MONDAY MAY it 11150 PAGE 1111 12111111 11 sum11 UAltttlF ourAiuo CANADA SQ 11 111 11 11 Car Wrecked In Colhsron was Truck F1Rs TAKE HOUSES 11 97111 LIFE UNDERWRITERS 1Natwe 01 WW AllSOpp VI VII XIII 1Dles In MlchlgICIn 111 111 s111u1111111111 11 111111 lied Shield 111111141in this VII 111 iutr1il in the harm group llIIIlIi23313331 111131 111 11 ii if Hdluhlng hi Mde llLl ii Ml ii it if HPH tit 111 111 tin1111 31 tau 21 2I tanninr oi euiisrrs iiid lIIJfV 11I11MIHfI she 111111 11 Mend lli tlitllllltli are nude up of mem is SLII II II 1IIllIIIVI 1IIII 1i tittlil 121111111 it IIIV 1Hh 11 1m 1111 m1 V111I I11 I11I III III VIIIIV II III II III IIIIII IIIIIVIIIIII MN In 5y HItrh awuimuli rII 1L11ii1 11111111 111 mun1 111 gilniitl lii Hid mi iii Mid ml 11 in 11nti they as unit would utidtr VliHrA ii ii Like to mums liarries 1usi 51 I1il ViI II3II 1IIVIH Mrs John Parson 77 IVIl 1113111 lLt III 1III111IIo IIlVIivI1I1 ness section Iur the tlvatioii WE it 31111 111 lilaiiie 17111111 tenietezi li Uli 11 rlil so that lands eouhi he Natlve Oro Tw II II 111 II mid on 11 M111 leniitd 111111 auntie lernisyrI 111111 of IliIIi1II IlI HihiIlIVIiIIll nth II 11 it tilt1 IVV1V I1I1IIVI AI III III III1II1 pt 111 tirlth 11 11 11II ltilttlt ll 1111 removed ironi the 1rttnt1II111 1111I11111 11 iIIiI1I11I1IIII11IIII IVIIIII IIuIIIII 1IIII1IIVIII IIl I1 11I11V1I IIVlItiIt tlIIV VIIIIId XIV III IIIIkII IIf lIIlI mr 11 rouu 11111 last liilltli morning the 131011 1i1 iii 1m i4 1eiz l1111t111 ueze llaiiY Im 1h mvh man today told it iimntr 1111111 tooth 1tIl1111ozi on uu II II III uzilt 311113 131 diil l111ih111l1fiu1lIrmdllii Iieiilututo itilliit ila lt otild KltJlly ease the Native Barrle HMWV Am 11 11111 hum II A111111111111 111I11 1111I1I1I1I IIl111IIlIiI1ItlII1 11 VI II II II II VI 1111 tit1111gt 11 to 11 it undidd and the 11111 11111 1111111Ar 11111 1111111 Likeul i11I tinI lItumI 1I1I In 1111hiliIIiIiIi IIlVrEZItulillllfnlla Meicalfe Dles II111II111I 1111 511 111 IIIIIIIIIVI II IIIIIIIIIIIIII NIIIIIHIII FIIIII 12 11 II ioi III II IIII MHL1hl mm in lfirjiiPLSLiigiiLi tow ll it eaeh ot Harries iiumir Aer Opelanon 11111 11 Um ili was the titiliLLil ll nuhm minim iltl oi the late Mr 1111 M1 ito Ianuxrous 111111 1111 Willi ii iii noultl llltlllil themselves with VIIHIIII I1 NW 111111 11111111 11 111151s111 1111111111 W11 tint11 Illtlltalkd 11a eie1 11 111 le Running lnesdn 11111 31 111710 at the ltlti 111111 lill ot Allandale lhen i111h lis tho11 11 11 ls ltlllV lllltlll mm Mid kl Hi Kim 111111111111n 11111 x111 children i1ttlillii are Mrs lootli iiiinds and lti1ilt 1111111 112111111 ilitil ll Hills iltililt 311 llcles it swim mmmmu In 11tti Ae 111 11111 11 1tr 111 litr1111 and Charles Kell of 11111 lo1 onto ilaiiie 1ii Uri 11 11121111 Mn I1 NMmI 53111111111y 1111 11111 lmw 11 11 Meir1111 111 111111111111 11 Barin 1111111111 danchttr l1 tenneu tln untial in his 117111 eir he was one ot ltar loronio l111 lizun Nata11 lit thirst residents He had been who tilttl 1111i 11 luwiiw evil1 11 in 1111111 litilth tor 1111 past to 1111 mink IUHUVIWL I1 11111 Hil Minnm hl ML mm toiiner Lilli happell and tun 311 glen1151 211 111111 111 ltl11 Ni Mills 1111 tun dtugliters llie tuir the only 111 of the 111 Mr and IS NOW CUSTOM flTTlNG 111er1111o11 11 11111 oclock luter III1 M1 11311110111 111111 11311 1111 main 1lt 1111 ittoiia S1 1211 VIill ut Your recs llaul leur Logs and 10 Imnt 11111 