Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1961, p. 18

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TIIE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 21 CI ANNOUNCEMENTS II REAL ESTATE BIRTHS Assn Ana inroaTANr cam name your calls abetlid ml pi sun In others will nui chutes mm uicsly as outblsf in lvldul II in uunu lint call our mined De la iml incluulas no will publish in th asst edition to Ilepbonl PA mu tar enureitrs run some HENRY ELRICK AND NIICHIE IS OwenSt Barrie PHONI PA sass Illre17oii Home Hunting Check The Real Estate Columns REAL ESTATE ssorsnr son sans ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP mm EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES 105 STRABANE AVENUE WITH BUILTIN GARAGE tisooo Situated ontile choice and of Strabane where the homes are deeply setback so lovely lswnstblsls an Lshaped home at stone WW REAL ESTATs PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 00 um ST PA 66458 BUNGALOW ONLY $800 DOWN PAYMENT REAL ESTATE monToaoIts MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation at Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LFE iNSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly UP iOVIEOOO in 00month RENTALS mm lUIKIIBID healed artistesit to an onion Arid bub Tell no bloc satnn PA LOIDD BIN with Get 004 with unnt tenants or Rent ad as Dial PA was new to start your law can ad must noose abutmat tam plus duly lib nlflllretor Availabl Appty Armstrong Hardwlr Tm 00M unturataaed an event spammntt tarnished hsrdwgod floors lessconditionth HiiJepnnEdbolorlPcrlr in order fticersrso it verse used tic per ca On mindy SsD lumber to issl than It Craw at us Tltlin slml unim at Lydi dc Iainr pt rdra nh delimit Funeral Iorlunlr service COMING evaNTs ATURKEVWDINNER St Pauls Anglican Church Midhurst THURSDAY SEPT 28 530 TILL PM ADULTS It CHILDREN 7d RUMMAGE SALE YlilYWCA Building FRIDAY SEPT 20 cm tlil 480 pm Clothingsome nearly new Furniture Toys etc AvsPtc LAnlis AUXILIARY YMYWCA RUMMAGE SALi TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH FRIDAY SEPT 29 till pm sPoNsOllEn av 51 GILIS CUT AND SCOUT MOTHW AUXILIARY Want To Control Plant Movements WINDSOR CPI Federal controls to halt the exodus of manutactulng plants trom areas like Windsor to large districts such as Montreal and Toronto were ddVOCRICdMOfldnynightMORDPAWAI by Windsor alderman Aid Eert Weeks said re port on runaway ilrms pre sented to city council by the Greater Windsor Industrial Commission failed to make any recommendations on how the problem could be solved Aid Weeks said he tavorsd legislation used in the United Kingdom under which certain before constructing additions or new plants Councildcierred debateens sable CITIZENS TAKE OVER GRAND FALLS NIld CF This paper making town of 0700carved out of the forest the AngloNewtoundland Dev velopmant Company 56 years ago is to have its first muni cipal election Nov 14 The AND discontinued manage ment at the town early this year and board of trustees was ap Interment Ora Uri led Church Cemetery ty and bungalow with only MUIBKR TI RARRIE AND DISTRICT but raTltrC BOARD CASTLE DRIVE Threc large bedrooms our piece both large living room jflLpianterdiaingLrnomkil chen with builtin stove and oven Family room with fire place Den or extra bedroom and piece bath iltutual Lite Mortgage carries for $120 per month Asking price $36000 in spect and makentfcr COOK STREET One and hail storey brick home overlooking park Largo living room and large kitchen with dlnettc Two bedrooms and tour piece bath Iianhed rec roation room Two partlyfilo ished bedrooms and bath on sec ond tloor This homo is well worm inspecting Asking price $15500 Terms to be arranged BAYFIELD STREET Nico brick home with large liv lng room dining room and kit chen No bedrooms and four piece bath Oil heating with gar age in basement Large lot 100 Ilb Room to build another house Asking price $14500 with $3500 down Balance on and mortgage CRESWICKE COURT Brick bungalow with immediate possession Largo living room Family size kitchen Three bod 5m Terrific value on todays market This 3bedroom