Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1961, p. 19

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AUTOMOI WATSON Home cans rascals MOTORS CSTAYNER CHEVROLET DLDSMDEILE QUALITY CARS counrnous SERVICE Piles Nuuanas AND su 1961 ChevroletBel Air acylindar sedan with automatic drive and custom radio beauti fully finished in beige This diolce olfering has been driven lees than 5000 miles and it is your opportunity to acquire practically new car at used car price 1060 Envoy Sedan 1111 cylinder economy car has and is clean andmechanicully sound ltsa real good buy r710587019rcuryeflParklane Sedan 77777 With automatic transmission and powerbrakes and steering This luxury our has excellent appearance and is car that you would enjoy drivinghnd owning 1058 MercedesBenz Sedan We Wm Diesel motor richly finished in maroo irontemechanleal 1957 Pontiac zdoor station wagon another pendable unit We have also nice selection makes which we cordially invite you to inspect stuxnrrl AL CRIPPS Wasaga Beach Tel No as Waurs Bunch SALES 10T MAIN STREET EAST STAYNmTEL ND Ni mm DEALING no GIMMICKB been driven only allIaIi mileage clean and axeon good buy In clean uselul de of 1956 and 1951 can in various alu iULLEaroN Wasla arses Tel No 54 Busch TO CLEAR ESTATE The following cars are be ing offered at below whole sa prices No trades pos sible but financing ar ranged May be seen by appointment only Cali PA 449 During Business urs l96l Vauxhall Victor an smart brown H303I7 $162400 1961 Vnuxholl Stand ard Beige red trim Lic 25415 $157100 196 Pontiac Stn Wo gon Two tone Blue Er te Automatic many extras $269400 KRAMER MOTORS LTD 145 BRADFORD ST BARRIE seat covers A1 throuaasut Now HAROLD JORY MOTORS7 Tnlunlpli STANDAIID DEALERS Repairs to All Maker DALL and NAL rowina service 75 EA PA 34165 VIAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER uiLLMAN AND usND novns 10 Down 17 down STREET tan cilnvnourr Station Wsian for said Clun Can it seen at is as ex 1m nouns Sedan Custom radio new motor still with allraster Musl soil Saarinen price altos Telephone PA Mast sitar piss 1951 PLYMOUTH sedan radio Included VIII songs oldnr auto In trade Trial on Walter Adair PA Bnos sass clisvrtoLsT our door can tom radio mil wheel disc and Taalcu Frcox tlm in CARS WTD TO BUY Barries Newest Car Lor Urgently Requires Used Cars TRADE UP OR DOWN We will lend you money on yourpresentcar ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 84272 Cassi FDR your car Lions paid on We Iradn up or down Al landsle Motors 11 lsss Road Esp ric PA nasal MOBILE HOMES TRAVEL TRAILER 01 1111 Ideal for hunting or wrrtnnss so per day Telephone rnrsvss rai lull PIrtlcula Hfl McGllINNESl hlth Sleep tnur Idultl flnl child Many extras immaculate candlllun Apply to Box I2 Elma Examincr PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol now In this government chartered Inhonl where you are thoroughly trained 11L bunch Telephnnl PA M757 sitar fourplaca Street moMlNiloWoflrrfmlll Io yttr WANTED AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT THOROUGH LY EXPERIENCED IN SALES SALES PROMOT ION ADVERTISING asLuuny floated in its nytowurrrmnn timl caplan Telephonl sum win no menus or any stunt the hmhmlmdlflnblfl specialty Vary rusoria wm pick up and dallvsr PA sum flJ MALE HELP MAINTENANCE MAN Truck Maintenance Mani Wanted Apply In person only to WI TiFFiN STREET BARRIE noun aALEsasAN tordryri lag plant Tel honl PA Mr rmsmm Wlnlcd Apply Bowling Academy lid Dunlflp at run Pmaumna Wanted for vth nal pp ulsirr strut Cohan at PA am sitar Wm nxcllANésiso ior so hours Er week Apply loan it Barrie miner Kemp BUSINESS ADMINIS TRATION WILL lNVEST CAPITAL BOX 53 BARRIEEXAMINER isLAucrIoNSALES AUCTION SALE muasnsy EVENING SEPTEMBER 14 730 RM SHARP ZEEHoa sale oi as head of Hel stein cows heifers fresh