Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1961, p. 4

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Earth Examiner lo Bayflold street Barrierontuio MONDAY ammo 18LPlu OAC Grdduaies Go Into Actual Farming Of The Land VOnlyrthxee percent of the aduates of Ontario Agricultural Corege at civil servants which one graduated into cultural de enorm BAPOAT FROM ILK Commonwealth Trade gt Guarantees Needed ingTSliice 1946 the farm labor force has declined from 1180000 to 075000 in 1900 but there has been no corresponding dro in farm roduction in fact in the patio it sctua Increased by 48 er cent In dustry on the other hand increased productiomhyJLpermm These are some astounding facts for residents of this province Where do the other 97 go Well 25 per cent take government positions mainly in agricultural depart ments and there is great demand as Ontario covers much territory The re mainder become teachers or embark on some other career contemporary sug cats that the time cannot be too far stant when the farceny Don Most motorists are honest decent llkeable citizens that is when they are not behind the wheel of car But for too many became transformed mentally when char ed with aratin motor vehicle May its dc ii an Hyde com lex Mr Someone would not think of eslin postage stamp from his emfiloyers ll but he steals on the road rs Somebody would not think of lifting an articlrfromasho but she is robber on the highway he wide spread theft ranges all the way from petty pilfering to robbery with murder ese are some examples of minor pilfering Stopping over the crosswalks at intersections depriving pedestrians of their right of way and forcing them to walk out into the traffic lane driv ing with rear window obscured dirt or snow which cuts down visib ty on following drivers driving below the speed limit in the passing lane on high waysthus robbin following drivers of some of their goo humor Criminal larceny includes every type of dangerous drivin which threatens other road users wit loss of property healtb and even life OPERA HOUSE BOOKINGS Under The Passing Week in Sat urday Mornin Sept 16 1911 was Barrie is in eed fortunate in having such beautiful and commodlous era house as theatregoers are treate to many fine productions that would oth erwise pass the town by Manager John Powell ad booked the following attrac tions Musical comedy The Cat and The restcom ccess Bab Mine enman Thompsons The Old omestead also the famous Russ ian dancer the Countess de Swlrsk and her great Russian Orchestra The its Squaw The Cowandtfie Moon The Squaw Man Viola Allens great play The White Sister new version Ban croft of The Private Secretary and The Little FrenchrMaidH band concert was also announced for Allandale Gore that Friday night with an entertaining program num er efarmers sit on thefarm We hope that the day of the small family farm is not in the immediateifuture if ever Some experts redict that the in dividual farm will isappear to be re placed by vast tracts owned by large companies and operated at the hi best poakcfflciency Hence the ural experts raduated are potential management ut no matter what mach opcrationlrattained there will always be certain amount of actual work that someone must perform It wanid be distinct loss to our way of life if the small farm should disappear with its highly individualistic pro riot or and the arm wife who form ack hone of ourrurel areas and all the good they dispense By Car Drivers The most wides read offence on the road is space stea Eve driver on the road has the moral an legal right to protect himself in moving traffic fieeplng safe distance from other tr Adriver who keeps correct distance from the car ahead is liable to have his gotective ace stolen someone cut in can be tile irritating but is not serious because he can im mediatel drop back to the correct fol lowing istsnce again But there is lit tle he can do to lessen the affront and unnecessary danger imposed by the tail gating driver who comes up from behind and remains only few feet from his rear bumper Rearend collisions resulting from bunching are so commonplace that man eople seem tovregard them as ine ta le But they are nearly always unnecessary and the result of stupidity or indifference Tailgating is senseless and slows rather than code up the flow of traffic The Outer Safety Lea guerssksiyounotrtrstealthe pro ective space that belongs to the other driver Down pMeinoryJ FLORIDA ORANGES 19 Under Things in General in Barrie Saturday Morning of Sept1 told How 6000000 boxes of Florida oranges are picked packed and shipped Back rior to the bi freeze of 15 years efore the re notion of citrus fruit had from 60 000 boxes in 1884 and 1885 climbedJn dammdummautmr in 18945 Then the big freeze happened and the next season crop was onl 75000 boxes The industigY was practica ly wi ed out but since ha been climbing stea and in 1910 the crop was 700 000 of which about 6000000 were shi ped out of the state Oran es are prac tically untouched ban Every wor ker who handles fruit wears white gloves to prevent any contamination scratching or bruising by fin ernails Every orange is clippe not pu ed and stem left smooth Other Editors Views WORLD YOUTH PROBLEMS St Thomas TimesJournal Youth is still presenting challenge all over the world The western nations complain about the lack of interest shown by youn people in affairs of gov ernment and sist that they do not know howtorvaluelibertyandrappreciate the boon of peace because they have JieyeLknown anything else Only few can remember with an clarity and cer tainly not with convict on the hardships of the last war President Tito of Yugoslavia has