brick bungalow is only years old and is in sparklingnew condition throughout This lovely home is larger than most in this price range and lectures the very popular Lsliaped livingdining combination tins divided basement with separate laundry room Very well located tor schools Monthly carrying charge of only covers mortgage principal interest and taxes Phone PA 05660 and see it today as carter Panic so ALMOST NEW APARTMENTS SOLID BRICK 187 VANCOUVER STREET $22500 to an excellent residential district of line new homes cpnvcnlantoEast End Shopping Plaza here is first class invest ment property requiring very little maintenance Consists oi three spacious and modern hot water heated apartments where an own er can live and let the building pay for ltseitl Phone PA 05560 tor complete details and inspection 14 LETlllA STREET JUST OFF SUNNIDALE ROAD 313000 Hero is an inexpensive 3bedroom brick bungalow with pretty fireplace On 60 ft lot on Barrles street at lovely maple trees this is oncowncr house since new in 1954 Has the classic living dinlng Lshaped combination and sunny kitchfl with so aflte breakfast area The basement high aiddryflias filfis rus ticstyle den and there is bright laundry section Substantial cash is required here but the small mortgage carries at $71 month ly complete Arrange to see this fine little home NOW PA 05568 98 ROSE STREET BIG BRICK lRLLEVEL BUILT 1980 rooms and four piece both 515000 Ilonngc canl 5105 pEr Detinlteiy the new home tor the family that needs extra living month which includes taxes Full price $13000 Down pay ment $2646 Nora Wu arrange Ilrst mortgages for Victoria and Grey Trust50 at value phone Bob Plaweliins PA 00863 or Paddy Milel PA 05100 HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 02670 HOUSE TO RENT Itvo rooms central to down industrles must obtain approval lown $70 monthly Call from the UK Board or Trade Ford Apartmcnts central locations Cali Percy Ford YOU WOULD BE PROUD TO OWN This lovely landscaped proper 50727 mortgage Reasonable onthly payments Close to cy Ford CUSTOM BUILT HOME This tine home is located in one of the better residential areas Basement apartment SEE chools andshopplngCallPcr spacel Seven beautiiully proportioned rooms bathroom up bathroom down with grade entrance to lower level from back lawn Has family TVroom plus den convertible to 0th bed room This is truly the ideal largevfamlly plan at low price Exactly $3400 down payment CMHC mortgage Owner is transtcrred quick possession is available Mr Rogers PA 05568 mTIOTINSON STREET LARGE SPARKLINGLYNEW RUG BRICK BUNGALOW 514000 Just completed by the builders with nice front lawn and good slsed shade trees its most attractive 3bedroom bungalow with excellent room sizes Features very spacious Lshaped combin ation with builtin dividers containing bookcases Has unusually big bedrooms and large tiled bathroom Kitchen is large and bright and has ample dining as well as appliances space The window arrangement in this pretty home Is territlc and there are selfstoring storms and screens throughout Only $2830 cash is required toCMHC mortgagel See it quicklywill be sold soor BARRIE NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA RANCH BUNGALOW FIREPLACE 51 GARAGE ATTACHED 5800 Altrncixlc grey brick 3bedroom ranchstyle new in l957one owner litany extra line feaiures include OPaved Driveway IFine Landscaping Enclosed Yard Woven Fences ully Completed Rec Room OPretty Stone Fireplace OWasherDryer Connection with Venl This immaculate home has the favourite Irshaped livingdining and large table area in the kitchen Handy location for either collegiate or public schools Ask for Mr Connell PA 05565 pointedrbyi the provlncialgov crnment to act until the elecl tion CLASSIFIED flmlrlo 11W Esta ADVERTISING TELEPHONEi PA 82414 Condensed and classified advoc tisemcnts are inserted at the rate of 4c per word par insertion or one and two times do per word for three four or live times and one per word tor in more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 960 FUR WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N SERTION ERRORS OILCDRRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded tilt all phone insertion Orders are acne an as convenience to you advertiser Thornton tho Classified thatrfi sdvertissment illimiilfliihll attor first insertion in ordur that lrly errors or Omissions may hit that same may be rcctlaad or tile allowing dlyl inllttldri 0rd Vw will to poiat out that Tits lBarrle Examnar Ls responsible Lollyaminerth Tinted insulin on any advo gemout lid than unity to tba extant 01 portton that involves the mllpflnt Errors which do not lulflihliil value at tho advartilw montare not eligible for corrao tions by malts goods Coming Events SWH minimum charge $150 Birth randDeath Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words be per word extra In Memoriam No word extra annvn LETTER REPLIES lntormatloa reglroing advertisars usinRI Biiad Letter Box Numbers Vtor Illvliul is bold strictly sound that not are as at pubilliation Tssiiiedr advertisements and notices for these pages must ratrccaiyedby5 pm day pre ceding publication with the era vceptlon oi Claasliied Display Advertisements which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day itllcs and type style or semi displly cialeltlelia may page it lots located on Steel Street close to St Monicas and Steel Street School Each iot60 160 Sanitary sewer and water in and paid for $12900 all price for this out standing property Large fully landscaped lot 00 190 on which is bedroom brick home large living room with fireplace kitldlen with dining area sunporch full basementp all heating Terms Reduced from513000 to $12000 New home located on Penetang Street three bmoms Jorge kitchen and living room extra large bathroom with linen stor age double windows lull base nent with forced air gas heat ng Bradford Street llcre isLyaiir opportunityto obtainam lot with frontage on Bradford streetat reasonable figure Enquire now as owners are very anxious to sell Farm Do you haves arm for sale near Barrie containing50 to 100 acres with air to good buildings lf so call this off ice now as have client from southern Ontario wanting mm through The Examiner iiim Wm vanistng department rentlfig stSlD monthly Terms arranged Phone Percy Ford evaiNcia cAsLl RITA soANoam PA M000 annoy sonn PA snail EMERSON SWAIN PA 580 plumber or Dame and strtcLamL Baird ROSE REAL ESTATEJROKER 18 TWIN gram RARRII LOTS REAL VALUE TREES FLOWERS LARGE LOT REDUCED IN PRICE COMMERCIAL Acre PROPERTY WANTED hires and vanity Lot olcup PA 35201 Ilsliiiiiitiiiifulm loin itil°ili£ mm are CALL DAY on EVENING iLliilliimrzmfim ml highfihfittttlthtiiitil €33719 itosl Et In Dnltd THREE DEDROOM Bungalow two rear Alsls IdJDIriiliE Int available EVENINGSAGALL twoImp bedrooms large modern kitchen easy TV view fing living room large utility room basement attached gar age extra large lot Camp Bor den milesfiFér impaction 4alliEmory7Millet SHIRLEY AVENUE Three bedroom home living room room and kitchen bathroom upstairs and downstairs nice sun porch at front oll beating large lot 70 200 feet Immed late possession Total price 810900 with very payment at 500 For further particulars call Joa Palmer PA 6W Heal good building lot on Queen Street East with 1m foot front Rus stop at that Available Immediately Telephone in WWIIspot included popular lrshaped ilvingdiniag combination ilnlsbed recreation room and goodsizebedrooms The NRA mortgage carries tor $9951 monthly including taxes Phone PA 05560 and SEE lTNOW to ay SEABOARD DJSCOUNT l4l DuinlopiSt IXImInL room Morgan on ENDED BIIOVC or as lmiililfldn PAOOS CLEAN ulI untamed on bed room spsrtment Prtv Reasonlbla nut Tel WOW mddlrn ll pron MORTGAGE LOANS N0 BONUS Topsy or all your Bills entrance Wm NIWLY nacoaam tam room apartment vsth thre pieel bath and private lsund Mucus strut romance Kitchen broll nook game To pay oil Mortgage Combine 1st and 0nd Mortgage For any worthwhile purpose runes Apply tun rlment room with vs at Did Sb Telephone PA VII PuRlenzn Bachelor Apartment Private antran Iaetlttle ii to adorn low down Balance ABOIIOW Monthly Inbyra 8180i Electric stove piece bath Abstalnerl Con to phone PA 3411 RENTALS