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Illlgtll1 1111111 di11111 11 your pocket enclose 11 mm yourthII mvh HM III hat Saturday Western Star request and 11711 furward ll to UN Im7nl IM HUM WW III 11 Midlay Varieties 1111 Manitoba R11111 fund I1 HM ImmnI IIHFMIPIII 11 llolxd 1n Rhythm I1 II II Music 111 the 2111 Heres program note of inter 11 1I Sat Sihcr Threads pmishimmx m7 the WWW II1111111 111 the judges harles 1111317111 3111 MUHIwd 12 Holiday in of Barrie KBB connnenceil hmw leml and lmn Hm llhm 1lldcm Ti Mmm KIWI zuul Montreal 2110 lu1xlhur Shopping in StayI Illde runmi Ialmmy mwmli 230 Sat Illillllisdale Review WW ill 15 Illlllilillll 01 lIialiglit llnhhghts he heard Monday through Friday on 10 Dldll 330 Midafternoon Newscast for the next two weeks This serI 111710 lloncdFri BarB Ranch ies is being broadcast in conjuncl All CKBB programs listed $111 OIub 1230 111111 with the Family Rosary 111 hNOW are heard Monday 17371 Hes 11111I 3111111111 Vhec 401 c1111 1230 1111111 000 llM use on 77 CIIIIIC d15cover1es of The Canadian Radio Awards for 1000 Newscast Wed Holland Today De WITTS PILLS 1949 sponsored by the Canadian I003 Morning Matinee Fri Wayne King Show Relief me Backache Association for Adult Education 1015 Sat Mov1e McrryGoRound Sat ChildrenS Comer KIdney and BIaddCITI bIc 00 PONDS ANGEL FACE lhe New Hokel 11 Sat Four Stars of tho WeekL II In IclvI OVALTINE ENLARGEMENT PLAIN or CHOCOLATE SPECIAL For This Week FLAVOURED sadc at Martyrs Shrine on Wed ullQUKh Saturday except where ncsday May 24 We invite you to mdcaw I7 117mK 317m KW emu 711819 we owmpg In my the 700 Sunrise Serenade until 030 530 NOW3 l1 anuly Rosary Crusade program 715 Furl Mornin News 3111 01me Hour until 700 featuring the voices of many llolly 000 itlonchFri Marching along wood stars and Father Ieyton the MMM Rtpml 015 News from World of Sports 745 Regional Weather Report 77 founder of the Rosary 7rusadc 1110 Newscast 750OLrn1ght newscast I50 Bulletin Board II 800 Bill Hewitts Sports Roundup Commencing this week CKBB 805 MonIwedFriI Breakfast FunI 659ch1onal Weather Report NCIIIIIIIII and Demo comm VJ IIIi III 9W IHIOI Mult 015 According to the Record lm1IFilln4Pngagle qt ENLARCED Beverage BIS LARB L0 MRI5 RIlmgt 39 for Minor Iomt lav1hon on F1 1day and Sat 330 Coffee Club Stomach S1 to 5119 x7 nurday evening from It oclock to 845 Shopping Time 171m SIIL DIIIIRILSSIII and his SI In 58 ALMOM InN RII9I 33 LIVE and llljifl Be sure to listen when 900 Hymns of the world mndcrx TAMBEL 98 77 777 Kldncy 250 CKBB 01050015 lllt mllSlC Ol BIN 900 Saturday Serenade 715 1111111117 K111 MOUNT BRALNI SERVIHIES Mm HIM 39 Disorders Hunter and his orchestra w1th 915 Rad1o Bandstand Sat Close Harmuny songs by Margo Price 930 Mon thru Sat Mtisic Box 730 Mon The passing Show 1111061 49 ARISlthRtI WAX PAPER 7777 1011 25 77 BILE BEANS viruuv at too 69 Rehab The yon Nutritious PILLS POLAROID CLINICAL105111101101131157114133af99 GOGGLES 111 CORUX 1111013 17121211 432 For Backache 0000711911101151111191111 23 47 945 