Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1961, p. 26

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in TEE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY SEPT 30 Du ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE 35 moronn non said noun news mint Whln pd announce the aim or your nulls The films Examiner dipplrsu at In notice In sisbis lines Vomit mo accents and Bull will nlnds Ilid all Ii tho flr swsv pile rd lac sn annulmeu lllIr hlflh lil BIL Dismiss ctrsum PA uut ABORTION GRAYMr and Mr Ross or shiaty nrl hip to lunaiincl in an or Incli eboien son Danid isinssl ENGAGEMENTS MASTIiqu Mr iir Drain KwLnLBsrrio nnu er the Hill omcnt at their dIislMer born to Erllii norm hesvi on oi Mr and iii mm Recvle ol sbsniy nu Till weddiri wul pise oclobu in ti It Ceriin opiisd Church Elmo IN MEMORIAM coxwonrnin ioviiis memory or dul win and mother Mrs tilnhcth Coxworth who October iisl Pond memorial iins every dsy her nose Remembrance han Lovlnl remembered by huh Imlly REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL one DUNLOP amenr EAST First in Barrie acne suesForemost in oddity oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL sw it RoomPA um PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS APTSS HOUSES TO RENT rumsnxn huted Inn to rent and block train on Office Privs IBtrIDoa Ind both Tall phonl PA Wilt NIWLY Blcourln thrs Ipsnmlnt with three piece In lIiildry room Isms Strut liter plan ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE Handy Hardware HOME iMPnoveuTENTs non owmsi Besiitily ind Nggfififw errr filiiiii$d$ Ind Ca Bill Stone Hintsis For Dllflulll oroer IU FALL WELDING sonooi will at Uncoin Arc Welders ia amp 15 tm 550 gallon septic tank $8250 ARTICLES WANTED CAiioe in loud con teenyhogs or some we WILL on us torfsooo COME IN COMPARE method HANDY HARDWARE danii mum ARTICLES EOE RENT Taofllmoun iorie Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators om 8900 Used Range vSFARMERSLMARKET from 2900 maroon All unconditionally Guaranteed nls Tolehono Strand Midi Boll boarded Ind attic ru McFADDEN Build or winter eed filcphon nce rv AIS I3 77 nobanm iixitn no PENETANG STREET hredr grader I35 nilr flit PA 3m Writs Box 91 liarsis micr rial TOILIALE tail weeks old also us Hens yosr old Red gut Esau ityios citpbons MATS El anxzn aRsP csitio sins axis tom or IlnLnl hsn teftcd simd Gum no ngoo can an affix mgli iiiinuinr Led Csv 75c PER DOZEN RzGisTBRID sultoiit iy Tho nsrris nominal pp mm 0mm Sherung Rsnu Ior col purebred use Apply HAVE YOU TRIED sideuhléfisgi Part Olin Home Auction Rooms and Baum nmns or Second Hand Store flour freshenlng DUNLOP ST WEST gran CfnérIIWOIIixtnli PA on PROM PA aim IPA better iorssia Duns medium Illa lood wand cnn ditioti Telephone PA Malt BANKBUPTJtdcYM nus Ind brusdioiim hisny rises Must soil has 96 BIrrlI intminor DOLUWZING and Gndinp soiit Rowl Ind Stun removed TOP nphone Len PA Mi RoldanMAGIC vacuum Cleaners III lPeciIi 950 Singer Sewing Centre as Dunlap skeet Welt Telephone PA IWBO csan soANauoo st mrsr month Telephone PA 03 artifact flashes in Dunlap st or and rum smsii till healer crib tabla Ind chsirs swn mower and sewing machine ri television Telephone uiw Csmp Borden coax stay and not water unit Rodeos condition Four cords lawn hsrdwood loss 50 tor ov erythlng Telephone Ore dill DIG UP hard to Add items with WIrsted to Buy sit in Clust fled Disi PA Mild to place your low cost so tady woon rd mu cord or scotch pine cut short Suibio tar tutrises or stove Telephone APTS HOUSES T0 BENT rwo Illle house larnlig unturnis Painl AVIIJIhlI Oclnbdr TIlehonI PA MAM hm man 100 unfurnished rt mnl with no said WITIIOT included Ens no the door AinIIbis immedi Telephone PA Graydon KQH Ru MATE anom mm PA 84252 