WANTED To am GARAGE WANTED to rust all Bradlcrd 5111 or months Appn to an arm lamina ARTICLES for SALE STORE OWNERS stock LQUNTER SINGLE CARBON JAUTOMATIC These books are in per l95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12 to 20¢ Clearing at 9c ea lus pnovnvcnil SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Pmiéé537 $0000 $2500 Lower monthly payments avail able Il desired with up to years to repay For last cour teous service BARFRIED ENTERPRISES Burris lelldentl call uninhmd ask or 105 N0 TOLL CHARGE Oiner nil clusipa TA soon slumber n1 Ontario Mortgag urnkun Association FINANCIAL $5000 47a FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK son BILL SIMMS PA 60203 BUS OPPORTUNITIES NUTRIBIO Be distributor in your area You are urgently needed now Investigate this new opportun ity vlor unlimited capital gain ullvor part time will be ting this area in few days Write Cook Distributor 15$ leeoak Drive Port dit Ontario Creidt 2700707 LAROB room or not spisc bsth contained heavy wlrls waist lupvl age Level PA 6W Call Joe Palmer untum Avail lo immed lately Telephnns PA asses ureTImtslDowmuwn Apa in two bedrooms heated private blth hone PA FARMS Cscenic arm with Willow throuldi property $32500 0170 acres near Crown Hill 32110007 0100 acres in Vaspra $12000 Concession in Concession unlum entrance 133 acres 00150 or Iurthel ONE AND TWO bedroom Iplfl Stove rollisomer lanltor no laundry tatiliues Rent In 000 monthly Telephon Leech PA c1070 GROUND FLOOR heated apartment Ind entrance 030 ocres Oro $4000 For further Norah Rallies SHANTY BAY tor homes or laksshore prop crlies call Norah Ralkes Member at Barrie and Dilirlcl Rut Eitsts ansrd EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLER lol PALqu KAI MARSHALL PA 59011 NOltAH RAIm HAROLD FORSTERA PA 04100 IKelih Marsha ttEAL ESTATE anOKER ORCHARD DRIVE bARRIz PA 82532 DAYS 0R EVENINGS CLOSE TOTOWN paved highway three bed room storey and halfall conveniences lot Priced at $0500 with $1000 down Make an offer Oiuoons FRANK NELLES Member llarrie Real Estlle Board CARSON RrEeAri T704 Rat unini linve supplied Close to put no school and stores Apply sum or telepnona PA Miss sltLr CONTAINED one bedroom apartment on ground ttoor Priv Hetrlgsr or stave supplied Located it tla Street and lovely surroundirl Telephone PA 04500 POUR ROOM unlumlshed heated apartment Iaeiiitils inlormatiun call at Till ONLY entrance gt PA 00476 Laundry PA 0000 Private cntranc outlay Park Schooll Sopiembu so Telephone PA uses lite pm Tunes ROOM Apartment bedrnom nd kits natto Rllri orator we water eat lupp ed Good location on bus route overlooking aphone PA error it arkiu Available 0T0 4013 IFIIIInlIIb Iurntshed downtown location Pri sundry in lplca Tale Jays PA Mm entrance ted and in ventsIla AnIIACTIVE room apartment sell contain lrledilto cm In 51 monthly Tee unfurnlsh centrally located cent Sircel Phone PA Elfl or phone Port bedroom mm scenic Ken elt Bay arkilll and ad Automatic ValidIll II PA 0400 PA Mien PA codes RENTALS Alqu HOUSES T0 RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake nd two bedroom spattaint to with stove and rents the or washer unqdiylr Redecorated industry FURNISHED three roamed merit ground floor private cist centrally Private bath All services tnclnd no monthly Ideal couple on Telephone PA ssosi FURNISHED Apartment on nu Street West bath Heat hydro and water supplied Laundry Iaciiitlcl Sult sbluoncuuplafiumanmlyk District MR MOOREPA 04157 FOSTERPA 05245 ROGERSPA H502 CONNELLPA 3976 MEMBERS BARRIZ DISTRICT REAL ETATE BOARD fCLIFFWJBROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE Members of Lb Barrie Real Estate Board Smith campballPA l7 Joan LintPA M1 Fergus armyPA 07002 PAGIOGI HEATED unmrnlshed tour roo Available October IS Telephon 45A DUNLOP ST Next dabl to in tniperial Tbstr PA 66481 Member or Be Alllndale and relll ratdr supplied Telephone PA 84931 or do LOVELY Toul bedroom house to location 110011 TelaprdlTGTA 85508 or urther information some RODIII Apartment on nu 02579 tar runnerinn sPAchs slx nomad apartment largo llvtnl room with drapllcel dininl room