OUR TELEPHONES For mariner Want Arts Talo pbono FA MAM Tho number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept fl PA LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with dandy Intervals tomorrow Winds to to Low tonight 50 High Saturday 73 For rurnmory see page two Ellie harm Examiner 97th YourNo 233 Pledges Push UnitedAppedl Up To The firstindicatian of finan eial progress in this years Un ited Appeal drive in Barrie was given today by Wally Smith publicity chairman for the local appeal Mr Smith revealed that to date approximately $7500 has bee pledged to the campaign fun With the first two phases of fivepoint United Appeal can vass near completion early ra turns are most encouraging and indicate successful campaign ls shaping up said most eo thusiastic and optimistic ca poign chairmanr Gordon Leigh ton who heads up thisiyears United Appeal for funds on be half of eight local health and welfare services Mr Leighton pointed out that the next phase of this unlted campaign is the canvass of professional people in the city This division is headed up by Emberson resident manager West Bend of Canada Limit $7500 Gerry Embersons divisioils divided into five sections headed up by the following leaders Bob muck Dr Bob Delaney He iiton Jack Fred belly and Maurice Mac Loren This phase of the canvass is unique in that approximately 100 professional men first make their own pledge and then each of them call upon live other epilengues for their pledge Eaeh donor upon making his pledge receive green don or card to display in the Wifl dow to show their support for the vital work of eight health and welfare agencies in Barrie in spite of the work of Jack Frost who is turning many of our trees brilliant colors of red and gold it is expected every window In the city will soon be shade of donor green as United Appeal donor cards are placed in the window of every household and place of business JVitnesses Reveal Huge Ki QUEBEC CPtNinteen wit nesses paraded past the Salvas royal commission day sevcraloi them dropping names prominent in the Union Na tionale party as tale of gi gantic kickback system on gov ernment purchases continued to unfold The three man commission bendedlby Mt Justice Eite Sal vas is investigating purchasing practices under the former Un ian Nationnle government be tween July 1955 and July 1960 The hearings are ad journed until Tuesday Names linked directly and luv directly with kickbacks included VYves Prevost iormer interim lcader of the Union Nationals party treasurer Gerald Marti neau former cabinet ministers Maurice Bellemarre and Ar mand Maltaise and legislature member Maurice Cloutier of Quebec Nn witnesses mentioned Mr Provost who resigned the party leadership because of illness but who continues to represent Montmorency riding Lucien Gravel of nearby Cha 1061 UNITED APPEAL ent opposition and lost its clear ckbacks teau Richer said he wrote Al fred Hardy director of the gov ernment purchasing bureau to askrefor encouragement at the suggestion of Mr Frevost His company be said received some orders but hereceived kickbacks totalling $1760 from Brandram Henderson Ltd of Montreal He said he had no connection with ErandramHen derson He testified he was Union Nationale party worker in his parish located in Montrnorency riding Cyrille Guy 58 said he was an organizer for lilrPrevost and received singlecheque for 5750 made out ibyriarandrairn Henderson number of witnesses testi ficd they had received cheques directly from MrMartineau or in the mailafter asking his help One declared ho had received some $21400 in kickbacks over four yearperiod and had worked for Mr Maltais during the 1956 and 1960 elections DescrilieShéllérs As National Ioke OTTAWA CPNuclear fall out shelters were described as nation al joke Thursday night by Walter Pitman New Democratic Party member of Parliament for Peterborough Mr Pitman told Carleton University NDP club meeting that If there is another war believe it will be allout total mndflï¬nkthevalue of little basement fallout shelters President Moise Tshombe of Katnnga province left in lightsuit gestures as hechntg MONKEYS Cause DISTRESS can MUNICH West Germany fReuterstMonkeys almost hijacked Fan American airfreigbter over West Ger many Wednesday The airplane carrying cargo of about loo Rhesus monkeys was abdhtmilfah hour away from Munich bound for the United States from Calcuta when dozen of the monkeys broke loose from their cages The plane sent dis tress call to