we Islam ï¬Wflv awning sous VALIANT FOR 1962 STRESSES QUALITY While maintang the basic design ieaiures uhich have contributed so much to its popularity In the compact lleid the 1961 Valiant irom Chrysler oi Canada emphasis es number oi engineering reï¬nementsthat Milka II most eilicieat durable and troublHreeJehIcie GalvanicV ed steel for body sills is used or thejiirst time this year to provide additional corrosion ma Wm part oi the car body Pictur edJs Valiant vsoo our door sedan US Slowly Losing Patience iWith Power Project Delay WASHINGTON CPI The UnIted States is slowly losing patience with Canadian delay in ratiiying Joint treaty to her Incas the huge Columbia River ior power and flood control Quaiiilcd lniormants said that ii Canadian Iedereiprovlnclsl squabble over the $458000000 project Is not settled within iew months the 115 may insist the Canadian government com plete its side oi the bargain and obtain ratliicatlon oi the pact early In tees This ratiiicatlon they iigure will allow the United States to proceed with construction oi the loag delayed Libby Dam in northern Montana even it It doesnt end the haggling be tween Premier Eon nett oi British Columbia and Prime Minister Dloienbakers administration While the 115 may seek to employ the most iniluentiai means possible to get Canada to complete Its side oi the treaty bargain informants emphasized this would not be any open ul timatum Oiiiclaily and pub licly the us government maintains handsoii policy on Canadian latemal politics MAY WITHDRAW However it would be made clear to the Canadian govern ment that unless Canadian ra tIilcation ls obtained the United States would withdraw irom the treaty and seek todeyelopmlr ternntlve protects to meet the growing power in northwestern states Beiore such step is taken 05 authorities would make lastditch eIIort probably through President Kennedyto urge Dicienbaker to settlerdli Icrenccs with the BC admin lstratlon and prevent destruc tion oi the treaty Among some US experts opinion seems to over sctiic ment on terms proposed by Ben nott revision oi Canadian iadoral policy to allow long term export oi surplus Cana dian power to US buyers The Dieienbaker adminstratlon Is RCMP Commissioners Speech Is Praised By Sudbury Women SUDBUEY CP speech at Halifax last week by George McClelland deputy commission er oi the RCMP has sparked two dliiering views irom war ring factions oi the Interna lonatJanLoiJilae MllLaad aiiiliatlon should strongly pro tmt this lnterlerence in trade union dispute Mr Herrldge told James Flanagan president of IIaii BC Loam 480 who forwarded the message to the MineMill distrmmm opposed to this maintaining Cs nadian power should be devel oped mainly ior use In Canada to attract new industry and help expansion as authorities say there is big market In northwestern stains which can absorb all sur plus Canddian power While Benncttrproposed export price roHivomiiisewas considered little high there were indica tions Iirm deal could be worked at jut below this pgce CAN DO Em The oiiicials suggested it would be economically Ieasihie ior simultaneous construction oi themCoiumbia and the Peace River power projects There would he suiilcient markets to absorb surpluses Some attempt to persuade the Canadian government revise its approachAtothe powerrex port issues may be made when James Carr Interior undersec retary meets Canadian Justice Minister Fulton at Spo kane Wash In October joint Canada US agrcc ment to develop the Columbia was signed last Jan 17 and re tified by the US Senate March READYMADE AIIEIix III WITH REcEWE FREE $600 BONUS TAPE WITH HM