Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA ms as telephone number to call for the Banana or Editorial Dept in PA 6637 97th YearNo Add Charges Oj MischieLW To PoIiCeman Pmbaflonarconstablcwil Forbes now under suspen sion from the local police force was charged at pm today by Barrie police chief Edward ischirhsrt with live charges of public mischief in addition to the original chargtrlaidagalnst him and three others last week Forbes was arrested along with Dale Bier Jamel Gannon and Thomas Delinc last Fri day in Tomato and all were charged with breaking entry and theft from Barire District Central Conegiate rflle breakin at the school oc curred early Thursday mom ing Forbes had previously re ported breaksin at CNN shaclrmanrton Avenue and theft of number of heavy construction tools Some two hours later he reportedfindlng tools of this description on lcgiate grounds Subsequent vestigatlon revealed that in tnlders had smashed hole in the wall of vault in the prin cipals office and made good their escape with over $600 in cash Nassau KN TORONTO The four men were arrested in Toronto by Metro Toronto detective in company with Chief Tachirhnrt No of the men were arrested in Metro hotel and Forbes and one other man was arrested in Toronto bil liard academy Chief Tschirhart and Corporal Georgewwiogerrrcturncdrthe four men to Barrie late Friday evening Forbes was released on bail Saturday but Bier Gannon and Deline are in coun ty jail here AdmitluniorlIabs To Junior Loop TORONTO CF Montreal Junior Canadlens have been given approval to play in the ri jlockey Association junior series in the 1961432 season the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association announced today vote oi CAHA branch pres idents was old to decide whether the Canadians would be allowed to play in the Ontario league The junior Canadicns former members of the Quebec branch are moving into the DNA to give the junior series six teams After lost season the Memorial Falls Flyers Guelph Royals St Michaels College Majors and Toronto Marlboros withdrew to play in newlyformed Toronto junior league The Montreal team will join Hamilton Red Wings Niagara Falls Flyers Guelph Royals St Catherine Tcepees and Peter brough Petes in the revamped OliA junior league 4T77Iilioardllirliner lire Killed When Plane Dives Into Ravine RABAT Morocco AP French Caravelle let airliner crashed into ravine near Rabat Monday night and burst into flame killing all 77 persons éaboar spokcsman for Air France operator of the plane said the victims includedthe Australian ambassador to the United Arab Ontario Hydro Lewersllates Republic John Quinn Mohami med Boufinl armegpbe Moc occos foreign ministry Prince Sakhri from the oil rich sheik UOlIl of Kuwait three Am cans and two Russians No nadians were listcd aboard Most of the victims were he lievcd to be French and Moroc cans The twinjet Caravelle was coming in from Paris for landing in heavy fog and was irr radio contact with the Rabat control tower Suddenly the radio cut out crash apparently was caused by the wheels of theplane which were down for the landing hit ting the summit of small hill FLAMES ENG LF WRECK Flames towered from the ra vine as firemen desperately sought to reachihe crash scene about haif leftom the air port The plane wasai1n charged som of its passengers at Rabat Casablanca The Carayelle Beam was the ewcst lnAir France aervl had begun ryinssesseasersunlysl 30 Air France said it was only the second fatal crash for the mediumrange Caravelles Scandinavian Airlines Caravcile crashed near Ankara mrlrey Jan 20 1560 killing 42 aboard HOUSTON family utilize an outboard motor bring watersoaked call to NORTH WILL GET DYING BREATHS TORONTO CF Thu dY ing breaths of hurricane Carlo will he felt in North ern Ontario the weather of ficesaid in special storm warning today The office said that while Carin is no longer hurri cane the very moist air ac companying the disturbance has spread rain northward across the upper Great Lak es into Northern Ontario The disturbance is expect ed tobecome moderate storm this evening as it reaches southern Lake Michigan and continues into Northern Ontario Thursr STBEBIIN boat to Elill metric Esta mlo Ontario Canada Wednesday sum Is ml higher ground after high tid esand heavy rains from hur ricane Carla trapped the ani Carlci Kills 15 Losses GALVESTON lAPAreas of Texas and western Louisiana in watery ruin turned today to the staggering task of repairing the damage left by hurricane Carla one of the mightiest ever to roar out of the Gulf of Mexico with possibility more bodies may be found the death toll stood at is along 750 miles of coast line laid waste by burri cane gales up to 175 miles an hour raging seas and rash of tornadoes Damage which may take months to compute ran into hundreds of millions of dollars Added to the mammoth recov ery chore were problems of pol luted water supplies and corn panion health treats in scores of Milliilan tier as much aaeight feet of water Flood threats posed by heavy rainsin Carlas wake were an other factor Fear jRed rjAlction inst LOCALme Cloudy with rain and occuiond thunderahonrrtomorrow lo tonight 60 High Thursday For summary see page too Not More Than per Copy10 Page mnl near the San Jacinto River in Houston tAP photo ment To Amend BNil Ilct arm CP Lagr eral was reported Tuesday as the Dominionprovincial consti tutional conference held what