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Brick bungalow Built two years Three bedroom BIT good size Roomy living room Large hltehen Recreation room complete Grounds well landscaped Large lot 91000 down 872 NtiA mortgage GENERAL STORE Excellent turnover Brick build ing Good living accommoda tions Ample equipment Largo stock of merchandise Records available showing business be ing done Everything to be sold an bloc Priced right Terms SNACKBAR RESTAURANT Service station building includ ing restaurant Good diving quarters Ton truck and stock Largo turnover Situated on palyed road Owner lorced to se room blth k2mmPA mam DISTBIUI ETA BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH STREET ample PHONESTPA sownWA leather or the Barsls Rm huts Baird Mich ClmphfllPA 57 John DalPA form OmarPA 57151 Norman Shelswell REALMTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 89961 PA 68742 351 DR AGE FUNDS AVAILABLE77 mm 0060 VALUENO CHARGE ATTENTION CONTRACTORS lots located close to schools shopping centre and bus route in good residential area These lots are ideal or building with some imagination For more lniormation call Joe Longtin BRAND NEW SPLIT LEVEL $13300 Hardly bellevenble at this price Only $1200 down and carries for approximately $98 monthly including taxes This home has bedrooms living room dining room and kitchen Col ored ceramic tile and fixtures in bathroom exhaust inn builtIn vulnnces in living room dining and kitchen basement all par titioned Completely decorated to your taste litany extras at no charge ideally located close to schools and shopping centre For your appointmentcoil Joe Longtin Com am Open House 27Praii Rd 19 pm PHONE PA 52875 Eveninls clii Lo tin PA salsa cit Willson PA mi tinA Eéflwfirfiufl Hm m°r°srettnnsirwsu Dro 2m nonrigid pl PERCY FORD PA Moi WW CORBY REALMESTATE Member or Barri ROKER infill Apsmncat hrs livtu mi kitchen with stov and rattlerr tor CutsIL Silliness can pr lumd ToithOBl PA HS Two BIDIOOM tan or ro hunt to rent thl round TWO ROD lmhlrnlhhtd hosted Sn 1d Kali rim lll um use or tn Etnvl rgg er or sad colhu dryer in sided per msemsiian medrd srtmsnt Agassi bruinsrhinos cum fliiflln1ficn unknom with view at bay Nssr ONE on Two Rooms with hitch It Did Shoppint anti and prints bsthroom Pius Telephone PA L7IN vs Oninnce roun floor Rest manna iisch ior Apsrtment ed Telephone PA Mass or up Privsts entrsn Dectri stove yawni Ind ciiitils thrII plea Lb AvIllIbll Dow AbrtILnuI Coil ll ATTRACTIVE unlumkhod titre room apartment is pMIiNd TIlehonI PA 5111 sell emittined our rtuilnt suithlI or rent old rthsr disi HOUSE Psrfllliv liliniihld ch11 drlh We cine Drklnl mlnl ent Toilphonl an to pm ru DON TILEll LIIB Rollr SID der Drills Ladders Call and can lot list ol rentals Dull nr ws Penttans at iIlepholio PA um csntrsiiy locst meditteiy Pena it cant Streets 60 monthly him phoDI PA 513 SELF CONTAINED attractive mulled lplrtmlh BIthanBi Mflimflsnwmld nrcnsrsmi bullnlll Idy or angle on bus routs Telephone PA 7m Apply Peel SLR in rltilrn tor distill Write Morrlfl Kawhstnne with thru basement sad his mouth Tolepho VERY CENTRA unfurnished hniidtnrrstovs Avsllsbia 1mm PA 31380 BEDROOM hritx hunlnlow or Nut chlclliy huted three loco bsth live miiss south or uric no monthly TbIephflnl in or luriher dotill ESSA ROAD Thre rooms un sumishsd Ipsrtnihnt suitable lor counts or month includes hat and by ro Tsiephons PA 601 or Apply It So Peal Street mun ROOM tarnished ted lletrnalil ihrel lillca bIth duty stove relrilprltur bsrdwaod floors Availsblh immedlltely Apply Armstrong Enrdwuo vaRY liRiGaT in room rt mect or rent unfurnished slid halted Stove snd relrlgerstor supplied Vary central Reason shil rent Telephone PA H717 Tomi Ronni unrurnislied spurt mebt nil contained hosted in diet home In vlilsle nl