MAY 18 1950 11 ange Association Led Hidden Power By CotGary Lee Lake Harness Meetf Barths Frank llalfe and his rststepping trotter thrkvli or the spotlight from Hugh hit11111 or Poi 1111 yesterday afternoon when Orr Lake lui ub 11111147 lEtlf llln illllilllti Illltl li entered Durky Range in the 230 class and scored ecoid in three treats for second money It was indeed tor Hallo who had every license to celebrate Prominent Toronto Woman KCllohnnY Long Speaks at PW Installation Midland Alena MondayEvemng Banal W111 snarl ONTARIO 0mm mum Simcoe Presbyrm Ministers Wives lvieet at Elmvale Barrie SOltball gt FLOOR SANDING as 15 tlw 11111 11 lamp llrtzi 11111 Moray lr cittl 9211 121 and 1LZiln 11 tinilflf 111 was the 311 in p1llt1 last li1 11 Hot 31 111111 111611115 tlm lllih iitlltlali 1hr 111 by 1311 1111 the 11111 11 111111 was reaclml 111 2111 plantItd Il1 111 Kill 1111 t1il 11111 1l 71113 11 tilittzlc NH tlilol 111 1111 ii1itgtlI ru lloors 1ll xlltllll 1n Irioilvtlr lttll llIHltIllt tllil Iltml llso rc 1lut true1111 t1IIl cliallt 1211 In 111l1d surlslud of Schmidterg lla the 111111 which 111i haunted llalft 11t111 in 1111 part came 11111 111 the Ftilrlitl and third heats I11ky Rance Very 111111 111 It 1111 Lltl iltilr 11 1211 lit 11l to 11 1111 311s 11z1 lt1 Kt 111 11111 1111 v1 1e 1111 I1 11 It 11 mm li1hiitl111 1111111111 1111 tilt 11h ti 11111 eunuch illlill talent 11rmml 51 tltxl troll1 who cant he pushed Ill mild All lltVIIIILE 111 HW It ttutclily bloke stride ill the cctla Itllllmlf Ill flltgt1dc1t Talus 11111 1rwl til till and third heats to sport pusold MI 11M IIHIHL from the loop 1111c ae1 1t tilltti 1111 3111111111111 Iolt flirte strauiht victories Illhllillltl the I1 oflawrs for the 1111 IIIIIIIUI eal VicepituitlvLd It 1o Itlrr IIIIIItt 12111 1111 1111011 71 In Iltttifillllr iititfl 11 tttIlitlIf 11s 11 Whirl 311 till 11 5qu huan way Hourly Illnyt 1111 111 111 11112 31111tll llIV lllltrlllnT Mu thmnyI sla 111111 and Victoria McKilIop ht 1111111 Iitiii 11 ll1lf1 Illlllllli 11111111 platen piliiriilu li 1111 11111 ll Ian11 ml 1Ilitltllllll CARSON 1111 1111 lIlI PHONE 3107 11111 TT guaranteed thud111 31 1ltl lfdiar ilao for 11 111 111111 11111 ll rfl 13 111111 NOllflZ truism or scumur ALLANDALE TAXI is NOW for complete service coin ltldl l1 to tlw ilollt fairly liiltl llll Illt lllSl when 111 ilengicd 11 111 tutc tlli habit 111 gttill ltttm ti 11 II II II adv 111 iitt 11 the tlilw 1111 1911 11 f11otr1lr to rate its strain lil11llt 111 ifs class on lntario tracks lheri is little doubt that the horse 111 111 t11111l 13 11 lllw tell 111 llllv4 IItifii Hull 11 111 i111 by IRHH Ii RUIN with Reels lRfllli 1112151 Il1llIL UIIICR LINIC lililllllill IIRUNIIZ LINII 8511111 51303 817515 S233 3110 ft 51113 3111 ft $3115 llllflft $1195 3100 It $100 3011 ft $150 31111 ft $1511 IIIII IIIL suur 111 Somali 11 111 13121111 Scout Troop RTE 1111111 on 1111 K1111 1117 ilrt or lu 11 1111 111 St Ilittd hurlh Ha9111135 1111 lllliz in down lol1 HM 1111 11111111 111121 1o WABLERS Williams iilrlrs lucky Strike Lane llorrriuion Toronto ALSO ASTle RODS Slll 11111115 llues Ilies II iolcli tt 111 lililr 11 41 11am More 12 QsssxnsKsRainsSiiusSvuex USED CAR PARTS rt Miss Aarson plant1i 1111 