71 the ground and manyï¬ï¬ up thissweater set isa very Most of the people know including myself have very little time to spend over hot stove in the tchen preparing some of the exotic recipes which often appear in magazines and newspapers They are nice to read about indeed to prepare it you had the time on may even painstakingly cut it out and put itaway for future reference that is if you ever find the time Therefore most of the recipes shall pass on toyou through this column Will be red es Speaker Tells 0i louméy To ear Thaw it September of Burton the personals committee re ported that had been purchased and some The two mopa of theWA are catering to twd weddings and dinner this month yvhichl have found torberthevbackbonemfgoodtea incur home If any of my readers have favorite realize the are particularly fond of please let me know beTnly too happy to use it andvpassit on to my other readers HARVEST TIME With the abundant harvest of eaches now on the market prices are reasonable 59 this crop of fresh fruit is available and inexpensnve and it wont be for long put them togood use Sliced peaches with fresh cream and little sugar makes an ideal dessert For the calorie conscious eaches are easy on your calorie budget They are delie ibus as snack eaten like you would an ap le since peach juice lï¬ges stair lour ap that oufci renrnigh ean readies can be cut up along With or fresh fruits available now and use iin fresll fruit cup They go well in lo or si own ca edin synlip for 355 later in the winter or fast frozen In slightly different form make tasty spread for toast of zest to icevcream PEACH CONSERVE basket of peaches quart Cu sugar Bo ac es ofvan nounAdd juiceof lemonand the slicedyveryzzthin nandu uartered and one medium sized bottle of cherriesmu inhalf Boil until quite thick about another lï¬hourlottlel SCHOOL LUNCHES It wont be may ona sandwich and mid of sending lunches to schoolwithgthechiidren Here are just few things to keep in mind Use good protein could be meat ns egg cheese or poultry Add some vegetable and someAfruitinseasonr Carrot sticks celery radishes or green pa per nngs will all keep fresh and crisp if wrapped in um inum foil Oranges apples grapes and dried fruit such as apricots prunes and raisins are never outof season so they can be counted on as lunch possrbihtiesali year round Milkis very important part of any nourishing lunch for any schoolrstudent The Child may be able to purchase itlat school or it could be used in cream soup and packed in themes If you plan your lunch menus aheadof tune you will alwa in the housewhen you need em The ingredientsican be assembled the night he niorning to put Most mothers know have children whose taste runs to peanut butter and that is about as far as it runs tiepeanu arve With some youngsters so ou mightas well cater to their likes its better to have his stomachlfullof peanut butter than empty because he doesnt like cheese or salmon or tuna or chicken just peanut butter Even dry old peanut butter can be spruced up with few different partners Jam honey or marmalade go well on peanut butter VPieces of thinly sliced bananas make delicious change is adding thingsii opped onions pickle let tucé chopped celery to many of your everydaysand wic you can give them that bit of extra ness your family will appreciate so much would can assume nd lplenty Sofiit this tasty gobd Mrs army was in charge of the devotionaL Shs read from the 119th Psalm and Tribute to the Miss Edithe Green of Thom tonwaaspeakcr and told of her trip to the Near East She spoke of the political tension the refugee camps and the In regard toths problems of the Near East and also about the Biblical places she visited clothing wou adviser They cambeebot peaches in conserve gt washing machine Bxpnugllcgshoois ward us has share of new teachers this bove are three of the five new teachers on stair Left Miss Frances Dermott oI Alliston Is the new grade one teacher Mias Bennett is graduate of Lakeshore Teas XAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 13 IMP4 1AISERT£MBERMssnro Collier Street United IStudy Book Theme The opening meeting afterthe summer recess of Collier St United Afternoon Auxiliary of the WMS was haldFridoy in the nday School room The lad 1es were welcomed by Mrs Savage and Mrs Scott Mrs Nell MacDonald wash the chhir and Mrs MacGregor was recording secretary in place of Mrs Sam Steele who was absent on holiday Minutes from the June meet wero read and worthwhile reports from the secretaries of departments and the treasurer Regrets were expressed that the literature secretary Mrs Stir ling was leaving town The de partment will be Mrs iair The devotional period was is by Mrs Bert Robertson Jesu said Where two or three are gathered together inMy name glue hind élh