Munich con trol tower as the monkeys proceeded to turn the freight compartment upside down The control tower sunn maned keepers from the Munich zoo who brought nets and recaptured the rebellious monkeys alter the plane landed is big question insangrï¬ï¬ MaySeekCosliï¬orT To Govern The DUBLIN CmPrime Minis ter Sean Lemass Fianna Fail party today bowed to resurg majority in the Dail Eireann parliament As the count inWednesdays election neared its close Le mass party still was certain of emerging the largest single po Irish Republic SW SW to Come in to heIPAlrtimebyheckiing from some form coalition to rule Irish Republic Early today with only of the 144 seats in the Dail still to be decided the Fianna Fail had won 63 seats against or comr bined opposition total of 65 Lemass was expected to cap ture several of the remaining the day exploded the 18th and most going to be big enough to gov em alone Lemass thus faced the pros pect of persuading some oppo HliseEFL was 18th Atomic Blast PARIS ReutersEussia to powerful atomic bomb in its present series of tests the French Atomic Energy Commis sion reported Officials said that the biggest explosion so far detected took place today at am GMT am EDT in the Soviet Union The official said the device wasllb to two times more powerful than the 17th which occurred two days ago The Wednesday blast was of the or der of several megatoanuiv alent to several millions tons of TNT French seismographs indi cated the explosion took place near Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic where several tests al ready have boonearried out force but it was noLis vmm ngh to Labor parg The result was deaiiltflr give him an overall majority of at least 73 seats SWINGS T0 LABOR The dominance of the Fianna Flail caschallen th Aileenfrom interfering in nego Gae stalemate strong swmg to Labor was feature of the elec tion Long before lemass loss of his parliamentary majority had becomeciear the Laborites had shown th new strength boosting the 12 seats held in the The extreme Republican Sinn Fein Ourselves Alone move mentpolitical arm of the out laWmsh Repubhm met crushing defeat They fielded 21 candidates All were beaten The four Sinn Fein deputies in the outgoing Dali lost thei seats They never actually taken their seats anyway They had parliament partly as protest at the par tition of Ireland and they said in an election pledge that they wouldnt sit in parliament this at PortColborne quit his post sharp exchange with Local vicef with Commandant Patrick Quinlan right Irish United as ismmndermjwlwt xntraznmoxï¬rmthiuï¬dd Smelter Workers 1nd already hard pressed to retain its mem bership against rival organizers tooi three new blows Thursday night At separate meetingsof union locals The president of Local 631 and signed with the United Steelworkers of America CLCi Remaining membersof the Port Colborne executive while supporting the unions national officers called for house cleaning of Communist influ ence Dissident Sudbury members asked tbefederal governmentlto tigate the subversive ac tivities of the national officers An estimated 1200 of the 17 000 members in Sudburys Local 598 attended meeting here Thursday night punctuated for 500 members who left alter PresidentjanalndNabb ASKS INQUIRY mgmflflMpassed resolu tio calling for federal ind quirywith the results to be made publicinto mine mill leadership Another resolution urged the locals executive long at odds with national officers and now openly favoring the Steelwork ers union to seek an injunction that would restrain national of tiations with the huge Interna tional Nickel Company National President Kenneth Smith of Torontohad earlier said he was preparing to set up to work out forthcoming con tract with lnco The local already has ob tained an injunction restraining Sniith atleast temporarily from putting Local 598President Don Gillis and other iocalofficers before union trial for their support ofthe Steelworkers Earlier Th James Robertson Sudbury representa tive of the Canadian Labor Con gress said the Steelworkers have 452 organizers at work signing lnco employees here The Steelworkers seek signa turesfrom 60 per cent of Sud bury members before pressing fdr certification as bargaining agent The Sudbury local in cludes more than half of Mine Milis membership time either ihisrowrrnegotiating committee MOEE TSHOMBE CHATS WITH Ii Can roe HOUSECLEANING Mine Mill Union ASuflers New Blow To Membership sunaunv CPtThe Inter more