Strand vsiisbia November Toiephonn aims anytime AmACflVE tbrso room sall contllnsd nrtmenl unfurnished hosted buiidn cupbosrds Tiln Ind wood floors in hospitsi Inl PA $711 TWO aRionT rillrushed rooms halted Kitchen and bedslttlnl room would suit ccupio Apfl in Burton AVI or telephone sstot lBi appointment THREE ROOM Ipartmerit round floor Ind and two ronm Hydro Ind litht Dunlap St Over 400 limit 1200 on on the north sde uNFURNisRaD spnrunent in West end flirll rooms and lit ehenette Holt light and water supplied Nosi Bsrrln Plul Toisphons PA unis sitar pm ONB nsDRoohi unfurnished Iplrtmerit in Edit Did Rest wl tes stove reflilerltor norlgc parking Ind Jlsiitar service Avail gilonctctobor Telephone PA MODERN tbren roam untumi ed sPlrtment sell continto as Ind water supplied AinlIbla inedi Newly docorsted Plrk in space Telephone PA some or lurther lufnrmltinii GROUND DDR2 Three room heated Iplrtment or rent Sell contained unfurnished centrally located isund slid parking ls cllities Avsilnba now Tcitpbcna PAWV bsrid slid GALLmGeRin iovinl memory at our our mother entries who phased October lost And while she lies in patch secp Her mfiory we shIlJ IlWIys Tom roomed rtniant in in min and rvi ideluilsd Antonius ships ciuuss PA um nvx ROOVI Apsrtment unrurm llhld pri te bstb snd ti con vealnoes Located in the villI iiiiisd Telephone MIR Moonstone ilLsRA MODERN two bedroom lsislimes in 1th triplex Deer wiiertorie nll iiilnwsy ii Ap pUsnces option Lsrss living room spaciau lrnun TainA phone are mo ruRNlaiizD winterized coitsu to rant Two bedrooms all hut inl siiusted oils mlln out at Shlnty Telephone on gpply Pa and Resort Slurst ply rein bored by dsugh Bernice roninlsw Tom RALSTONIls lnviill memory at Harvey Leilhlnii who Pluflfl away October 1960 we cannot Lord Thy purpnn nut ii ll well thats dons by Thea For lnlomltlan call GRAYDON xom PA Mood BILL RAWN Elmv lc BiRIl HENDERSON REALTOR diy lnlsrad by his win Myr tie Ind lamily mo Kenneth In Leighton READMANin msmory or my dear grandmother Elitsbnlh Rend figg who posted sty ootpberi You Ira lint luraotton Nor ever will you he Al lnill ma sod memory Is We will remember thee Sldiy missed by lrsnddslilth tor Betty kton neAnMAil in loving inan at my dear mother Ellibe nesdmsn who passed swsy on October Mi Arid while site lies in pssctrui sleep Hot kiiielxioly we shlll Breederl telephon nORsEs American Horus Pllnmlnolf tos ll hsnos Io l7 Indl Bim snd Pony Ilddles Ins hIiten blnn phone PA 616 Rxcismlzn Sullol yosriinri Ind to also McDeering or hinder in Al condition LIWIOD RE Shyncr yephonh ML POULTRY CHICKS DBNE or sale you old Teiephons izznt iroy IIILINE LAYDlG ens or sale zero st or centI ucb Will sell lots iepbuns mm Granny Time ruiwlsiian Room splrt merit with private bih Ind can rItlca nested hardwood doc and parking Adults Au this October TolcphnnaPA ms to iuribcr detsiis ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED ROOM halted rlh Katie linen supplicd nun or Apply 51 MIry Sh Barrio DEDRDDM to rent Centrsi loc tion Parking lscultles Telephone PA Hue sar lurihei srtlciilan Two FURNISHED Rooms tor not one with TV Bresltlut included Telephone PA on or apply to 47 himur street Biiiclir iurnirbed rout room in dined home AilhndIlI district It bill stop 81 weekly TGIF pantie PA Hm CENTRAL Location nriabt bed room and kitchen tor rent hilly tarnished Ressunsbic rent with best and light included ideal toi couple Telephone PA 9419 COMFORTABLE turnishcdbem room to rent to lady in Christin home Would like someone or companionship centrally located Telephone PA 86157 FURNISHED homEKeEDln room with rsngetta and use 01 Ill enter at too Duniop St Also unlitrnlnhld rooms with stove Ind rctriaerstnr at ivy Dino miles tron Camp Borden Telephonl PA INOBZ or PA 9034 ROOM 85 BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Telephone PA 87835 STREET viclni Ruom Dd boIrd Gentlemln preierred WI lunches Home priv Close to downtown area hone PA doses for turtbcr Ohilrio Resl ram ilmhs year oldl Phone PA 419 ABEL MARSHALLPA 450 OWEN IONSPA 37957 SEE Tnow MODEL HOME NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION BARRIE VIEW Barries Newest Subdivisionwfi SERVICES ARE Now BEING iNSTALLED GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINCFPA 550 DOUG HOMERPA 84597 MOVING Dont lotsot In trsniter your INSURANCE Ind you need nxtrl covers alInykilid SEE STEVENSONS PA 857 113 Dunlap St union BUNGALDW cargo bed TDVmIC ombiriltloii 1lvlriFdining room Hardwood Ind tlle floors Tmmnflontlng tiiaoo NRA terms but end Telephone PA com THREE BEDROOM Bungalow two years old Partly finished recrea tlan room Ind xtra hedrflhin Lot 60731001029 Nlly llndmnped Telephone PA salts or luli par ticullri OLDER norm bedrooms large living roomrIsrge kitchln Ind bath on paved eat Close to su churches and Chen Res double to quick Lbil Week Phone PA 84692 IUNNIDALE ROAD Arch New NliA three bedroom bungslow ttched larlfl no fireplace tile bath with unity storms and scrum Llwrih nodded Als plyta 21 splrleyjtreet PROPERTY WANTED WANTED TO BUY OR RENT bedroom house vicinity of St Mary Church Early poss ession required Reply to BOX 49 THE BARRIE EXAMINER LOTS FOR SALE POE SALE approximately acres good garden land on streat sliow sncc or would meltsexcciient mp tel site mile south of Harrie PArkwsy M117 98 Dunlop SL COREYPA Rm ESTATE BROKER ORCHARD DRIVE BARRIE PA 2592 DAYS OR EVENINGS CLOSE TO TOWN 0n paved hiyiway three bed room storey and hall all conveniences garage large lot Priced at $6500 with $1000 down Make an alter PA Mien PA Add snd District Bosrd REAL minre spam is TIFPIN anem aArinii CALL DAY OFI EVENING PA 82379 Member at the name and District Hui Pat rd MOVING Poi cumpletd mom3 urvlcs all later and easier COOKECARTAGF Er STORAGE voun ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT or Rm Rd asrris PArlszy E5515 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 88 BA YFIELD ST PA W58 lllamber or Barrie and District Real Hint Board always remembered Doug Ind daughtepinlsw It CARDS OE THANKS nAnnYliiy fiends and cards inwan ccrc thanks to oilhhors or the visits While was in the Roy Victoria Hospi cIi Spooll till ks to Dr Eutnii Dr liilsPhennn nurlll Ind ml or their kind ness Ind core Whiter Darby in Hull Stro LIVESTOC WANTED nd number Ind ey in to Box oz tr FARM militiamen MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Wim LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAiLoRn To YOUR BUDGET iF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate debt Pry on existing mom LuMgIlllcOminldilI Home improvement Any wortbwaiiemsuu Call today for appointment PA 0981 MORTGAGE FUNDING WhWerfi SimpsonsSears 129 DUNLDP ST MORTGAGEfir MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured start accident sickness dutu CRESCENT FINANCE DUNLOP sT weer aAruim PA mm monaosuescimbozndoamr and arranged Coinmcrclni and residential noting iosiied on ling mortp es and him has Brokers H5 PiRsT MORTGAGES ssil 8127 interest Monthly ply menla principl Isiierelt For hiri thnr plrtieulsn consult us direct or through our attorney Tole pain PA Deal evenings PA CHILDRW ISO CARD PARTY 60 PRIZE AND LUNCH vqun wnwona PAniSii iiALL Collier Street AY OCTOBER Ivsilnble ST VPETIEES CHURCH INFEING PEIIAflchzeA bedroom tritium fished heated hail contined apartment with EIrpart Hydra no wIter ru plied Avsilable No Veinher Cited in strand Telephone mes strand Uncommon unc room sprt Toifllhtave and refrigerator in plied Privstc entrsncu and bat silo units Rent renannlhic Im mediste possession Adults Tele whens