Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1961, p. 2

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Barrie Woman Drowns In Bay New Chairman Despite eitorts oi rescuers NEW YORK AP George am Jack England 35 Mary Love In nuned chairman street crowned lastmgbt in and chic policy ouicer oi the Kempenlelt Bay Chrysler Com at meeting at Al Gates at is Oakley Park the board at directors Thurs Square Barrie discovered Mr day President Lynn Towns CbmfiléRN6 Time synchronising grandmas T0 3310335139er1 nnali boat about hallmile oil Loves ctton appar mtfill POTL binning pickd ontly continues thliliudivilaion ed eooupeuo atan executive power as ex brought them in tortho cavern isted since Tex Colbert fiafiuyggfilsuamgxnu come to Canaan meat dock and arti iciai respirv rest or as chairman and chlct ms ation was analled on the way excelliltive orncel last July the Rotary Club or Barrie lun ff BASES 2min firemen mde cheon meeting Prime tarlctl Mr Conan call with resuscitator but Coon Four laid would probably be bau llm England tailed to rally to HeaVY 10b 1m mauulminuml pm where retaliatory weapons were HALlIAX CPtDr George CAPSULE NEWS sraz imam lumen ram senemu is Cold War Issue Coonsy federal region son on any front no matter ial oiilcer ior meetinqu rbovrremoter would eventually lt Jocated andvlecondary targets dmm her would be industrial complexu Police chiel William Brown Ewel ut Torontordirector ring and paralyzing Hmmmfmdymmr or studies at the 0mm Col gmflefifim mm Mrs En land were returnl ONLY PARTS 05 Pm from goat ride to ulna5 LSfiiflfcflfifia fii First baptist Church in The quasilan 1an our in civil deience oiliclal told 353 9° task isar be Vi the Bnrrla will hold special Nth Lilydermdgrmehzmdugh the Rotarllns many lives could an co mmbmue mom comm mun MC 11 Sun saw iguula iormulated by this Edflefihfilpmmr puplnuon but As she moved to the man evEr More back 01 um but we day with the Rev Leland Communist group and the ace in past yell Bdmmmm Gregory BA BB as the tui settlement of one orprnore MM mmmm mm the water and drowned beloro have be so busy finding bti Mr England could help her teachers they havent done EBMDL Gregory waking urn right to Ilt E333 cogmcmgg Mr Gates was returninng muai about the sbort ot SUM cm °f 39 trip to Westmans marina school leadership peopl Dr COPVNHN Ohm and Al the situation exists Mr fimfl$l°i°fildlum can when he found them Flown01d son 4915 the Quebec Prior to his ap cwney mum to pollilmtml Ritual WW see genuine desire or peace lllly in Mfltdl 01 ll Year on the part our opponents am racial domains Wm FOR monomer in Toronto tional arms the losers will City Police on cases 43ml rmrt Pruvlnclrrpollcsfpamt ASKS FIREWORKS HM probably resort to nuclear wea Cooney pointed out that Fire Department PA Hill The victim was taken to Canadian Education Association Royal Victoria Hospital and annual meeting than to the Steckley Funeral Dr Sharp superintend WW mi Int at Vancouver schools said findW services alulnugh not programs to develop school an can It to Jetwalrrangeoliwill basheldrin ecutives needtoproidda to em 77 Hamilton on with the chance to periorm Pollfi Chic Edward Tschlr Law top seller in recent Arna Warren sold 136 bars to cap administrative duties willie get pa hart issescnt huge chocolate tour Athletic Association doors turn the honors ting practical experience nf££lngydngllnbtcgévgllldcgl bars tlLry ear01d wan Hom mu dd mud its annual convention hare Prime Minister Dielenbaker Royal Victoria Hospital ec xes en Thursday endorsed resolution had called or preparedness or PA Mm 2NTREAL CP Sylvia asking that lirecrackera be sold Iciivs military and civilian de Qmm Th weather Carle advertising manager of only to adults fence because war tor any roar day 1795 nun Warm Lo Nouveillsto oi lroiaRivieros in Southern Ontario as cooler Que Thursday elected air in northern regions makes president of the Newsplpu Ad 51 umwud vertising Managers socl tlon Cl penmg ew r1 ge was lineman 1th OnimoTNlfllthR Léith oi the Gait Ra ions oron am VASAGA BEACH Special Chamber of Commerce building scntaiivas concerning lulure de ian itinlngly sunny and contlnll 1235139353312le filinghill At regular council meeting should be prepared tor seeding velopment oi the Beach No jug warm day and Saturday herc Wednesday Reeve An lawn request from tax tion was passed unanimously