ssas new wumtionns Gillsrmo MM ROBERT EMTON ms BEVERLEY zauorr raiser TO YORK our account KEEN son DISTRICT LiioIIzs nussau onsnns Hrs Dorothyqu der lira has new nooanron sm BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY it 11 m1 CAPSULE NEWS Predicts Plan OSHAWA tcPlM Cold well lormer national CCF leader predicted hesday night that in live years Canada will have complete medical and health plan ior every person no matter which government is in power Mr ICaldwell was addressing ithe annual convention ot the nited$enior CilisemoFOn ric at which the groups provin vcial charter was unveiled rsas PHYLLI manna He called his $75amonth pcnsioasupplemented by pen sion geared to the 10 best sam lag years CEntTBe Charged Mmlifcrï¬mm Phyllis Miller Ws Beach snd Sta nor with prise to As Thalsaosinsr circulltion sweepstakes snters its third week the competition is bacon TORONTO CHMinors who leave the province to drink can not be convicted oi violating the INNISIll aortas Irate Reliiiinned Convicted 0i Careless Driving Warnszthire By tut With cold westherjselflng in we loci now Via mellflme to strw lire prevention An editorial on lire reven tion in an insurance carnal claims Canadas lire large are disgrace The editor sl says more than 500000 homes suliered and over 5000 lives were last by lire In the past 10 yearsln Canada Here are some ution suggestions All dwellings puhlie ngs stores warcbeus Jao tea and terms shoal be careiul ly inspected by their occu pants and all conditions like Vly to cause or promote the read ol lira be removed All eatres hospitals institutional and assembly buildings should be inspects and provision HazardlnrWinter the proclamation made by th attorney generate department oigCenads However ro lciamations and suggest am will not hel Iitho homo own er and bus ncsg Irma do not do their part intirermvention At this time oi year when hosting equipment is hclngput into service again it should be checked to see ll detects have developed litany oi the fireballs to the lnnisili lire department are made because spnca heaters have got out control Canadas lire lighters be liove lire prevention education begins in the home and tth in the home that threequarters oi all lires occur NEW PETITION Keith Keii oleonocssion1 ministï¬illcn and in amp In Barrie Mishap In City Employees Barrie City Council in ec iel session last night realism cd its conildence in city ad oyees ol departments investigated dur ing compilation oi City Manag er Walter Ciggs recent report Mr Giggs report was order ed by council into tendering practices and procedures pur chasing rcnlnl systemrloreq uipmont and tar truck hire The council passed motion urging that recommendations contained In the report be car ried out and that where possible and In the Interests oi theclty consideration be given to the luse ol materiel evailable ioca1 Cruiser Damaged It Barrie police cruiser was slightly damaged and another car damaged to the extent oi $200 in trelllc ac lag keener lield at seven coatestantlrls Mrs Norman Wiiioughby oi Barrie and Strand she is close ly lollowedby Mrs Bob East on Lea Edgorton Barrie shtnty ti Bay and oro Station Mrs it as Greens Barrie Thornton iiott Dorothy Van der Kruy New legiste Board sheltering ba hlad the anonymity commit tee ol the whole last night Etill leading the MinesingElmvalo Mrs Cookstowa iiirs Hov El Aagus Allist Mrs ouricil Endorsesz the top vs at lshuioiis flying week to New York City rwith all expanseswstdTndnoex pause and to make it mentors ie occasion each oi the lsdiu is trying hsrutmosl to gain one of the coveted posi Yau may help your ssleslsdy to have title circulation getter she may take friend ons isvorite dresni vacation at her lite she is the top or her choice to New York 1100 SeahPlans Following Huddle City Council and local repre entatives to the District Col Ed lh009lililm0usaudi be meats andgoints ralscd Among ose against the granting oi iventc allow or the re port ng oi any and all state lng ths Toronto man was convicted ol careless driving and lined use no costs yesterday in Bar iic OPP traiiic court Frank Gross Lockarbis St Toronto who pleaded not uilty to two charges careless tidying and having liquor in place other than his home or hotel was convicted on the tint count while the other was withdrawn The deleiantstmerJch ars en QC of Toronto said he will appeal the courts dot eision LEFT PAVEMENT Mr Gross was stopped on Highway 400 travelling soth two weeks ago by OPP Coast MacDonald oi the iraliic squad Coast MacDonald testilled he observed the accus ed May in an erratic man ner several times leaving the pavement and running on to the shoulder He said he saw the accused pass transport and lnaedoingeloave the highway hammyeewusppeaicase had been in earnest conversation with his wile and while he may have had beer