Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1961, p. 10

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or employment proxim rsgsONALs CAI HAVING for Summehldo P11 September 21 or Room or tlo or three Passengers CIII PA N009 WOMENS COLUMN unvn auor raidnu ertIIInd hllrdrcller in your own home Pans Inrnie or PA am or com l0 HELP WANTED Losr erounp ugqamgo HIth also on under ca Collier Smittxolpuh It Finder pl tolephunl lslttnLl LOH at Bnrril hlr let urdly Scriabin IBrlnd nut Reward clues for Information India to the recovery at brtolr Barbara LII lubed PA non FEMALE HELP MILLINER REQUIRED The hlidlandPcnetanguishene District High School requires an Instructor in miliincry for nigh classes to commence at the school IaLOctoberLApplicatlonsmust be submitted to the under signed by October lst crenceo to Box ZID State qualifications experience and uh Cfltf VENT Midland Phone 5262274 lIoUslezritIi reoulrvd are so lag VrIu Box as Barrio Exam er erlnIchen Waltrcu required ply GHII 1M Dunlap Street est Telphone FA um am To can for baby while mnlhlr works Live In um PTIXOWOolink Ill Moo WANTED Two hOIIIlWIVu to full dlt Very popular hara necessity Hilh earnings for those with Ill ability CIII PA $5101 be tween and pm nooKKnPnn Lady needed for bookkeeping and moral emee wnrtt rrfcrlbl wth ex crlcnrd In him or renal office IIIM arIIe miles from Barrio nx Examiner YOUNG COUPLE require up lbll girl or woman to for children and do light housework while mother works Must be bltloul clean like children and able to use nWII Initiative niurt live In with like limo off This excellent permanent pen nn for the right person Reply tn full plrtlcullra as to age rlenre relerelucl etc to Box BIIIII Examiner MALE HELP CARPENTER Good finishing carpenter Good Wages Steady em pioyment APPLY MARTIN RR BARRIE NO 11 HWY SOUTH EXCEPTIONIL orroltrlmin Are you hatwccn lgca 21 or to ambitious and have at local an IverIn educatinnl ltro ynu lniur Iatcd In people and willing to work hard Are you Interested In career with unlimited opportun Iilusf If your nnllrcr to their questions 11 Yes then Pop naps youre the man we are looking for We are prepared to Invest considerable money In the right min In if you are Interested In earning better than average incomu write to Box 7t and on range for In Intch rmsanEnsfiwni for Kemp View Bowl on Blake street out Mr Cohen at an soon after pm EXPERIENCED Married Ml rue attired for dairy IIIm Dutlcs to commcncc anytime up to Novcm bar House supplied Apply in Box as mm Examiner SALES HELP AGENTS SALES HELP WANTED Nance TO CREDITORS LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE 01 an Execution Against Lands herein ISSuLd out of The First Division Court of the County of Simcoc to me directed against the lands and tenements of Dorothy George Defendant at the suit of Wilson Ltd Plaintiff have seized and taken in execution all the right title interest and equity oi re demption oi the said Dorothy George in and to the following All and Singular that certain parcel or tract oi land and premisessituate lying and be ing in the City oi Barrie In the County of Slmcoe and being composed of all of Lot 20 and the Easterly Fortyfour feet 44 of Lot 21 on tho south side of Cumberland Street Plan 433 municipaliy known as 104 Cumberland Street Upon the said premises is said to be erected two storey brick house and garage ALL OF WHICH said right title interest and equity of re demption of the said Dorothy George in and to the said lands and tenements will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House Bar rie on Wednesday the tlth day of October 1961 at the hour of oclock In the afternoon DATED at the City of Barrle In the County of Simcoe this 13th day ofJune AD 1961 ROSS HUGHES Sheriff County of Sim The AdministratrIL hLEL tdte oi SumnerWilbert Noble also known as Samuel Canadas lending manufacturer oi pumps water systems and swimming pool equipment re quires sales representative Complete training will be given to the successful applicant Sal aried position Car essential Expenses car allowance and other company benefits Apply in writing stating full particu lars to JACUZZI UNIVERSAL SANAWI EXDALE ONT EMPLOEMENT VWANTED WILL cIIIE son pr child area 17L MIT Street Just Wellington Phone on 13 William Gufldbhlld $1 on TYFING of any descri In In own awn Students notes Try An Examiner Want Ad chonl age Ieclalty Very reluonable Will easusiNEss DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE Service to all makes I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 concourse NEW HOMES fiemodeiiing shingllng porches recreation rooms Trimming