Chance of thundershnwer SW Ottawa Journal Second vicepresident Moore oi manyv Beak mimicd hliihiml payvlrrellnin Jnfiihngllfoe £25 The clerk reported on re WW afternoon WindSllghtto the Cap Breton pm Syd rdthco not ling Sixty we allontcd Vs dtpflimen 5°th Sd nay NSn was named recre planning wherehrabtalned 1m gamma tarytwasurer across the Nottawasagaithl Councillors Dyer and Timlock formation regarding the msdnw Winds mrmo Elude no past year Although the bridge reported on the attendance at in or amending of bylaw 5L St Thomas me cum Newt has been in use since the early the GBDA conlerenco in Honey mm mp have land London 80 part of the summer work on Harbour Mrs Dyer had in it has only been completed dur ing the past week Council appointed commit tco chairman to take care oi the various aspects of the open quired about the artifacts which had been removed mm the building housing the Nancy and was assured by Mr Lemon department of landsand tor use map of the village drawn up and this is chore that the planning board might well be gin When the map is com pieted representative of the department will come up and Kitchener 80 Wingham 80 Hamilton a0 Toronto so Pcterborough no Trenton so Man Pleads Guilty In Abortion Count Robert Campbell pleaded ing at which it is expected oats he would look into the Fred Cass minister of high matter ch uncu Kuhn 30 morning go mo charge or at ways will be present Plans are tempting to procure an abortion underway for an HMO mp DELEGATE He was remanded Sept 29 As result of iniormatlon fiflfligniingfnnfwffd om gained at the conference Mr for sentence with the magls guilty in magistratal colut this BARRI vars Timlnck moved motion that trato asking for prosentence PREPARE FOR SEEDING report it was decided at the meeting that the grounds around the GBDA representative be ask ed to sit in on any iuturc meet ing with the department repre gsrocx MARKET industrialan In Light Trading ronoNro or The stock market moved cautiously ahead during light morning trading to day Moat industrial groups were pitted with losses and none showed any real sign of Astrengther Argus Cfliporation and Beaver Lumbardlad the beat advances both ahead is at 44V and 16 Canadian Oil gained at at 83 and Algoma Steel 5i Goodyear Tirrwas down two ipoints at 154 on small turn over lnterprcvincial Pipe Line dropped Va and Dominion Foun Vdries and Steel 0n the exchange index indus triais advanced 19 at 60071 and base metals 11 at 10101 Golds ielldltlatBmtond western oils at 9555 The 11 am voiumc was 460 ooo shares compared with 1014 090 at the same time Thursday Among senior base metals Hudson Bay Mining and Ven tturcs each gained Ig Falcon bridga was down it and Cassiar ume of 65124 shares and an ad vance at eight cents at $203 Western oils were extremon quiet Pacific Petroleum roc orded the only senior change down is at 11 LakeDufault tooketherllmer light Thursday as it tumbled 55 cents on huge turnover 0n the in trial market losses struck every group la general decline Finance paper and motor issues were among the Crown Trust dropped Canadian Tim and Goodyear The 166mm NEW YORK CPlCanadian dollarunchanged at 97 132 in terms of us tunds Pound ster jlnsjflanaLamBLll4lr MONTREAL CWThe US dollar was at premium at Hz per cent in terms of Cana dian tunds near noon today Thursday tha noon rate was THOMAS WELLINGTON SMITH 151 Bookworm Street Barrie and native of Listowel dis trict died in Tomato hospi tal Wednesday Death was at tributed to cerebral hem morrhage Mr Smith was injured in tall at his home iive months ago Knocked unconscious he was rushed to hospital in To ronto where he had been pat ient since He regained cun sciousness only short time be tore his death To EARRIE IN 195 Born in Elma Township Dec 15 1910 hewas son of Mrs and tha lath Adam Smith He rworkodfiasv aficarpentaretherar until movingto Barrie in 1953 Since then he had allowed his trade lnthat city He was self employed Mr Smith was member of the United Church and Trow tigédge Loyal Orange Lodge No On April 25 1934 he married Bernice Qulpp at Listowei She Bertol Sault Ste Marie and David Allan Smith of Barrie four daughters Mrs Neil Graham invarness Mrs Terry Fern Con Karen and Bonnie all of Harris four brothers William Davld andlrllilber all of his lifwai nd Everett oi Seaiorth one sister Mrs Carl iTootslv Yungblut oi Palmerston