Thurs Salute to the Babies T1195 playhOUSe of Favorites 1020 llonWedllt11 Mot 11mg M1il 71 11111 be presented to the 11111111 on bum Time 77 we 45 WedITmlrIFriI Album Ti Kidney and ENGLISH 51 up To R16 ogI 33c MW Rhcumallchm II I1 II 717 pugIduIcIcts Iand smith Illb 10 1030 Mon thru Fri Movie Merry 745 Sap Hawaiian Harmonies Bladder in Ilmhr Sly In pmcw lugs Im GORound 300 News Troubles FLAQHC grnckleg 7I SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II cast on the TransCanada netwolk 1030 sat Ted pluonts Ms II 12 cooPm 50 on re dy Minn Show 77 777 74 or the CBC 910 pm 1045 MonwedFnu Morning Mat Tues Rhapsodic Gems 00 BM s11 rrnriwi Thur Heres Health 7i7i7fi7 mce For soccer fans CJBC on ch 1100 MonWedFri Church in that 305 FHI Spinnin Inn DR lOCKE nesday May 24 will broadcast Wildwood 1100 Saturday Morning Special 1130 Voices of Sprin Saturday Story 1145 MonWedFri Your Thoughts 1145 TuesThur Organ commentary on the second half of demonstration match England versus Ontario AllStars from the Canadian National Exhibition stad ium in Toronto The broadcast will be heard from 41to pm 77 M7 7771 Book Penny for Reverie Sat Salute to Camp Borden 8l5 Wed Wally Perkins Thurs Local Talent Parade 830 Mon Double or Nothing 830 Wed Jaycee Guest Forum 1830 Thurs Keeping Your Baby Well 900 MonWed The Spinnin Inn 900 Rhapsodic Gems 930 Tue7 Radio Drama Worshop 11000 Sat Time out for Dancing t1015 Thur Canada at WOIK 11030 National NeuLLSummary 900 Sat HayloftParty OLYMPENE The Antiseptic Linimrnl FeatherLighv Fit0n 250 FeatherLight Moulded Plastic 77 FeatIhcrILight Gold Plated Metal FaceForm Frame 51110111 ENyELorEs 11111111011313772 QlCliRlN SlllPIOSIIomrs 332 ll 40 llQlISEltolDLIu111rNr 29 49 1171111917111 7119311139777 RM 291 19 LUCKI 01111111110 p105 n77 13 1101111111 171 110erIIBAttI111jOFL1 COLOGNE lieretiring Fnunmrc Reg 250 ETIQU ET CREAM II Aslz Tamblyn 8i 11111 FILES 1115 030 Organ Intellllde Relieves DIABETIC 10005 Where uni 11 619 buy diabetic foods wholculePI L7Td 77 eviehSZSEgesI wether meg Sore Hm I7 11113 Sign off ahd Anthem Rheummc For 71777l7171no71 Cafmaznl POlSON IVY LOTIONX 29 49 ll30 FriSat Dance from Miners Muscles E1911711AD I4I111T31104322e11 July Mfr Mm point IaIsIv ovI uponc IooIsIIan Iu137 0411 16 Eff WW $15520 ARM SUNDAY MAY 21 ul To 10 25 19 Undeurm OEODQRANT Effective 11111 roIorImc 121 rap 77 we me or or car 16 oz 900 News olgI dayuglytcr She Ylakcsyrizel 99 89 and 59 90 Or an Inter AAA am we king 913 A11g Aboard llilor 77Adventure Milt 19991317 ALm VN TABLETS 139 19 930 Sunday Morning Serenade cm We IOIOII Famy Favorites we 97197 110 an 1111 1n IoI ILIPERLATHER SHAVE 11 23 1948 PLYMOUTH COACH All Accessories Spotlessly Clean Only 1500 Miles 1948 DODGE SEDAN Locally Owned By Well Known Business man 23000 miles Correct the cause of your 1948 CHEVROLET COACH Well Cared For 1030 Newscast yea the Only Ones ou 1941 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1940 PLYMOUTH CPE 1040 Quiet Corner Se 03 SAFE DRV LEENERm77503113511160 POWERHL CERWCIDE foot