Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1950, p. 7

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nd 10 $11 1180 BARR 11 5c my II 1IIIII VI II tut 9031 011M DlPARlENl OllAlA InOwiJAYI URNUHC Page p3$ ESSA COUNCIL Modems and Romantlc Penod Local Anglers Hook Blend 1n Godden Piano Recital ZPound Tm GiANT DOUBLE BILL Seasons 11 711 11 1111 111111 11min oi the 14114111411 ltotkus 111 in rotor 11 tlilii Irwin1W1 illiI ll1 Meplitrii of lit 111 tIIti1li 011113 11 II IAI alumna 1121 111tt1tic 111 111 II hk 111 lilti1Itlil 111 tnIiIiIn not Hg II FlrSl In Baffle WV3 Emil ll 11 51 11$ $Iiitt 111121 1liiioii io 11 i11k Nouuaa osuoith 111 gitotzneilioss John lIfillson llamia II Ni and ildltili tiitllitti 1h 11111 11 1111111 tittiaiantt lo 111111 iltite iiMI K1 II 11111111 1111 tun unable to at WON 1111 I1 I11I 111111 11 A1 111 11 VA KhllMIS lIItII11I ft IIVIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 11 Eiitt gtilt1lllI 11111 111 111R1111 II $1111 11 Rummy MN 11 11 11311111 I1 eizeutii1 IV III 11 I1 1I III11I1 HIX11111I 1Il SIII1I1II111111IVIVIII1oIII1111IIIIIV1I11I1I IiI1IIIVI IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IV II II 1IIIIIIIIIIII 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tiltIllttthti iii In 11111211I11e 311111lu or the 1111111 MM MIMI ml mum VI 111m 111 11 5111 11111 11 IIVIH WI mum AAAAAA tie lowness of the road Mom11111111111111111 11111 11 11 hunt111 1111111 11 11 1111111 111111 11 11 11 in 11111111e 111 11111 new 11 111111111 taaml 1111 1111 113 11 1beis of the deputation were tilson As 111 the lroluufutt the pianist 111131 1111 iii 11 111H1111= 111r111 1111 11 11 Ht do with their otgtilaa 111 11 11 RR M05 IODAIL llILAIRb $111M Elwood VVilRlli and llarry Me 111111 l1 1m ll The1111 111I1i11l 111 11 11161 hill Iiiiftf 1111111uiiiv in Him tlti11il11 1111 111111 1111111inir1m1l1 II VII 1V1 Wino Him 11 111 11 1w to 111 311 gI CIIIIICIHIII WIHSUII IIIIIIIIIIIIII III Illmw VINMSI In mnhumd VIII IIIIIIIIV II III IIIIIIIVIIII II III IIItIIiIIIIiV IIVIIIII1I IIII1II11Ilt1III11I111I1IV1I1V1I1d II IllI 11111111II IUIVI 11 111 lhe members on the Barrie and lh 1mm will the Home 11111111 11111 11 tm immu VI MAMTUHW liixlwlliilli lib ibidNil 112117 II II II Ii 1I 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est HAI DANHARILM ASSOCIATION $63211171 iLV for iiiaintinauct tiuslnnh md 11111111111 11 1t artoon would be 131 Willi UL 100 rildb lit 1111 1111 IN 00 thAll llll equalized ass ssmcnt of 52111191195thronuh iillitll screen 11111 llll lNIliIiNAIIONAl 1Alll15 MlllARtl 1111111111 MuSICCtl 13111111111111 11131111 gtinailm1011qi0liim111311111111fl Kiwanis Club of Burma SHOW ADULI LNIERTAINMENT Treat 11L scum pmme H1 LC Tune in ECICh Morning 1111 SC May 13 ARR ARENA plmu pm For MOVIE Merry G0 Round 111 SURI 811 1111 II HAINIJD DOG ACT OBEDIENCI TRIALS IV lhcv mugt 11 1fect scoes In 151 1301 libblllb Hardy III IIIC psIIOIiIis SIILII11II11LIIII IIIIIICIIIIIIVI II In UIlll Stalloned It Twice Weekly MONDAY Talent Says Mrs Davie tivals the line work now being done on music in some schools and the Department of Education Wins Expert Shield Dominion Marksmen and standing positions We in Canada should not over DISASTROUS wow look the wealth of talent nor the Florida hurricane in 1926 took C11 1373 lives and caused 165000000 icacmng capabililics 0L II lit 1111111111ch country declared Mrs of Ontario whicthas been scndiin unlined for thcDonmiOI Marks Davie speaking at the Kiwanis out Canadian artists to communit Bial ISLAND mgp NAME Club of Battle dmnci meeting its foi chCidl ycarstncludm iginggglct Sitgtlgfgmghesi awnd Monday at Community llousc ric through the BCI Concert Band Jamaica was discovered May ACCQmeStiimd member 01 it We have found that both in He is Hardy ofthe ltCAli member of the Camp Borden Rifle Club he scored 5944 out of possible 15000 and was eleventh on the list V1 Davies of Canada wellknown family of musical artists formerly 10f London now residents of Bar 1494 byColumbus who called it St Jago Canadaand the United States tho culiural tastes of audiences are very much alike the speaker said They like good music if present cd Viproperly andVlthc trend is to the classics The chairman was Rcv Ernest Lewis who introduced the Davies They were thanked by WiJJCraig The Family gave shortgroup of musical numbers