in the trout seat they were not drinking say Mr hlarsden added his client was not charged with im paired driving or any charge Tenurhinrconsumpllon nI alcoh foeronstrJ Seragg testii icd thht the breathnllser to at which was perlarmed showed no indication oi impairment Date oi the appeal has not been set DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PREsS Sydney Australia Pe ter Dawson 78 baritone own cost singer lor more than 50 years London EnglandEileen Ar not Robertson BB novelist and movie critic ol an accidental Ontario Ll uor ContrniAstLleo ilta in them with liquor on their breath when they return Magistrate Clancy niied Tuesday lie dismissed charge or drinking while minor against Maxie Murray l9 oi Toronto alter the youth instilled he had been drinking during visit to Builan shortly before he was lb rested This makes wonderlul de¢ ience or anybody who wants to come into court and its his gistrate Clancy said in an In terview inter Obviously the ol ience must occur in Ontario lor conviction to be registered Stricter Laws BUFFALOJAEI Strider laws barring the ribution nl obscene literature to minors and stronger punishment for vlola tons were urged niesday ney Appearing belore the joint ie gislatlvc committee on obscene literature District Attorney we the Erie County district attor with two wheels and speed in excess oi 70 miles per hour Further he testified when he stopped the accused who was accompanied by his wile he discovered quantity of beer in the iront seat and two beer but tles on the ground beside the car still drainingvol an amber fluid which lookcd and smelled ike becr Mr Gross in crossexamination by dclenco council said that he had been at gis hcottagis Band then at ran case ar rie at which places he and his BARRIE wile had consumed total of only live bottles or beer and ilading down the highway CAMPBELLVLI Furniture Movie and Siorege Commercial Warehousing Agents ior North American Van Lines PA 66555 oriuni Issue Following their deliborstloos council again endorsed pro posal to construct an 1100sost auditorium addition to the ï¬rm District Central Colleg School Board members prev seated to council revised est imate ol the cost at construc tion at the new wing Three estimates were in set pre sented or council considers tion but Want and 1000 seat counter proposal tailed to gain councils approval bums revised plan tealls igr the Niagara Lake Ontario 118 00 Tum It button regions Hamilton Tor 0° 454m Ln dc Wm onto Sunny an talilrllyl warm to Ezwmflggguflgqï¬dgémw day Sun on to warmer ThursdayFyCioudy periods and vam mm °I BEom scattered showers in theaitsr SUPPORT PLAN Eggfugwhcwgrmft Council also supportedsolsn since it was council com Synopsls Cool air which hasTmLlmuon Lu exllun5mittctI shouldï¬iave been re auditorlum to provide Ior IM stricted to me her coun mthvsfllIgglflmhgflégceeï¬l construction oi one laboratory two classrooms in this snutheostdireation and by Thursday night will cover most building 91 cllmm in at the province The invasion Now new woman wing at cost oi $100425 wi be accompanied by wide spread shower BOIIVIIY The new vocation WM sehed led be built It the Mm tonight Bigh4 Thurday same lime ids the new auditor gtng tligri tum will cost la excess at Tat030 million dollars This cost peterb0 however will be borne by the overn L2iLaLhL1iiJoldLgainedJflmon mm Wight 512mm 11 am volumg Mayor Withmixinsis are compare mediate lo owin the with $47000 at the same time slon toygo into Bcommittee Tuesday einted out the pres was in 0n1iosdoytraders had lsittendance and asked that TORONTO CP churning crc and butter print prices ï¬eld day as speculative lover contrary to rules perm were re orted unehan ed tod gt fly Feature Have 17st Choc White Yellow Davillood Spice Betty rawgh re ogg market was steady Crocker iMemorles oi the speculdtivo otierings lightlorilight Eunbsam Toatyme Fresh heydays of this were recalled demand ORANGE LAYER CAKE as lunior base metals swelled Country dealers yaré ousted by Best Buyi Bavescl Sweet Mixed ldoz ins mailed ahead daysvolum to its highest ederal department at agri ROSEPICKIES Fe V$Tï¬ mark in liva months culture on Ca da grade eggs BestBuyi Save the its oil Pach Dr Enlldrds Champion Doorooo $I cases iargqobsz medium tins Best Buy Save 30o Chubby or Regular KlEENEX Tissue WL $1 SlméoeStiyeitoEdEymorning ihe cruiser driven by police constable Douglas Jones was struck in the rear by car driven by Minnie May Moore ol Dalston The cruiser was in the act at backing onto Sim oe sti irom the CNElreig shsds when the mishap occur rs Damage to the cruiser whs estimated to be $7500 WEATHER overdose of sleeping pills Norwood La Charles Wilson 71 lormer president of General Motors Corporation and defence secretary In the Eisen hower administration of cor onary thrombosis WindsorHarry