kitchen bedrooms and bath Ample containeth vary central Available $05 monthly storage sou 91 Navembu phone PA erase APARTMENT rooms out bedroom oil heater Second floor Cent downtown business sectio Immedl LBEDROOM HOUSE Newly decorated hot water with LA roilAttractivevresidentialills PHONES PA W1 PA 602 Private sale reasonably PA 04437 NORA ANn Gabrlo Holloway wills to lbli their nice modern home miles tram Barrie Phone PA sates oRILuA unlurnlshcd sellcontained stove era WWW trlct possession priced venlnn PA TWO BRIGHT tarnished rooms Kitchen and Oldlilting mm Would suit couple 127 Burton Ave or telephone 03300 for appointment mat MODERN semidetached du lex Two bedrooms dinette and inch on lnur piece It IIICIII Living room Driveway MI liIidetrlI area Hollle slx rooms or rent room revenue GentrniOob DUNLOP ST PA 89981 PA 68742 with carport minimum liv trig room um kitchen dining St any ulliti cmm iii siiiiifi £i$°i$tiil2 SEE STEVENSONS am old Partly tisslalissd rccs on room and extra bedroom ll 00 It got tent Pilin landscaped building is laillngbalaw cost due p30 PA milslim PA sous or lull pan to illness or Ulnar For further CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKE 0°Jl°miit Phone PA sons 9s Dunlop St rfisneist soils MABEL MARSHALLPA B4450 COREYPA 55408 OWE JUNEPA 97937 Norman Eréheisweiiu REAL ESTATE BROKER FIRST MORTGAGE MINDS AVAILABLE7 MIST ROOMS TO LET RODIII TD RENT in private home Home privilcdcs 95 weekly Tele ilosse PA 0450 or apply to 17 hotnion st Barrie TWO FURNIsiiizn Rooms tal run one with TV Breakfast include Telephone PA 1831 or apply to Morgan House three years old bedrooms basement Close to publi se ate and high schools month Telephone PA 00101 BXCEPHONAL Opportunity bedroom Iurnished house an Mary Street Good location Reasonable to right tamlly use tax details ATTRACTIVE three robin sell Containeil apartment unfurnished and churches 55600 ossh stasmso 01x ROOM brick bungalow cur tom built on residential street attached garage stone tiltrainee umlssum atoms patio Lot 50 170 col months gfmstom with NHA telms PA Apply 16 Granville Telephone PA screesil PTUIINISEBD Bedrooms to two in private home close to dOWIiIDWlI Breattlast optional 00 0F VALUENO PETS CHARGED Ia Longti PA devnm all it will PA use Everett Shellell on 2919 NoraIsa Shahgelli PA ems Howard Norris PA 554 see THE MODEL LHOVIE NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION BARRIE VIEW Barries Newest Subdivisidn SERVICES ARE NOW BEING INSTALLED GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD Conn SPRINGPA ssosT pour nounsPA New CONTEMPORARY MOV NG $013153 Dont target to muster you New NIIA contamporary dwelling iNSURANCE iI dallred where another apart ment building could be built Thll heated buIltlss cupboards and hardwood sloors In hospital Iraa PA 87713 DAYFIELD STREET Can cstsd three bedrnnm hnu location or arisin stingyOnly 990 per month Tolsphons PA 05500 or Iurtlsar lnlormatlon LARGE two ballroom winterized bungalow not and cold water so monthly or sell konuds Ra Strnud west at Peggys Cnulsons Plaoa Metros 33105 Toronta NEWLY Decorated house soul bedidlilflfi hot and coin wsli Centrally located Apply so or pertols between amt and pm Tellphossa Minesint murmur Telephone PA 342 FURNISHED Realaunt tol ml Central location Rauld optionl Parking Talaphosse PA 01724 or lurther inlamatioss Roolti TO RM to private home Home privileges 10 weekly Tale uasi or apply 00 PROPERTY WANTED WANTED TO BUY on RENT bedroom house vicinity at St Marys Church Early poss ession required Reply to BOX 49 THE BARRE EXAMINER LOTS FOR SALE LARGE LOT or sale In Angus Good location Handy to Telephone 111 TWO LOTS tal lsle on narcsy St also 06 113 Close to schools Surveyed All services Sidewalk Priced at $2100 each Talapbon PA 34059 FARMS FOR RENT LARGE BARN or rent excellent mart1 splice lol leed etc Close to Phone EA Willowdale Avenue CENTRAL Location bright bed room kitchen or rent Fully tiflimlbildii twill ucu ca Talcphano PA 03593 Telephone umtsb couple Paved road inn and school WANTED HY nldally lady Room $5170 and board in Private home Pret arlbly