and springing full flow and young calves for GORDON MONK At lot 13 Concession Essa Jownsbianmiler north of Al listen turn north at Jerrys gtGsrage Owing to the good weather and the amount of tumors that have not finished harvesting the sale that was to be held on THURSDAY SEPTEMBER has been postponed until Thurs day evening September 14 at 730 sharp Jenny couoiluN AUCTIONELR 0n Murder Charge Pleads NotAGuilty Lets LDok Back At Calmer Times rut some EW YORK IAPlectl have another look back at the calmer times when people could do to sleep wilbout wonyinfl over whether the next morning theyd have to face Nah world crisis Count yoursell among the lucky ones if you can still re member when Anybody who bought 310000 house was considered welltum if you got $50 weekly sal ary that was the amount they put in your pay envelope There were no such things as deduc this When you went to the store for gallon of coal oil the grocer always stuck araw no into on the spout to keep the can from leaking Folks were more scared of ty phoid fever and appendicitis than of getting heart attacks Babe Ruth earned almost as much for knocking 60 home runs in year as many layear old kids now get for signing as bonus plnyers freal dude insisted on wear ing spateoven in hot weather TllfiSlEssSignal For Car Trouble The Beast of Berlin was somebody called the Kaiser who was widely believed to dine on Belgian children for break fut If you gave child cent he didnt look up and nail whats it good tori it was regarded as national disaster when movie stars Doug Fairbanks and Mary Pickford got divorce You stepped on running mobile and there was no such as gasolineetax Ministers denounced the rum ble seat as the greatest threat to the morals of the younger generation can in pen wasadvertised as lifetime investment good poolplayeilfidfia wider circle of admirers than fellow who beat par on golf course and any man over 20 who still played tennis was put down as sissy ASPIRIN CUREALL There was only one wonder drugvarpirlnand nobody had heard of virus The fivesage homo held only one modern laborsaving device carpet sweeper Anybody who tipped more than 10 per cent for anything was regarded as fool and daily for per weok Apply to Box is Barrie Examiner MEN on WOMEN start ynur own Watkins buxlnsn hill or part tlmd No experience necessary write Gautnlnr Isa st Roch street atootrul it Quebec MDULIMIAKBR with sills and milling machine experience Ely in person to air lox lntoiner Ltd 151 John Street Barrio WANTID uoy or young man in terestrddn nrel lamina part or full time Experience not necessary it vlllinx to learn Apply Box 55 Barrio Examiner required lmmsdia 1y Goad work in conditiomi no onro benefits Applyto alnl Emitt Dangerfield Motors rirsdierd street Tele phone PA auto FRI HOUSE near HIP ll remuneration for feeding and can Inn but cattle pm ni full time Job Expericnra unnec essary Apply Bax I59 Examiner FEMALE HELP WAImEsaEs wanted Apply Chal ter Box nsitfirsnt Conkstowa Telephone Coo town 4551152 CAPADLE wosiAN or housework and supervision or kindergarten child from pm to lilon dayPrldly 915 per Week Tele phone PA 57111 LADY aooKKEBPBII required for local office start as esphi or Barrie This Is nsmsnsnt position Arv piy in writlna to Box 41 Burro Examiner All correlpnndenca etiy confidential H7 CAPABLB null or woman to can for children and do light works Must live plant permanent position with your counts for right psrson Phon PA uses sitar or weekends MALE OR FEMALE cuom DIRECTOR re ulrcd for Barrie Choir Society Vnie Mr Walman IN Letitia Street or telephone PA Miss axezularrcen annxketprr re quired main or female for local businessman Reply stating duali floatlons and mm desired an 97 Barrio Examiner haurnlteoplna dutior whitemother OTIAWATCP Andre Cris pin 23 Tuesday pleaded not guilty to