houses complete and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA coon xnédiimcufiiéinflmm nanovsrrons nmonsiiijmd Telephone after pm PA 66934 DIAPERSEEWCEfi mamas FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twicr merit17m II FRANCIS can PA 63551 on than pack of cigarettes day RIVING SCHOOLS ILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING SINCE IBM FOR APPOINTMENT OALL PA 66551 In my ownihomafilsoncudi if Teiephone PA 832414 KWEIIlily Noble late of the City of rie in the County of Simeoe Plumber who died on or about the Zistday dixAprII 1961 will distribute the assets of the de ceased to persons entitled there to after October 20th 1961 hav ing regard only to claims then properly filed with the under signed WILSON MOORBY Barrie Ontario niicitdrIfilmdifililitfitr Want Ads SELL Most Anything SERVICE By Month or Year EXCAVATIN FILL GRAVEL TOP Still SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED lixcavnunl Ind Grading Water Delivery crushedmu our Yard aaclrnaa for bin DENNIS MORAN Ann Street an moi PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWAIID SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hlnllnl Spray Painting Service Since 1910 RR Barrie PA 95 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been ttcensed to remove your dead and crippled farm anlr mi under the above an FREE REMOVAL waon CDLLEI BARRIE PArkwcy 38617 AGORDON YOUNG IE gag DBISKGEFIE DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle horses and hogs removed For fast service PHONE EARRIE Fr 8475 or ask for ZENITH 94130 COLLECT at noun day7 week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario Bllfll 77yearold woman LI literally caught in an East Wcst tug of war as she tries to escapefrom East to West Berlin Sunday An East Ber DAVID DANCIA LONDON CP Kenncth Kaunda say his friends is good African leader In dos perately bad situation Others say this darkskinned president of Northern Rhode sins United National Independ enca party is rabble rouscr Gangster boss almoderata or religious person profoundly in fluenccd by the Gandhian prin dplrsofnonvlolonce li feel he is the nearest ap proach to natural saint am ever likely to meet wrote one British admirer in letter published by Manchester But most oi all Kaunda him self gave the lmprcssion during recent interview that hes an extremely worried man who feels he has been let down put my faith in Britain and my people put their faith in me said the African national vhonowisstrugglirrgforan end to rule by Europeans in Northern Rhodesia DOCUMENT WEIGHTED in June Colonial Secretary landlockedannounced con stitution designed to lead the colony towards selfgovemment Kaunda pronounced Kah oonda said hesifiied the document and couldnt help con it was weighted against him and his followers He felt it favored Sir Roy Welenskys United Federal party which now forms the government in the central federationan area including Nyasaiand and the two Rhodesias He called for nonviolent struggle in an effort to wring concessions from the British government prayed that there would be no Incidents leading to human Injury it was not to be so Violence erupted Schools were set ablaze There were clashes WI police Nineteen Africans we killed Relations between Africans and Europeans are becoming embittered he said The British government has announced it is prepared to have another look at the con stitutional proposals when vio knee in the territory has ended vKaImda is worried thatthe troubles may spread to his coun trys socalled copper belt If that happens It will be TENDERS BOARD OF PARK MANAGEMENT Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to pm Friday Oct 1981 for construc tion of washroom building in Grove Street East Park Plans specifications and other condi tions are available at the office of the Secretary iii Collier St Barrie above Police Sta tion anest our tendernoLnees essarily accepted License No 159C61 JOHNSON Secretary The Guardian ofl Nouember CAUGHT IN BERLIN TUG 0F Willi lin policeman holds her arm while West Berliner grabs her logs or sherdgnglcslrmn second floorwindow of house in Barnauerstrassc on border of citys Communist controll African Leader Nearest Approach To LAT sad day really sad day There are Europeans there who believe they can defend them selves with guns They might ensily create dangerous Incl dents in their present state of triggerhapplncss The crisis has led to series of charges and countercharges about the African icader Knundns critics say the vio lance was rcmeditatcd and in Jenrlcd to frighten ordinary Af ricans into supporting the drive for independence In