bungalow near bus route aux so Barrie Examiner MARY STREET viclnl and board Gantlaman will pack lunches lmktodowntOWMIM EEDROOM IIrlIltrrilshnd srtrnent in East End Heat wa stnvn rutrigentor stance parking and Janitor servica Avail able October 01167 Telephone Home privl REnROOM apartment Heat hydro sellon tamed Ono child Welcome All three room unfurnished apartment auraln WANTED TO RENT lurthcripartlclilarscailv mmmd PA moi evenings PA elm MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS ANYWHERE Immediately to COIIOIIMBI debts ass existing mortgages be rovelnentl etc ritmeut Litres home cluan reli Reasonable phone PA 02010 or PA so so MODERN ground tinnr outside at flasrla unity rent Needed end or Octahcr 01 bellnnInB November Box an inn lla Examiner neLIaaLn TENENTS with to rent three or Inui bedroom home In nice location by November mediate replies would be lpprui ms Tsiuphaps PA Lino Heated two bedroom lower urtment with private en young business man with small family by November thrco roam artmcntr Available lmmedb ately Heat and water supplied Refrigerator and stove ll desired garage and Admtronl monthly Telephone PA 37369 or Cd Iva Drive liter Pin ALLANDALE bedroom unturnlslled apartment $70 month includes heat water Lsuridty Suprate entrance many ext PA anvil Redeeoratetl nding aver SimmonsSnare Dunlap streat East MOIITOAG sold and arranged Mortgage WANTE turiltios and 2nd bdugh Commercia inlormstioa telephonic PA 091 and residential nanlya so tnmber or in Central location Reason REIREADSL son saunas oalvnvo AT DOMINION TIRE 110 BRADFORD ST EARRIE Handy Hardware NEW MAUNKIGEMENT REGISTER NOW For FALL WELDING SCHOOL Lincoln Arc Welders 106 amp 3172 550 gallon septic tank $0250 025 gallon septic tank $0150 Sidewalk slabs 74 30 $173 Jet Pumps with grllon tank $8175 COME IN COMPARE it HANDY HARDWARE STROUD PHONI sTROUa torts NEWSPAPER MATS glans Bligh deal or thin uses ts are palsect insistlair 25o PER DOZEN Apply lti Burla Insulin BI Ontario Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance lea PENETANG STREET PA amo NEED NEW any fen with laymen tileInsured SOOTIA PLAN LOAN The Benito Nova Scotia PM YOU TRIan Orrie uerien 00 and Second Hand Storfi dd DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONEPA Mm CHICKEN MANURE or sale Tel ophoria ssRai Strand AimMRI ream Illm said condition torsionalan nuLLnozINR and Grading Page Rows and stamps ranlav aphone Lea Hart PA 531 RDLLDMAGIC Vacuum Cleaners all special at $4950 Sin Sewing Centre as nunlop street Wvfisfllhnbuno PA 57000 CASE LOANs 00 at as $5 PA 00 month Telephone Creuent Finance Bulb westT SPECIAL two weeks only brand new reverse stitch cablnst mud Slnler Sewing Machine or 3995 As low as $071 monthly 2s Dun lap Street West PA 07960 RENTALS singer Eluktiln Polof able Machines tol rent by the wax or this month Singer sow Illl Centre 20 Dunlop Sir West Telephone PA walla SPACE HEATER or sale Quaker medium else in exCelienI condi tion also Oil Tank zoo galon cl capacity Lloyd cummingl=trone Ialtzt Stroud RARE niuLIlleAnY envelope with stamps sltacbeddorsslnrslsu 10th century antique snutt box Write En Box 073 Army Camp Borden PAM are but Th Famous Sin ger Style MatlcZiKZI5 Sawing Machine is slogan See them to day at your singer Sewing Con fire 20 Dunlop Street Welt olsso JritPiswnITznebougbt sold reab ed repaired Student rental rates Ask about our Rent Try than any Plats Star Typewriter 00 74 Braornld 5t PA 00505 SINGERB new heavy duty indus trial machine lsiK model with reverse stitch is now all display at Singer Sawing Ccntrc 20 Bull lop St West Telephone PA 67060 SPACE HEATER Coleman oils Heavy duty our burner electric Chesterfieldmdmatchlnl All in good condition 51y Ed baits Furniture eld Street Telephone PA ORGAN PJICeIslor Electric Portable in bass maho sn tab 20 playby number no In Milan sand rm him year Apply at 171 Toronto Street in pull Existing mart phone PA also or so would Brake able rent APPLV Box 71 Harris Street laminar Try An Examiner Want All Assorted quantity oLaItL KS JeerconditionbuHsava STOREi

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