Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1961, p. 2

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Mn Len Edgciton RE Barrio Shantyihay 0m station Mn Robert Eulnn Minesing Elmvalo EdncvjerWCampqijgn Is Over The TOTO ltcmbers of Barrie and Dist rict Cancer Society were fold at their first fall meeting last Monday that the Societys Spring coir ign funds had gone over the mark Our objective was snowfli Phil Sauvc said in presenting the report We received 311488 which is we per cent better thmour obiective Nolurallywe are delighted and grateful to the people in thisdistrictffnr their worm and generous sup pm TENTs Mrs Sadie Wharton mnvcner of womens services rcpoflcd her dcpar icnt had an active summer with 30 patients on the car list total of 1396 dres visits were made and patients TODAYS STOCK Hangsgs minusnun 15 10V it in 101 Nor ant Na Moons corp Oohw Pacific Peta Fem Pipe Que Not an Itno Rothmoo noynLauk niwtixam salad shirrur Simpson Stafford steel of Can steinonriz Tor Dom a1 Tran Can Pl Trans Mt Ppr TrIderl Pin Texaco Union an Walker ka Anbelfol Ablttbi moin Steal umlnlum mourn on Ann smi ah or Montreal Dom round Dom Store Dom Tar minute and Flmuu my Gt use can Pow liarch Farm Home Pit Home on Hudson Ely Mln imp Tonecu imp on 1nd Accopt inland NG inter Nickel interprov Plot Jockey Club Lnbntt Mac Powell on MluEY Ferg Nonnda nITNTNG cdn Brewer1c CPR Cement Can Chemical can Oil Can iuinJrSm Con Paper Consumer GI me and Quemont Sher Gordon steep noel Unlfed Dtl Venturu Wllrly Gunnu ifolllngcr KemAddllnn Lunadue Lon Lao ltlarttlmcs Nometnl Opemish Cod Husky Cnlb Con Dentin con Dontson con Hen Sullivan hiconnridra Goco Miner 010 540 wit 085 155 195 90 113 700 FIVE MOST ACTIVE STOCKS intpm Pipe Londo Mt wright Steel is Canada Tram Mt flpe nfivxnmn Dléfhgeltltllggflfl Grand and Toy LLnthe uc payl ex on southm Co Ltd 202 plylbla Dec an ex dividend Dec 12 DOWJUNES Naw voila AVERAGES industrfm up 210 Roll up 67 Utilities up 21 TOEnNTD noon EXCHANGE INDax Industrial up 131 Gold up 01 Metals up 54W of up $7 STOCK MARKET 105 as 23 pt 15 Industrials Hit TORONTO CPLThe indus Foundries and Steel Ford of trial index reached new high Canada Bathurst Paper In in light morning trading today vestora Syndicate twigWal foods hanks ker Gooderham cached new ining oils leading the market highs forthe year in mo to heavy trading The days best group was re fining oils wi rises to point derate The index which jlruesday touched 60112 up 11 office of vicepresident vrr is the mmm€19 at market indicator has been hnce its initial compilation 1n Kwa individual stocks also ached new highs among them ord of anada and Crown Tmst bo Investors Syndica On index industrialsroso 131 60712 golds 01 to 9004 base metals 54 to 20336 and western foils 27 to 9739 The 11 arn erlume vas 475000 shares com ingtolntérpifiinciaifcana an Oil Texaco Trans Moun tain Pembina Canadian Husky and imperial declining prices to St range while in the minors Area gained 23 cents and turned Over more than 155000 shares Gold trading was light with Hollinger ahead Western oll mi Beverley anion Angus Alllstoo were accompanied to hospital where necessary Treasurer Ed Myers told the directing the society had paid bills totalling $72289 duringjtho summer months gt Mr Myora was appointed chairman of nominating com mittee to bring in slate of oflcers for 1962 at the annual dinr meeting which willbe held October 18 at Trinity Par ish Hall Mrs WillardL Kin zic in charge of ticltclsfor thodinner GIPIS T0 PATIENTS Mrs Heffron converter of myue giout Whomefi giftcuoboardnoldlhe meetc ing iix gifts had been given to cancer patients Miss Mary Agnes Moore Bay ficld Street is in charge of plans for the cancer booth at the Barrie Fair Mrs Bruce Anderson willbe in charge of the socielys booths at the fairs in Cookstown nnd Eeclon Langevin To Head Wasagas 0f WASAGA BEACH Special At meeting of the new ex ecutive of the Wasaga Beach area Chamber of Commerce Gene Langevin was appointed president of the chamber with Stan Pilcher remaining in