to HELP WANTED to HELP WANTED nuns my MALI on remand EXCELLENT MAIl of man AUTOMOTIVE OTOR CARS FOR SALE 54 ovum A40 to good candi Ion nu ndlo Privately owned TEE HARM EXAMINER SATURDAY AUGUST ï¬ll am McConkey Clan DAILY CROSSWORD Noam NEWS IN BRIEF you or over Unusual opportunity In enchant Telephone PA ism lm uIIICK two tone Ditto end while Imitation ha white vulll new motor 3000 Good condition Iieasonnbie For parttelt IIIm can PA slloc TRUCKS TRAILERS so none heavy duty hloll Pickup In Avl condition 3450 or best otfer Telephone FA sent anytime tor runner information PERSONALS CAN LEAVING Ior that Frtd August II 1901 returnlns Aucu GI Accommodate two rcle phone PA Nil between 000 evenings WOMENS COLUMN BEAU SHOP ColdIVIVEJ Illa ny cenlned nurdressor In your own name Phone Bernice at PA was or PA sassl LADlzsi Try Charis It you are Interested Vin new lnundltloll garment measured to your LIKE In your own home call PA Mm for oopnlntment lIO HELP WANTED FEMALE ecu SIMCOE COUNTY LIBRARY It uires an Isststlrlt tor Book mirth and General Library ivorlt QUALIFICATIONS At least Senior ultriculntlan and an ability to type Apply by tulle LIBRARIAN slrncoe County Library Cooperative rCounty Court House barrio Ontario AVON Need money to outï¬t your child ren or school Pleasant work In your neighborhood to beurs do selling Avon can mean an excelent Income No experience rory We train you graduation be created commit OPPORTUNITY We have an exceptional oppor tunity or Barrie raident with good education and pen snnai bardrgrnund age at 40 who can qualify for sales career leading to an executive position ill on established and permanent business Experience that has brought him in com tact with the public would be prelorred and the rial man will earn It substantial income and enjoy all weltare benelils Applicants should give full par ticulars stating age telephone number address experience and other qualifications All re plies treated strictly confidenJ tial BOX 79 BARRIE EXAMINER MALE FEMALE RCRFVi AIRCREW Single yount men 11 to years at are and with at least Grade Ontrtn cduCBlIDiI le metre uttntive training at sum or Navtgttam on modern Service equipment tnd alreratt and upon lion in the Royal Condlan Air Forcn TECHNICAL OFFICERS Graduate Engineer under 35 year or age will he considered for cnlansslnII In the Construction Engineering Aeronautical Begin eertng and Telecommunications bunches Alwiiunts may be mar ried or single Salaries altered Ire Kenemus dltloml nenents Include medical tnd dental care disability payments and an excell cut superannuation plan in Int serviced Cu menULL Phone PA ball between llIuo on Wednesday motnine EmLOYIIIENT WANIE wnr Lootr Artst onudren to my own hbml wul pick up and deliver Telephone PA Hm 300mm Accountant retimt on pension aner yeon unit with local nrm seektnl run or oaMIme employment John hint 7t High street telephone PA 66 I2 TENDERS TENDERS FOR TRANSPORTATION TOWNSHIP OF INNISIIL SCHOOL AREA N0 Tender are invited for IIIer mine at opfroxlmotely 20 pupUr who reside miles or more from Big Bay Point SchooL Route commenelnl at llofll store nix nay Point West on In cancer tlon to No 15 tloerood south to conceulon 11 even to No 20 side road north to Concession and to till my Point school Tendert to close Aug It Duties to commence September 5th ml wUGllmn Secretory PAINSWICK oNI TOWNSHIP or ESSA TENDERS son DRAIN CONSTRUCTION Scaled lenders merited to contents for the canttruttlon or the undemnntioncd drtlnt will be received by tho twnthlp Oltrlt until SATURDAY Auausr Io lost In sumI DRAIN located on lot It to to Can length to excavated tosoo lIntal foot voi IIllle of axclvluon 519 yds of lllh Anuomconnm DRAIN altmats located on lots to Cells In molt Iohoo ilnenl feet in lcnKtILVolumc of excavation 5380 cu toe of earth runs Proï¬les speciï¬clions Ind tender form may be reed the offices of the undersigned Clerk indmxrwclr Township curin AMBASSADOR NAMED QUITOEcundor AP Ai berto Colomn Sflavu career diplomat Friday was named Egundors ambassador to Can UNEMPLOYMENT CLIMBS NEW Reuters About 17000 persons said to be record now rare otï¬cially registered as unemployed in In dia At this time last year the number of people seeking work Olmth the countrys employ ment exchanges was 1500000 WANTS To JOIN COPENHAGEN tAPl Den markl Folketing ipariiamentl voted overwheaneg Friday to authorize tho goverment to ne gotiate with the six Common Market countries on possible Danish membership BANS ABTICES CHANDIGARH India AP Tbo Punjab government has banned publication for the next two months in new this state of articles the sikh demand for separate statehlhis was Interpreted bore oi one ng Lloyd May Succeed Douglas REGINA CF Th political spotlight sometimes shunned by Woodrow Lloyd to cussed sharply on him Friday following the selection at Ottawa oI Premier Douglas as may ionul leader of the New Demoe cratic Party Treasurer and deputy premier of Saskatchewan Mr Lloyd 48 is considered by many as the man to succeed Mr Douglas as CCF leader and premier of Sas os step to meet the threat of fanuntode by veteran rikh leader Tara Singb begin ning Aug ISthe 14th anniver sary of Indian Independence AUTHOR DIES NEW YORK iAP Bettina Eniirad as author and former fashion editor of Vogue maga zine died of cancer Friday Mrs Ballard author of In My Fashion personal account at the world of baute coutue was fashion comultnnt lecturer and contributing writer for town and country magazine at the time oi her death CARTOON DRAWS PROTEST VIENNA AP Russla has protested to Austria over car toon in the socialist newspaper Arbiet 165 mier Khrushchev with big bandage around his head and cord hanging lrom bu mouth and fastened at the other end to an Abomb locket The cap lion said Berlin Is decaying tooth in my jaws KAIMANDU Nepul lieut errt The Nepalese Supreme Court Friday ruled that the closure by local magistrate of the Katmantiu daily newspaper Nepal was illegal The paper along with Kaipunn another Katmnndu daily was banned without any reason being given trys administration from the elected government IlOtOr Wife Will Separate MeteorsSquare dilute rt treSSl Wanted exlwrienoad oInIne roetn Iull time Teln ne PA um BNDGltArnBIts Typist and erirt wanted or part time em Rxpcrtcnce necessary 31th PA onment ELDERLY LADY pretenny pon Mlsrs uoliflcdskilied typltu are re qu red immediately in tceountlnr medicll Ind edmlnlrtratlvc etllces Stenngnphlc nullity too wpln mln Imuml desired but not mando Iory Applicants mutt oe tingle 11 to as years of age Ind have at least Grade duettIon Younlt indies must be to to 29 tnd have minimum of Gradc marked cheque ptytele to the Treasurer of ma Towrtlhln for 57 ot turbid mutt comp any the tender The lowest or my tender not necessarily acctpied by the Count MI ll BELL clerk Esra Township Allin RR No out ketchewan Mr Douglas is expected to re main premier to pilot com pulsory medical care plan hrough tall session of the leg islature and resign at Novem her party convention former school teacher Mr Lloydis one at the original CCF members who swept into office HOLLYWOOD tArl Actor Chuck Connors 40 and wife Betty 33 say they will sepa rate Connors former major league baseball player stars in The Rifiemnn television series The couple has no immediate plans for divorce spokesman Lt n£LoSllmJLLEGAn ï¬nsnet Inst December soon nfter King Winnipeg MYTH IiflhtndrlllbbitnHer coun Cr Hold Reunion Dmcendants of the iamity oi the late John and Rebecca hlc Milieu Mchnkey among the first pioneers nt Innis shillTWbo ma eir home on the eighth line more than 100 years ago held their first MN Conltey reunion July 30 at the summer home oi Mr and Mrs George Lamber at Caledou Eighteyseven attended Among the families were the Dmrys Gazcys Hunters Forbesand hIcConkeys The only surviving uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs McCon key attended Nancy Ellen Pickard six monthold daughter at Mr and Mrs Paul Pickford of Winnipeg wns theyouugest and came the farthest ST PAULS Mr and Mrs George stun eu and lllrs Ethel Reynolds to North Bay and district The Paulettes of St Pauls Church held successful bake and balaar sale at Crescent Harbor Mr andltrs Wallace Barber and family have iott by car to visit ltIrs Barbers parents in ill prua Visiting Mr and Mrs delta Keli recently were Mr and Mrs William Garrett London Mr and Mrs Elvin Roll and dnumlter Brenda and son Bar ry ore holidaying at Gibson Lake Mr and Mrs Sydney Web ster Toronto visited Mr and Out