thgingdstfl Mrs rayrea pure esson taken from Corinthians chew ter 13 andrled inprayer Robertson read lovely in tation closing with the Lords prayer dget in thiéngrden was sung Mrs Ja amsaynn Mrs Alvin Robinson accompam led by Mrs Chisho study book This year the theme is Churches forAN Times using study book nals for the Sixties written Marjorie Oliver and Ron Ken yon wellvknown Canadian writ era The study is planned to help members learn something more about the surging tides of chang that sweepingfovertbes ofCannda today duster rapidly as changes are affect ing other parts of the world For the book that is compen JSignaia of the Sixties thellnited Church has commis THE STARS SAY HI ESTRELLITA non aomonnow Planetary aspects now stress tact in family and social circles Dont invite needless friction Duringthe PM there is strong possibility that you will hear an unusual bit ofrnewa posslny from distance FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrowia your birthday gt your horoscope indicates that PERFECT romiiwsarnra blouse is beautiful needle point knit Its matching jack et hearslittle pocketthree quarter sleeves and cardi gan neckline Both are de tailed with unusual velvet braidtrimJ With the fall season coming Itisnseti rn together or as sep The ssleevelessoverc fornthe next twelve months the celestial spotlight will shineon wur personal relationships Excelpt nt Where finances are concerned stick to conservative lineses pecially from now until early December Do not indulge in extravagch scinliy in No taken over by lt17 male hearts or brief periodin distinction award incl give every man sinned Jessie tBeatiy ariother Canadian writer to write flfaa ten the Day whiclria group ofllo humandnterestmtoriesget in our own country each one telling of waanwhich our United Church is speakin Jig the needs andiltudtfonsvo eso newtlmea When it is snidthat church is the hub of its community there is real meaning in the word Nonchurch groups such as safety councils libraries clubs of various kinds as well as teenagers and youth groups very often have been started by active church members in the community Thechurch is essential to ahappy heaitby community life permanent force in thecommuni wise tho church must have voice in the nations life Summer work For Winter Fun Calgary CF bronzed hemen lifeguards who used to make young feminine hearts flutter are thing of the in Calgary Pelt prett 1e mvflï¬ï¬m their place and are making flip In Calgarys three major pools the girls hold sway with only occasional trouble from frisky teenaged and smitten Nineteen year old Shirley aiker is Ltha money warnedTEom her summer in the sun as surname of goingto Toronto to enroll for two years course rinjdentalwbyglene She last year completed her first year of arts and sciences at the University of British Columbia Myrna Reimer 21isnt sure Wll she is going to do after the clouds roll inand the snow flies She has just completed her second year at Mountain View Bible College in her home town of Didsbury Alta But wintertime Sust Wells 19 of New Zea land her earnings ear trip to England algaryand the Bowview Pool are only brief wageearoing preparation for her tour to Europe All are fullynmalifiedforutheir Yyrna and Shirley with stenographer jobs RedCsoss medals andSusan asa wind of the Royal LifesavingSociety and Mrs Fairfax Tot MrJndJMrsrL Dan 10 Mrs Dunko Hracebridge Mr and MilWHEE Rodway and daughter Ga Toronto spent the weekend with Charles Bowdery Cbannen is spending this week with friends ini Montreal Mrs Coleman and Larry of Beetonspent Saturday with vernber and no matter how rosy theoutlook avoid specula tion of any kind St your budget This also applies to next Marchvand April In this way you will find your mone tary status highly improved dur ing this next year in your life creative nature should advance splendidly dur iog vthefirst abs months of 1962 child born on this day will be extremely sincerediiigent and reliable Mr and MranL Dangio Mr endMra Brown audt oys spent Sand WittlMt suits and to oat st ronza life saving DC spentSunday WithiMr and tr memo Kine rowan saloon chera College Centre Mrs SchneidenJa new resldcnt of Barrie Mrs Schneiderltaught at Wasaga Beach beforsacceptlng posl nat King Edward School where she is teaching grade one She is graduate of Tomato Teachers College Mrs Elizabeth lilcEvoy Van PEOPLEAND BIACESe Ontario Municide Association Oievgeneral social oty and distri rrnivensnrlel ties birthdays coming of age wiirliés visitrs andrirsfl vcllersiero Iil itemavoi ï¬lth omen of this page Your help in supplying ibis newswlll be greatly nppreclntéd ENGINEERING COURSE John Goodfellow has com menced threeyear course in civil engineering at Rycrson institute of Te nology at To mato Johnis ssonof Mr and Mrs Ward