With Mis Davie at the piano Nelles Davie basso sang Annie Lauiic Nelle SCOUT MOTHERS In Ontario lone there are 13 Scout Group Ladies Auxiliaries in which some 6000 mothers of Wolf Cubs and Boy Scouts are enrolled ric Mrs Davic spoke bricfly on the impressioris gnpilytiad gained about music in Canada dur ing cxtcndcd tours of the past four years in which over 500 perform aiiccs had bccn glvcn Prcscnt also at the Kiwanis nicct ing were Ncllcs Noble and Frances Davie vocalists who with their mother form the family group ot professional performers Their fa Only low of the countryfs rifle shooting enthusiasts aresucccssful each year in winning the award lhc BarrieiSchools are proud to present The Fourth Annual and Noble the baritone sang Festival Concert ibe pmbcm as he Wa5away mopcra Don Giovanni Frances busmess He acts as busmcss man mam soprano Sang Smoke GO age Your Eyes by Jerome Kern Mrs Davie recounted that vlll Canada there was no organized concert bureau such as the Colum bia group in thc States which pro 1scntthc Community Concerts That wasonc of the reasons she stated why so many fine Canadian artists up across the border to continue their careers She felt Canada could develop concert scrvic al though admitting that the broad ening effect of visits from outside artists might be of value There were some commendable efforts already being made in Can ada along thisline Mrs Davie mentioned the various music ufes Noblo rendered the popular Eng 1lisli Floral Dance Ncllcs and FraiiCcs sanga duct from Kerns musical comedy Show Boat and in closing the trio sang Schuberts Ave Maria andIa specral arrange ment of the current popular num ber Dear Hearts and Gentle Pco LARGE PUBLIC SCHOOL CHORUS THE COLLEGIATE CONCERT BAND WA Fisher Director THE COLLEGIATE GLEE CLUB SongsDanccsLConcert Band Selection Novelty numbers with Special Lighting Effects The fourth year for Ckt1his outstanding production remember the date FRIDAY MAY 19 at WV Nettletdn Speaker at of Sunday Breakfast ii Nettletoii addressed the members of the Barrie Council of the Knights of Columbus at communion breakfast in St Josi p111 II cphs High School on Sunday For Mothers Day Sunday May 14 11111 31 11111 gave short outlincoithc Izairly 1history or Huronia Guests at the breakfast included NI Very RewDean James Clair of St Marys Church and Wallace treasurer for St Josephs ROBINDALE INN 51 Blake Street to receive two donations irom the council and members Grand Knight Eugene Smith presented Mr Wallace with che due for $300 from the Barrie Coun ciland cheques totalling $205 were donated by few of themembers Chairman for thebreakfast was Joseph Whelan The speaker was introduced by Frank Scrvais and thanked by Robert Bibby WOULDNT MISS SPRING Imagine how dull life would be ina land where the weather is al ways perfect They can keep Cali fornia Give us the windswept prairies with their golden har vests of wheatIwith cool glorious tall dIays andwhere spring will always seem like miracle IELMWQOD MAN HERALD Barrie 80 thher bring Mother to the place iof dignity and rene Iment where goodmealsre our Special1y Xes biting the whole family We have specigl rotes 1311011153741 FOR RESERVATIONS V1 auditorium tund who was present THE BARRIE EXAMINER SChOOI Music Miss Two Sections Post Office on Dunlop St TONIGHT 1111111111 AltMOURY 11110 11111 swam ACTION BOUlS FEATURE 1151115 Rounds SEMI lltl LBS AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS illOltlUlelY TO HAVE YOUR HEALTH CHECKED NO FUSES NO UNDRESSING NO WAITING Vlt lltlllilt Minute JOEY lEliiltSI roitoNio oauwooo ignite James DON VALLMTIC Mllill ZADUCK amour Rounds Guruu JIMMY mums 1110 LBS GENE POWERS NEW MUlCAL DEPRECIATIQN REVUE 9F 950 llAllRllI Rounds lltOIl0 OAKWOQD V11 oiiiisu ROUND uouts ADMISSION 750 ACTS lAUGHS NUMBERS EONE NIGHT ONLY Third Annual RUTC FESTIVAL of 41 UNuiiIitfiiirpiittrcrion orI EVCt RumblegARCT VBARRIE ARENA THURS MAY ll Chorus Pageants of if Hhrthmic VSPlktiiJONES and riiacansucKERs Dances rainstorm 1200 BARBIE Aiii peeia Voices Features Wednesday May 24 ALL SEATS RESERVED $125 $175 $225 rICKErSNow ON SALE Jacksons Grill Bradleyk Lunch Whittys Drug Store Dixies SmokeShe 83pm DST Admission25c SPONSORED BY ROTARY CLUB OF BARRIE Proceeds for Barrie and District Hospital Fund wv 11

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