trouble So dont suffer 17 We my HIM Lid 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1935 FORD COACH 700 Chulch 59W valuable Food 1711 1938 FORD DUMP NewIMotor Excellent Tires 12 1V0 Clam 7lor Children 1717177 1W ind 777m 107 HAVING BRUH lief 239 35 449 lllSlNlEClllll Six scientific features in every Dr liockehoe help arm IOchr 111 me Apg another daylet us fit you in the last designed for your type of foot ASPIRIW Quicuy Relieves Pain From Fever Due to Colds The onfy muakeup that gives your skin the mat Tingling Freshness 11105175 I7 217 TABLETS 111111 Irma Cold Headache and anew mum 31 351se 159 371 cool 10111515 BilG ASSJIKAHII ch Wand DRWESTS IaiI7Iu Top In KLEENEX if TOOTH BRUSH 1115 11 177 II EVQTIerEOIO 7I mil niEPEIIFDES TOHII IsquIIIIIIIIhI3lS 55 77 COlGATE DENTAL c11er 251 45 75 Worlds No1 Mew711a HMO SHAMPOO 294989 Crowd+9100 SALES RENTALS Ensues PALMOLWE WW ayes Barrie BusineSs College 10156171oo 77SHAV CEilllaf IL75 Jose Com IIIELVERY STORE HOURSMom Tue Thun 111 830 am 8130 pm After 151111 66 TORONTO STREET Phone 4824 phone 2650 III230 pm Sat 830 mm i0 pm Sun 12 to Please call only after 330 pan 50 King Street Wen ToronlaCanada 1230 Newscast 1M1 1111 me 1311 1114 1947 FORD TON CHASSIS CAB 1240 Program Resume and Invalids 73Igs7IIIIgI7e 71 WASH CLOIHS 1111211311a7 23 mam 1947 DODGE 12 TON EXPRESS Good Bu 1245 JObeoioilobgorkers workers 40 16C on NSONEk 1250 Mugic without words 841 L16 we Im WW II IIIIIII MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM in 11 Studio Recrtal 29213 ersona se III 300 Sundiilracdgssic Hour 0363 3531 17113 05 Collier St BRADFORD AT JOHN 4100 NeWSC 13 171 31 DIAL 2487 Dial 4981 as herd an slimhungry amino 415 AS the Twig is Bent III 58 Dlmlop St IBM 430 Guy Lombardo and orchestra 110177 1111 1M7 111 you 500 The Ave Maria Hour Sundayspam pot roast Mch 530 Chapel Chimes la7Stcamcdwiencrs wuh mus mm Ind gfsgsengtnsdgp 5mthrgmprwgdnegmyi 615 To be announced OMPACT 40c 15331233f$iiilfffiff wnh LANOUTE 330 PhotgraphchHints REFILLS co Frida1Hot salmon lost Saw7 Government llltl on gm Church Service 7sopranoneon Encores aIeIrIrEIIOI we runs Itteover III II II II II Canada Premzer Investment Security 830 Sunday Star II 77 II I7 INaeygscastCI 77 mthe standpointof security of principal attrac 9730 Tlgeefllusicaslglsl DelWMY MODE i771 Wr7777r7777 1030 Newscast In the New ShapeIBox ve neld and ready marketability7there 15 no type 1040 Harry Horlick 77s4775777o7se 1100 News in Minute7 of securityavailoble in this country thatcan compare 1103 Sign or and Anthem with Governmemof Canada BondsI II TRY AN EXAMINER NT PHONE 2414 Refunding Loan 270 Bonds Due June 15II196763 99 50 III 797 rice 3113 IT itiilidiflilgftllimdes UIIIIerIIIIIIm III DIsIrIbIIIo of IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 890mm since 1901 TORONTO MONTREAL NEW 10101 lONDON ENG WINNIPEG VANCOUVER VICTORIA CALGARY LONDON KITCHENER IHAMILTON OTTAWA ourrzc HALIFAX SAINT JOHN fame7777AfrTWQLOCATIQNSLW4W STZEKSC3722g autumniminiinnmnnnti111111111111111111111111111111111110