain and plug $9953 2900 0N INSTALLATION PLUMBING AND HEATING DEPT SECOND FLOOR 0F SUPPLIES BLDG PA 66531

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