may prove to be its last meet ing on amending procedure Legislative action hascd on such agreement would end the nwhlch Canada alone oi all 12 nations of the common wealth still has to seek United Kingdom approval for changes in its basic constitutional docu Severe Also ahead was the return home for most of an estimated 600000 people who moved inland as Carla approached mass migration averting much heav ier loss of life TORNADOES KILL 10 the dying winds oiCarla hurled back tornadoes after the hurri canes centre was many miles inland Finally shorn of its vi cious galcs remnants of th giant tropical st northeastward out ward Missouri in telephone conierence Tuesday night President Ken nedyth cites Governor Price of Civil and Defence Mobiliza tion Frank Ellis wouldnrrive in Houston tomorrow to inspect stormnavagcd areas The governor said Galveston and inundatedmflexas Cit the mainland nearby right now appear to have the gteatest need for additional state help from thestandpoint of food health and protection of prop erty gt Bolling toward the coast was shear Ma trailLt ewminntesiater the plane crashed Reuters news agency quoted investigators as saying the The taraveflejfilficn has its two jet engines mounted on the fuselage just in front of the tail first went into service in 1959 IN NUTSHIELL TORONTO The Ontario Hydroelecaiqrower Commis on today announced reduction in the minimum rate for its 15 cents to 135 cents per kilo home heating service from watthour ovtProtestTesF MONTREAL CF The Montreal Conunitlee for the Con trol of Radiation Hazards today urged the Canadian government to protest officially to Soviet Russ against further nuclear tests Canadianleneoaneclor TORONTO CP Dr Francois Clonticr Montreal psychia trist will become director of the World Federation Miguel announced today Health in January the Canadian MenthlHEiilTAssocistion Typhoon Killsiis In Formosa TAIPEI Reuters Typhoon Pamela killed at least as per sons as it tore across Formosa Tuesday the latest casualty figures disclosed today Diet To Visit Japan Ianctoher TOKYO Reuters Canadian Prime Minis er Diefenbaker and Mrs Diefenbaker will pay an officialvisit to Japan Oct 2641 at the invitation of JapanesePremier llayato lkeda the Japanese foreign ministry announced today Detect Nuclear BlastIn Russia WASHINGTON AP Russia has toucbedloff another nu car blast inthe atmosphere the seventh since it resumed testing 13 days agoThe AtomicEnergy Commission said the Cant Risk Failure Home coupon APD Foreign Secrw Washington today mmm blast had the force of several million ions of TNT The test early Tuesdaywas inthe air abovethe Arctic island of Novaya zemlya the test in that area since Sunday Hope To Recover Space Capsule cspa csnsvansmsrlf ProjectiMerculy space cap sule artificial astronaut rocketed lnfildibi oday and sci entlsts hoped to recover it after one swing around the earth not fish on Berlin settlement ern allies dare another failure in negotiations W1 is the Soviet Union Queens Uncle Dies lit BIEKHALL Scotland Reuters sli psvld BowesLyon mcle of the Queenidied of about attack here today He was 59 uqnsl lord Iflme letLior BERLIN The Communists ma try to interfere with West ern flights to Berlinafter stag ing inci2nts at this old German capitals airports say West Ber lin fficials Communist Eng Germany al ready claims the right to con trol the air corridors into this city lli miles behindihe lron curtain claim challenged by the United States Britain and France West Berlin gtWllly Brandts office reported Tues day it had learned of plans to sneak East German agents into the crowds of refugees and oth ers at West Berlins Tempelhof anl Tegel airports during the next few days The agents would throw them lsclves on the ground and shout dont want to be kidnapped The East Germans claim that 4manyvoithereiugeeswhir streamed into West Berlin be To Cut AirLinks were hired by Westein intelli gence agents and spirited away by air to West Germanyf Man refugees still are in West Berlin awaiting air trans portatlonputw of the city East men and on vehicles in restore 100000 telephones knoc out by the hurricane hall of them in into the storm area Ten of the deaths occurred as trol oar is seekac TORONTO CPllev Downer member of the Legisla tL for Dufferln Simcoe has called press conference for flis fternoon at which it is be lieved he will announce his can wmnmdm JJoiilve Conservative party Mr Downer who entered the legislature in 1937 was speaker fr 1955 to 1960 He is mem ber of the Ontario Li uor May Pass fomula rtlnlted Nations troops seized The report also said that ngddfitshlpéw maturationarms ausssarnvxmé Reuters na control of Katanga inbitiur fighting today and declared that the provinces selfprocloimed secession from the Congo mmmrmmmeygenTTnVErnththild ended Heavy losses were reported on both sides is the fighting here andinotheppsrts of the min oralrich province but the UN troops gtpeared to have gained control at most key installations lrcinnds Conor OBrien chief UN represmtative in Katangs said The secession Katango has ended It now is Congolese province run by the central gov ernment in Leopoldvlllelh UN headquarters in Leopold ville said two UN soldiers were Jsillcdmilya DLLiX wounded The Associated Press re rteal Bochelvaovldson follower of slain expremlcr Patrice Lum umbn had been named chief administrator of Katanga Moiso selfpro claimed president ot Katanga