Rev Arthur Currie Formerly Simcoe County Hos Toronto Church Coll Wilson 1111111111111 p011 Office Square1 15 Ciao memoir BURNS Duoi Phone 3070 134 Dunlop St Over Olympia Restaurant so mom For Parents Only 11 11 By Nancy Cleaver 1V 11 1111 51111 1111111 11111 51 i1 El 11 ill 1l 11 dfl 1=1 31 llw v1 11 if 111 111 lt 1l1 111 111 11 c1 11 13 Mrs Alvm Drennan 1K Elected PreSident V11 1New WI At Hillsdale NEED lilllll 11 5501510013500 51000 11 1v 11111l 211 11 1r lt 11 11 114 tho 1l111tl11gt11 211 101 1111 11 11111 111111 1111 11 p11 11 If 17 11111 union 1311111 lu IlOUSSOCIU Tea 11111 11 Given 111 Honor 1111us1 Milnth l0 R0 11 1111111311 11 11111111 10 74 PY Of Recent Bride 11 111 111111i 111 211 11 111111111 11 121 111111 11111111 111 111111111 1H 11 11 Man 111h1 rah1 11111 11 11 11 M1 111ll 111 11 111 11 i1111111 should 111 11 V11 1311111111l111ll11111 11 1111 1111 11 11 1111 11111 111 11111 1111 11111 111mm 11 111 1111 111 11111111 111111111l1 11111l11 11111111111 11 11 11 11111111 111 l1111 111 1111 11111111 111 MM IN 111 111111 l1111 111 01111 111111101 l111 Nmuli 1l alllii 111111 211111101 111111111 1111 ll 111111111111 Hillttls 1111 1111 1111111 111111111212 111111 11110211111111 1111111 more 111 111111 11111111 510L158 ii 111 111 111111 111 111111 111 111 111l 11v 1110 li11s11y 521479 31 Hf 111111111 1111111111 11 11111111 111111 1111111 111 11111111111111 111111 549045 111 11111 1111111 1111 1111111 111v11 11111 111 11111 111l1r1 1111111 $70058 l11 111 11 1111 1l1l1a which v11a 001111111 1111 l111111111 1111111111s lollowintz 11 11 11 v1 11111111 0111 11111 purl 1311 11111 llltl 1l1111d lr1s Mrs Al IOANS IOR ANY GOOD PURPOSI 11 11 1111 viii 1111111111 ll 1017l10s Mr Phone or stop In today 11 13 llllll 11 1111 101 111111 1111 2111111 lltltl 1i 111l10s 1I 311 1ll111 111111iy Mrs 21 111111111111 lluwul S11yl111s Mr 111l111 11y ill11 11 111111 l1s 1111111 1111111 ll1s llu1 11 11 l11lll1 11111 111111 All 1111111 llilll 111illllr11111 l1 l1 Mm 131111 1111111111 lit111 L111111101 11 11111 211 111I llillwlllzl Sum3111 1110 111111lts11111 111d 1111 lii1l Mu l1lt111r 11111011 11 111111 26 lllruboth Street ljln 11 11 111 1hr 1111111 10111 Miss 3111 l11 l1lu Miss 1111111 lulinslnll Ilomw Second floor Phone 5529 11 111 1111511 111111 111101111 311s 11l Wiley lis Vll 17011111111111s 11111 llmltli Mrs Anlu ONT 1111 0111 111 11 111KI1111111 Johnston Mrs lyndah 11111 luluhull 1111 A01 and P111 11111 elm Am 11 If 11 111 ill111MrsL111111y Sykis Mrs l10l 11111111110 llisf 110s and Mluluagu 51 East 2ndFlooI Phone 2391 1111111 Hwy1 1111 11 NH 111111111111111111115 1H 1111 bride 111 lZvents Mrs Newton llnilll Homlosolby appoinlmont 131141 11 11111 11111111 hnve ulso 111011111011 11 1111501111111101111s l1 lir Mrs 1111111111 lhompsuu Loomnodfanidooliofnewbylcvu 11 111111 111 111 51111 11 ltlltl 1111i by 311s l111d 7111111 and l1 111111011 lendion 110 Immtntrusllsmcr 1119 511111111 111 11 11111111 51111 11111 Mrs llv111tl IIlnms 11 Mrs 1111111111 Ilis Gordon Rmvul i1111 11 1111111111 11111 1II11111s 11111111 1111 1111pb1ll v1 lh1 111115 suirouiuhd dccoruled 11111 plumd lit11011111 pink and Beeton county Home whili 111111110lli1 filled with 01111 10111 About 23 pinsis v110 pr1s Ounlned 111 and 101115111110111s were served Bond Head 111v 1110 hostesses assisted by 3112s lt ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC LIZSbONS 11111 11111111 Mrs ltitchu cziv1 pzipti 1111 l1ll11w staff members 111 5111181110 