111 111uIle11811111121 1131111111 litiltii 41 itlHHlf I1 Deliver the Lumber to You nc crious urt fin 1111111111111 111 the 1M until 1501 lnited ililtli 11rru will ottiei 111 111111 ltii all 111 WY when after his marriage to ls IIAHRHNL Ilrl Charge TWO DIIVCIS 1112 1111 no tlliil1 daughters H111u 111111111s 111 11111111111 Immh 11115111111 11 1111111 11 tinting 1111 tillitis play 111 our Sawyer 11 you 111111 litlltU weekend Accldcnts 1rI1 511s iu11irdsIon tIlliltiet 11 1111 11111111 mods 111111 11111111111111111111111111111 11s tlgtit tlitt hitisidt totli gtt IN Err ilmhmlii Iii llilullrlfdd iiiinghiilt tiltoxle 1e1l l1111 WNW 01n iimmmll lmw Hm OMPIETE NI OF Bliulmnis Slllimms iiii VI Mm in Ali hm Lum wumh Wm HHli 11 111 I11 11 11 It11ur IntIIMipt il1III1IIisl1ttt ht II111 I1 1111I1II11I1IIV1I1III11 1I1I1IIIIll1I ot loronio leiniinals liitl1 1UI 11 turn lill ire mi es 11V 11 111 II mm um lurid 11 125 litriltl Harrie 1IIllfIVIlIlIIlIIVlzisVIVIII III IIIIIIII II 214 WV ii lhlm 15 11 1Wm Hm 171 1111 11 11111111 31121111 iIiiIIAm II I1 IiII1Id M1 Hm my mm 87 Mi Im 1h HI litTL omlmu bunk 0f 11 11 M12 lit I1lii 11 11111 1111 flow tall 11xe laxi Besides his widow lie 1s111i1 1111 11 s11111 11 111111ed 1111111 11111 1111 tllttlilli servue a1 ot by nine children tlIiree s1stergt Rhi 21 ilCt Si tlapperton 51 1121111 11111 Mrs lIrnest iiiiiutte 11 II il my in Hmi Rn 1v KIWVVH MH Sm1nh1 1mvnli will 01 Fund th 11 Mi WHH 121101 11 11141111111 Mm midi Mum mm and 11 ll ill LJW interimii 101111 1111 111 the lilili 11 It I1 I1II1I1I1I11ntiIIIII11I11I1V1VI HIM 10 no Kmmm 11mm IIIV IIIIII IIVIIIIIII lIIIIIIII IIIIW11XI Supporting Bldbhltrtb lt 11 111a ear drive Ml mm mm lallhearers were itll1l Mtlad II t111111r1 11111 he 11sherlA hr sI II1V1II1I1I1 I111 si11111111I IIIIVIIIIVIII 01 III IIIIIIIII HIIIIIL 11I1IgtIu11I11IIII11I1111111VIII11I1ai1VIII1I1Iu1I Experlenced 11111a111 11 11 111 nd 11 uill 111assisted with musi 11 IVI1 I1II 11 V111IIII 11I I11 11 1I1I1II111 11I1ltV1I1III IIIItIIIIIIIIIII IIVI II IIIVIIIIII III III IIIIIIIII lIl11I1 IlnIiItIliIaIiInIni 11111 51111111 11 Filler TO Serve You ii will xmi iia iiiilli iii iiiiiiilli Ulllltlulliitiilli oi 111 band icelresideni iUK 01 mi 12 115 li11 111 we 111 v1 ti 12111 11m1 11 111 rm 11V it Alliso 111111 be 111 the chair in Ys ii 1f 11 iln absence of lresident Kelly Blanchard 1IV 1111 1111111 1111 1I 1111 114 111z tlt litl hi II VIIVI KNVIIIII lIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI IQII 11 11 111 111111 1e i1111 1n Buyer Container lRi VIIIIIIVI III IIVI II 1I IIIIVII it VI 11mmn in Mian 11m111V 111 Passes Alhsion II III IIIII III II VIVI III III IIIIIIII IV 11111g1a11111s11Iutdtn tlu music IH Year 11 11 A111 Cadet Week Vtonnniltee and 111e introduction 15 II 289 11111 11111 11111 1111 11 11 1110111 355A minim iiiiiiiwg MHVM l0 MCI hm WNW 13 WWW my 37 till T11 WW Gy The annual 11111111111 piano and years William Blanchard 119 died iiiWilil 311 iii 111 11 l111ii1 11 vocal pnpils of Jessie 11 llrysou Friday April 11 at his home near vl If mm in iuill he held 111 the Collegiate Alliston after lengthy 11111055 eel 11 1111 be obsenedl Auditorium luesdav May 11 11 born in Millitlltlll1 Blanchaid 11w 11 11 11 it was 111 whirl banker lntes mhwk Shaw 11051 limiting mrmlivi 10 11113Edimxl1111L1k11hi1 1m 11111sit are tilt la WIN 11 1w um1 111 101111 11 111 111 of 11 FARM MACHINERY t111t1i111 Ltix ill to