1ld put 11 cnrblclu of on 11 II 1111 tcrirtlc lllt displayed 111 introducrue lluralntan to N14 11 few yards from the finish lininillillIWVIIILHI 1111 Kiltiutlult 111 Italic allowed more experiencedI dents of 1111 Illltllliitlttllitl tedcl1 RA111N ed to the front at thefirst turn bill mum 411111 IIIII UpmuI th 1hr Imnm mm Aim Wn HHH 1111 tiltlmo Saturday Iakilri the pole position from the Iii1 otIitt Alli1 Izault llaltc managed to smooth Mtlttlltlt as Illllllltllirl pitt piesz dhna LI him out and uroc front fourth to drill as 1111 tool trro clrzur 2111 iitlli 1lt11 II l1kv 11111111 would have oyerlaklhe dinner anemia 311m 111a en 1111 itlllttfll lllIltlVl1tJllt Mc ltiltb told of 1111 activate an llrose two unstakis shoved llalfo pration of llitsiuim and Ilolcssiolr into thud plat 11 Vorueus lute 71113 llIlii1ltlltI VI lxwxnin tllltl to handle Darky Range 111 111 illu ltual heat where first would Hm ll HI 115M 111 ltllgtll 111111111 hlttv Miss lllllllllllll uorrnnwllt ll up woeHm Chip gm lvtvl 11 mum 1tp 11 lllilillil 111 II lllllllllll LII It hmk 51le Tho Wm 11 III Illlll 111 fllH IIIIHIII III any lulutl the lttllltl flag IIlttllltfl out of hill hw 1i1dlur woolen by A5 Ruin SIIIJIIIIL mm hm stoutluaww 51111111111 led Kuuzs ounscls UNl lmllll 4111 lne SICRVHI llAllANllilil the 11clr III 110 lucir 1h Meanwhile Victoria McKillop had ltKfllllftl her stride after poor start and caught the field In the final run of the track stretch she ol 1111 ltlttl 11Illitrll III the lllllllt stretch llost of the ttll OUI i= WednesdayMay 24 5C lilllop had it 11111 lllttlltllltll11111111 Itlulllltl IUIt lelhlll Ilttlttlhdu 11 present 1111 of 1111 Vitolift Tun Hunt l0 ICNIRIICS ll BIC 1N BY MAY 20 up 13 HII1HWM mm mmny mmm 11 III 11 ML III chm gmmh Wei 1wv has l11 Hv no 31W Ulltl throughout the lust Iralfl Itltltiitl the traditional oath lll her account of the ruleruzr included Ililtlt hall lt 111111 of the new scout llltl tronal board meetiqu 1Iuclrs111 had l111 the of ceiy 1111 tlllllltIIIV urd insrnora attended in Helsinki 111 lllllillltt last lmys unit 1111 1nttrrral IIUII Now Available for nearly all makes and models of cars ALLANpALE MOTOR SALES Located at 235 Bradford 51 For Information Phone 5254 XS$SSM$W$$$$ ASS$SSS$$$XS$$$SSmmiiSSXSSSXS33 Collingwoocl Harness Races May24 1950 220 Class two heats Prrrsc $20000 225 Class three heats Purse $22500 2120 Class three heats Purse $22500 FreeForAll three heats Purse $30000 Firstxeight entries in each class enclosing entrance fee of purse will be accepted Send entries to secretary STARTING GATE 1300 Adults 75c Children udder 12 Cars21fc LOCKHART Pres PORTEOUS Treats lughsfardrvare Hardware for Hard Wear Garden Seed Lawn Rennie and Steele Briggs Garden Lawn Seeds for fast and healthy growth Also ShadyNook Grass Seed for spots that receive little sunlight Giirden Tools Iloes Spades Rakes Trowels Cul tlvatorIall the garden tools you need for wonderful garden SECONDHAND BARGAINS Electric 1Washing Machine eXCellent Condition $5000 ICEIBOIXES large sizes i$1500 LawnIIVl0wers reconditioned SPECIAL Galvanized Waterfall llOOR POIISHERS ISiIrIfIIIIIoEIIc Rockets Magic POLISHERS FOR pour Lights and all the other fireworks Elf called for atIStorc 