early history and growth of the ARMSTRONG add111m JESSIE ll BRYSON RMT 1111l11 1111Ktll1td 1111 111111 11111811110111 ounty 11111110 for 1111 1r12A11111n or 111111 llllIORY lupils prepared for 111xzi111111ati1ms of 11111 ltogdonscr CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 53 Collier SL Barrie v11 07 Yonge St Toronto Redmii Partner WWW 01 1111 11m1 Maclifliltlilvi BComm cammics mclurihK ARCT Mme 11111110115 BADGLEY Studio 27 Bradford St ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOH1 Dunlop Sim Barri DOROIIIY JOHNSON Associate of Toronto Conserva INldmdqifzonazE 1fory of Music and London Eng iCollcge 01 Music Piano and Theory HERBERT FIIARRIS l52 Maple Avenue Certified Public Accouptanh Toronto and Barrie 1lgt1 ROSS Barrie Office lnstriictioii in Piano and Theory l11pur1ti1111 1111 1111111v1toiy 51111111111aii1111s all 111111103 if desired 10 lluiilop St Harrie Telephone 3397 Resident Manager CARRICK SAMUEL ROSE Chartered Accountant 89 Collier Street Phone TillI DAVIES OF CANADA Studio il Elizabeth St VOICE PIANO THEORY AND lRlllk READING jSludcnts LCOIISCIVHIUIY WARD MAYOR and COMPANY Ccijiificd Pubhe Accountants 18 Toronto St Toronto cxaniiiiatinns Iii gs11ucti1111 given dirinc summer WELCll ANDERSON co 11mm Chartered Accgzipgiants Trusteesi LEGAL Brock Building 200 Bay St gt Toronto BOYS BOYS =l Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyancers Etc OSTEOPATHY MONEY TO LOAN 91 Office 13 Owen St Barrie EDWIN WILSON BSAn DOi Branch Office Elmvale Ontario OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN BOYS KIC WILSON BUILDING uowu SEAGnAM BARRIE ONT Cnnsultation by appointment TELEPHONE 2293 rh== OPTOMETRY COWAN BUILDING now nmnnsnso BARRE olher St Barrie Out 93 DhMOSPSEOMETRISEOM ma CLADsTONr tumor Barrister and Solicitor Attendance 96 MONEY lO LOAN ROBERT SMITH 110 97 Dunlop SL Barrie Phone 3135 ZOWAN 81 COWAN IBarristcrs Solicitors Notaries onsulfing Hours 10 am to pm Monday to Friday Ross Iowan OPTOMETRIST 53 Dunlop SLPhqne 253 DONALD MacLAREN KC Hours 96 daily Blllilci Solicitor Etc oney to Loan NOEL Masonic Temple Building Barrie union Harrie Phone 420 HEBEKE SMITH Successor to DUNCAN McCUAIG KO Barrister Solicitor Eto ttoss Block Barrie Phone 2719 Licensed Drugless Therapists MONEY TO LOA Electric Radio Hydro rind Mechano Therapy 115 Dunlop Street lPhonejBlM 11 CORBEII DC CHIROPRACTOR AND DBUGLESS THERAPIST 170wen treet Barrie BY APPOINTMENT oumornacrons OJ SHRAISGE Personal and Family BlansL PiVor drumming and Estate Analysis Jlose Corporation Group Key Man Partnership Pension and Sole Proprietorship Insurance FRIENDLY DISCUSSION OF YOUR LIFE INSURANCE NEEDS Phone 4174 or 2705 Barrie Representing London Life Insurance Co DOUGLAS RANDALL no Chiropractor Phone 3205 Barrie VETERINARIAN 01 Wings MACK Veterinarlan and Surgeon Elmvale Ont Ppone Elmvale 3411 rm Furious 11 VETERINAle and SURGEON Rouhjt St Barrie Phone 0545 FUNERAL DIRECTORS SMITH eco Established 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT BARRIE ONT PHONE 2530 Motor ambulance In connection DR SIEARIN VETERINABLAN and SURGEON Steele jSt Barrie known 4428 PIANO SINGING Tel 5775 49491ilrone 1111511 Saturdays Mondays 1111111171101 ill gradesl 11111111 11 minus CiU Plans For Mothers llay lamp 011 gift 111 1111 Baldwin lauie Miss Wihys 111111i11u1 to Wil 1111111 I1ttl1 took 1111101 111 the par lupin41 of 1111111111 Avenue 1111101 Ithureh Elect Mrs Culham Pres Iacks Lake Womens