Neal 78 iormer president and general manager oi the Neal Baking Company has presented petition to council which asks tor municipal drain to take all surplus water lrom the cen tro oi lot to Tltepetition has been relerred 00 the engineer or report Operators oi Leiroy harbor told council that the federal government had been well re gzld tor dredging by the num at crait onwhichasales tax has been collected They said many oi the basis they docked were in the thous and ot dollsrs brackcti and woro the homes rlormonyva cationers The boat owners rented docksgo prlvllcgcs Because there is demand for more dock iacillties tgo harbor owners enquired ii creasing facilities would add to their assessment on which about 84000 in taxes are paid srocx mm made tor all changes neces ery to protect the occupants case oi lire 0R CHILDREN Fire drills should be held for the children ineli delicate for the inmates of alliriit Mutations end torthe em ployees in all lactories in or der that greaterdegree oi salety be ensured by ac ualnt tng the oceupantswi the best and most expeditious Msnode ol exit in it oidan is Special instruction on the sub act at lire preventionxgtiguld given by the teachers and by municipal oHflaï¬lsinthll 53 schools and that Aapplopril ate literature as may be made ï¬avaiiable be distributed to the pupII= The suggestions are part at Cnrman Ball said the courts should have the power to close grefnises used tor such distri uton Most youths questioned in criminal cases usually admitted reading obscene magazines said Lieut Herbert Levine exec utive director of the Bullan Youth Board ram wereltAidotmsnc Wilson and board viceiprcs ident Horace Pratt CALM FOR VOTE Committee tbs whole chairman Morrow called or vote on the question and the slority at those present voted against allowing the press to report the meeting in lull Following the meeting Mayor Kinzie told The Examiner he had been extremely disappoint ed at the arbitrary actions at those present As matter at loot he said it was not until alter the meeting that it occurred to me that the vote as registered was not proper Chairman Morrow accepted votes from members oi the board who were sitting in and this is not right one voting privileges For Commercial Or Industrial Photos Film Developing can $MIIII5TIIDIO as Doniop St arsu Over Boars iisAiiNe sorts Phone PA 66531 Market Aheqd Trading Heavy TORONTO tCPJS culative flatmmm on the Toronto stock orkét in hsavy morning trade today Lake Dulaultvvas again the main source oi news it leaped ahead iheistock moved as high as $590 more field of $105 belore settling back to $555 up 70 cents WiltseyCogh len which has property adjoin ing Lake Dufaui cents to 7A it pREsRsMMEn For READYMADE DRATPESW Youngs Draperies PA llbdl er STANDING Regular 11c each SHORT NOON DOLLAR 39¢ LahesFaper ch Ined NEW YORK iCPCanadlan ï¬llyi dollar unchanged at 97 iltiJn Ford of CW tsrms of us iunds Pound ster and its counterpart ling tld lower at $201 Ml lost 114 dollar was at premium ol Senior base metals MONTREAL No Its the downside Denison dropp 132 per cent in terms oi conn dian lunds th nontenderablo lamestin iight trading westrn 62 nominal 42 Dunlap so cents at$950 On the exchange index as trtais lost 21 at 59396er metals 96 at 15045 and wester TODAY SESTOV PIIIcES Compiled by Flynn 93 boats market PKGE BestBiiytsave 10c Solo all prices Cansdd iirst MARGARIN grade Ontario tendcrabie03 pkgs is oro Oshawa Pacino Pl Peal PI ins on has nothmsns oran Bank nta Algnma ï¬lo Aluminiimr Alberta all Atlas Steel BEEFCHUCKSTEAKfIWj RIB BOILING BEEF $100 PKG 12 oz BOLOGNA 5m 23s BIRDS evLi TOMATOES 5PINACH l2 or RIB ROAST SWIFT PREMIUM PKG WIENERS MAGIC DOLlARgFEAlURES GREEN PEAS 12c savn 25c so oz tins seas cacao5341 Iii59c axons LEAN caoumr RINDLESS BACON 325s PKG SAUSAGE MIX EM AND MATCH4EM mFEURElC SQUASH 14 oz HEREFOR save 10 FRENCH FRIES cs Brazilian an on acnimcm 77 Wi grog Breweries so wsLowooof WAL torn PANELINGKFESTIVAL Powell aiv ï¬ts Fill walksr th YummopWIytogetthis gumm Sitiisow with youpurchase of only tear siéitvilï¬Ã©ifi Iii midst rummage Panels enough panels to melts one wall the decorative feature of your home verse iiiiitsiiiiiiiis Mill CO LTD FEATURE SAVE lei EVAPORATEI TALL Tle CARNATIONMILK $1 reasons LEEE iac TREND liquid Detergent io FEATURE SAVE 35 OFF salt Con Min snr triala Con Paper ssts Consumers on Io Jr AYLMER SAVE 24 10 oz tins Dip in sing TOMATO SOUP gym $l straitsflss insniiiicossssg $1 FLEETlliiMSi so coca no Cari Husk Camp Chl Cen Del lilo Carl Denison Con Hail Sullivan rsiconbridss am Mines For FIVE MOST ACTIVE ITDCKB Al Dist Ingram Lake Dulllllt Vsndoo Wittssy Gall DUWIDNBI NEW YORK AVIIAGBI Industrisis up 400 nails up Utilities up TORONTO ITOCK CHANGE INDEX Infill WW II fields up 14 Metals down 99 Dill down 20 KING SIZE 45 ANNE ST PA 52496