1f delivered and picked up that make grand SUNSHINE IELCYCLES ii$l495119 May 24 holiday BICYCLES $4995 and $7450 Dughs Hardware so DUNLoP sr wIEDELIVER PHONE 2556 ecivcd throughout the entire after owned by Clarence CitizenshipAdviser Itook the lead away from Irilo Slrceluur But llarky Rance tirade his move in as filrc manner as secu 1111111 the day He challenged Victoria McRiIlop 11 the home stretch turn but once utaih broke Inis stride He was smoothed out prickly but couldnt rcLzairr the lost ground 111 the run for the finish line The highlight of the meet was he perfornrnnec of owner and driver Hugh McLean of Port Elcilr 11c rdroved home eightwilurcrs in 12 treats to literally walk away with Ltlrc money It was his Victoria McKillop that outrun Dzrrky Range in the 230 tclass McLean shoved Nancy Patch across for three straight wins in the 225 class and duplicated the feat with Miss Delta 13 in the feature freeforrll The lone competition McLean re noon was in the 220 class where land ronrpcd to three straight treat wins McLean drovc Bert Patch Jr to pair of seconds and third for secondplace money Periodical rain falls spoiled the clubs opening meet which drew at disappointing crowd of 600 The track was heavy and slow None came close 1to breaking the track record established by Make Believe Lockhart of Collingwood which is 213 35 Results 2130 class Victorial Mc1illop owned bv Hugh Mchail of Port Elgin 411 2Darky Rang owned by Frank Balfe of Barrie 132 Chilo Shechan owned by Vincent of Perrctang1323 Time 232 235 23412 225 class Nancy Patch owned by Hugh McLean of 011 Elgin 111 Pat Lee owned by Clar cnIce Lockhart of Collingwood 822 Princess Heir owned by Woods of Cheslcy 334 Time 228 222112 223 220 class Billy Whistler own cd by Waples of Midland 111 Bert Patch Jr owned by Hugh McLean of Port Elgin 223 Jerry Mac owned by Conlin of Oshawa 334 Times 221172 221 224 Freeforall Miss Della owned by Hugh Mcleari of Port Elgin l1L2Chamberlain owned by JMCKinley of OrangeviRc 31923 Worthy Crusader owned by Miller Wrzry of Schomlierg 434 Times 222 225 222 Addresses Teachers The West Gwillimbury Teachers Council meeting took place inMidJ dleton SchooII on Wednesday May 3Iat Ihrce oclock The IImeeting opened With the singingof fOtCanada followed by elkeallninutesand business Mix McKelvey teacher Ifrom Bond Head gayc the schools an invitation to attendand participate in afield meetto 1be held in Bond Head on IMayII24 The Inspector Lapp MA spoke on the subject of Grade VIII workand the introduction ofInew text books in the schools The speaker for the afternoon was from the Community Programs Branch of the Department of Edu cation Davidovich citizenship adviser Mr Davidovich is in charge of IgllrIthIe work regarding teaching of Basic EngliShd Cit izenship to newcomers to Ontario Mrs Baynes thanked Mr Davido vich for his informative address MissBetty Gilroy played piano solo and the meeting closed with the Inafional anthem Lunch was served and Miss Gil roy played another piano selection to conclude the afternoon Waplcs Billy Whistler of Mid Mny Of West GwillimIbIIury lteirm 1l1l Iune111ss lltdnlllan loldtlre luclrl 1111 11 ttllllf uc Sandy Sili bcls that there were no clollluri