the same complaint against the young peo ple of his country Theyme loyal to him so far as he was responsible for re moving the country from the Soviet or bit in 1948 but be is disturbed because the Yugoslav communist Iparty has some how ilostiitsvhnldmn youth The young not seem to remember or ap The Barrie Examiner Authortufl as second alumna11 Post office Dpartment Ottawa puny sunsy and statutory nons excepted muons wanna Pub sum anionr oenuu Mlnlglr MDPHEEBON Managing Ell finances is mamboin Mum nonnnr semen mum Mangar bun tian actually by comer Ido we 153a up gummug mi2 By mail to outfit month v06 yen outlier ads new years Ave recent monthion airst sinnersi nu doorlla Strut Vnscn ver llahars Annotation The cursun run no to Audit Bureau of Circulation in ltchad In tbll 3191 Assoctad Press or omv HOLDIB circulation Mangar imam 0mm so um mm 0mm as Univarli name of tho Canadiln mm Nemyarmu The Canadian Pro exclusive moms to udnfla also the log Elm published tannin sider that ore and privations preciate what theirpartisan fathers did or them Iron Curtain satellites in Eastern Eur have the same com laints Hungary zechoslovakia and Po and are finding that Communist efforts to organize and mould youth have failedtostir the young people from flagrant dislnterestin any bing except the difficult material side of their existence Resentment against the physical load demanded of them for the benefit of the next generation and to siomep ment of their standard of living have made eastern European youthapathetic to the charm of Communism Krusb chevs new ro ram promisesimproVe ments by 19 ut what about the pres ent young generation and the present time It nown that Communist duth or anizations are complaining out not ein bleto attract mem ersriiffilljiipg cop releaving the arms an ng cities looking for jobs although the agricultureindustr is vitally important and in sore need of elp The state of affairs among en la in the Soviet Union more lent to determine Itis known that hooliganism is on the upswingand that western clothes slang and music are soughtafter even with the risk of offend ing the Government There too the long range promises of Khrushchev must seem less exclting when the ngm in twenty sgenerationtvillno longer be young An other will have taken ingtheir place as the young generationwhich will en joy the fruitslof their present hard lab cultr rovelt ma VgSfoN mam MW cent of GAG Emil finery is evolved and what efficiency of MORE ARTTHIEVES OTTAWA REPORT Greedy an Wealth In South America By PATRICK NICHOLSON Whether Canada should join the Organization of American States has long been discussed in government circles here it has been advocated by diplo mats ond visiting statesmen from the Americas for is years but has become more press lng since President Kennedy strongly urged us to join and since the recent Alliance for Progress conference in South America TheflAwoompriss all the Americanexcept Canada The members are USA and Mexico from North America Cuba and eight other small republics from Central America Brazil Argen naJolombla and seven small republics from South America its total population is about 370 million of which oneha1fis in USA The OAS was formed in 1948 to implement the Rio Treaty of 1917 whose signatorr to protect against eg gresslon every state in the West ern hemisphere MAKES PROGRESS last monthoAS nations gath ered for the meeting of the In terAmerican Economic and So sort Punta del Este in the re public of Uruguay Canada was invited to send an observer delegation and we were repre sented by Associate Defence Minister Pierre Sevigny Heath Macquarrle Conservative MP for Queens PEl and several officials The highlight of the meeting was the USAl promise to pro vide $20 billion of public and private capital to assist re source developmenhoveHhe next ten years coupled with lowering of tariff barriers OAS was vividly debated in ParliamenHast week when our two delegates gave reportsfan set Canada thinking DESCRIBES MISERY Hon Pierre Sevlgny painted an eloquent picture of the des perate poverty and backward nessiiiratin America Always hungn in permanent econornlc chaos largely illiterate the pco pie are ready to throw them selves on the mercy of the first person who offers what may look likearimprovedsltfitlfirhie Yufiskth said Hence the success of the do ceitful Castro propaganda and tborlskthat communism may spread to the Latin American mainland He explained to me earlierthat South America poslt sesses immense but undeveloped wealth whilst such wealth as is tangible has been channelled lnto the greedy hands of very few families Hence there is stark con treat betweenh very few people living like multl millionaires andthehugunajority who are housedrlika animals can only live likebnimals and die like anima The liable wealth is sel the ymfigJomusedfor the development of LatinAmerican resources its owners are so scared ofthc po litical and economic instability there that thny invest it in other countriesespecially the dishon est politiclans who want to pro tect their wealth from the angry mob from whom they steal it CAN CANADA HELP 171 America needs cduca tion knowhow and everyday Canadipnvskiilssuch us operat lng banks and finance compan lcseven more thanmoney in all these ways Canada could help Mr Badanai Liberal tuur1atin=AmericanneigimpfisnflWiltrnFituuls Fort William pointed out to Parliament that even our small possible aid in education could be invaluable Christ himself could only teach twelve disciplt lcs he said but that teaching rapidly spread throughout the Roman Empire Tho most important step we could take to help these back word countriesand Mr