Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1961, p. 4

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Earth ifixfifitifirr Published by Canadian Newspapers united 16 Buffalo emu Barrie Ontario WEDNESDAY 53 ll 19 Pnn F311 Fair Time Is Chtince For RuralUrban rMinigling It II Fair Time sin in Simcoe 8orlds Fair In 11 than 100 eratlon and still years In continuous fshows one ofthe finest Ontalio Barrie Exhibition gets underway to marrow but the bi days are Friday andSaturday This IaCIass fair in the province and one of the best ter medithe show window of Simcoe oun contributed largelyto the of the Barrie Fair isover 100 years old too The fair area now occupiedby the CGE works and the arenaTbe grounds were sold in 1945endvihe new pro erty acquired in the present location of Essa Road in the rAliandalersectorobthe city The fair Eeoflebravelystarted off there with no ui dings using tents for exhibits But over 15 years there has been built the fairs remain Eophlgl ifiwontitliLipreséht mainbuilding which aisohap ialtthh cfinging ha its and tastes have reduced the number by elmostloo in the last 54 ears lhisyearzfiniairs arebe ing hel and it is safe to say that Barrie ranks well up in the top 50 Reason for classification under the leiyearold Ontario Agricultural Socie ties Act is the prize list fair classed as of course includes the CNEiandr such big fairs as those held annually at Ottawa and Londo fairs must fire moneyBarIlfiives out somewhat excess of that amount Allan Brown is the president this year but the man behind the show as for many years is Bill Malcomson the fair manager who is deserving of much credit for having pens tobe the curlln club in winter tlm There are adeqra Iivestockbhiid lngrandiorse barns now and one of the finest race tracks in the province has been developed ounds used 10 be located in Fall iairshave adoubla meaning First they provide an opportunity for the ulturists to display their sea son roducisrcompete alryforthe prize money and the troph ies and local commercial people to show eofrvisitors friendly rivr who comefrom other areas Second the fall fair provides meeting place for peopleof the city to mingle with their armorvfrlends have chat or just plain smileand say hello there Seeyou at the Fair if carrINe use Getting Rid Offifitter Accordin to report from Ottawa federal au critics are considering dis osing some of its huge butter sur lus the baking industry at price hat might even be below cost The report states that as of July the government had 119500000 ounds of creams butter in store ought up under government pr ce support program It also had another 27700000 ounds 9L butter oil converted from its natural state by new process The surplus has come about because the government subsidy has held the retail price of butter far above that of butter substitutes Andbecause of the high cost of living morethan anything else the average person will choose the more economically priced article no mat terwhether he would prefer the more ex ensive one or not ndoubtedly the government would be he py to dIspose of themajor part of its utter stoc storage and store ecosts over and above the amount psi for unsoldstocks on store shelves Other Edit sandbe rid ofbutter But as the Woodstock SentinelRe view asks if it is to consider giving it to the baking industry at re uced rate and haseven been in consultation with representativesof the baking industry wh has it not iven some consideration to hagreatest aker of them all the modern housewife There may be arguments in favor of continued price sup ort for butter but theconsistentlyhlg su lus in storage would seem to sug est at some other method is better airy interests have tried to draw attention to the more fav orable points in butter and at times they appear to have made an impression The continuedSu lus however would indi cate that this as not lasted long enough under the pressure of continued arti flcal high pric Beforethe Canadian public has lost its taste for butter altogether the matter ofbutter consum tiomvshould besthor oughly reviewed iotests ainst chang New DeepFreeze7 Heart Operation by MlllclNTYRE noon For The Barrie Examiner Hospital In London have pen fected new deepfreeze tech nique in heart operations and have reported remarkable sue case with ltAs result of this succesS stopped in art surgery has once again become possible and practicable previous technique in which the heartwas stopped by the use of chemical injections was abandoned by the surgeons when it was fonndtha it left sump ing the status quogbygalry uteruwareg muscle darn Kg not enough grs Views In the new type of operation the detailsoiwhlch are given in the latest lssuefof The Lan net the heart is surrounded by crushed ice which bringth to standstill for long periods OURBELDVEDFRIEND Financial Post Over four million Canadians one in every four or five of our total population are now receiving