by Canadian Newspapers lo Hayfield street asrriyohtmo Limited HERBERT HOOVER Former US President ly IAUL Pm NEW YORK APlln 1N7 when ha was as ysars old Her bert Hoover went out to inde pendence Mo to help dedicate the Harry Truman library on hot July day For an eternity he sat in 91 degm heat and flow of ora tory After the ceremony local Im Malawianlow fluttered up to Hoover and asked what expresldehta of the United States do with all their Madsms aid Herbert Clark Hoover we spend our time taking pills and dedicating librarf Like all Hoover humor the writing books i5resiciéni IShovvsj The Way PresidentKennedy has spelled out the road to World sanity in clear but unmistakeable terms He has chal lenged the Soviet Union to drop the arms race in favor of one race The presidentsoffercomcs at time when both East and West are increasing and testing their fearful nuclear weapons Hosuggests that peaceful agreement is logical for the crisisover divided Berlin and other tense world problems Mr Kennedys proposal makes sense itmeans the loss ofa Arms Race man control over its police power There in real possibility that the Russians will press for threeman control and if they hremsuccessfulthe effectiveness of the ghéted tionswould be largely nulli ie The UN volved around Dag Ham merskjold whose untimely death in plane crash was more than personal tragedy ofhis immediate family At best man of unswerving integrity and dedication to world that He urges the Russians to advance withgwmmequames the West step by step until general and complete disarmanent has actually been achieved Such an agreement is possible as even Soviet Premier Khrushchev concedes Anything less leaves the world in state of uncertainty and tension President Kennedys plan is both positive and hope ful Nuclear weapons are threat to pro pert and life itself Fullscale war today President Kennedys speech therefore has twofold purpose true world dis armament and the preservation of the UN as an effective force Without man of highrpur oseï¬dflï¬elflmh honor to re lace Mr Hammars jold the UN faces arker days Without strong efforts to stop the mad nuclear arms race the world will continue to teeter on the ed gthemost wou dAneanmassemurderfromwhich hï¬ocaust in hi ory Jolie was delivered dead pan from square applersd face But under the wispy brows faint twinkle lurked behind the misty hlue eyesthe look oi man who could no longer be surprised shocked or hurt by the frailties of man SEEMS DUSLEST None of the countrys lhreo expresidonts Hoover Harry Truman and Wight Eisen howerspends much time on pills or ceremonial functlo Lmen0f dost appears he rec the ol busiest At 37 Hoover still puts in more than 10 hour day at apartment writing and re writing speeches and letters and helping to raise money for HERBERT HOOVER if books Most ofthls was done after he passed the age of 70 At eodwritlng in pencil he undertook fourvolume ser ies titled An American Epic an exhaustive report on nongov emmcntal American charity for the rest of the world in the last you He now is at work on stud of foreign affairs in ciuding the cold war period REMAINS ALERT At e7 he remains keen roductiva orofoun eres world ind onal affairs and remarkable prac titionerof intense concentration In work or play alert various charitable aï¬dcduca muhlnnm he tlooal institutions Such activity would be re markcblc for any man of 87 it Is this man who was supposed to have been finished 28 years ago Herbert Hoover left the White House in 1933 during the long dark agony of the depression in which majority of Americans was persuadad he was chief vil lain He Ieit at time of deep bitterness the butt of thou sand bitter jokes According to one Prchldent Hoover approached his secrc tary of the treasury Andrew Mellon for the loan of nickel to phone friend Said Mellon Heres dime call all of them BROKEN MAN He left the White House it appeared bitter and broken man At least one friend didnt leaped him to live another year would never be heard from agoinin public and even fle publicans were convinced he jvéae alonedead political liabil Slnca then however Herbert Hoover has not only endured but flourished in productive work and public esteem There now is great affection where there was little bcfore He has handled with great praise four major assignments at the behest of Democratic and bllcan administra tions made hundreds of widely can cyan more rcmarkablorforTHET critics were certain he his own box score He frowns on diversionary conversation those as he docs during an evening ustajllhjttcudsLMcan chin cldcntnliy are ways paid that evening Sorn times the bill runs as high as ea cents He writes his own speeches He has never used ghost writer as private citizen or in hlalong years of government service as food administrator in the First World Warraecretory of commerce In th Harding president from 1929 to 1913 famine rcllef coordinator after the Second World War and chairman of the two monument ally comprehensivs study com missions on organization of the US government At 87 he still gets up to work In the middle of the night when the spirit or idca moves him out of deference to his ago Mr Hoover no longer rises at am now he gets up at Herbert Hoover has much to do and cherishes his time In the words of friend Mr Hoover is an old man in hurry HAD BUSY YEAR On recent birthday he held sore press conference which it was disclosed that in his 85th year he had attended as public functions made 70 spccflies answered