the Mrs Myrtle Lynn also stays as sec Ectarytrensurer of the chem or Mr Langevin served three years previously as president at Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce and spent great amount of time and effort with the village council and the Georgian Bay DevelopmentAs sociation in presenting the need of new bridge to the govern ment The results ofthat ef fort are very evident Young Divers But Find Shot WASAGA BEACH Special When Art Coakwell and Don Shingler went diving for clams in the Nottawasaga River Sun day they hoped to bring up some real big clam shells in gest number of cannon balls that have been seen in these parts since the War of 1812 TheShingler cottage is coted on the south bank of the Nottawasaga and Don and his friend Art have been spending their summers there since the were small boys Bothth Wow Toronto Secondary Schoo where Art is in Grade 12 Dan in Grade 11 To iHsth known whether the cannon balls are of English or Americanvmake Either is possible since the hipsthathanktheN cy were lying in Nottawasaga Bay al most directly north of the spot wherethe boys found the balls The cannon balls could have been fired at the Nancy and missed or they could have hit Hunting Clams teadrthcymmughtupfilehgr ared with 436000 at the sam Triesday imitgwasweaicwtthnomen Gold trade was light with and Pomegmd Pacific Pelt oilingerahead Va troleum up sogmuch asgs cents In lihtwestern oilitrading while Great Plain hadauseoL Home CentrnLDetJtiLand $125 rent Plains all advan ed few ts Mining trading was steady On Tuesday the industrial io ilex had its largest gain since At setting anew high in oderate tradin The index stock cross éegction Aof marrketeieadersr NOON Donn MONTREAL cmThe dollar was at premium funds near noootoday Tuesday the noon rate was SLOW Poundsterli KNEW YonK or dollar unchanged at or in terms of US funds Pound sterling unchanged at 01 15454 sed at 60581ahead 352 se metals rose 04 to 20202 nd Western oils 17 to 0712 ids slipped 64 to Vol time was 206100 shares com ared With1799000 Monday Widespread fractional ad mnccs among steels of ties refining ils contributed per cent in terms of Canadiam the Nancy and finally rested in the bottom of the river Another theory in that they were carried down the river from the supply depot at Fort Nottawasaga south bank of the riveifianf miles above the CONSch Fashion conscious women v1 Joan Garrick Hair Stylists reg ularly OpenTuesday Thurs day Friday evenings Ear pro fasmonalqarvicoseanPA 84601 Mn Russell Green RR Barrie Thornton Cookstowa These charming distrlct lad ied are engaged inroumpetlng for five chances to spend an allexpense paid flying trip to fabulonr New York City They are the 1961 contestants in The Examiner circulation contest The winners will fly to New York for arweek and cnd six thrillpacked dayl ght clng visiting fomoul ny1ALmN BLAKESLEE Associated Romanywdtw NEW YORK APtThe date is some dreadful tomorrow The holocaust of nuclear war suddenly sweeps the United States But 90 per cent of Americans could actually survive declares Dr Edward Teller of Hbomb fame And in three to four years they could rebuild desolated in dustries cities schools homes Democratic institutions would function again Lingering radiation would be problem but not insuperable he says The human would not peri Nor would future gen erations he destined to be born mfsshapen monsters US and other nations could survive despite the doomsday fear which grlps and paralyzes millions of people in the face of nuclear war Indeed he regards this atti Oakley Park lissn Hold First Meet The opening meeting of the Oakley Park Home and School Association was held Dakley Park nda nature dig the executive and teaching staff were introduced tobaparen ti short business meeting was followed by games and refresh ments Five ladies and The gentleman won the sileoweL arrangements prepared by Mrs Turohull Next month Angus MacKay inspector of Barri Public schoolswill speak on theunii sys 1m and intcrcstcd parents from all parts of Barrie are in vited DEATHS