charge of lioncap ital murder before 12 man Supreme Court of Ontario jury in connection with the April 11 fatal stabbing of Mrs Marie Parent 39 The charge carries maxi mum penalty of life imprison merit to opening testimony Dr Munk trick Minnesota pathologist said the effects of six stomach stab wounds com plicated by near coma in toxication contributed to Mrs Parents death Her nude body was found lying on bed in downtown room Coroner Dr Kendall testified he found no external slgnsol bleeding on MrsPar cats body or blood on the bed sbeets when he examined the room Hawem sider le evidence of drunken Boost Economy To Wipe Out Want TORONTO CPlPremier Douglas of Saskatchewan handling complete set of hnngnkfimLELOLIthemnemocratic Party called Tuesday for vig ous new direction of produc tion and public welfare to boost the economy and wipe out want in Canada Rniiwuymens Union convention hetiarged that Canadas free enterprise system is neither free nor enterprising Canadians must recapture their Second World War spirit to Ket back on the road to eco nomic security be said He noted that despite theloss of manpower to the armed forces Canada then was more produc tive than inpeacetime Quoting United Nations sur 0IlAVA iCPl If in iulure you see small white pennant flying from the radio aerial of car stopped by the roadside the chances are the driver has hung out his new distress sig ndl The Canadian Automobile As sociation said Tuesday it is is sulng an official distress flag believed the worlds first for motorists with car tumble The pennant emblazoned with the CAAs red oval crest is be ing made available to the asso ciations 700000 members in six teen affiliated clubs across the country Recruit Canadians For British Chain TORONTO CP ABrifi5L sup mariachain has launched campaign here to recruit 500 yam Canadians for its stores England Wales and Scotland Officials of Loblaw Groceler las Company said in an inter view Tuesdny theynre handling the Canadian recruiting on her half of Fine Fare Limited Fine Faro is controlled by George Weston Limited parent firm of Lobiaws Newspaper tlsemcnls called or single men between 18 and 25 years referably with experience to gn twoyear heStrcetreantracno wfik in Great Erit ain written description ofthe work shown to applicants of fered starting salary of £700 3201 year which the pro1 spectus claimed was the equiv1 alent of $3500 in canuda be caused Britains lower cost of living bonus of £600 would he paid at the end of the two yaar period wastrcii You could get hired girl or maid without having to pay her transportation from Europe People with marriageable daughter didnt bother to send her to finishing school They just bought fancy new front porch swing PAflfiifio HE 957 Ford V0 Standard shift radiorepainted top running orders705 1956 Meteor V0 automatic Goad running condition Needs minor body work 5495 1954 Ford 4doorradio repaint It Good condition through It 5595 Meteor Customllne re painted Good tires and run ng order 3395 Ford and Meteor $150 each SPROULS SUPERTEST Highway 27 One Mile of Thornton el1vy11il1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates APPLIANCE SERVICES ToNYIS APPLIANCE SERVICE Servtce to all makes 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 DIAPER SERVICE BARHlES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup at delivery tIERANCISTS mmt PA 60551 lieu than nine 01 cigarettes EXOAVATING FILL Gluian llP Hair SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Bxcsvsunssnd Grading waisr Delivery Crushed atone Half ratu Backhoe or am DENNIS MORAN at Ann Street PA azaor MASONRY CHIMNEYS BUILT ANDEEPAIRED ENI AND aLocK Wont aDAsoNAaLn PHONE Minesan narris Telephone PA 82414 DEAD ANIMAL meanuse COLLECT bfbfiuly culture For information write nanw nsssmoscaooo is COLLlEn STREET on PHONE