H195 Iet ters received 23 awards trov cllcd 14000 miles made TV ap pearances laid resorted corner andwrittenetonesrworkcd on his booksanT 01s Man In Hurry raised 81600000 for the 301 Club of AmericI of which be Is chairman type he said conclude have not war Hoover Is not the sort of pen lon who lectures anyone But his ideas of public service an rigid without compromise To aliwbossltsbouta assess politician he gently lug7 guts they replace the word with public servant His passion for brevity ls leg hs writing in pencil he says is because tape recorders dic tating machines smooth owing ballpoint pens or all Itlrnu lsnts to verbosity Hs rewrites his pescbes with the hunger of perfectionist Once at 76 wrote 29 separ ais drafta of speech before he was satisfied Hooverrowan himself rarer reveals the In ner man He remain an un WAI ORPHAN He has great sense of dis clpline aid friend He was an orpha He Is aQuakor He Is not accustomed to weeping on anyones shoulder When Mrs Hoover died In is it was clear the axpresl dent felt the loss profoundly But he said little to anyone Among Hoovers friends there are those who say he has been changed been mellowed by the altered public image of him since im Others say the human warmth was always there in any case the public atti tude has changed and Herbert Hoover has acknowledged it in number of small private ways On recent summer after noon at arcsort In California about too campers came up to pay their respects at Hoovers cabin The former president was moved to remark to friend You know the first time came here after leaving the White House only two people sought me out And they sneaked In through the woods so nobody would see them in 47 years of intermittent government service Hoover has turned all his federal salary cheques over to charity Includ Ing hls moonyear presiden tial pension He had made his fortune as mining engineer early in his career He gave away all his governmental in come he once explained to acknowledge great debt to this country ABLE TO SAVE America provided me with an education including pro fesslon he said practiced that profession in years when In there was noincomc tax or only small amount lwarabledoflseen eight more shows In an sava competence Mellowod in many ways Hoover still clings to one hell mark He still wears buslnoss eult shirt and tie even when fishing or vacationing amopg the Uiliiornla redwoods BARRIE DISTRICT CENTRAL COLLEGIATE bout1 Annual County Art Exhibition Exciting Project From Start ly MUIBE COLLIY of the Simona mu Reunite service itisnow about ten and ago since tha idea countywide first mooted Mary McKay of Collingwood ly pupil of and rtist herself he had no the way In county craftsmen had room togetherio érganlse lhs quilt and rug fairs at which handcrafta of the past columnmm that the artists too should have an opportunity to show their work fiha CouncilbLthLSlmcoo County Arts and Crafts Associa tion liked theidea and sat up committee to plan the art ex hibit had the pleasure of working with th at committee and found it most stimulating citing there are ny knowns Working with the art ists to organis ths exhibit was stimulating because besldcs thc reguiuragondn Items such as place dan and entry forms our meetings were spiced with fast clnating discussions about art its function in society etc etc OPENING DAY Then come Ihs enlng day of the show November feel at the Stoyncr Community Cen tre We were amazed to find that we had no paintings to hang the work of 66 artists from within the borders of Sim coa County About seven of us worked feverishly all day typing Identification cards putting wire on the paintings which needed It and trying to hang them in an attractive and ncccptable way In addition to th paintings from county artists we had an exhibit from the Ontario Society of Artists which had to he cares fully unpacked and set up What hectic day that wasl We of tho working committee had hardly time to eat supper and dress before It was time to greet the first arrivals ihcn it began to snow thick white flakes the first snowstorm of the season which turned roads Into slippery hazards and made vlsibilltyjlmost impossible Nevertheless good number of people arrived and how we did enjoy that mcmorablaopcn Ing nlghti Dalton an outstanding artist fromlToronto deftly painted Iandscapebe fore our oycs talking and in structing as he did so Quiet background music played by one of our county musicians VMrs LucliLlhompeon of lil llston accompanied this dom onstrotlon FIRST SHOW Thatwas our first countyttiiida artshowslnco thcn therehave nuol succession held in all the larger centrcs of the county Oriula Harrie Midland Coiling wood and Allislon occT always ex hose and peace of mind During thus were Iome out standing artists were brought to the misty as opening night speakers or demonstrators There was Jackson Illus trating his talk with slides of his work and endearing himself to all of us with his humor and humility and lo ona of the greatest of the Group of Seven There was the Pantoo their principal of the Ontario College of Art for whose words of wisdom wshsd to strain our ears because ha had the competition of brass band lnadve ers aensche duled for the same night as our opening at the Oriiiia Com munity Centre wannabesoccasion competi tion was of on even stiffar net Iiro for Hurricane Hazel hIt our county that nifht leaving floods and dovastuion behind Mr Fred Finley director of ad verilslng arts 0CA talked to mail but