PA new FURNISHED thresxoom soil on tsiried spsrtment centrsl inc tints Claus with stands ll Located ground floor Avsisbia lmmerliltel Modern decor Telclt phone PA WEI Nican hirnisbed two room srtms Badsitting room with hdelwsy lied llld kitchen Plon RIH of ltniIle 1nd closet lea utilities supplied Tdisp one PA M148 WANTED 10 RENT GARAGE WANTED to rent best It landlord Street or months Apply to Box 13 Barri Bummer HAUNTED Rouse wanted tc bar rnw tor and night Please reply to Boxfiflfllniu Exsmlner WANTED nested two bedroom lower fitment with private or trance young business man with smsli family by November or to Central location Reason sblo rent Apply Box 71 nanid Bitminer MOTORS RAMBLERi HILLMAN AND AND ROVE 10 DO Atom PA coeds KARL MARSHALL PA com NDRAH nAntiis am ma HAROLD FORSTm PA 8446 ARTICLES to SALE STORE OWNERS Assorted qitiaantity of old ck COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fact condition but have 195 on the data line 2230tQ5zQQpm ADMISSION 35C AUSPICES EVENING AUXILIARY iiscottish Student Accuses Canadians iNGSTON cftiish studentfiida aIcloIitshelil 45A Canadion university students of Next door to list imperili Theetrl ileum PA 66481 tactive meas es pionc Mcmbor pr earns slid District WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy it Now With Lemma Lirainsmd SCOTIA PLANLOAN GROUND PLDO bested IpIrtment rlvste hath Add entrance Rn enter Ind stove supplied Close to bus to schools Ind ltorel Apply 62 Skeet or telephone PA 875 men ROOM Apartment living room bedroam and kitchenette Remgerstor save water byer and heat supp ed Good location In his route overlooking hhy Tei options PA 85030 MODERN two bedroom spart ment uniurnirbed basttd Ecc trl¢ rIBE Ind ralrlgerltoi Llun dry facilities and parking sru Janitor service Avnlilhie Novena her Telephone AHMZ for partiouinn CHARLES Honda gtI SERVICE PA 85611 Cue New Holland gPACB rigsran or calls Twin Beatty Pu n5 so an 08i hip celled condition 176 Bum AVE PA 373 Apply tor Millstar Street Fall specials in Foray mm eons two dark green at girl not yeah sand con Hal VPSIHS CaselNPW HO tion no Mn ninole land Dione Gehl rtb house west at Jschnn Store Churchill sta concession Innin 1957 chewnlet Pickup with long box and stock racks wnacma iiiterm to aim and doom oil tsnit Plum CASH TRADE m5 ing snd electric1 linings Also fiiipflgffi 231 SPECIAL twouyfh 13$ 353 enrich dds moron cops not some AI low tam monthly is an iopsts WastrPAAE menu Singer Electric Part shin Machines to rent by in week or dis month Singer saw iils Centre as Dunlap EtrectJHut Telephone PA emu 22 int1x automatic rush dun ityrmsdc in Austrtn Cost new 369 soil tar us Phone mus Strand after atturdsy or Sunday siti pm weekdhys xwrxiwitb luauK Ill11112 Vinobis tor trips porting host Complete with its ends and extts tlra Price no Apply us iiiits Street PA sects FALL apnoiAciTbs Funous Eln sei swicoMstic Zinc Sewing urchin new more Eugene Ill 21 aw trcy Ia lilnnmp street West PA Three room or SINGER ow buvy duty indu trill machine aux model with Eii mini é°lt2z if er aw Idp SLKWert Telephone PA Moco DRAPBS pairs Grey backs round with floral design width 45 inches ion in log inches Good condluoii sell in pslrs Ind nnsnnlbly Tolcphphl PA Hm stter FRUIT 85 VEGETABLES Tan BANK on nova sound 58 MORRIS nfiopronmmma NUTRIABIO Be distributor in your area You are urgently needed now Investigate this new opportun ity for unlimited capital gain er days to form their presentday habits tuart Bell 28 oi Edinburgh University tional Scottish dents dian campus Being member of herd used to be means otigsuring commented in an interview and the present your utute represeliting theNa Union of Stu stiid the habits ol early settlers who gathered for pio teciion from indian raids seams have carried