Institute Mrs Lewis Cook president 11 the past three years presided meeting hcld zit thc homeo MrsG Culliam April 26 Communications were read bnsi iiess discussed and the financia statement given 1by the assistzin secretary Mrs Keith Cards of appreciation from two families in the commun ity recently bereaved Those pres 0m answered the payment of fees for year First second and third prize were presented to Mrs McFarlanc and Mrs Wca to the roll call report of the recent meeting Mrs Jones offices vacant electionof officers with the fol lowing being elected Hon Presidan Mrs Lcwi Cook President Mrs Cul ham lst VicePres Mrs Con iiell 2nd VicePres Mrs Wca lhcrallz SecyTreas Mrs veyf Pianist Mrs Dist 131 rector McIntyre Program Com Keith Harveyf Citize hip an Education Mrs D7Cul ltlVlltl blanket was group 111 neighbors Jacks Lake Womens Institute for Harvey were read roll call with the coming Mrs Comicll 1herall for attendance and response Mrs Council gave an interesting executive after declaring all presided for the Art Taylor Assistant Mrs Keith Har McIntyre Mrs Lewis Cook Branch Directors Mrs Bristow Mrs Keith Harvey Mrs McFar Lush MISF McFarlane MID Clllhmp Standing Committees Agricul turennd Canadian Industries Mrs m7 His torical Research Mrs Carmichael Public Relations and Community 311nm 2111mm emu 013dean Mrs Gilmore In lieu Cundles WI 1131 Another Year 1111 130111111 at the Apr1l 27 111001117 1111 1111 81111d 1111111 Womens 111411 11110 Slu traced 010 history 111 1111 1iliomi 111 early plaiis for its 111111141 in1 111 111150 to its actual bccinnini i111 1801 liiiishcd in 1100 111 1111110 hns had only four governors 111 1110 130 v0irs of its existence The over age number of rcsidcntsiilw pre lseiit time is l00 each year ThoApiil meeting was held in tlic cdmniunity hall with l3 ladies present lh0 meeting opened with the Institute Odo and 1110 minutes of the previous mttlillli and bus fincss discussion follower The li biaiy hours have been set as fol lows Tuesday evenings from to piii and Friday afternoons from to 51 p111 The books 110 all in the new hall now ahd the ladies are planning to take turns 1s li braninn It was announced tlifit 111 day for the blind was being held on the fiist Saturday in May and that as 1mueh as possible was to be collect 1ed for the Salvation Army during their current drive towards the track 211d field day being held in the pm on May by the schools The also have booth in thdpark The president announced that district annual was being heldin Bradford on May 29 in the United Church An auction sale netted the Insti tutc $830 at the close of lllt meet ing It was decided to have short courseyour Winking centre the kitchenut the beginning of April 1051 Roll call was answered hclpful hints for house cleaning and the meeting closed with thejlands Prayer and lunch lane lowcr Com Mrs Car inicl Mrs Lush Mrs Jones Activities Mrs Wcatlierall Home Economics Mrs Atkinson Resolutions Mrs Williams Lewis Cook After successful outlook for 195051 bright EVcryonc is Jacks Lake WI 191950 the is extremely IRONERS TOASTERS VACUUM CLEANERS POLISHERS FANS 139 DUnlOp St 913 Flllllltllle Electric GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer WE SERVICE wasunns RANGES REFRIGERATORS IRONS GRILLS HEATING PADS ELECTRIC BLANKETS AND CARRY A1 LARGE ASSORTMENT or ranrs Phone 3721 TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVIQEMAN 3113 1111011y prize of $300 is icing donated stifutc