Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1961, p. 12

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oy AreY°u TEE BARRE will FRIDAY OCTOBER m1 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS ANNOUNCEMENTS coIlmc EVENTS tram ucuasma The auto or yum childi To tell to road Ilia to Knead no nouooon rnr norm nimluer Closuth out an as on on your telephone ro an at blnn IuI oiu PA com only tlso DEATHS ln oroue Leanna oi co Jami Strut Port cm Ontlrlo uornmly ol Illrilrt on Thu October mi aeloved rhino ntullHmflmn humour other at Ira lvlh Pu xey iuuoredl amle Orlth lonn Ind nu Leonm in tn rlorenro pl ron mo Brother or Janie Gibson couiuowood Archie Gibson nolroit Mn am next rolonlo lul Jamel Barry MI nun Niorm lilo New York halting ut coo Bacchlar minor ennui 11 Win mute Street Port nrl when will he conduct nur Orlooer at run Eric autmo IN MEMOle ToPcLANDln loving memory or our hullsred ego thcr wullm co an ow at Cgokatowa aeto me no Wh 03mm on with alert are on tulle that road In thought loony ror the one lcannot met nurer mil to in run duort Your memory lives within my Wlto Pd den on or on In We who loved you will target Alwyl nmembcrld by wild mud and anally CARDS OP THANKS nawxnioMy linerro iiinu to Dr Seymour Dr Doldge hub at uni all ol Medical ll Room 2a tinpull and Nov Tran lpeclll thlnll to Patnlwick wr and social Club mambo lrtclidl neighbor and niativ Jilln sent me beautliul noworl olr tilnil you all lin corely Mu cmriu Howitino ENGAGEMENTS MATwulcPolesorl Mr Ind Mn Neltor Mltwiicc of Thornton wish to announce the onlnlnent ol their douchter lulil Barbara to Mr Rollan Pollon Inn at Mr and Mn Poinon or Toronto The radial II to take on Saturday Ob tooor 21 ol COMING EVENTS SHOOTING MATCH Saturday Oct pm Dressed Turkeys Shotguns shells supplied TED PATTERSONS 7th Concession Vaspra OPENING DANCE SATURDAY OCTOBER pm Guthrie Community Hall Music by Ken Oakley and his Stardusters Admission 75c Lunch counter II road we call remm nlfll nvor BARBIE HORIICULTURAL SOCIETY Autumn Tour to StEyner Devils Glen Ma ple Valley Dunedin Creemore New Lowell Sunday Oct 15 COST 32 Eli lejVEFWellingtoh deélTI pm home for supper Royal Winter Fair ails FARE 5250 Thursday Nov 16 To reserve phone Mrs ArcherPALMS Mrs CampbellPA 84813 TURKEY SHOOT MONDAY ocTanR pmtsharp Allan Browns Dalston SHDTGUNS ONLY SHELLS SUPPle FOLK AND SQUARE DANCWG CLASSES Commencing TUESDAY OCTOBER 10 730 PM Barrie Central Collegiate Gymnasium FOWL SUPPER ORANGE HALL rvv WEDNESDAY OCT 18 530 pm Program John losetik and his accordion orchestra lronl Can odian Academy at Music Bar AND monich ADULTS 1150 AUsPlchs CHRISTLCHUHG TURKEY SUPPER Utopia Community Centre WEDNESDAY JCIOBEL 580 TILL EM PARTICULARS LATER First Euchre 01 season to com mence Thursday Oct 950 p111 RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY OCT i4 AT Odd Fellows Hull COLLIER ST Avsricr 5T MARYS cWL PICKUPS Mrs Beuchey PA 643214 Mrs Corbett PAH3259 Mrs Saso PA 84858 AUTUMN BAZAAR 81 TEA AND HOMEMADE BAKING Auspices oi Rebekah Lodge No 190 $5 COLLIER SI BARRIE Wednesday Nov 961 130 TO PM TEA 35c RUMMAGE SALE aunmN Achuc umrcn cnuacn FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 PM BURTON AVENUE ENTRANCE Aulplcu Pellnwlhip Group WA RUMMAGE SALE 64 Bayiield Street North of Loblaws FRIDAY OCTOBER 13 10 AM TO8 EM For pickup call Mrs ChristiePA 84567 Mrs MaxwellPA 8365 or leave at LenasLingetia Auspices Soroptimist Club HALLOWEEN MAsouaRAnc DANCE FRIDAY OCTOBER 27 830 pm Grimm conuuNlrir camac Masquerade and spot prizes Admission 35c Lunch counter AUSPICES PINE GROVE HOME AND SCHOOL Try An Examiner Want Ad