re ular cheques omgoodroldrbountifu ttaWa These regular handouts of various kinds amount to about $15 billion year and dont even include the fiey cheques forthe hundreds o£ltthousan of people iiirelctly employed by governments at all eve The family allowance now rovides more than 26 million mothers th $523 million year Some 900900 Canadiansare now get ting old age pensions with $607million ver 187000 veterans and their de pendents are collecting $217 million at nually Sgecial assistance to the blind the disa led the unemployed unemployables and to those 6569 yearsofagrand in need means another 409000 regular che ques amounting to $97 million year Over and above those direct handouts arescores of helps aids props and com forts for the citizenry Health grants and hos ital insurance forexamp will cost the ederal govern ment alone over $317 million in 196162 Other special federal grants and sub sidies of Infinite variety willlcome to $388 million this gearhwith 84 million alone earmarked or the faithful farm ert As well as subsidizing wide range of people and industries government is also deeply intobusiness efiTpnFfifi its Own hook ttawaalonehas $35Joillion worth in loans outstanding to crown corporations And it still pays another $250 million year to help outwithgrunning expenses for these nauonalizedv businesses EThe Barrie Examiner Authorised second oiue mail Port Ollie Dflfllmmh Ottawa Dally Sundays and Statutory sinusy excepted mare warms Publisher em seasons General Manager MnPEERION Managing Editor cnanaaan wanna Easiness Mener Inoarmr amine Ad ntltlld to ttuahld In this MI ubilsbd Thlcurl Pro II cullsiv ll or uglubliflluun of lll we great In ted to it or Th nd the Iotll homes WRONG RELIGION Peterborough Examiner fouryearold Catholic be who was to be taken from his Protes ant foster parents in North 13st is to sta hem little ion er owever does not mean that ey will be allowed to moan So far so operations using the new technique have been carried out at Guys hospital These hevebeen operations on atieats with holes in thLiJ saris with blocked heart val ves and otherdefects All were adopt the child formally Unless legislaffikmefigagg Kiwi 23 tion is chenged in fact the foster par ents will never be allowed to adopt the child because its mother was Catholic and theyareBrotestantsThe child has beeniwith his foster parents since he was 10 days old Since then ofcourse he has grown to look upon them as his it was restarted The new technique was devis ed by South Africanborn sur geon Donald Ross He and his team of assistants used itfirst to relieve blockages in the main valve leading out of the heart Now theyirefilngites ran as mother and father and theyhlook uponipractlcrin many heart cases him as their son Removing child from such home would surely be monstrous under any circumstances The legislation that forbids the plac ing of Catholic children in Protestant lersakanrelguaauever intended to make disturbed children out of happy infants If the law is intended to prevent such adoptions no matter whatextenuatin circumstances apply then temporay pacements in homes of thefwrong religion should also be for bidden iiiprevent attachments formedand then forcibly broken The legislation assumes that the chi of Catlrottc or Protestant arents ha brandupon it It cannot parents ofearIothereligionmcase they should love it and care for its eternal damnation by takin to th wrong church Black babies brown babies and whiteibabiescan be placed in homes indifferent colour however with the approval of the law yet surelythe problems these children would encoun er wouldbezfar more complicated TWISTING TACTICS Austrahan ArmLJournalL Percentages by themselves accurate the behcanhei aid that Britl cértainfamous regimen which was sent to Africa 25 per cent of to return whereas 100 per cent of the etotallersueturned safely It turned out however that there was only one regiment teetotalle fn aphi ally Spea Hav Ayoueverale tunder the stars sports writer es indeed thous ands of veen exposed to EDSUIB times with ceiling and and with success The ice used is frozen salt wateL whicheviHrepered plastic drums The surgeons also use heartlung machine to keep the body circulation gohi while the heart is1t11tanIF still The article lnThe Lan feltI esthe details of how it First the blood circulated in the body through the hearblung machine is cooled down by pas sing it through cold solution Then the cnished ice is placed around the hesrtrwhich stops beating within about minute The heart cab be kept at standstill for anythingrup to an hour by replenishing ice Its temperature drops as de Studying Question Joining on QiiAWA CPlThe overn ment still is studying the ques tion of whether Canada should join the Organiz Am ican fitates inister those who drank alcoholic liquors failed have opp tunity to dehetevCanadas menI bership III organization when the government reached decl The spyernment