will Auditors Mrs Coiinell and Mrs Himcf Starlet 1111151 arge Audience Enjoys Ladies In Retirement 111101ll 1v11y I11t in 1111 lltl 1111111111111 110011111111 1201 111 11 1111 111 wluii 1111 K011211011 111 il111 urn111011 11111105 1111 1111111110111 The sustained up 1111 11111 21111 111 1111 threeact prudui 11111 111111111111 11111 111111111101101 11111 111111111l 0111113011 1111 pro 31312 11111111111 lIdward lircy uid 1111511111111 I011n1111 tlu play 101011111011 11111111111 1111 fuel that lady llilil 111110111i111 111 1111101 111 l1111ll 11111 1101 two lulp 112 1111 Ilu 11111111 took pli1 11 1111111110 lIiiclish country 11111110 111 1111 s1111111111 11111 full of lilili 1110 opening sci110 i1it1ouuccd llhoda Young 111 the load 11110 that 1211011 010011 lious0lu0pir 11id 111111p111ii1111 111 l01111oi1 liskc play liy lIlsii ll01l1v Miss ined 1l11d Illllfd 111 busiiuss uid tool 11111111 with Miss riske to provide 111 lui two sisters in London and Ihvrsclf lilsie 1111l1y playing the part of 11 11111111 Cliurm girl who had uscd 11111 101 111121111 to provide inuutortabh 111110111011t was well sum1 111 this Mia110101111111111 Slu w1111 sphunid red win and 1111r pitilliill chmks show0d that 5110 had not lost 1111 art of makeup lit11v11lk0 was good uid sliL 111 11111111 111well 111 1111 111111101100 with plusa1il lundiuss uid happy 11111111101 Slauloy Slimpix cost in 1110 role 11 ll11if l0111l101 was 10litiv0 11 lll Crild Wearing loud chick suit and sinister moustache 1111111 11 111 was 1111 id11l llllflll pilfciinr 11111110 from th0 brink lll he was 111111111y0d Also 111111111110111111 lllt first sccnc 1111111 iiiliitlscrvzuif iii the Iiskc 11111110 the port and pretty 11111111011 Mix iilhcit gave one of the outstandinc 111iforiiiances of the entire 1v011111e llcr graceful ant voicc 11121bl0d 111r to maintain chzunctir throughout the seven scenes iiid li0r interpretation of horror and fright in the linillilCl was highlight of fhc production The SLtUllfl scene of act one in troduced 011 two sisters of Ellen cvery single famous oneare be fitted into your menus because its the quickest sauce the her pantry shelf iAlllLlIllN SliORNIICK diniplcd ice darling of the Mouth11 licuie Shining tluli was one of the 101111111 lll 03111 111111=11111l on 1l1111111i11l 011111 11 the Montreal Forum 11 11r 11111 has 111111111 1111 crumble reputation as an 111111lhed lllll Illlitl 110 hall 11 11111 1111111111011 I101 to provide 111ml s11v10lti 111111 1111 11111 11111111 was Marion Gilbert as Lucy Gil1 1111111111 1111 1111 sine0 and her plezisl Hints torlunches dinners suppers snacks What wealth of wonderful eatingwhat raiigeolwon1lerful flavours All Heinz Soups supply to add exciting new enjoyment to the meals you serve your family and friends 18 distinctive varietieseach an individual muster pieceare now readyloliaud in grocery stores llenrty soups light soups cream soups and clear soupschoose the Ones you fancy from the luscious lineup below The following hints tell you how when and where Heinz soups can my FREAK OFVTOMAIO SOUPThe mellow glowing soup thats such general favouritesoniildly spiced that the tomato is the thin wolmmo at be oved by the cook ingredient the hundponiest dresserup she busou 12115 Distige Desc 01111 51 1408111111 111111111 11111111111 v1111 111 1111 1111111911 11f1111 1111c1 11111 1111 1111iilx 111 11 v111i 11111111111i 111HE 1111 1111 11111 11111 11 111111 mi 1111111 111l1111 111 ll1 1111 