clul lob Christie and Tour tarn ll food restrictions in Illllfllld 51 11 who tlt awarded Leaping Voil Harlinl and assigned to tltc ouear Patrol and John Morris 1ud Itou rrold who will 1t with Illre Rattlesnakes Dir1111 the tllllli the boys iltltlllllltll number of local warti gitrs show pictures were positd South Simcoe Loop Opens Monday With SevenTeam Race The South Simcoe Softball 1111 Lue have announced May 22 as the official opening ofthe 1030 seas lhey boast scvelr teams this year lrlrdford have two entries kuov the Celery Kings and Murrell Mtrt 01s Cookstown Churchill le1urellsi Bond Head and Tottcnharn are The other clubs The schedule as wccl is as follows May 22 Bond Head 11 Celery Kings May 23 Murrclls rt Clrilrcllill May 23 Fennclls 1t Tottcirluuu May 25 Cclcry Kings at I1urrclls May 25 Churchill at Cookstown May 20 Tottenhnm at 11111111 Head 26 Cookstown 1t Ferrlrclls May 20 Cookstowrr 1t Celery Kings May 110 liemrclls 1t Bond llead May 30 Tottcnlrnm at Cookstown June Bond Head 11 Churchill June Murrclls at Fcnnclls 41 hill 131111ic was able to lscelltc tunupci loud as it was lapproaclring its heights within the fcity on her recent trip to 1111 IVON national convention She or lrivcd in the clty on Sunday morn iinzz April 30 and during her few days stay saw the first of thel tloods victims arrive in the city iflorn the border regions of thel piovinco The colrventiou delegates were Istayinc 11 the Fort Garry Ilotil just few blocks from the 11111 iNUlWOOd Bridge which crosses flit littd River near theAssinibomvl tjunction From the moment they 211va in JuncZ Cclcrmegs at lottcnlram 111 Cityvm 1he midst of 310 June Churchill rtIchcry Kings JIMJam Hm 5m 10 by 1min June Murrens at Foueuham ltho following Thursday the form J1me Bond Md IllCOOkSlOVn 1Cr Barrie rldcrwomurr reports tlrti June COOkStOV MUITLIIS there was not 21 mdment of clear June TOM0111111111 ill ChlllChill weather When it was not minimal June COICILV KingS ill FCIIIICIIS there was slight drizzle and mois June 12 Bond Head at Murrells llllltln the any June 13 Fennells at Churchill She was able to view from an June 15 Murrclls at Celery Kurds 4111iIaneTlre extent of tlrelloor June 16 Forrnclls at Cookstown damage in the southern towns of June 16 Bond Head 31 Toticnham Eirrcrson Morris Lettelier and Ste June 10 Churchill rtMruiclls Agatha The towns were almost June 19 Cookstown at Tonerth completely flooded and the arch June 20 Celery Kings at Bond Head VillimOSlb wafer with high butld released this June 22 Fennens at Murrens lugs and trees looking like islands JrrE22Celcry Kings atTfokStovvn filllTlhETr June 23 Totfenham at Fennells Refugees we begging June 23 Churchill at Bond Head SEISIIIWJTIllilIhg thiene June 26 Tonerlham at celery Kings isome weeks before was doing June 27 Cookstown at Churchill good JOI of looking after them June 29 Churchill at Tottenham Tm Immy at that timeI was no June 30 Bond Head at Fennens yet directing the civil defence of June 30 Mulrens at COOISIQW the city and life was continuing Jilly Fenndlls Ht Celery ngs much as it hadbcen with hardly Jilly MUTICHS 31 Bond Head any indication of the flood disrupt JUly C9191Y Kings at ChUIChlll 111g business Most of the streets