thanromainenutmanganuegiumnamenibeisawuer At Port Colborne with its of directors extended his term his visible the Hotel Europe in Jadotville Katsnga la fastens sSoma 190 UN here the Steelw ers signed Local 637 President Jamest hired and group of his sup porters after dramatic speech to union meeting am divesting myself of the robes of this office Bablrad told the meeting donning working clothes and going into the plant to spearhead drive for the next unionto represent loco employees He quit in protest after he stay Indefinitely in $75000 Post mom GPPljonald Gordon president and board chairman of theCanadian Na tiona1 Railways since 1950 will continue to hold his $75000a year postas Canadas highest paid civil servant for an indef inite periods At its first meeting Thursday the newlyappointed CNR board as president and uaanimously expressed ethat Mr Donald Gordon had been reap pointeda director and chairman of the board Transport Minister LeonaEaL cer announced last Wednesday Mr Gordons reappointment for threeyear term as director and bdard chairman toS lllil Ontario Canada Friday October 1951 CAPTIVES IN IADOTVILLE troops the majority of them lrlsh areboing detained at tbe hotel by Katangese para oommandos APWirephato barred from the meeting he cousaeof their sympathy footho Steelworkers llis place at the meeting was taken over by the local vice president Yves Lemay who said Show that the Steelwork ers have left lets get down to real MineMill meeting Ba birad had always been against MinaMill and now he has taken money tohell you out But one of the first resolutions adoptedwith executive mem bers vying with eachrother to second ltwcalled for telegram th asking him torcmovo all Communistic members of ti union fromofficein the in terests of the unlon MineMill was expelled from theyold Canadian Congress of Labor in 1949 for raiding and because of Communist influence The allegations of communism among national leaders have continued to form part of the Steelworkers campaign to oust MineMill The Port Colborne meeting voted afterl Bablrads depar tore to rescind decision taken some time ago to withhold the locals percapita dues from the MineMill national office Eoth Sudbury and Port Col bornehavobeenholdlngbaclr their members dues resulting in loss to the nationalunion of an estimated $25000 month or more Nasser Admits Death Of UAR Wont Block UNjSeat For Syria CAIRO AmPresident Nas ser virtually conceding the death of his United Arab Repub lic says he will not oppose forts of the revolutionary5yr regime to join the UnitedNa tions and the Arab League in an address whose concil atory tonevastounded observers in Cairo Nasser said there is no need for apolltlcal or dlp lomatic blockade of Syria be cause the Syrian people wduld suffer Only short time be fore thé Cairo press had bee denouncing the rebels as iï¬perl ialists The address atfirst delighted the Syrian revolutionari and Syrian Premier Marnoun Kuz bari offered Egypt the band of friendship But he took new skeptical attitude this morning Damascus broadcast quote Kuzbsri as ayln Nasser agreed not to oppose rian membership in the Unite Na tions onlybecduse he realized it Kuzbari said promised free elections and our only wish is that the Egyptian people we have the same op ty ansérlndicated wants Syrian plebiscite stamping voter approval ongtbs outctimemf the oit beforé hewouldr bnwill to exchange envoys The Syria regime has promised ele tionswithin four months The Egyptian leader assailed govemmants that already have recognizedY the néw Damascus rkoyiFa proLIrrael Jordan feudal relic Nationalist China an utcast and Guatemala it ny government Not More Than per Copy16 Paw Witnesses Reveal The Events 0n Afternoon Lydia Anna Crawford was committed for trial today on charge of murdering her him band John Richard Crawford at 238Tiffin StreetSopt 25 af ter preliminary hearing be fore Magistrate Crawford today Patrick Doria friend of the by defence counsel Gordon Mc irk as to the events on tho afternoon of the day the mur der took place PICKED UP GROCERIES Crawford and went down town at about pm to get wiring diagram for washing machine Doris said We were unable to get one after trying at three or four appli ance stores We then went to the American Hotel where we had four or five droughts and then pilclked up groceries at the doom We returned to 236 Tiffin Street at about 1145 pm Jack Crawfordt went into the house and Doug Fraser and stood at the kitchen door Crawford and his