Mac quorrie endorses Mr Sevlgny on this pointwould be to join the OAS Canada enjoys immense prestige in Latin America There we are hero because we have Ibown that it is possible to live in happiness independ ence and great prosperity beside the US giant without being gob bled up Our alliance with our fellow American states would serve to themas glowing ex ample and welcome counter polse against undue US domi nation within OAS Tbe recent Alliance for Pro gress eting showed that OAS is new more than mere military pact the world leans towards regional economic and sociological groupings which are not mutually exclusive Canada could well now heed Mr Se vlgnys advice that Our fete will be better one lf the fate of is also better one QUEENS PARK Iest Supposin On the popular sublect of vittles Supposed to be all beer and skittles We really dont know How skittle games go But are right there when playin with vittles BUY PAINTINGS OTTAWA CPThe National Gallery today announced it has bought number of important Canadian art works included ee paintings by the contemp orary Montreal artists MarcAw rele lortln Alfred Pollen Jacques de Tonnancourt and Al bert Dumouchei and the late Mary Bouchnrd screamsm noon Icahn EIIIIM Correspondent For Barrie Examiner MNDON Whila no auction to Britains application to join the Ehiropean Cannon Market will be was anh thin can be Jail WWW been that these will result in group The idols of the Brill goverth have been fairly clearly defined mulre that before joining the Cannon erket there must be guarant cos that the position of Com monwealth trade agreement Ilflculiurc will be protected and that consideration will be given to the status pf Britain Is member of the Diropnn Free Trade Association If concession of this kind were granted to Britain this would involve some fairly radi cal amendments to the Treaty of Rome From correspondent in Bnissela at Common Market Headquarters learn that the officials of the ECM there Ire not favorably disposed to any departure from that treaty DEDICATED cannons Last year when spent three days of indoctrination at Com mon Market Headquarters in Brussels described these of ficials as group of dedicated and fanatical Common Market zealots steeped in the principles of The Treaty of Home To them it is their bible They would not willln see wor of it changed Professor Walter Hallstain chairman of the Common Mar ket Commission has said this in qulte recent pronouncements in one of them he stated that any country which wished to join the Common Market as full member must accept the Treaty of Rome as it stands with the alternative of becoming an as sociate member But wishes tonegotiate for full membership and sees no hence it in becoming merely an as sedate member under Article 238 of the treaty TERMS FOR ENTRY My informant in Brussels tells me that the officials at ECM headquarters are now discussing some proposals for the entry of new nations into the group if thue proposals should be adopt ed they would add greatly to the difficulties of Britainl no gotialions warding entry Into the Common Market niese proposalc deal with of membership in the ECM in on th Brl on The first is that anyL new up pileat must be capable of co operatlng fully with the Si in the military and political spher niey mustealso join the Coal and Steel Community and This might cause some diffi culty for Britain which might not want to become involved in the Colland Steel Community and Wald certalnlaky have some reservl oas tom soothe litical aspects of membership The wound proposal is that the economy of any African cmmtry is so backward to be likely to hold back economic progress of the Six this would prevent it becoming full mem fiberrihimvfcame have any application to the Un ited Kingdom THE KEY PROPOSAL The key proposal of the three however says that full mem bers Llha whole of the irlcsty of home with ew mnor exceptions and additions mode to the from since it was signed This is Halistein doctrine pure and simple in fact if Britain is to be granted the concessions desired concerning the Com monwealth agriculture and the EMA subs changes would be required in the Treaty of Rome The way of the British ncgw tiators therefore is not going to be any rosestrcwn path to success when they meet with representatives of the six Com mon Market countries It should be stressed hoan er that these proposals come from ECM officials and not from the governments of the six countries And it may well be that these officials will be overrid do by these govern ments and by the ECM council of ministers when it comes to writing terms on which Britain could join the Common Market gt Roots Of Cold War Lie In 1917 ReVolution By DOUG MARSHALL LONDON CWThe Berlin crisis poses some fundamental qut ions about the whole his tory and meaning of the East West conflict How and why did thercoldwar start and when if ever will it end In approaching these prob lems We stern commentators generally divide themselves mto two camps One side takes the view that the Soviet Union is so intrinsic streyed Tells How To Scare The TouriSisAway DON OHEARN TORONTO And we want tourists cr is nearlyover And as usual we look back on those holidaying incidents which have rankled You know them You have run into them too cNn ram There was going north on the main line of the ONE Goinglnto Capreol the train was two hours late Afterwalting there an hour bafilflbvlflfi we may be dont know your guess is as good as mine Its terse and not particu larly iriendly reply Coming back we are only bit better than an hour late notorious breakers of rules of the road and it should be noted not members of the Auto motive