PA H052 BEAUTY suoP Coldwsvos etc by certified hairdresser in your own home Phone Bernice at PA was or PA N587 LOSTILr POUND CUFF LINK with Masonlc crest ruby and gold lost on Saturday September Kcflpanke lclaphonu PA Mist sitar aso 1111 LDSTVhlio cpiiis ranIs brown nn irons Saturday September vlcnlty Concession is and 12 east of Highwuy Reward Phone Stroud omit Try An Examiner Want Ad TPIIONETPASfiiIl SERVICE By Month or Year SANITARY DISPOSAIT DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensaii to remove your dead and crippled tlm Ibis mlla under the above Act FREE REMOVAL Phnne COLLECI nsnmn PArkway 03017 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE flmw asCsi DEAD STOCK Dead UrtTTpplEd cattle horses and hugs removed For fast service PHONE BARRIE Pr BWEI or ask for 24 hours day7 sin week NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad Ontario License No 139C61 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS msrsnnnn av LICENSED DnlLLnnS linen ESTIMATES Examiner Want Ad Coupland Drilling RR ZBAELRIE raisin or female Aiso ewnslgned aunt mm oxprrlenecd produce manager wanted or supermarket grocery All cnmplfl benefits Apply Box 57 Battle Di sinister 13 AUCTION SALES Em THIRD ONTARIO Puoiiucrlo ALE rainiv SEPT 15 ii ERNEST CROSSLAND clerks run time NEWMARKET ONTARIO Farm on Highway 11 tYonge St 4s HEAD REGISTERED GUERNSEYS VACCINATED ACCREDITED in this sale are some real tops iBreede with fulit pedigrees group of heifers purchased at the Price Guernsey Sale in Washington These heifers are due in September and October Majority in the sale are close to freshenlng Here is place to get some eminenceto bolster your fall production WRITE Poll CATALOGUEI AmmoGuyana anmrms ASSOCIATION BOX as GUELPH ONT ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER l961gt62 FUEL FAIR 259 INNISFIl ST PA 87646 Thereis by Mr Grassland year ago HARDWAREAPPLIANCES HEAIINGFUEEPR0PANE we on social welfare in at countries lhnt ranks Canada 17th hecelledforbetter social security measures jTwo million Canadians didnt earn enough last year to pay in tax he said and one third of all incomeearners have to inadequate standard of liv ing 50m mM44310 Flames Visible own Nild ST JOHNS nrred forests of eastern and conjugal Netwfoundland Tuesday ire timeithepro mh of forest fires broke out last June Heavy rainihe second major downpour in three days drenched the smouldering woods throughout the day Firefighters now are hopeful Irbf iking the final blow to elim inate all danger from the fires private homes while rampaging through an area of more than 2300 square miles Meanwhile residents of Ter rencevllle and Grand ie Pierre on the southeast coast were re turning to their homes They were the onlyremaining evac uses of more than 20 communi ties evacuated at various times sine early lune destroyed as PLUMBING ll Plead Not Guilty gt TORONTO Ci Elgllt men charged with conspiracy to de fraud the publie pleaded not guilty Tuesday in case which will involve 179witnesses and the filing of 450 exhibits Special prosecutor Harry Deyman of Cobourg said more than 3100000 was eollec ted by the accused in an alleged merchandising ship swindle He said dealerships were sold for sag to $5000 to persons who believed they were Eight Men Chargel ran BARRIEZXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPT 1081 WORLD NEWS llil BRIEF TAKES OATH BUENOS AIRES AP Illruei Ansel Cameo was sworn inriuesday night by President Arturo Frondizl as Argentinas foreign minister Carcaao vetersn diplomat politician lawyer and writer will take over his Job Thursday succeeding another Conserva tive Adolfo Mugica who re slgned following furore last month created by the visit here olvCdbas economic czar Er Mann APPEAL ARUSHA TanFaEyika Rent erslTha international game conference ended