and three grandchildren The body is at the Harrison Gibson Funeral Home Main Thomas Wellington Smim held in tho funerallilome and and two dau Jumble oy an Russell at home Gor Jurvives alongW Street West Listowel where service will be conducted by Re UQXdGeSttlplatan nt Saturday memorial service will be conducted by Trowbrldga Lodge on Friday at pm Burial will be in FairvloW Cemetery Lislowei MRS DAVID KIERNAN ALLISTON Special Julia Etta Stephenson widow of the late DavidKmaLdimat Stévenson Memorial Hospitalin Ailiston Sept 10 in her 89th year after sustaining bro ken hip week earlier Born in 1873 daughter of An drew Stephenson and Catherine AndersonatGlencairn sherri ricd David Kiernan over 60 years ago and lived near Mans iield She was member of Marks ficld Presbyterian Churdi and the WomansInstitutef Her eldest son Herman died in World War Three sons don or Baxter Mrs Herman Solomon Bessie or Roscrnont and Gladys of Toronto two brothers Alexfand Roi Sto phenson of Glencairn nine grandchildren and 22 great brother Richv sisters Ellen Dickie Mary Robbins and Jane Dickie predeceased her The funeraiwas held Sept 18 at Mansfield Presbyterian Churds with burial in the ad joining comets charged on two counts of at tempting to procure an abor tion pleaded not guilty to both and the chargeswerc dismiss ed when the Crown failed to produce any evidence Laura Jean Campbell also Members at Barrie Vetorana ssociatlon at World Wars ind ii were given station briefing at RCAF Station Ed gar Wednesday nlght Among Barrie those attending here view ing lniormation coming over outlying radar stationsI are from the left FltLt Bob Cutting Edgar public rela tions otiicor Ewart Whitaker Sector Headquarters mnncunassnfiz announce new Headquarters tor their world famous automobiles 2325 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 82697 You are cordially invited to our new showroom lo Torn Kerr John Kerr Ron Mackie all at Barrie and Group Capt William Hockney Briellng was on operation and background at Ottawa NORAD 7s Juniors were active Lake Dutault the most active trader in the last two days was again Pound sterling nah 1s lo the leader with an 11 am vol air it TODAYS STOCKIEPBICES Compiled by Flynn impunityp St Barrie sea and drive the world renowncdiMercedcsBanz automobiles Each of these superbly handcrafted cars proudly bears the thraépolntod star symbol oirr automotive excellence ior 75 years The disting ulshed MercedasBonz line ranges from the economymodalswDWdFoTSedan and Diesel powered 180 to the handsome highperformance 360 SL Roadster MercedesBenz prices range from $3395 to $12506 Come in scan you are assured of the highest standard of service at your Mercedes Canada rim Yen dealer grade Ontario tandarable 68 gt PRODUCE TORONTO cm Churnivg cream and butterprint prices were reported unchanged today The egg market was weak on Temdllm Vélth other grades sea an medium oiferln murmur unéold dueI to poor demand 3Abt 32 nse eNariv raglfihf role Sign 122 1Corn fig the ledfilhgfigggfflggt oml steel my Dom Tar OIhIWI as minimum aquixitn rum Pacilic rm WWW llCHM grade ES delivered infl re Famous Play Pm 9° cases large 51 medium Gt Likel Qlle NIL 40 mlali 26 Band grades no market nuNLor sr moan Hardeo Farm Rothmana Horns pit Royal Bank Home on RioAlgom HudsonBlybiln Salads snlnlu tlnp Tab in Sin sons Bk olCom AOcil ton nontenderable 611 in light can eeoln all Breweries mm Nu samba trading western rme calinn Cement Inter TorDam Bk ngmlnhm flair c1 lap 13 first recorded Yachtctub orgasm Lab has in Water taut of OWI albumii Gas say hrs PM Dlahc am nonun flatworm Within 361 can Hunky Gimpr newsreaderde Chi uo Hoiiinger 6lllelJlil us KOlbAddison be who in mom Egypt enthuse daily Con Denlsan 10 Lamlqul Roman empire liar ll 33 In Lon LIE Gswirliii 191 maulfurs Tnnoero to harriea Local Radio rive lorries who makes Falcanbrldn 55 Normnul Geno Mine Opemkkl rive moan acnve roolrn Emit gotml vtio enioya good amok Conwclt cm Dulault Marxyarn prefer to roll thclrjown bowJonas Nn yours evenness Remodelling with Ogdena Cigarette lnduetiiala down Liasll up 11 Utilities up Cold storage ma 795mm in TORONTO ITDCRI HANG INDIX gt insomnia on cools down an Maul up REASONABLE harass AN UFACTURER unantan lltlAMNIII mivmarm neceamuons Ann paylhie Nom Canlda payabl Nov an

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