this way theyshoped to gain concessions that would give the nationalists undisputed control of govern ment when the new constitution is putJutLoperation SEES OTHER SIDE Dr Margery Perham fellow of Oxfords Nuffield College and an authority on Africa rejects this view It Is possible that the North be rowed for few years more by repressive measures she says in letter to The Times But it is impossible to bo iievc that they will ever willt lingZy accept the complex and tricky constitution now proposed when almost the whale of the rest of Africaflis imiependent and is able to them sup port Internationally She contends the most logical course would be to give the Af ticans real responsibility befor the moderate Kaunda is pushed nilde by more ruthless leader Ip this danger The word moderate has Here in Britain its usually con sidered complimentary term But in Africa if youre branded moderate lts usually interpreted as meaning that youve sold out to the whites Yet the labeltmoderatefhas stuck Knunda was born Int 1924 in the northern province of his ter ritory where his father was missionary and his mother teacher Eventually he became teacher By 1958 he was sec retarygeneral of the African National Congress under leader Harry Nkumbula BROKE AWAY In 1950 Kaunda broke with Nkumbula and followed the line pioneered by Presldent Nkru mah of Ghana ile refitted proposed constitution formed BRENTWOOD Brentwood 4H Club has held om tings the month The unit is working with wool Officers are president Hilde Falconer vicepresident Linda Dayrsecratary lane Beamlsh treasurer Ruth Trot press res porter Gwen Kellman other members are Rosemary Dumond Bonnio and Ellen Mc Cailum Jacqueline MacDonald and Maxine Ayers The girls are learning all about qualities and weaves of woollen fabrics They will be making skirt or jumper to be shown at achievement day In They meet every Saturda temoon In their club room sernBhodesianAfricansqnlghtr Kaunda himself appreciates different meaning lt in Africa ed and western sectors The West Berliner wrenched tha eiderlyswamaaimoandthey fell into the waiting flre br gadc safety net AP Wire photo Saint the New Zambia party and da ilcd ban on meetings He und up in Jail This was but another in series of brushes with tho es tablished order which led to pison sentences and exilc His travels have taken him to Canada and the United States on lecture tours to Britain to study local government and con fer with government leaders and to many African capitals He Is convinced that the Fed eration of Rhodesia and Nyasa land run by Sir Boy Weicnsky and his party must bo shat tered to break the power of Eu ropezn rulers He talks of federation em bracing the East African terri torie of Kenya Uganda Tan ganyika Nyasaland and North 76a en voluntary or Pastors iWife Is Important VANCOUVER CP Angli can Bishop Godfrod Gower bu critide coagregdtlonr who are Inclined to regent the wife of their pastor or tervanL She II the backbone of the ministry he lays Writin In The Anglican News here Bshop Gowor laid the wives of clergy take dee plunge than many realize en they marry person They bake pI play the church organ and expected to keep open house for everyone in the parish Molina chntollines peace makers most of the timei ex ertcoolts and Sunday school unito boneropeners Ianpom tho wives of the clergy Ira help mates and teamwork in the fullest sense at the men they married Ihat cler wives object to and so do the notion eater talned by some congregations that they can have the full time services of two for the salary of oneand that by no means princely sum The unpaid curate has no place In our economy MIAMI mmmnnrmnnml Famed Historians Fight Over Hitler LONDON titeutcraiA bitter feud between two tamed mod ern historians at Oxford Unlver IIIy ts keeping tendon Intellw full circle buzzing The controversy was sparked by publication of Tay lora latest book The Origins of the Second World War which argues that Adolf Hitler did not plan world conquest and tried of International politicl The book was well received by critics in London newspa per7 But liugh TrevorRoper tl yaer old Beglus professor of modern history at Oxford launched scathing attack on the Taylor work in the British magazine Encounter Trevorvltnper himself the au thor oi the boatsoiling The Last Days of Hitler laid Taylor Io lectr suppresses and arranges evidence and called the book utterly erroneous Ho ac cuscd Taylor of trying to set the Struck In Face For Sake Of Art By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK CP Ann Bancroft II younglady who hi been struck in the face more than 2800 times in the name art