over the Cana unenthnsiostic respons vnadian students to add be fluid appears to the old at Mr Bell is Diversity stu sity Ed UMAH CLEAN HO CRA Reuters Kwame IJI llhursdayrdi rnahl affairs oritage Real Estate aasrd +BEDROOM HOUSE oil 9h Clapperton 5L Barrie Private sole reasonably priced PA 84437 NORA AND George iinliowu with to hell their nice modlm mime es rri Mid PhonefrigA 15153 hunt BUILDING or said down by purchaser Telephone PA cam loml on common tor sale Good location rumitute included nnd church Lot is his fly or snviiia six noon brick bun Iio toni built on residenTi 3152 sttscbed sraao stone step cc aluminum ltnrml Ind lc ens pstio Lot to xm he at old stuoo witb NBA telt MW to be tom Good lumber or till In coMToitTAapa Ho train iottenbsi way Fenced veniences an sitholsters 911i Gill net DWDs 28w psi Intrslly loc lolllion no Newly decoratedrhotwaterwitlr PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT aix ROOM bunnlow bsbsned liv ing and dining room Ilrnpllcfl lumlnlim norms and screen rui shull street oil booted must fill leaving city Telephone PA FARMS WANTED PAnivi LAND Wanted eight to 15 mu Ave mils not at as rle Nithouse on land but have bIrn good water small bush Apply to Box Barrio ExIaner stating soil type loon tloli flat Ur inn and price full or parttime will be via iting this area in few days Write Cook Dlatribiitor 1563 Liveon Drive Port Cre dit Ontario or phone Port Credit 27mm MODERN semidetached duplex Two bedroom dinette Ind klteh cu four piece pita tun base meat idvlns room besund Drivewsy ascimrd too per month TelephonePA oml or inlormation locum tam roam IpIrtmnn round floor Availbin inune Italy Heat and wnlei mdppued Relrixorltor and sum it cures Saplrltc entrance garage Ind many arms Adults only no inontbiy rcidpaonsPvasao or so assviewnrive Incl1 compare sell contained dup lex diminished Central location uni plrlt Lnr rooms and hed rumour eh id welcome Tele phone PA H5 or Ippiy 1M Brndlord Street Nich burnished bested spart vsi npw central to one or two adults rnen Yenr round busy location Low overhead Wall organized to suit IblB Mid wining to work family 11 you In business wise not clumpwrits tone to arms intmin RENTALS PROPERTY FOR RENT 100 Am FOB Jim to clllj menh LAWNEOY Mower cltchlnl $11450 consider tullein Robinson HIrd REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea lua PROYINCIAPL SALES TAX Commercial Printing pl Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 cb Power stii complete with or sttscbmeut Resinr now only lanes will RAaPBnRRY cAst for laug nii Vlile grown ram hid omen PA 87314 DOGS tic PETS GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies or Apply to hilllna Service on miles north Oriuls mali way 11 Teisphone FA szoso onus is us weeks old saoo for insicsI lInd mm tor reini ply sts Miller ci tellphonn PX cacao nAcRsmiND Purlres or sale weeks old Izllckk tlii Brats inn on paper Telephone PA noose Its wonderful the way Classified Ad get re suits Pb Stove Ind Krilentnr Euslnul people prollrred ID ydlld Stre Cnce in Inntstll apply noses To Dr sportmen wsre telephone PA 24 $3 Tale ugust 58 in first class condition all through miles White with red uphol stery Padded dasb collapsible arm rests electric wipers 12 volt battery flashing tum signals air conditioned heat fig original LLes still good Tiiis la is solidly built iamily car which seats comfortably Makes tested top speed 85 mph This car has beenrnain ly used asa second car and has been regularly serviced throughout its life PHONE PA 66358 use AUSTIN redn or sale Good condition liIdlo Priced reason ably lot quick sale Tellpiionl PA 59355 isoi PONTIAC tisii twodoor phone camp sale Lauren 8000milel All If paws izsoo Under 25000actiiai

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