July Tottenham at Murrells were passable July Churchill at Fennells One of the most amusing com July Cookstown at Bond Head merits on the flood came from BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ISHBERBY 112 Entry Fee 50c Each Contestant Allgontesteet BARRIE CHAMBER POST OFFICE ISQUARE HARRIET 34 Qy555hsyynssa 9559$Q s9 Hours am to pm DST VibelOre starting to fish E1111 Information andEritry Forms may be obtained at COMMERCE The group committee with chart irralr otty Irrbblc douu tlzc hort orgt as c1111 prouded 1111 llllftx lo the 1tlllll ulth lvotlr Lippitwine and bountiful The boys were Illlllllllltl of paper gtrla1 ttlllttllllll the of llltll are 111 111 for uiutorur i=1ormer Aldervvoman Has Aerial View of Flooded Winnipeg Area taxi driver who was IIIVIIlll Mrs Lulure to destination within 1111 citys1111 blamed the whole coule Iron and all the fires and floods of ltflllt months the bomb iII People were takurl iciueces from the southern IIoodcd sections llitl St il1IrlrdSt llorlilace into tlreu homes tEXIJtfllll tlrcor to have to remain for at lczvst six weeks From the Norwood said the Red ltiver appeared at the tune of her visit to lrayc spread out over 111 area of about 710 feet on either side utilizing frets standingI 111 water Sire had heard fitiirrcis forced to stories of the leave front drowning or starvation 1tc liirbilitatiorr for these people forc ed to leave iIrLilj homes and all their possessions would be tre mendous urd Ieuutlry jobIshc felt Mrs Laurie left the city lit sootrci TITITli gtITGITZTII intended fecliuu tlral 11 would be wise to leave before the Ilood became worse Witter supplies had not been any problem its the citys supply was piped in from near the Ontario hauler Jiowcvcr she saw notices in the hotel cau tiouine people not to take any baths On her trip back through Nov thern Ontario she saw show new fallen on the trees as in the middle of winter In Winnipeg fur coats were still b61111 worn because of the severity of the weather The delegates rooms at the Fort Garry Hotel were being quickly snatched up by people coming into the city from the badlyfloodct areas Hmva TROUT FIRST PRIZE TROPHY AND SPORTING EOUIPMENT SECOND PRIZE SPORTING EQUIPMENT must registeretlbicn 129911991 352119 51 PINE 3305 lt lllitwltlllitlls lltill 11 lo lH made 111 I1lreolr illI lll I11 all tloopr 111 1111 town lllt prowl1e ltlllll Bridec she from the animals Islrirotiucthcir cattle to save them lhcllslll hufer in Bicycle Accessories and Repairs We Specialize in Club Business Slflfldl DISCUUNI lf CLUBS Illleli trl llllll 101 11 Illllilih Special Offer hrselrall Gloves for Softball or ltlGllAlt 517 Vllllrli IllllY taselrull ISl $275 This is value that can riot be beat any place Golfers Special 111115 Regular title ell ow for $120 Farrells Sporting Goods liVIIIRYIIIlNG FOR THE SPORTSMAN 114 Dunlop St BARBIE Phone 2653 ACE 1011 11 Spring Again TIME To START BUILIDING warl SKILTOOLS THIS IS AN OPEN lNVlTATloN To ALL WE WOULD LIKE YOU To courng ANDSEE OUR NEW AND COMPLETE LINE or SKLLTOOLS You dont need to buyJust come in and look around SKIL IDRILL SKIL pm sANDrurII srru RADIAL sAw SKIL DRILL STAND 11111111 tittieser Company 97 DunlOp St BARRIE Remains