appreciative cro wd that evening because only quarter of those who had plan ned to come could get through to hlidland What happened nit srwords made good yarns for years to come as people told about hcingsoucczcu Into cold motoi bedrooms and taking ref uge in form homcs HIGHER CALIBRE As the art oxhibiLs continued there was noticeable improve mcnt In their calibre In the overall setup as well as In the Individual paintings Emphasis was placed on original work and although thiswal difficult to enforce at times the grow Ing awareness of artists In the area and the Increase In Instruc tion and tributcd to gradual rlso the standard of the work dI played Countyprvlccts created considclnbia Interest The point Ing of country storcs old brld gas and old mills took artists along many winding counry road and saved some of these old landmarks for posterity to admire at least on canvas The number of entries reach ed peak tho second time the art exhibit was held in Barrie In 1058 at the Canadian Gener al Elcctrfc auditorium At that time zoo paintings were hung Atho work ofi20 artists In Sim oc County and close to Its bor crs Showings of art films demon strations of paintings by local artists and music added to the enloymcntuof the exhibits to page twelve please BIBLE THOUGHT not conformed to this world but be yo transformed by the renewing of your mind yeinay prove what is that good and acceptable and per fect will of GodRomans 122 in this technique of living is to be found the way to happi Please yourself With Malsonsfxpartiile cxpcrimcntotfan con EVENING crassrs REGISTRATION OCT AND OCT 730 930 pm Regular Classes Commence Tues Oct 10 the world mighttake thousandsof years ccover It is significant that the president has coupled his challenge with an appeal for defeat of the troika system of three By nostretch of the imagination could the presidents remarks be interpreted as propaganda for the Wests position along The stakes aretoo high for empty war Classes wlli be organized in the following subjects if registrationis sufficient ARCHITECTURAEDRAFTING gLEATHER RETIRE ART MATHEMATICS forth TRADES um ENGLISH METAL WORKING BOOKKEEPING and TYPING JSEWING honors at the Canadian National Exhi bition Miss Shrubsole daughter of FOLK WEN4mm fl MACHINES 32rd ItVlrs nihw flshrubsoéei 12d Cage LEATHER CARVING WitNinHIKIN6 eewon ervmeaen as arshi vanesaiysso in the open vi SMALL BOAT HANDLING M°T°R MECHAN lin ass with 82 marks In four years competing in Toronto she has won four medals She first took the bronze medal he next year she won the silver medal enema undeclogwnshe won the gold medal open scholarship andasii er medal in her final ear Vernon Seadon1 Seadon wonï¬thesilvermedal for yio solo inthe classunder 12 years with7 mar his first time in compet Miss Mary Shrubsole and Vernon Sea don young Barrie violinists wonehighi FOLK AND SQUARE DANCING CLASSES will be sponsored by the Slmcoe County Recrea tion Services and the BarrleRecrEation Committee and affiliated with the Night School pro gram Those who are interested will get in touch with the director Miss louise Coffey Classes other than those listed may be formed it there Is sufficient interest minimum en rolmenl of fifteen students wouldbo expected Classes will be conducted two nights each week on Inï¬days and Thursdays There will be registration fee of Five Dollarapayabla at the first regular class No dollars wimreturnesiuhestudents whomave an attendancermrd of 80 parcentor Cl sses is English for New Canadians ére provided without charge Applications are invited for academic classes Fill out the following form nod mall before October asked for motley Mr Goodfeilow fus yed He dIOYStnOILhOn the old high way and wasibiit short distancefrom the main highway when he wasstopped andiut hya stone thrown hr we ope unso sclous he was 30th SAVED FROM WELSHING Mdï¬ï¬ee Press short timezagothe Episcopalian rectorof St Peters Church inyhiladelH phia$lligt thI gelasglléieos by senéiigg adblll ism4 or an in eres or am Iagerqne 15 fence °f his Chunk by flammiï¬miiiiiltn Collegiate British soldiers during the Revolution mm gmm BYYWnr New British Chancellor of the If ï¬fee ExchequerSeIwyn Lloyd has replied You WIII Be Informed Regarding The Holding of Clean with personal cheque for $6 $18hut rillIlls The Barrie Examiner Authorised as second class an rucouiu niproams othwr Dolly SundIya and statutory Eolldays sxuptsdl umra wanss 1th BRIAN sLAIGaT Genersl Minm drfl Morannaon Managing Editor cannons wAnos Business Manager noeens transom Advertising Manager soars isotonic uncutnodular subscription rm daily or oarrlar sso waekly issue stuff copy 4o WT zoo year months month butndoomma do ada moo you WHEstnglTssflgE NOT in sor ar St£lflliohï¬ogixuï¬rflg Tadimumflim readerwants to know hovrArnerican Motors and United Auto Workers Will sharethelosses ifthe companyincurs any on arenot supposed to talk about es Hg sts that he is merely themamoeofa fellow Welshm Williams and the claim should 2p ly go to the United States Exchangeshould help the church raise funds for itemcentenary aswell as up din the honor of the Welsh of However the bounces bassoon srsra GRADE AND SUBJECT iuuunununn uHPanniiuq REASONABLE QUALIFICATION IN THE WORK OF THE GRADE PREVIOUS TO THOSE YOU DESIRE WOULD BE ASSUMED BARRIEDISTRICTCOLLEGIATE BOARD cow sor mu Moisows swimming LTD n4uaxfa3r€3° all INDEPENDENT BREWER SINCE 1736 so ths stoned to per cradited as Its Fromm The qncutora and also the local now published therein