is moving ra pidly to strengthen ties withlhe Latin American countries he said An agreement will he signed Saturdisy acredltingjanW adas ambassadorto Mexico to Guatemala as well This left El Salvador as the onl Latin American countr ut Canodlan reprEScnta TO REPORT FROM UK grccs Fahrenheit which tendon England Correspondent degreerhelownormal To lresturt the rt clamps which separate it idem LONDON surgeons man the main bloodstream are row leased and warm blood allowed REMEMBERi ITIIVeLBerIie Public Utilities Commission is owned HY rhe citizens ofBeIr uyigh HYDROAT cost hon Club Carries Out Worthy Project It was fruiting to listen to roceedings at this weeks meets fill of Barrie city council First the air conditioning was working which meant the coun dicharnber was much pleas bers at the various clubs hold cancelweek meetings when they dine well andeoo em with one another in axed manner Bot eechand every club has enter place mmgmgmm more guussmaior carhi city halloirridor and the out warm carriedonln ed manner which In keeping with the re both the members and people In the audience at the end of nigged day Wellhdfllhem Oneal the high of the meeting In ourop nion wu the presentation by Ne bltt member of the Barrie Hons Club Mr Nesbltt was not the usual type of visitor to the chamber Hawss in at tendance to tellwhst the club TELL FRIEND FROijFOE lest Supposin Jest supposln the family cook Did nothln sat reudin book Death bystarvlng they any is tough sorta way Eolk would comment We cant fibeat to look GVWIl togcirculate through it This starts the heart beating normal ly again ths In the article in The Lan cet Mr Ross says that oper ating conditions inside the deep freeze heart have been ideal fUtilitie public had done foJlnance and bull handsome new outdoor swim ming pool and to outline its plans to complete payment SEEKS SUPPORT Mr Nesblit did ask for mom ey but not from the city He simply oppeglgd fogrthajorporn ailons inoral support of Lhe ciubd request for $5000 grant from thcprovlnce which should aseaJnatteLnLcouru as to puhlic service of this nature This is modest request In deed when one compares the amount with the total sum ralsedbylhe Lions Club mem bers through their own efforts and with thewholehcnrted sup port of the public The preblt able cost of the prefect accord Ing to Mr Nesbltt $75000 of which the biggest portion has already bceavpaid The club has got city grant for$4200 and it is expecting to receive the $5000 from the province The club has two accounts in bank totalling 38232 it will use all this money for the pool and will carry on with its cam palgn for funds to raisewhat ever balance is needed This he public service of the highest order its indicative of the part played braervica clubs generallyln their efforts to carry out worthwhile pro Ujecis It most certainly under lines the factthat they are not dinner clubs alone True memlt will be no its eviery in stance funds raised by various means are used for pubUc good Like the publicpogi project of the Lions Club for example xtho protect ln this community which help to make life happier for the very young and the very old who cant help themselves and or the community large cuicxrm on see Whatsmnes iirstthILchlckhh or the This saying came to mind during the dis cusslon on proposals for new fire truck The question is this should an addition he built to accommodate new truck or truck be purchased to enspecillc addition Apparently there is some can fusion on thetune our own thought is th thercity should work well and build whatever addiilon is needed PerhanlexailsiheJden behind Alderman Herseys thinking but there was some doubt in Alderman Roberts mind as to the ultimate intention in fact we weresomswhot in line with Mr Roberts thinking There does not seem to be much doubt as to the need of new truck The volunteers who guard our city so well should have the best available equlpment within the ability of the city to pay If the snorkel type of tnick Is the best for this city then lets not delay unduly BIBLE THOUGHT Stir up the Kl of God which Is in thee ll Timothy ixe We all have gifts God gave them And He rightfully expects that they should be used to His Commission CTR PM RA OVER am ELECTRIC FLAT RATE WATERHEATERS ARE INSTALLED INBARRIE HOMES SMALL FAMILY on LARGE FAMHTWEHAWHEAT sire MET OUR REQUIREMENTS SAEE0LEhNMODERN romances FhAMELESS rephrase No mgrsrnanou nuances no saavic omens YOU PAY ohm roe run FLAT am ENERGY lJSED DEPENDING 0N run SIZE or nearest you scourge comer roux PRESENT ran maman we SUPPLTMthPMENT In LABOUR pflmflmndnmsrwhmustnyfi themhoreholders your commissions moi RANGE some on save TANK nan by interest is to Vcontinueto supplyl YQULb commissionIshareholder FOR FURTHERINFCRMATICN CONTACTITHEIREJ BLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONDEERE I5gtBAYFIELD STREET0RTELEPHONE PARKWAY 645634

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