REAL ESTATE PROPERTY aon sacs MOVING For compiate movln irvio or and outer Iii COOKE CARTAGE Cr STORAGLLID YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT is lau no Barrio PArkwu H575 R05 REAL hrAlEatiom 7B TIFETN 5mm BARRIE CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Elma nd Roll Elito aoud um Graydon KOHL REA KTATE BROKE Ill DUNLOP ST EAST PA 04252 NEAR MIDHURST 200 acre film about miles north of Barrie Home place has storey older house in DANCING EVERY SATU RDAY CADAREI STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST no couple For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 575s Nearly New at TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH COLLIER STREET OCTOBER 12 1314 STORE Houns Boon CHILDRENS so ADULTS CLOTHING AND FURNITURE CLDSING NOON SATURDAY RUMMAGE SALE COLLIER STREETUNIIED CHURCH SATURDAY OCTOBER AUSPICESgafiIIIIlPT WA RUMMAGE SALE ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST FRIDAY OCT 13th pm pm AUSPICFS KEMPENFEL GIRL GU10 fflRummage PicELips PA 84576 PA 84535 An Examiner Want Ad PaoNa PA 324 Immaculate condition both in side and out Has three piece bath barn 36 70 built only few years Water under pres sure Creater portion of this 100 acres is workable Land and is rich clay loam The sec end 100 acres is across the road has good liveabla house with water inside The land In of the same quality but has more bush and pasture These arms have been reduced in price by several thousands at dollars as the owners through ill health are physic nlly unable to continue tarm ing and must sell For inlorlnnuon call GRAYDON K057 PA MN BILL RAWN Dmvlle 3151 ONE ONLY New NBA contemporary dwelling with clrpnfl rooms limolit Luz room large kitchen dining Ir mute bedroom ceramic ttlerl bathroom with colored va tillu Ind Vlnitl Lot cups boards ltarml and screens largo lodded lot sand 10th MelroxcDuckwarth Pbonn owner builder ALLEN PA M181 APAIVIMENT BUILDING modern aeutruliLloeuted lo apartmentl each reueoutolned and supplied with electric ltovel and rent Elimkl Lllll dill lli oi lo onln IV 11 mind when another on aunt nulldiul could be built Thll building to lelllnl below colt due to iiiueu or owner ror Iurther Information telephone PA M091 REAL ESTATE WEE 303 35 Shop the Rest Then DEAL with the BEST Member or norm and district Rn but care THANKSGIVING HOLIDrlaYof Discovery or your iamilya new wor lng Sparkling brick bungalow on landscaped prestige property Features large shaped livingdicing room run tilled kitchen with am ple room tor snack area excellent bedroom plus gleaming pc bath with vaum Attached garage storms and screens all included in the asking price at only 51530000 Owner would hold smug irrigang totmakectha MWIV otensr all 37 mm own down payment Cali Emory Miller tor iurther details BE THANKFUL YOU SAW THIS Ad for brand gens horn tvqiéhwoniy dowtfioaymeatan ed on per moh Drive out Highway 90 in the Town and Colin try Supcrtest ScrvlceStatiorrm turn leit and drive to the Catholic School Sales man oa the site from 130 on all the holiday weekend The same home with the lame Wu payment can be built on lot at your own choosing as welil Call Karl Marshau at PA 89917 or more Information or see him at the rite but do it howl REAP BIG HOLmAY SPECIAL No cost much Wampum Blgr range for little lndians one room for powwow chief and squaw sleep one room little bravu in other bath tor blacktcct plenty room to dookum grub whole tribe cat thererplentyroom for war dances no smokum natural gas heat Only one moon old Tradcum tor good ponies oil well or just $0000 down payment Call Emory Miller right hwaifimm WANTED