Goodieliow Edgehill Drive wen AT anusMN Knox Presbyterian Church Aliistonrwasgthe settingfor the marriage of Miss Gloria Hurst and CuffordLeggett Sept9 WESTERN Vlsrron Mr and Mrs Thomas Me Kenzie Sunnidale Road have as guest Mrs Ella Harper of Neepawa Manitoba VISIT SALT LAKE CITY Mayor Willard Kinzie and MrsKinzie Shanty Bay Road left the city last Friday enroute toSalt Lake City Utah where they attended seminar and birthday party for Colonel Sans ders While in Salt Lake City they visited tho Mormon Tem pie and attended the broadcast of the Mormon choir The mayor and Barriesiirst lady returned to the city vial jet air liner Monday in mayor to make belated trance vto fhecity comm ing in the evening CONVENTION AT WINDSOR Mr and Mrs Queen Street motored to Wind sor where time forrthe Walter Glgg 15 Mr Giggattended il Manicde ii couver Street grade three Evcys first year to teach After graduating from To ronto Teachers College she took time of to let married Mrs McEvoy is the former Betty Steffo daughter of Mr and Mrs Stafford Nelson Street Mrs Corbett Hosts LA To Lions Club The opening meeting of the Ladlea Auxiiiarytolhe Lions Club of Burris wesbeld in the form of dessert party at the home of hire Clarence Corbett Highland Avenue Mrs Bruce French president admired the business session Embers decided to continue to maintain two rooms in the new wing of Royal Victorin iiospitai The president reported on the Lions Club convention which she Attended in Kingston hlrs Harold Forster accompanied lira French to the convcntion Tho social committee mem bcrs are making plans for the clubs 25m charter night to be celebrated at dinner meeting at Bnyslairs lodge Minetl Point Sept The convention was held at tho Clonry auditorium Mrs Gigg visited with friends in the city VHOLIDAY INJJASSAU 7W Miss treet Miss Doris Thurlow Codrington StrEet and Mrs Joan long of Bracebrldga will leave the city Friday for two weeks holiday in Nassau The trio will be guests at the Dol phinHotcl Mrs Martin lorsyih and son flurry of Slmcoe are guests at thehome of the formera par ents Mr ondMra Charles Ball Dunlap Street West MOTOR TRIP Mr and Mrs McFad den William street nndgMn anodeMrsRnlphL gdon of Wasnga Beach have returned from motor trip to Napanee where they attended the son wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Fredheli on Sept En routc home thequartet visited with Mr an Mrs McFaddenl soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Jim Feltis of Oshawa rand Mr and Mrs George Gil more of Iloronto Mr and Mrs Selï¬is are former Barriercsl en DINNER PARTY Mr and Mrs atrbngentertalned 30 guests at or er party at Miss Gwen Fifea home Saturday evening on the occaslon of their 40th wedding anniversary Outof city guests included Dr and ii Armstrong Niagara an George Harry Arm inson inald Blackstonk Mrs Carson and Misses Jess and don Lencelo all of Tomato Mrs Reginald Godden of Ham tanSerjenn DfOril Englishmen sneer At Mens LONDON CP Fashion for men Ridiculous shorts thcav erage English climbing comfortably into his old sports jacket with the leather patch elbows As for the idea of womens dress designer dictat ing the line ofhls town suit or tuxedo But in London monday rows ale reporters Queens dress Hardy Amies present his first collection for mens tali oring firm and prejudices be gen crlunbllng ingimpact of what Amies calls the British line Amies one of Britains top it designers feels the welldressed Englishman is still admired the world over HLtendsto tothe omfamiiier wears his clothes well echon of couture but he The col designed out to elegance of British custoirr tailoring wdthinthe reach of all nvnnv MAN ANhrnnnrn The British line aims to to basics athletic figure with of aGuardabearing ttapers flatteringly from shoulders to onser hottomsl measuringno more thn 17 inches The emphasis is on closeflt ousars shouldba like sec undethhe flatter hions said the master of ceremonies But suit jackets mostly sin glebreasted have an American inspired semidrape back and the jauuty topcoats all knee lengthswing freehn The tight waistcd starchy look that visit ors associate with BdUahJailor hrghas gone Women who complain that mens rciothesJare always dull should see Amiea bold checks in blue and black or chestnut ack andwhita bl NOW Anso annvmc banana AND DISTRICT for appointment call ond skinthose oldl flanlt neis for leisure wear gitr out Brown Mr and Mrs Collinsvand iiamrly Augusucalled non and Mr Collins onSundny Miss Euth Channen is teachv school in Paul Chnnnen is vteaching in Oakvale Mr andltMrs Collinstewl lart and daughter Carol span the weekend at Niagara iFail andyBrantfordl Scnrborough nnd by PAM6551 MORE DISNEYKlNS TO COMPLETE YOUR SET Foryour shopping pleasure SUSSMANS CHARGE ACCOUNT aoeasy toopenso convenient to use