By THE CANADIAN races CochranSenator Joseph Al fre tieLISLJOTmcrxde nty Spec of the House Commons foreign affairs specialist who represented the ochrano constituency as Lib era member of Parliamentrfor 27 years leexham Jules MacCallum 72 form ation ofCaoada and 55year on of the shipping business en route to Geneva to rep resent Canadian pownera at conference of the International Lab rganization VancouverCol Frederick 72 retired deputy com sioner of the Royal Cana dian Mounted Police who served the force for 44 years Andrew ge ral HéBomb Eitpert Says Preparation Couldfave US IrrNudearWar Dr Teller is convihca We Mp Phyllis Miller Waugrheacb stoynu TRIP TO NYC mtlurutl andtdlnlght Bcilubr seeing topno Bro way play and Jun vacuummow log the time oi thélr lives Each oi these charming gals deservoatba rupport of ll friends and neighbors and past performances are cri gt torion the race for the file uloul prizes will be close on tude and lack of defence as Lcmptation for wellprepared nation to launch thermonuclear war And is on invitation to panic and wholesale needless loss of life if bombs over fall say the famous physicist oi the Law rence radiation laboratory of the University of California Three steps could create the defence for Insuranceagainst war or for national survival if It comes Dr Teller said in an interview challenging manygen eral conceptions The Soviets knew open testing would force or irritate the United States into more testing and arouse adverse opinion But an edge won through see Fét testing could mean they are so far ahead in wuponry they dont care what we do Dr Tellers says if we dont prepare 100 million Americans ould die in the first days of an allout nuclear war Thirty to forty millions more could die from starvation and disease The United States would cease to exist MANY i11 DIE But firmly belich 90ner cent of our population could be savclgfllt 12th 20 rréilllion won ean gt sjs rretn groin wfu horny to give 90 per cant decent chance for survival He is dismayed bythdse who say that nuclear war necessarily means the end of evsmhing oasr uv am to Fancy Quality tiaavs TOMATO JUICE 27c BEST BUY TSave 15d is Deep Brownld ltfrrNormIo wiildonby RR Barrio Sfmud Vets Here Mark Battle Of groin Battle of Britain Sunday par ades are scheduled to take place in both Barrio RCAF Station Camp Borden Sunday Sept 17 in addition there will be wreathlaying core monlos at the Cenotaph in Al listen The route for the local parade EDJII lopStho the Cenotaph from Barrio Dip trlct Central Collegiate Ceremonies at the Cenotaph will include the laying of Synopsls Carla no longer has winds of hurricane strength and is contlnulng to weaken lnln tensity An extensive area of volinLdsand rain associatedwith this weather disturbance has spread into Northern and cen tral Ontario By tonight all of Ontario will be having cloudy wet weather Lake St Clair Lake Erie Southern Lake Huron regions Windsor London Mainly cloudy odorwith or few vshowerror thundershowers Cloudy with rain and thunderstorms tonight and Thursday Warmer and more humid today but turning cooler Thursday Winds southeast no to so shift ing to northwest Thursday aft ernnon Northern Georgian Bay Al goms Tlmagami Sault Ste Ma rie Cochrnna regions North Bay Sudbury Cloudy with rain and few thunderahowers today and Thursday thtle changcin temperature Winds casino to 30 becoming north Thursday aft arnoon Northern Lako HuronHali burton Southern Georgian Bay regions Cloudy with rain and occasional thundershowerc to day and Thursday Marine forecasts valid until 11 em EDT Thursday nodal Camp Borden yrilLbahcid in TrinityAnglican Lake Criteria Winds east to southeast 20 to £5 knot bocom Sudhury 56 Mn Dorothy tinnququ Newlowcll Cgoomori wreathaby the may Willard Klnzla and repraenta verof Church and St Marys Church The parade is scheduled to move off from the collegiate grounds at approximately 1015 nm log south so to 35 tonight Cloudy with showers and scat tered thunderstorms Lake Erie Winds sonihmto 25 knots Increasing to 30 to tonight