Till zoos This 91 Choc Nil Gland MANDARIN ORANGES um DOLE PINEAPPLE aEEKIsr LIQUID HONEY PILLSBURY CAKE MIX Ht iii Ifiifi ï¬mowmisnv yams IVORY SOAP ivy aLUE CHEER SPIC sPAN KOTEX REGULAR aAYER ASPIRINS has crashed Pusanl Mu run an on an allot Is on an rise ll Yul Pill l6 Pk oil FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT 27 26 29 30 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Smelter Workers tindJ From the west coast Tuesday the district oiiica seceivedde nuaciation oi thespeech by CCF member oi Parliament From Sudbury the womens auxiliary at Local 595 whose leaders are at odds with the na tional executive wrote the dep uty commissioner commending hirn ior his views and urging more RCMP action MrMaClellanILmndesevecaL reierences to the atrlia within MineMill and said It Is one of several unions whose leaders and policies are identitied with the Communist movement Nat enough isvknown about what is going on in MineMill he added The letter sent to Mr McClel hlr Flanagan said the DOE member assured him at his sup port in MineMI fight against the steel ral iry An Examiner Want Ad DRABES AT Y0ungs Draperies 42 Dunlop PA 33588 Po BATHROOM SET IIPPLE IIIICIEir MARTINS 0R SUNRYPE IUNNY MORN IGA TEA BAGS 69¢ rijttmpromotersottheToreiga Illlldd by the lacerm auiliiary It Is particularly evident in the international Union oi Mine Mill and Smeltér Workers that conspiracy are hard at work to Ilsundermine our Canadian way of We commend you and the RCMP for realizing the extreme dangersthat exist In the Sud bury district We would call on the RCMP to intensify its in vestlgation Herridge CCF MP Ior Kootenay West said he was astouadedanï¬weked by the McClelland speech Trade unionists regardless oi SET iNCLUDES 17 19 Vitreous China basin with pen plug chain and Miller tr Vineons ohlna close coupled toilet with seat it steel enamelled recess bath with tub lilies and waste and overflow chain and plug WHITE SET COMPLETE SPECIAL COLOUR ssrs PINK GREEN SUNTA FREE ESTIMATE ON INSTALLATION PLUMBING AND HEATINOEPT SECOND FLOOR OP SUPELIES BLDG REaIssliAroN snunsbnv sEPrEsIIaER 28 259 sNmsm sr sins STUKLEYS CREAM STYLE FANCY coIIIIz GRANULATED 15 oz tins 33 I5 bay IIEIIPIIIII sucIIH9= No Grade Nutritious NEW BRUNSWICK 0mm Crispvilenderz 29 No Grade Imported WCANTALOUPEwEuLniiiiiieMIQF AuLIFIowER organy wan No Grade Each anamIIEEsE wIIIzéij FRESH GRADE PREDRESSED ROASTING or FRYING 1c cIIIcIrEIIs P49 PHIuer AVERAGE IRESHcIIIéKEII curs TDlkey Chicken or Beef ll TAPS RECEIVE FREE $4 BONUS TAPE WITH COOKING ONIONS lb BRUNSWEIGER eacou LIVER SANDWICH SPREAD him RECEIVE FREE S2 BONUS TAPE WITH aLUE BONNET MARGARINE WELCHS oRAPE JUICI MAPLE LEAP WIENERs SMALL LINK sausaca chRRors sPINACH lo lb Uuul no No Grade lb Cello Ill No ans as Cello In All Popular Brands $309 55 33° CIGARETTES EIIIIIIIITItIII IVIILK PEANUT BUTTER TIII tlnl to as Jar INEPIIIIPGIIEEEHee BIINIIIIasEn 10 Swansea 55 29 WM hreasts Royal Guest Sliced nIquur if Lir Frsneo American YORK PIES PAGHEITI Ouick or Instant ouscxsnosrsr WNowstroREs IN THE BARRIE AREA iii 01 33° Ems Special i°43°f frozen plea TO SERVE YOUV BETTER CIIRISTIES HYQUNGS Classes will be held mom um on on ays and Thursdays for an intensive six shorthand Typewrlting AIISublecta tau ht by rotessionalb Examinations ll be hilt for WILLIE DAY CLASSES BEGAN SEPT 5n NEW DAY sTuaENrs MAY REGISTER ANY MONDAY BARBIE BUSINESS CflLLEEE 66 TORONTO s12 BARRIE JOSE COM PHONE PA 54791 Member School InThe BusinessEciucatorl Associations Canada iGA FOODLINE Bookkeeping 13 ESSA RD BARRIE IGA FOODLINER STROUD ONTARIO IGA FOODLINER WORSLEY MULCASTER IN BARRIE