wife began to argue about supper She said she wouldnt prepare it Doug and closed the kitchen door be cause wa felt it was none of our business About half minute latcr Doris continued Jack fell through the door into my arms Toko me to hospital quick he said We got him into the carand took him to Royal Victoria Hos pl was there any drinking done prior to time you went downtown defence counsel asked We split six beers Mrs Crawford had one and Jack and had the rest Doris told the court Doris said that he and Craw ford were far from being im paired at the time they retu ed to the house at about 645 prn hadbeanJiving atth ford home on weekends since the end of May He was asked if he had ever seen Mr Crawford strike his wife or had noticed cuts or bruises on her face at any time never noticed anything he said cldent when Mr Crawford had struck his wife Lydia We had gone swimming he said and Lydia began to play up with me She flirted around and got quite romantic Jack slapped her on the face JFK ASKS PRAYER Cancer DALLAS Tex AP Sam Rayburn 73yearold Speakerof the House of Representative has cancer and it has spread to mien that doctors said Thursday no further surgery is anticipated APresident Kennedy asked the country to join him and Mrs Kennedy in prayer for Speaker Rayburnwho has served his rriation sowelland so faithfully for so many years Deprendln gonMr Sam stamina one doctors dha could hold gt out for several months even longer Another said two or three weeks seemed more likely nonmedical of burn said following Thursdays exploratory surgery the end could come in several days murdered man was questioned The Wm rswr DoFiStold the court of an in Of The Murder Under questioning by defence counsel Doris told the court Crawford and the defendant had quarrellcd often up until about Atwo weeks beioro the stabbing In the two weeks before Crawfords death he said they had got along well together Dr Grant Colpitts patholog ist at Royal Victoria Hosplt gave evidence on the autopsy hedged performed on Crnwfordl He testified that Crawfordl iziliirtd had been covsrcd with no INCISION CAUSED DEATH He said death had been causv ed by deep incision by sharp instrument fsuch as knife which had penetrated the up per right chest wall entering the main pulmonary artery and causing massive hemorrhage He said dth instrumï¬gt ligd ene ra etween nfllctlng wound about inches in width and twu inches in depth Under questioning from fence the doctor said hocotid not estimate the force neces sary to inflict the wound Constable Ralph Berry of Bar rie police told the court he had been called to the hospital at 730 pm Sept 25 and had talked to Doris and Fraser in the corridor He then went to the Crawford home on Tiffin QUESTIO ED She wasstanding bytho sink in the kitchen asked her if she had had trouble with her husband and she nodded assent She handed me long bladed bread knife with ser rated edge noted what ap4 peared to be blood stains run ning the length of the blade The constable also said he had noted considerable amount of blood on the concrete kitchen steps He told the court the kitchen appeared to be in turbance He said on visit to diescene several days later ho had seen what had appeared to he large faded or washed out gloodstain on the wall behind the chesterfieid in the living room DougiasFrascr another wit ness said he had known the Crawfords for about four monthsAie said thecouple had argued ust about every day up until the last two weeks be fore the stabbing Questioned about events on is afternoon and nirTgTï¬or to the stab bing his evidence corroborated that given earlier by Patrick Doris Sontag House AISpeaker SAM RAYBURN Whenï¬aybnrnlaidmdoWH his anger than any er man and gavel late in August and left Washington before Congress iourricd be was suffering What he said doctors had nosed as lumbago He continued to loseiwelght while at histBon ham Farm and finally yielded to persuaslonsflof trlends and doctors that heentora hospital for cheekup gt was first elected to lslz and had been cted every two years since He served invthe House jority twice as long as Speaker Betote his departure from House Rayburn designed Mo Vader John McCor maek of Massachusets tosub istitute forhim The Housaunanr imously e1 ed MeCormack speaker pro tem designation hewlii retainwhen convenes Jan 10 Word of the gravit bumacondition brought expres sions of sorrow andyregret from all over the world Street and saw the defendant egoodiorder with nosigrofdis