Small Farms and Acreages Needed immedi atelyl Cali PA 60476 Emory Miller SQUARE looACRE FARM Where the living is goodi Highly productive cultivated loam soil All workable No hams pig pen pump house double garage modern 2storey illsul brick home with all conveniences healed miles north ot Bar rie right on Highway 21 Down Payment about $1800000 Cali Joe Palmer or Emory Miller VRARDLD Forster Realtor 98 Bayfleld St PA 66453 achiNos CALL EMORY MlLLER PA 5047c HAROLD FORSTER PA 04465 10 PALMDI PA com NORAll RAHrm 0R0 coda KARL MARSHALL PA oim7 DORlS NUnYpoliluE PA 37959 Siouii Agencies Lid umber et in some and patriot aeol Estate aonel CLOSE TO BARRE 0n paved road acres of good garden soil with glass green house Kitchen living room bedroom home Village pressure XL system Priced at $6300th $000 down payment GET THE KIDS OUT But not out ofsight just take adult at thu older insulbrlck home kitchen living dining bedrooms on acres of good unseen land Close to school miles from Barrie Asking price $5 TALK ABOUT CLEAN This home sparkles with cleanliness and shows the wonderful care it has had his an older home pleasantly located on Bun ton Avenue Downstairs you will find living room large dining room kitchen and small libraryror den Four bedrooms and bath upstairs Two rooms upstairs rent for $55 per month We know we can get you the buy you want in this home at the right price DAIRYFAIIM 1000 lb milk base per day 150 acres clay loam with creek run ning through property Large Lshaped barn steel stable tie 60 head new stable cleanerandcement barnyard new slab silt 50 12 miikhouse Good brick family home all heated on paved road Ill mile off highway Best dairy farm in Ontario County Asking 0000 with terms Call Mr Gould or Mr Slea sor BanIa PA 85901 TIE TRIPLEX YOU MUST SEE One of the best locations in Barrie This one is beauty nearly new and without doubt an outstanding bay Five and our room units with ceramic baths beautiful kitchens and ample bedroom space No vacancies in these apartments 100 ACRES of bush and vacant land Asking price $3000 wartmos CALL Ho SimonPA 60671 BrownPA 87165 in GouldOra zslo Edith GouldOre 2516 CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA 82419 05 Dunlap St BEAUTIFUL SPACIOUSKITCHEN The lundof which any housewife would dream Cupboardsgal are with not wasted corner Large arborite work space with double steel sink Valance with light over large windows bring lng brightness to work space Tile on the floor that is so easy to clean large bedrooms dining room and living room five lovely oak floors with never culling finish that does not have to be waxed Modern tile bathroom with shower Basement has utilities all on one side giving ample space for large recreation room and extra room Completely decorated and landscaped Aluminum storms and screens Just lovely home SMALLlOLDER HOME Large trees splendid garden and garage Ailneat and tidy This is homey home with low down payment SUNNIDALE ROAD BEAUTIFUL LOT 120 foot frontage with treesRl zone This is choice location for house with the garage on basement level Can be bought most reasonably ACREAGE Smaliand large farms trorhtwo acres to 200 acres We are glad to helpyou choose farm accordingto your requirements MASH MFA H60 IL COREYPA em OWEN somehow SEETHE MODEL HOMEr Now UNDER CONSTRUCTION BARRIEVVIEW Barries Newest Subdivision SERVICES ARE NOW BEING HlSTALLED CORD ilon DEVELOPMENT LTD CORD SPRINGPA DOUG HOMERPA MIT Its Wonderful The Way BurrieExaminer Classified Ads Get Results Phone PA 824l4 REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP cram msr aim in Barrie Home balesForemost In Quality or Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS cm III IOORDPA Nil roanma II Room PA case CONNEL PA mil mam BABIES DISTRICT ml ETA BOARD CLIFF BROWN Illmborl or III lant Iul Lint Boud lulth CmpboiiPA 5738 elm LintPA H1 Tomil finelyPA um Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89081 PA 08742 IIRST MORTGAGE TUNDS AVAILABLE1 mm 00 VALVENO rm CW6 Evlhlnll CIIi loo Longtin PA MAI lack Wuhan PA W1 Eventt Shlkwlll Ora 1910 Nonnlh Shllnvnll PA m1 Howard NorPia PA om Bayview Heights Barries Finest Subdivision Located at Johnson and Steel Streets just north of Johnson Street Public School nlrn north two block at trailic lights at the Dominion StoreShoppiagrcmitre arBIakeandrlohnsonSLreets Open House Over Long Weekend $650 DOWN TO ONE NHA MORTG FULL PRICE $12150 UP CHOICE OF SIX BUNGALOW PLANS OPEN 0R BEAUTIFULLY WOODED LOTS 11 AM to PM FOR INFORMATION CALL GORDON courrs PROPERTY FOR SALE OFFICE PA 82485 EVENINGS PA 88104 COUTTS CO OWEN STREET BARRIE EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR WEST POINT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED COJQTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie $18900 FULL PRICE Coulis and Co have been selected as exclusive agents or the beautiful home of the late Margretta Bell at 745 Baytield St This homehas living room 12 25 extra large master bedroom covered with broadloom and many othch outstanding Ieaturcs Must be seen to be appreciated For appointments call Walter Coutta $10000 FULL PRICE Attractive liverwm blmgalow on Cook Street built about 10 years 4Vl NRA mortgage Terms arranged Reduction for cash mortgage 313 595 Call Walter Coutte VILLAGE OF STROUD Five roomuulleuflgalow Dal largde lot bea an cape This home is attractively tin ished has double garage Ideal lor retired couple Terms ar ranged BD 592 Call Walter Couits SEMISPLIT LEVEL Threebedroom brick home With spacious Lshapcd living and dining area well designed kitchg en in builtup area Attractive entrance Attached garage with overhead doorsTCl and high schools This hotse is Priced to 5911 Owner corranut ing to new position $9500 nstoreyrsroomfiweiiing built 1950 with all conveniences attached garage breezeway acres of land 400 frontage Highway No 11 alsovsmlng ted creek Member or sueno patriot nel arm Bond PHONES oirlee PA solos awning cannon as COUIIsPA mu WALTDI comaPA cell sANmt comrs was CARSON naAlrou 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre CUSTOM BUILT Three bedroom splitlevel bun galows brick construction Only $835 down to one NHA mortgage Your choice at 16 interior colors See pictures and plans at these homes at Carson Real Estate 45A Dunlap Street West or tele phone PA 66481 PA 6648l Member Home and District Ru mm Board HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE 15 Owen Sin Barrie PHONE PA osso MEMBER TE BARBIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD OPEN HOUSE ALL WEEKEND OCT rpm Creswick Cciuri Erick bungalow with large living room family size kitch en and our piece ile bath Full basement Monthly payments $10518 including taxes Full price $13000 Down payment $2601 It sold this weekend price toinclude trig and stove salesman will be available at all times to help you NOTE We arrange trot mortgach or lactoxic Ind Gray Trust50 us Phone PA moo alter hourl phone Bob Flawelllnl PA Hear dy Mills PA as Kalth Marshall REAL STATE BROKER ORCHARD DRIVE BARR PA $2502 IDAYS OREVENINGS CLOSE TO BARBIE $00 down Three bedroom storey and hall with all con veniences on large lot with garage Curries for $55 per month EAST END EricILdupiox on large beau tifully landscaped treed lot