lil1111 111111l1f11u1 limitw 1111101011 the 911 iilllbll pit1111121111 11111 3111111=111l1 1111 11 1111111 111 1l1lt1w111 1111 11111111 1111 11111 ribes Vvtirk llillil 1111 11 11i 11 1111 111111 111131 ilul ll Ill 1111 Ill1 31111111 1111111i 51111112 liiiip 11 111 111111 111 1113411 taiihy Sliaigi did 111 11111r 11111 ll1 111111 was 1111111011 11111 111 1111110111 ll1111 1111111111 11111 l111 121 11111 11111x1 off1111 tl llliV lliuii il ton 11111 l1111 1111111111 l111il 1111111 1111111 ll11tl1 l11111 11111111 111111011 111 1111 111141111117 1111111 ll 11111z 111M11111 111111s l111111 11111 v1 1111 11111111 sislt 1101 who 111111111111 1111 111111 tlllll 111111 of 1111 llltlil 1111111 telescope lSlii was 1111111 111122011 111111 wore proper 0111111110 11111 the can luwuy 1111 11111it1111 ll hollow 1lill11llltl uul 151111111 1111111111111s on the 111111rks 111 other liniily 10011 wuli 111r coursi 111110111s 111111 v111ds1p 11111 liv0d 01111110 from 1111 11111111l ways 1111 11110 housiliuld Slu was always 1illllllt 1pr1111 l11111s 111 111111w1111d Montreal HURRY Both Louisa uid l1111ly w111 sub scrvieut to lIlliii 11111 Hwy manag lcd to maintain their 1l11110t1r 1221111111 rig111 111111111111 111 1111 011111 of the last act It was 111 1111 third 411111 111 101 one that llecn r10d stole 11111011 into fli0 candle1111 111111 11111111 midi strangled Miss liske to death while the l11111 11 the 1112111111 playing one 111 1111 111111111 s11u1 finIndies Act 1wo i111r11du01d lIlsii tallies 21s Sisftr l11010s11 from 1111 11111by 011nv011t Sishr lh111s11 was 111 authentic 01151111110 but her v11ic0 was scare01y 1111111110 in the first scene ll11w1v0r 111111011011l 0f f01t was w1ll portray11 and ii wasi not difficult 111 understand whatl was taking pliltt Angiis Ross as Mr lliilis the co10hdriv11 111v0r 11pp0110d on stage but his conimeuts from 111111 side 1110 door added much to the gciicrnl 0ff001 of various sci110s The production started slowly but the action was gradually in tensified is lllt play piocicsscdl and Illlj w0re1 some llflmllllQp scenes as Rhoda Young and Stan1 ley Sharp got well into their parts1 in the second and third acts The drama reached tensi climax in not thrc0 and 111011 1d0quntclyl tapered off 11111111 fh0 final cur lain All scenes took place in tlic liv ing room of tht1 Fiske home and with this simple staging it should have been possible to speed up the action with briefer intermissions to separate the seven scenes The 000000001f0i0gt CHICKEN NOODLE SOUPA light broth the chicken avour clear and true the pieces of chicken and the egg noodles tender and tempting delicacy that appeals to every taste cuicuru euuno SOUPA hearty soup 111111 is light meal in itselfn dinner soup in the grand mannerQor just the liospilable Southern note to start an otherwise cold supper BEEF MOONE SOUPeOldfashionedsimmered beef stock with diced beef left in the clear broth bright carrot and parsley ocking it brilliantly plenty of ribbonlike noodles delicate nourishing VEGETABLE SOUPA savoury substantial soup combining 14 different vegetables freshgathered at their bestmonienlsoooked with meat stock zgslfully now in full children love VGETAIIE SOUP WIIHOUT MEATFresh ue flavours of 141 vivid vegetables appetizing colour of sunbright tomatoes in the stock mild seasoning alplmbet macaronin growl soup for the 11001 most versatile feet luncheon wonderful bland CREAM OF MUSHROOMSOUPFlushed with lovely natural mushroom