hicsdny with anurgent appeal for funds for the conservation oi wild life Kinioch Tanganyikas cruel semeyersatJaiLad equate money and staff must be provided stones to control poaching it Africas wildlife is to be saved FEAR 40 DEAD BANGKOK Thailand tRcut ml Forty persons mostly women and children are feared to have drowned in sudden flood which hit the uorthem Thailand province of Chleng Hal Tuesday Thai interior ministryvsource said 11 bodies had been recovered Floods also destroyed 050 houses in another northern province CRITICIZE IRAN LONDON ReuterslTlie 50v viet defence ministrys daily newspaper Red Star today claimed the Iranian army has become vessel array under the control of American mili tary advisers Red Star said For this loolhardy policy the franlan people will have to pay with its blood EXECUTE TIIIEF MOSCOW APlThe leader of gang that stole raw silk frame state factory was exe cuted by shooting in the Mol davian Union Republic livestla reported today The report said Rasrhidflomayev organised series of thefts of holes of raw silk valued at 21000 rubles ESCAPE JAIL ACAPULCO Mexico APl Taking advantage of the dis traction provided by thunder storm 59 prisoners escaped from the city jail of this Pa cirlc resort Tuesday The pris onershad dug tunnel under the prison wail LANDS SAFELY SEATTLE IAPlA Western Airlines 7201et landed safely Tuesday night after troublorda velopcd in the hydraulic syav tern cutting braking power Turbofans on the plane were revesred and it landedwithout incident The plane carried 44 passengers and crew of seven from Los Angeles CALL FOR BAN ROME AP An interna tional conicrciico on human genetics bringing together I00 experts from il countries culled Tuesday for world ban on the development and use it nuclear weapons The confer ence being held at the UN fund and agriculture organization building here unanimously ap proved the resolution NEW FOR FALL HOME FASHION not AND BOLTS MATERIAL FOR ALL YOUR FALL SEWING SPRINGKNIGHT VIPRINTS New fall colors and patterns that keep their freshness the season through Sanforized Plus as sures you new smoothness after was and Tie 36 Wide 89c hing new crease resistance of course shrink resistant tab choice of many patterns yd LENELLA All Viscose TARTAN Tartans are traditional favoluite far skirts suits iumpers and sportswear for men women and children and Gieaella is favourite fabric for itHashable easy care qualities like the it washes cotton yet feels like wool and solution dyed yarns keep their color almost indefinitelyfl See it in ten authentic clan tartan 56 gningwoatractsflo servch vending machines for the pro du Charged are Earl Douglas Black Donald Pickard Wil liam Goddard Stanley Allan Aare Nordman Brian Michael Cassidy and Anthony Aquanno SHIP SAIL HALIFAX GP The Brit ish grain carrier Wheat King sailed for Britain withoutinci dent Monday after unloading 381000 bushels of wheat The ship had been picketed here by the Seafarers international Unlt ion Ind which says the ship is not mannedibu Canadian crew SIMCoE DISTRICTcone SEE¥OH+A¥4FHEFAIR1 MAKE DATE TO VISIT ouR DISPLAY soorIl AT THE BARRIE PAIR CHANCE To WIN AN acA VICTOR CONSOLE rv WITH EVERY PURCHASE AND EACH OIL HEATINGCONTRACT SIGNED AT THE EATING lisPACIous PARKING PA 66531 Rose David Fred Curley ToivIL Daily mm to was to Todays fas in trends available in the newest entails gues from McCalls Simplicity and Blit Ericka wide ENGLISH JERSEY LAINE 7+yeat roundnfavorite that is sure to make wonderful log jumper or dress to ow to seamstress easy to LKE BARRIE and ofcourse its we nosssr PRINTS hotter quality printed cob ton that willbe outstanding this fall In its new colorsand patterns washable and drip dry to save you time and cleaning expenses as wide so rlDUNLOPSlI PA som

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