Transport Association They stay tailgated for miles ahead The limit on the road is 50 They get up to 60 And then ontbe hills get down to is Nobody can pass them EXCEED LIMIT Then one races by the other two He did more than 70 to pass and in noltpsssing zone And bescoots ahead still at 70 This carries on for 40 miles And all the way not police car is in sight In 10 trips on number this summer not police car has been in sight And we want tourists Again the question and the reply dont know as good as mine The conductor was different but the words were exactly the same soar FALL There was night at Niagara Falls in probably the Countrys most pu zed hotel The car is left overnight in the hotel parking lot In the morning itll covered thick with black soot You ask the man on the lot Is this from th hotel it Yes he says your gum is Yestoo had we want tourists TRUCK TALE Number is one of the main highways west out of Toronto It is two lanes most of the way It is heavily travelled by trucks At gilt there are three trucks tailgated each within EeLfifhttjlhin They are dump trucks The AskRemoval Oi Patronage MONTREAL CHThe Que bec ed tion of Catholic School Commissions Saturday asked the cial govem ment to work towards removing all aspects of political patron age from education The resolution on patronage was one of number that 1100 delegates to the federations an loo hfldimFWcnmm Passed at the closing session The resolution will form the basis of the feder atlons annual brief to the prov in Specific patronage problems were not mentioned But the resolution said the aim should be to do away once god for all with influences outsidethe com missions more intoreslcd in pro Iecting friends than promoting education The other believes the confict has developed out of mutual misunderstanding or is some how the fault of the Western el lies and can be resolved by more sympathetic approach on our part Both these views are chal lenged in new book by Ameri can historian and diplomat George Kcnnancln Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin he argues that the cold able struggle that cannotwbe ended by any single set of cour age or appeasement former United States am bassador in Moscow chnan is the author of thrlifi policy formcd in 157 for contalm ing Soviet powerwln 1957 he delivered the Keith Lectures for th BBC advocating contro versial olicy of disengagement in Europe Ksnnan says the world is liv NMHJNG ABSOLUTE ing in 11 age clouded by moral and political ambiguities an international life in which there is ntblng absolute in itself life in which there is no friend ship without antagonism no em mlty without some rudimentary co unity of interest The roots of the cold war so back to 1917 says Kennan when the Russian revolution gave birth to world power dedi cated to the total destruction of its neighbors way of life The cold war all its aspects nrcly an expression of this purpose This theory denies that an act or series of acts by the West is rcsj lslble for the conflict From the start the Soviet Union was an outlaw state which to tally rejected bourgeois non ceptl of morality democracy and the ideal of concert of nations Western leaders in con fused and vaclilsting way have tended to oppose the Russian rulerc for what they did The Communists who make no dis tinction between fascist re gime and democracyphave hated Western governments for what they are What can be the result Ken nan says that war has never beenthe path by which Russia has sought to gain her lon term goal During the 15174 period her shortterm policies were dictated by the interna tional facts of life Mr tE ro LOSE Kennan implies that the Rus sia of todaypowerful selfcon fident and master of the space agehas moreto lose by war than ever before The Soviet Communist party realizes as clearly as the West that any nu clear conflict would be lost by both sides Buthowoanwcwinintbe longterm struggle Part of the answer suggests Kennsn may lie in the advent of Communist China as Russias ideological ally but natural and historical enemy that many of the points of con flict re fundamental and insol uble piolt these contradictions pen haps by recognizing Outer Mon golia and admitting China to the Uniwd Nations Kennan thinks the West could tempt Russia to learnnoreto itsside Finally he says there is need on the part of the We particularly the United stat to put away childish things Among the first to so should be self ideallzation and the search for absolute in world at fairs Explorers Deny Wanted Oi Danger RIO DE JANEIRO Reuters lpvo explorers from Britainriw nied Saturday that they had been warned of danger in the remote jungle area of Brazil where their 26year old com sanlon was seeds dians Canadian born John Hem ming 26 and Christopher Lam bert 25 saidhey were told therewas no danger from in disns in the region between Peru and Mann Grease states where Richard Mason was killed nearly two weeks ago Hemming and Lambert made their statements at press con ference after Masons funeral at the British cemetery here After barrage of questions Hem mlnga father LtColHJl old Hamming ended the inte view saying These boys have just buric their friendAWhaHtthlsueon oneris inquest an interview Col Hamming native of Elbrontoand graduate of Me Gill University in Montreal was banking financial author ity on mining before becoming chairman of the board of the Municipal Journal Limtted in London BlBLl THOUGHT Comfort ye comfort yo my people said your oohmiss 401 Our greatest need is the com fort God can give Those who know that comfort should share it with others tennedconditlonl mot

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