colour lavish with tender mingli room piecesea soup that is tempting and special fullbodied and deeply satisfying For marvellous quick sauce just heat itand add dash of cream ennui or cum SOULThe sieved manner cnt celery gives sulzh fullbodied avour that more than the usual souptin of milk my be added and the result will still be richenough for most tastes CREAM Of all PEA SOUPCreamy smooth lightly seasoned with thefragrance of freshshelled 31 garden peas and good country butterperfect for guest luncheon or family meal Itl everybodys soup CREAM OIEIII VIOIIAIII SOUPYoung lender vegetables from the sunny garden Illldl around Learninglon cooked and nely sieved and made into unique soup With cheese sandwiches per CIIIAM CHICKEN SOUPFamous for Ila buttery richness its deep chicken nvour with the llip of celery its generous chicken pieces superb eating Combine it occnioiully with Cream of Minimum seasoned and with the alphabet macaroni that 011 li 11 Canada Limited Illihe IIIV ttlll Hill llllI VALLEY 111 MUIHTILYIII llillblS lqurals ttllllpltlt Itulll Slflil and up Pethick Smith Funeral Home PHONE 2530 127 Bavlield St Barrie Listen Sun 530 pm hupcl Chimes KBB ism5 loronto lt Direct Van Service to Eastern and Western Canada For Information 111111111 NOW GUARANTEED HOUSE PAINT Outside or Inside IIIIS PRICE GOOD ONLY UNIII JUNE 17 1050 WHllE CREAM 1v01111 $275 Per Gallon Money Ilcfundcd if not Sufisldcforyl Better Hurry Now Quantity Limited Orders Accepted by Postal Note LEO ARTHUR AGENT FOR ONTARIO No 36 0161111111 View Blvd North Toronto No11 Ont 10000000000f ALL BARRIE 4803 Winnipeg ML tlOtltll11iltl lOO00I SCOTCH BROTHA grand oldfashioned soup that smacks he heather and the hearth sturdy mutton broth with plenty of meal vegetables and of course barley growing soup for children line are for all the family All CHOWDERA meal in llself with the relfood flavour predominating tomato given great importance diced potato as expected and sweet peppers contri buting smoothly to grand blend of flavours ROCK Wllll SOUPDifferent distinguished specialoccasion soup which the hostess will choose for smart dinhr because of its hot spicy distinctive casseroledislles loo If liiiclidrifJorJIuicleenlLauyJime goldenbrown stock Fine family fare character Ils zest marks this soup for use in making oxuu sourPromising Iromh deep redbrown colour and rich savoury appearaneelheu real oxtnil avour the touch afiexcitenientso many meals need super ingredient for Diodeup dishes too PEPPER POI SOUP5A hearty hemun soupsturdy enough for the main dish pt luncheon or supper riEHbrbfliTllfiavbdry solidstender white meat succulent vegetables Ill reasoned by knowing hand um SOUPHearty nicktarball faretho famous Heinz beans whole tender wellcooked qnd supported by savoury bile of smoked pork or rich rum MONGOLEA mp of distinction qun ppecill in charlcter Split pcasamoked pork and tomato give it heurlincas and the charm of novelty For flavour and freshness and nourishing good ness theres nothing to equal Heinz Soupsserved alone But from the descriptions above you can readin see why Heinz Soups also lend them selves to so many cooking uses They play superior part as basic ingredients in host of delicious inexpensive and easyloprepare dishesLeverythiug from souflles to men pies leHeinzbookleWS Ways toUseHeiquoupe gives you the recipes Ask for it at your dealers When shopping look fpr the happy Heinz Chef the sign of the Heinz Soup Department