fled Elisabethville to secret hideout charging that the United Nations lied to me right up to the end Tshombe reported to be try ing to make his way to the neighboring British protectorate of hern Rhodesia said that only Tuesday nlylt the UN gnve me solemn promise would not go against the Katanga government or disarm her troops lNVASlON PLANNED OBrien said the UN had acted to vent civil war between Katangoand troops of thocen tral government He said the Congo national army had planned to invade northern Ketnll rlen declared that high cor issioncrwas on his way rom Leopoldvllle prov the central government Klmba oi Katnnga was arrested ai fighting outside his home and the provinces finance min ster also was taken into ButilnterinriMinister Gods iroid Munongo one of the st Jmenin Tshombes cab inet was reported to have es caped to Northern Rhodesia Germany controls road rail and canal trWover the 110 miles of Communist territory between the city and West Ger many The air corridors are the citys last unhindered links to the West Elimcr ArendtDenalt spokes man for the mayor said the Communist plans were reported members of the East Ger man ritary forces who de tected recently Moreescapes from East Ber lin were reported here today An layearold German police man stripped to his underwear and leaped into the River Spree Tuesday night swimming safely Herthfi Police said several other per fore the Communists threw up well through the divided OTTAWA CPD The Com mons went through full day ofintense earnest debate Tues day on the countrys defences but failed to get an answer to the question which now domin ates all others here Will Canadas armed forces belequipped with nuclear weap Defence Minister Harknesa told the Houae the gnvem ments policy is that the forces should not have to face poten tial enemy with inferior weap onssomething that has been said beforebut otherwise gave hint whatits decision will be After delivering the opening statement in the debate on his departments tool on spending estimates Mr llarkness set of speeches touching on then clear arms qufstion 4t aonssuccessfully fled during the Army Personae To Train Civilians AAWA CP The army will ask for volunteers from for mer regular armylpersonnel to help it train up to 1001100 civil ian male volunteers in national survlval operations no lglinistel Harkriess said iuesi lie told theCommons that for each sixweek course of 25000 trainees training staff of 2700 officers and noncommissioned officers will he required The training will be conducted it all the places where military armories exist and where there gilt HasKNESs STATES Govrrosmon Forces Shculdnft ightTi1 With Inadequate Wed Opposition speakers argued against acquisition of nuclear weapons Paul Hellyer IiTor onto nlty and Walter Fitman NDPPeterborougm also sug gestedthat the government is trying to condition the Canadian people to the acceptance at such weapons Late Tuesday night in what some observers considered possible tipoff to government in tentions two Conservative MPs made strong statements in sun pcrt of acquiring nuclear weap ons and received vigorous desk thumping applause from fellow Conservative members Robert MacLeiian Invert ness Richmond said Canada must defend itself With weapons having fthe beet punch modern scrutably through lanmlmsclencuan provide Bergusoo Browne Vanconve Kingswaysald every nation their full potential only when is sufficient enrolment to justify rooms NATO necdsgheJu LllLiLLL stre th to withstand Russian aggression and this could be ac complished only with nuclear defence weapons It was the first time Conserv ative MPs have made such forthright calls on the acquisi tion of American nuclear arms And the applause with which the two speeches werogreeted indicated that the government will have little troubleraliying its massive majority behind nu clear weapons ii it decides to acquire them Prime Minister Dlefenbaker announced Feb 20 1959 that the government intended to ac quire nuclear weapons from the US He said then that defensive weapons such asthe Bomarc ground to air missile achieve they are armed wth nuclear warheads Gunfire still echoed through en wooden formant underpass construction molar rsnomn in Hiding out Elisabethvllle several hours after the UN began its opera tion at 4am Katanga troops held out for half an hour outslde Kimhal ho before UN troops broke in and arrested him Tshombe had traces of blood on his clothes as he denounced the UN action his secret hide out outside Elisabethville Despite UN promises Tuesday night he said officials ofvtha world bodyklnfo today that tlfiy ing three of his ministers and wanted to take him Tshombe opoldviile The UN has been vputting jtrong pressure on Tshombe to meet widlpentral govemment Premle Cyrille Adoula to settle the secession issue lshomba hssjrefused go eopéld ville to meet Adoula and also rejected an invitation to go there to meet UN Secrets Iueneralmnrmr Adoula today declareda state of emergency in lfatangax Tshombe said his officers had brought messages to him saying the UN appeared to be occupy lbg all strategic points thmu out the province and that fight 13F Futiler beslearElisabethvillc OBrien told reporters that UN forces would continue to occupy public buildings in Katanga and that further measures will bet taken in the course of the day still thread or Photo

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