Mrs Ewart Jennett last week Will Need sun To Unite Party LONDON Reutcrs The A0308 Electric Begone unit lnndan Come mlnta Faglao Ti mutt 11 31mm lower 12 new Dunne 1L undieval boat 15 kinled 17 End122d 18 Empty talk eniinq 21 Form animal Be In den Dona 29 Sloth 30 Woodm Finn 31 Malta bolus 33 Reeves 1rIsIt victory my 39 came up to Water my 42 Valued NI HIE nuï¬nuun Inna rlvor 44 Pieces out 45 Mme EN IHNNIIIN IIHNII IIIEERN Canon Ipr First Arab letter High mm hill nun lines do GU train 3cm toned INNll annualll IEIIENNNN NV IIIE Ask For Dismissal OI Nazi Supporter WASHINGTON AP Schu ylcr Ferris AGYCiltï¬lld civil iun employee of the Unitcd States Army map aorvicc ak nowiedgcd Friday that he be longs to the Fighting American Nationalists an organization associated with the Amercian Nazi party Ferris whose dismissal has has been demanded by con gressman also said he may George Lincoln Rockwell and his Nazi party troopers drove through the southern US at the heightoithedesegrcgntiou campaign by the Freedom Itid ers Ferris asked Friday it he had made $850 down payment on the bus aaidI It could be Im not saying one way or the oth HONORED BY CHEMISTS MONTREAL CWDr Schneider oi the National Re search Council Ottawa was Times of London says Premier Doug oi Saskatchewan the newly elected leader of the New Democrntci Party would need all his political skill to unite the CCF and the Cona dian Labor Congress into dts ciplined team In its feature Man in the News the Times said It was no mean feat for man to be able to head the only So cialist ment in North America Now at the age of 56 this small dynamic man has set his sights again on the federal field being leader at the New Democratic party will that hewillneed all his politiétfl skill to weld the radical ele ment of the CoOperative Com monwealth Federation and the more conservativeminded Ca nadian Labor Congress into disciplined team BAKEng sALcs Almost 60 per cent of bakery sales in Canada are made through grocery and supermar ket outlets in the 1944 general election lie represents the rural cous tituency of Bigger in westcon trai Saskatchewan and prior to this years session be avoided the limelight This year his 413mbtoprami cht was marked by major speech dur ing the throne apeecb debate in addition to the traditional speech by the treasurer in bringing down the prpvinciol budget said but each has engaged inw yers He did not disclose the cause of the trouble Connors left Friday ior Bos ton on personal appearance tour The couple married in Mont real Oct me has four chil dren Michael to Jeffrey Stephen and Kevin The marriage was the lirst for each TELEVISION PROGRAMS ckvo CHANNELB BARRtE SATURDAY Auauar v00 IIll rllntttenet 5m Norm tun Core For the Court taret Zeilï¬eld moo state Schoni or slut Artt Bugs Bunny 11oo oncrv Allstat coll 11111 The We NewtWE Itinevxp ay Allsttr Golf Community pm 11 1110 Married Joan Thu PLoplnl caplet TUESDAY AUGUST till 115 Tut rotten Lil MOVIE 9200 Great llovlu Isenr Pardc on 300 summcrnmn 10 Prime Mlnltter Macmillan erunsltuattortl 1125 Weather News Sports 1130 neuraln cnlna Twin nlll The Iron snarlm Day To nememucr awarded the Chemical Institute of Canada Palladium Medal lor outstanding contributions to Ca nadian chemistry at the insti tutes annual meeting here Fri day night The model donated by the International Nickel Carn pany of Canada is presented annually CililillEit MISS YOU It your carrier has nor nrrived by Fall please phonn EAi82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Homes THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARSAND TRUCKS tsioner to stuy with school aged children to 14 years while mother war pan to In pm ln uchunln nr mom or room and jLOOK YOUR ram Telephone PA 511 or PA ATrIC CELLAR The RCAF also It vacancies in number of trodes open to OR GARAGE MALE HELP Itlll Um 1Wcllticlflia wtnted cxpertenc can sell for cash Hundrek ot ed rot work on school Tele nont people use Examtner Want Ads Jerry underline at Slayrler It JOURNEYMAN Electrician mouln to sell articles they no longer need want or use ed for Immediatn nerdy employ ment Sltn reference and Jury WANT ADS expected Apply to nor barrio PA 824l4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 COndenseLanLnlnslflede