Film audiences gasped years ago when actress Mae Clarko played role In which Jimmy Cagney pushed grapefruit In hcrfucc AgropcfrulHnrthrfIce would be merely cool and refreshing to Miss Bancroft after her long ordeal As Annie Sullivan teacher of deaf mute and blind Halon Ier in The MIraclo Worker she was slapped hardor hit In the face with plastic doli four times performance by her undisciplined young charge whom she gradually brings to love and learning Ann played the stage role through 700 performances and won her second Broadway Tony award The first was for No for the Seesaw She and Patty Duke who plays HelenKcllor as child are again costarred in the screen version of The Miracle Worker picture that probably wont leave dry eye etwoen here and Timbuktu WEARS KNEE PADS talked with Miss Bancroft during luncheon break on the set She still worn knee pads under her long gown and her hand was ringing They had just finished shoots lng one of tho slapping ao quences and Ann had been hopped In the faceand bopped hard to insure realismsome 15 ern Rhodesia times its all in the business she said matteroffactiy but aoretlmcs you hate to do it over againif it isnt your fault She said she had headache but Ann dedicated actress If ever there was ono declined to take any aspirin She Iarcd It might affect her performance ir the scenes to be taken that afternoon Sin sighed and stretched gratefully out on relaxing board in her dressing room Then she broke out her lunch Ihree carrotsand began to unch thcm thoughtfully have hundreds and hun dreds of problems she said cheerfully but no real plans ahead CANT PLAN AHEAD lrdont sec ho one can plan ahead in this business take siglng lessons when Im not busy working Just want to do good stuff whether Its musicals or dramas enjoy acting when its good and peopleeven when theyre bad Im prott content right now butsho laughed dont know how Ill feel to night She arose to return to the act The next scene was one in which Patty Duke was to sock hnlrl In the face with plastic do Ilieyll probably have to shoot it over six or seven times Ann said genier but the blows dont hurt so bad except when Fatty misses But shes good shot She hits nine out of ten The life of star is very Interesting one stage for contemporary con ciliation to Burrito diplomacy by praising Britains prewar com Iiatlona to Hitler iYLOlt REPLIES when the pair met on television shortly afterward Discussing the Munich agree ment Taylor said It was lrlumphfor all those who launched international concilia on It was triumph for peasement and revision of trea ties Taylor declared To revor opol ro torted It was triumph for cowardice Controversy between the two men is of longstanding nature TrovorRopors appointment to the coveted Begiua prolessob ship was somewhat of llll prise in 11157 The man who had been fav Suifieons Use Crushed Icer Stop Heart LONDON CPlBritish our goons have perfected now deepfreeze technique In heart operations With the technique surgeons can stop the heart with crushed Ice during surgery and restart it without any Ill effects provlous method In which the heart was stopped with chemical tniections was aban doncd because it left some mus cle damage Tic heart Is surrounded Ice which brings it to stun still for long periods The Lon cate medical logmgk do scribcd tho new Technique and said that so far so operations have boon carried out success fiully at Guys Hospital in Dan on Patients being operated on bad holes in thel hearts blocked heart valves or other defects Nona of the operations left any impairment The technique was devised by out Afrlcamboln Dr Donald Ross He and his team used It first to relieve blockages in themaln valve leading out of the heart but now are using it as routine in many heart cases Frozen salt water Is used to stop tho heart while heart lung machine keeps up the body circulation The blood is cooled first by being psaed through cold solution in the machine Then the crushed Ice is placed round the heartwhieh stops beating within minute The heart can be kept at standstill for anything up to an hour by replacing the Ice TAKE GANDER 73hr IiarriLExamiocr filiouseholdjjusiness SERVICE CLASSIFIED IIIJS No Matter What You Are Looking For You Are Sure To Find It Here Whether its remodelling job roofing or aiding service eoveotroughing landscape gardeninfidiitffifiddmiiring modernized plumbing adding room fixing up WW osonry wosherlown mower radio and TV repoirsetc you will find thesoondmdnyorherfinfhe Examider Householdfflmfness Service columns FIRMS ADVERTISE REGULARLY orad fo the poaitiohwal

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