DARRLE rAin ONLY Dougie FAIRDAYS sunk coMErNssernm DIESEL TRACTOR WISA MOWERr AT ARE rues coeksnurr We MENrrs BEINéTQTUKEDiATVSPECIALLY REDUCED hfldï¬s COMPARE BUY AND SAVE NOV 340 HAY countricher 0616 WAGON MANURESPREADER canted cigarette Ano her mi litiarnan standing be the ritSati zit Mexico and Co in Political fugees Wlinfliba Scattered Foreign Embassies HAVANA Reuters The blueshirted militiamen grinned as he pushed pad of cigaret t5 through theeh fence 0n the other si man in white open ee and lawn slacks first playfully lift andpainted it at in yo man no he nailed so edon Paredon me wall and althou man was joking week previously the skirted youth stood get of lacinga squad Today the chain for him and 96 co guarantee of sat them sought ml the secret police or re running up thousand oi the abortive rebel invasion in Thiz provided hathAmericana took rel ernbau other made it obiigalory governments ta ta teIsaiec conduct to enable rdugeu MET DELAYS About the time of at least tout emba vana those othrg ulonsly inure than one embassy had refugees sleeping even on the stairsdwlhey are maintained at apenaeni each Modem few Mugea tine advantage of the Brazilian Exp hassys spacious lawn Else wheretheycanbe on Pole Will Protest Deportation Order MONTREAL 09 An Im migration ment hoard Monday ordered Polish Seaman Francis Tobiasa departed but thedeck flicerfe lawyerimme diate appealed Tobiaswho deserted tho Polish liner Bakery here Friday tour hourg before it sailed will remain at theimmigration de partment station here until the appeal is The 25yearold lpent most of the day telling hll aim harem me am ennuien women seer oiher1$ 1d entice sis noon CmAppointment inf hulamï¬hmarl as peake tanshigh commissioner to 13 unique forhvo hrothan neither as then career diele mats to represent their noun try at the same timem Wash ington and Ottawa The Telegaph notes two other points in common both men are good economists and both aw ballrorn dams mg as retreation Amndirmivs ounces mosoowi AmThe Commur Hist Warsaw Pactnations an fences because at whapmy tailed steme militaryprep araï¬ona by the North Auanngw heaty organization NATO Wéévhvjs Egan so why norcombine visit to ese fair ith yisii toSnunohs TBreonfliï¬ Wendie ful Arsehlecti at very latest LFaIl faridWiniéflr Céaf superb new cloihs lUxuriauss erhirims of Bea Mnk more than 100 rem ees teach The Cuhanï¬avel menu issues safeconducts at 23 rateiot be tween three and six an embassy PAnrRIDaE KA inskylilgSqUirrkel ni week Delays repatriation gt ifï¬fgiiuiï¬ EQUIIanfs budgetstretching 11 $2950ri hf tirbUg finesioneogakin excluswes ï¬lamivlï¬bnru PA 82752 Cuban hureaucracy Sever embassi dared locks of up to 15 seats gt on the crowded pl hound or Caracas or Me co0thers 3L such the Pan inn and Costa Iiican emhass es sentuuth batches of relugee by eargn gt ships for home po Bynwtheearypresse fi has hie eased mi se IA proble of feeding and Iin iMissile OTTAWA CPIPrime Minis Elegante and many others RRIE FAIR Eatring Armstrong Linoleum Palatial Terralizo Testing ed ries of Russian nuclear tests IS associated with Snv develop ment of counter issile sys tem why did Russi Premier Khrushchev announe resump tion or nuclear test us an the eve of the Belgrade conference on neutral nations rr Dieten FOR FALL ANDWINTER coArsf AT THEIR VERY se has to make the neutraflarlul that gt 32 SEE THE LARGESELECTION AT wou la9 DUNLQP 51 ter Dieienbaker hinted Monday VRPETS that he believes the current IN WIDEERANGE or PRICECéIOUR AND TEXTURES SEE THE RADLAML BEAUTY OFHAriD MADE INDIAN CTRPETS WIlH WALL WALL CARPEi ism LATIONRESULTING FROM Enoumms AT THE FAIR RPIEEf 5va PER REE DRAWSAN KHANRUGI Kuter adoULSL North Defence Command system would he cold war