tIsements are Inserted at the rate at to per word per insertion lor onerand two times 3c per word for three four or five times and me per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional dmrge if not paid within IOdnysr1HBMINIMUIgCOS FOR ANY CLASSIFIE AD VERTISEMENT Is soc FOR 24 Cf Im WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $14 FOR 147 WORDS 1133 tho Ittnalt CHARGED PER SINGLE IN National velvet SEEHON Some or Those Day eanotts 0R CORRECTIONS Ed Suulvan Stow Gill Presents Advertisers are remlodad that phon insertion orders on ooce charge the army with persecut lng him for his political beliefs It is investigating him The defence department said Ferris did not have access to classiï¬ed papers Ferris has been accused of supplying the hate bus which All applicants must be Cana dian cltIlens or uritlth subirclt ruldent In Canada MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT ORILLIA ARMOURIES onlLuA ONTARIO AUGUST will Noon Ios pm BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ask About LOW Rated By Month or street Telephone PA 82414 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly Ickup or delivery 1LFRANCIE 5T REAR PA 68551 peck oI cigarette dull TV SALES AND SERVICE TONYSAPPLIANCE SERVICE Service Snailmakes of appliances I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6l 142 REFRIGERATION News Sport Interviewr Curtannl Music Iunlor Roundup Cartoon Party New Headliner Thre stooges Form Mllkut Rapart Den iamleton Newt Weather5pnrtr Wanted Dead or Allvo ilstar Theatre Hancocks Holt Holt Jake and the Kid Hnllduy Loos Manhunt ClaraU CBC News The Weatherman Today In Sports Community Now Cromodl WEDNEIDAY AUGUIT L15 Test Pattern 130 MOVIE éOIl sunnul 300 ummelllnn News and oru Interview nulldlnr tb oars CIItDC Junior Euundu IIuclricbo flgund yawn Bel III In am no rammmflkmiffl Don Intrusion Newt Weather Sport Th5 Rel uccayt Blbhllfll Pothol International Zone My Three seat XXI Thllt The erior all EXPIDII out C3CTV New The Weatherman Today In Sports Community NOW 113 Not Ivor nut CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO SATURDAY Auuun 100 wagon lrnIn 420 Wrestling 500 Thetn At mist 530 IIl Time What Next corporal 610 strum amour 540 nIegIc Ma The autumn 545 Weather Wanted Deld or Alive Newr LlanoMar wkooIllen Into Spica News We our sport 7Io Icing canxm Show Better ado Two Free West News we 7500 Nakedrrcl Eminen IoIIo right of the Week Ioso Johnny alter Show 1100 Newt Weather Sport 11 Saturday Night Theatre South of st Loulr ms Epilogue slINDAY AUuusl 1020 Youth and Railtion 1050 Stories folSlrnfl 110LAround the Worl em News Puck crave Ilt bouelu Ittr Inkn Pretent channel Nine Thutln The Jolton story Inter Ilatut neaahtll Rln TilI nn Glencannon The liel Mocoyt rha Dnnnn Reed shew Academy Pettorment Take Me out to then Glmn Intermlllion Academy rerrormane iPert III Polladtum Newt Weather sports Sunday Ian Movie audit Epilogue MONDAY AIJGDBT 1100 News Free Ind New Channel Theatre 111 Deen nrivoi News Prnlessorl Hideaway vhlrlyblrdt sports Magic Moutch In apart Nowl Weather kls than SUNDAY AUGUST EXCAVATING us Test Puttern FILL GKAVEL OP SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED armranrcrtdlarwmr Delivery erutneo etnne nut Yuld Blckhol Ior tun DENNIS MORAN pnAnnl street so EZYIW LANDSCAPING HRTICULTURAL fNSULTANT SCAPE DESIGNDIG MAINTENANCE IIIITII IIIIIIIII und IIIFI 29 COLLIER ST WHERE YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR HlFl TUBE MANTEI AMFM MANTEL LOEWE orm STEREO AND HlFI Lonwn ours It RECORDER 200 Popeye und Polo 215 News weather sports 130 wetness Country Cliendlr and APPLIANCE SERVICING on an makes Large and rinsll For prompt courteous service ull WAYNES REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE SERVICING lo SHANNON 5th PA 84476 Honoursnu UPHOLSTERY JGhesterfieldGhairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seatsr HummerPm Garden Furniiilie 15YEABSSERVICE IN BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES AND PICKUP BARRIE 51450 mm AUTO RADIOS UNIVERSAL MODEL CUSTOM MANUAL $59410 CUSTOM PUSHBUT $7450 BIAUPUNKT FOR WORTED CARS Ius $4250 1135 Bringing Up Buddy ed convenience to Meet MnOruw CBC TV New udve ser Thererore the latrined