Cloudy with shower and thunderstorms Loire Huron Georgian Bay Winds east to southeast 20 to 25 knots increasing to 30 to 35 this afternoon and shifting to south 25 to 50 south half tonight Cloudy with showers and thun derstorms am mm as can Iisk Annual Grant MONTREAL CmA troupe music and theatre have urged P1519 Minister Dlefenbaker to Canada Council In taffet to Mr chfeabalrcr group ltcd tt govnromcn ifl000l Iomul grant to err dra pp another rf hut national life which fl supporttho arts Diesvin iiccrdent VLowe of Kingston lieut enant in the Army Provost Tuesday night when he Was thrown from his car after it col The driver of one of the other care Reginald Graham 43 of Edgmilaxvpg The driver of the lid car pot hCAF Association Conadl Carl Blakely and passen Follawfng the lgyhi Lot um Marlene all of Petawnwa were wreathi church services in non Im during the Battle of Britain ST CATHARINES fCPTwo summonses were served fires of the North Venture as the 00 freighter passed down Capt Cloiteuburg ls charged itL threatening to fer Lloy veaa he lol unlon and with firing him solely because Seek Approval PJEROKE CF Mayor night he will seek Queens Park approval to defer construction 11 plontlfor 10 years in favor of building $1700000 ex Ho termed the choice between plant nd the road as being dlsi as the matter with Ontario Municipal Board officials in Tor CBPSULE NEWS 00 Canadians prominent in art yard on annual grant to tho mailed here last night the courage amateur athletics null from luck of adequate KINGSTON iCP Barry quprsrat CompPetlwawa died fffdsdwitri two others Kingston wusullghtly ed an Luglon and Voter club gnu David Hurgctt and Herman or ofthosc who lostthclrillves Serve Summonsea day on Capt Clyde Clottcnburg mfind through the Welland Ca Tanner former seamen on th dwairmhrilncmhor Of lawn19 Angus Campbell said Tuesday of proposed $1000000 sewage pressway atrlctl cc omics and he will onto week Foreciilt Temperatures Low tonight High Thursday Windsor 70 75 St Thomas 75 London 75 Kitchener Wlngham Hamilton St Catharine Toronto Peterporough Trenton Killalne Changes Plea WiNDSORfCPtAn 10year old Windsor youth charged with noncapitol murder changed his pl ltiusday loans of guilty of monzloughtert was con tehced to amaximum of two years loss day in reformsl ion31 Gory Lea Anthony Parentho ca to first person in On farlo to be led for murder new Criminal Code provi sion went into effect Sept divldli murder charges into capitol and ironco0ltfll Offences seasonsenemas 55 Marlo Carlton Kopuskasing White River Moosonee the his LIBBYS BEANS 4T0385 mom Save iihbyiocmed sPAGHErTi gaafunn Miioin oriMntchom seven Linhyi Fancy SMIIII STUDIO 35 Dunlop st RAJHITS over nun VCREAM mic CORN or EAS rand doom FROZEN FOODS PRODUCE TORONTO 01gt Churning cream and butter punt prices yore reported unchanged today Tho egg market was eady with offerings light for ht demand Country dculersare quote by in federal department iridium on Canada grade eggs delivered Toronto in fibre esteem forumryi medium email and gradfi no market Wgtfimogfmfmlcianodgi first naonoraeea gontenmnie MwMflln light ridding western om naminoin months course Sch Mombi REGISTRATIQN raunchy Classes will be held on Monda illho held oncoer GAstEPTgSthL NszbitY sruo 66 TORONTO sn fiARRlE In The LBustnass Ed Bookkeeping by professionalrhus Tress icaias ANY MONDAYT USINESS ALI JOSE BC9M to Seminars iron yo and Thursdayséfoflvniinfenaivo six pic fours MAY REGISTER coon no pol 53 iioz pix savn Te nioovs Go rcasanvannfi risuariiirs BAKERY FEATURE SUNEEAM RASPBERRY SPONGE BAR man nasa 35°C ltor tlnl 3Vron49A TIRE1R PLUMP MEATY liner iiiiviii near our save 6c amino in IMMED 595 ion inns anon 591 FAME in FBHSKBTZBQ wronoe nnsr any SAVElc ricrathnoHNEvnnv ansr any aAvnm Plimoffini 75 mo ones can Miiiinininc 95° Upansr BoydSavach waira on COLOURED White Cross TisSueB 89 FEATURE Lsavr lfic SKIM MILKPIDWDEE PET tliSTillfTT inc QEATURE sAva 10c 1e iiisTOir llb pkg oar rabic Taoz an uniformly Essa aa

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