Only$14950 with low down payment Balance on easy terms MOORE PA 2500 FRANK NEWLE PA 00096 Member Banl and District Real Estate Board NOITA AND George Hollowy WIIII to sell thli nice modern home mile rum Blrrle Midhmat hill Phone PA N163 ALLANDALE District Six room brick house or lose to action and ltnrcs Good condition Lula lot Telephone PA H510 Want Ad Sect accepted OBI pm Day betoro publication MORTGAGESIll Ind 2nd boulht REAL ESTATI PEOPKBT FOR SALE HENDERSON REALNR comm sTam PHONE PA Mm WELLINGTON EAST Spacious stony and hail overlooking ravine 25 loot liv ing room 14 foot separate din lag room loot kitchen three large bedrooms Fluirhed rec roorolatatallpossestioli Isl£56 mortgage with terrru Call Rita Scandrctt mums can ma scANnnm PA uses Pancv roan PA emu ESPN SWAIN PA nl normand 01mm 114 Condo It mm Bond Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA lflll PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT BEDROOM Haul with lr mood mm is mile from Rar HC on Highway 11 louth Modern equipped Lootea on one am clephnnu PA com IIX ROOM and bath attached In allflank the bu in zone all be cold room walk on baseman Ind many Ix tnl Will in wth option II with nunnlhll down ill mint PA com evening PA 01032 LOTS FOR SALE canoe cm in loot rootgo ioo on Anne street Alain sir cull only his hone eioao tol toil ihlormat on watch LOT 100 or 3M looflnt ill on shanty In Road mile out ot city High dry excellent loll Tele hone PA Merl tor turthrr dotlll FARMS FOR RENT man can to ro halllont mow or led etc Clol to Shanty Bay hold loulbll ror lurthor ouriloulm telephone PA email veulnn PA emu PROPERTY WANTED WANTED TO BUY OR RENT bedroom house vicinity of St Mary Churc Early poss ession required Reply to can BUYER lot on very mil serviced Box 10 Barrie miner nous with it acre or more Mult be in or close to cum Reuonlblc Can do own re air it necenlry Suitable VLA have your Apply Box ll horri Iminer BUS OPPORTUNITIESw slutch STATION and Snack ilel iron Barrie on Good your around down plymlnt Lo Telerhano PA biozn rol rurthor part culan MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repaLrs ctc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED P5491r$56Montthwmmnentm $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SHKBOARD DISCOUNT l4l Dunlop St PA 66477 IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET lF YOU NEED MONEY To conéollilatcundgbum ofnmuee Jim 41 Home improvement Anyworthwhlll caule Call today for appointment PA ooesl MORTGAGE FUNDING cr SimpsonsScars 12W DUNLOP ST BARFRIED ENTERPRISES LTD Announces New Low Rates On lot and 2nd mortgage Loans omeowners or BORROW $2000 REPAY $3522 PR MONTH P1 Balance at end of 1st years No Bonus Mormons Availablem arria Residentstor confid ential appointment in your own home call 0p and ask to IE 76540 No tollcharge other Area Residents Call Guelph TA Zmzlcollect ACTIVE MEMBER ONTARIO MORTGAGE BROKERS ASS MORTGAGES FOR SALE To 11INTERIST oShort terms OMonthly payments IGood security and covenants ma FURTHER PAnncuuins TELEPHONE MR KENT PA 61012 Pamr nail mm to Invert in nrot momr Apply loo Ben rio Examiner loid and arranged Commorcil and rclldontl ulstin Home Hunting Check The Real Estate Columns REAL ESTATE FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 41c son wean ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE RENTALS Ts1 ADJOI NINGPARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom man complain with at nu hcltili is may on lot Box 19 Elma Examiner Two aannooll coitn or opm meat to not too you round ort turnilned Telephone floor ouu allea lor emuc Nola coolturd ment Central