News Weather Advaflktgï¬ Department reoulret Movie nil adve era to kindly rechock their advertisement Immediately after ï¬rst inscrtiolrln order troyeer tfsfnly be reported beiore un in order that same may be reclined or tile rollowlng days Insertion order IMotflth at Barrie Examiner Irvreapooslble toronly onelncorreetly printed insertion on any advemsement and then only to the extent or portion of ad that involvel tlta mlsprint Erran whichrdn not lessen the value ot the advertise men are not eligible for corretu tlonr by malts goods oper word mlï¬lmum urge $150 Birth and Death Notices ior up to 25 words ovenascworda 5c per word extra In Menloriom No tices $150 ii verse used 3o par word extra sum IEIIER serum Intormauen regardlng tdverttserr using Blind Letter cox Numhen rol Runner It held strictly condu cntltI to Lott sent will he hed only 10 day utter last day or publication Ciassiï¬ed advedisementsand notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication w1th the ex ception of Classiï¬ed DIsplay advertisements which rnust be in by 1200 noon preceding day Rate and pe styles rot Icinl dispisay engineer may he eon tulncd through The Examiner ad vertlalng department mm $17900 The Quilt Man Rear Speaker completelz installed with way switch for 950 ANDSERVICE FULLY GUARANTEEDVV PHONEWPA 60373 Test rtttern 130 movie Naked city Summertn an Intervier ctrtoenr Mull rumor rtaunoup Long John Silver Newtnetdltear Bert Churchill rrrm lttrltel noport Don IantI on News lVettitar Spam Wyatt carp Singrlotlg Jubilee Spur Ien While Were Youlil hltiNnAY AUGUSleiii if Personal attention given to 509 Ports ssssssssc PAPERHANGING unwann SMITH AND soN Inn and paper Hanging ltÂ¥ENFANBAWNING pA um co urn 3d BAYFIELDST BARRIE WJLASTERING PHONE PA 664 STUCCO STONE UPHOLSTERING QUIKBRICK AND OF EVERY KIND PLASTERI NG ODraperies CEILINGS ROOIIIVIS 11p covers tide Idsmaï¬a TERMS NO DOWN TPAYMENT VA SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT have been uccoseo to rent our dead and crippled form not mats under the above not FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARREW GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE cecal WANTED DEADOR CRIPPLED HORSESICATILE lIOGS promptly ior disposal one Jamie PA sTldl Long distanct Zenith 34800 at our expense PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No sacot mutt trl Sport LIV 1000 Commercial furniture Installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOISTERING AND RUG CO 64 BAYFIELD ST PA usu Inseam Out as towncan eouect Complete snoge or ruhrlta shown In your home CLEANING FOr fine furniture and rug cleaning call WY FAIROF BARRIE FREE ESTIMATE PA c1012 PA enlist WELL DIOOING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplan an or lportr THESIMY A0011 The undersigned has been instructed to report one aspects 1100 Nuwl Prue and Elly CltIIIlIeI Theatre Sn Gnu My 10V News Professors Whirlybhdl arts Illa Mbmlnllln ort NIWl Walther Gueltwrrd EDI Wyatt Ell Tlltllltn QtdEtflhl II erru Itouto 5s In order to make as complete Burris But limi 133m ethatï¬dny personéhcving any inf write To rhoundersignedbeforeAugust l8rh 1961 Each letter Newt Wiltbur spotu will be acknowledge and held infiricr confidence so 88 ofcontrocr specificationsTInd inspection of materials equip at as 22 slotway neonatalponder ond services purchoscdby the various do pertinent of the City of Barrie er 3mg SE passshear 83 report as possiblerit is request1 New Iet Airliner Can Ladd Itself LONDONrtAF let air liner that can land itself was unveiled here Friday by the de Haviiand Aircratt Company The plane known as the lriA dent has fits three engines mounted at the tail Planned for shortand mediumrange flights itcon carry up to 100 pasacui gers andbo operated at coat of about one cent seat mile Electronic equipment tlte Trident turnsthe plane in thodireciion oi the runway and gently guides it down rmuiion which will assistto P3999 PP possess WEDNESDAY Austin two Newt Epitom eai Dr aid so err an yougltht uni Montnu In sport Newt Warping flltd Win ï¬mstlgnnensradnnann nr Wednesday Nico That The Arnan Artirl Nlelra amt rant Newt Walthu Enter twatI IV OI fll lotions also common Manager Barrio rout Try An Examiner Want All Phone Pa 82411