Enough Iaieatiulltlimwaleatngudl ac es Peel StrNtPApanmont ClNIRAILY Louled Lowor dup in two bedrooms living room with fireplace Laundry lacilltlul Plenty oi rtonn oil heltinl Garage Telephone PA sum no on13 Two lamlly dup lex unheated three room and bath also live room and bath six month leuo Telephone PA Mm alter pm TWO acuuoon uninrnllhrd heated apartment Stove rem ntor and clothes dryer Inclu ed or month Tollphonc PA or III Inlurmltion roun n00 yangint dove ro son or Irdwoo loan Availbio lmmedl hiya Apply Armstrong Hardin TWO LARGE Rooms for rent to nirilod bedroom and kitchcn ileiifii Tiliulmii och ll Iphone PA yum one Reason Suithie or couple phone PAesoit guns goom llniulrnllizzdi rpm en love Included Bus stop Em IIETED Aplrtment to mom nooroom dlnotlo kitchen with stove nnd rclrlgerl tor centnl Busincslvcou rerun roiopcono PA cos LANCE Modem unturnlrhed apartment three rooms and bath not water hchted Laundry room with dryerAvIllable immediate at Tclcphonh PA M224 or PA UNFURNISIIED lower dupch three large rooms lunporcn an oral all heating Large back yard Cihre to downtown AV able and ol the month Telephone PA 52511 mew THREE Bedroom House lii mmommh way Hot woier system 011 mmace Gas runoo Modern nu ronbio Contact Nouonl 5mm mall Elilrdllc UNPUanauaD three large room ycroflu plied Completely Icll contlac Nu downtown Ono child wol conl Telptiono PA nasal or up piy Bradford siroct vLTnA MODERN two bedroom apartment in new triplex ne IIlwkcstuna all Highway 11 Ap piIlnccl optional Large living room Spacious ground Tole phono 5313 Orb Station monarLN thrcc room unrurnloh ed apartment sclt contained Hut and water auppllcd cblo lm mediotoly Newly dec Park in nine Telephone PA Moos tor lurther lnrormo napalm nvo roan brick bunga low for lent vith recreation room Central lcatlou Oil flradv Infill Immediate gosleuion Tclcphrmh Grnydon ohl 84252 or PA 8460 MonERN two heated lpartment in welt eun nerrlxorutor ltove water hydr lupplled Laundry Parkinl Iran Bualness couple prorerrcd Ab Ituinera Telephone PA 68 UNPUPNIEEED one bedroom apartment In rent Halt water ralrigerator and Ito arising ltorale and laundry itlu in eluded Available immediataly Telephone PA ollov uNPlntNlancn nooted meut parta entrance wiring living room at ttaL coon bathroomand two bed rooms Aonlironly relopilono PA more for lurther datalll LAME our room uulurnuued oommeut also large three room lorulnled opaluncut and urng illled bachelor apartment AVlIlIu Taluphpna PA OBI NEW AND Modern two bedroom opurtmonu ovalloom rcenio Kemponroii any Hoot wa tcrcruliul and Janitor aervlc tncill on Automatic wuiuno clutter PA 32902 Palm noolvl untumlahed tinted Iplrtmilnt Laundry and plrklnl llcilitiu Private entrance Near Oakley Park School Available now TclcPhonu PA $7800 liter 1711 THREE 300M hcltcd acll hillch unfurnished apartment Lugo lunroo mtmlnIuflplenly oi cupboard ace on main floor Very contra Itinl IIcIlItiel ggaéllbla now Telephone TWO cltooitt Apartrlmntl uniun nilhed heatedtilcd bath Ito and remsentor maplled Central location No children Available immediately $75 monthly Telc lions PA 52411 or PA Mali everl nan 3110 PER MONTH on bmonth lease Vary attractive onedroom brick hllnllla with culled gar age and flnIaIEFd rainca Ion ranm Choice Gut nil location Avall able to Novl1 m1 Apply Rog era and Connem Etctors PA oosoa MODERN Ch room aplrtmcnt lround floor Available immedi ately Heat no watcr suppllcd Relrilcntor ltovo it desired Separate cnt ancc Klrll Ind many extras Adllltl uniyt $75 monthly Tclc hon PA mm or so auyvlow in Va ortor mu PA

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