prowde Air servod in various offices at St tatiei n11 11t1t1 the country with Mothers Day is on the way 13111113 Angncan ChmCh 11151 ES ELL BF 0w OgT PRICE 111 111111111111111 11 campaign for Flowers top the list of what moth sa for more than 30 years wu 111111111 51111111111 ers likebest and herover Icon Stirviviiiuaro his wife Cather REGI CUSTOM TRACTOR 11 appeal will stress the manor 1413 be you can erase both time inc tim sons James Royal Oak AMR TRACTORS y1 1v 1111111111111111111s made by the and lutaiicc by sending flowers Mich1gan Fred Mount ltlll II II 3114 11111 111 13111111111 1111111 by wire Send Mother her favorite ens Michigan Harold Toronto ll llll llSlh ivill tit Leader ltlltl and ltlnllstlll lldt tor 11 liomc liter 1011 steel 111111 101 1111 11111111 c1111 11 iitt1 10 111111 you closti to llLl and K1 llllil indlhnston lA llkRO 1M on rui 11 BMW lmmmh 1111111k 1111 Mothti Day 111111 the llaiiis two dauizhttis alts G11ii111 lo FARM WAGON on 11mm 1A 1111 by puns Flower Shop Duiilop Street 11133251 Catharines and Mrs Saiii IV $Tl 1111131Ml 111111111 2911 313111 1111 you 111101110 501Iw111 IHE ABOVE EQUIPMENT IS ALL NEW 11111111 1111U1C1 111U iam predeceased him in 1921 IHis IIIII IfUIIIIi IIII tIII THING VH1 11 deN parents were Nelson Blanchard May be seen at ew are 00 and Eliza PCllCIl to hvmmp bUULlCmlilhiib it The man friends attending the it Planned At Bradford In thiswoclts issue of The Wit ness bylaw is published in coli ncction win the separate school to be built in Bradford Rev McGinn informs The Witness that tentative approval has been given for the expenditure of $44000 to erect tworoomcd school 0n the property recently purchased from the late Gilbert Lukcs Building operations are cxl pecth to commence during this month WI DONT THROW that BATTERY AWAY because of broken cov er case oripostrHaveiiti iii repaired by an expert DEPT MANAGER ALF POTTER Post or Slow RELCHARGING Eiride Batteries BRENNANfS Iprocess We arc proud of our Air Ca dets he added and also proud lot the fact that so many public 1spirited Canadians are tiESlSlilljJ us 1i11 this fine work The League president stated that Air Cadet Week will open with national church parade on Sunday 31111114 and that special activities isuch as open houses Wings 1parades and dances will be staged by ir Cadet squadrons throughout the week services and numerous tloial trib utcstcstiticd to the high esteem in which he was held Relatives and PORT llOlE PHONE 3869 Why let your car keep your hand in your pocket Boy Scouts Lost In Orillia District Search parties have been organ 122eo in Orillia to hunt for live boyl Scouts who are believed to be lost 1in the bush somewhcrc on the 1banks cf the Severn River The boys left Orillia Friday lliv Vtcrnoon Police say they hadphimicd to visit scOut camp and have not arrived As all have been trained in wood iloreHaoliccibcliove thc1eisno jm mediate fear for the boys safety They have been identified as 171 HY squander three or tour dollars Eyecgtchingdistinctive1h 1111 1Tb Uli ibiavliuc ilN 10 mt arUlmd dclighttul to drive because it handles and unnecessary weight and spiiccl The handsome nu so beamifuuy park unity And now Hillman has all the space you need tor ii has the strength and safety of licavyvgauge normalcomfortable family driving allsteel construction New PlusPower engine has th drive to give vou smooih getau ays to war up hills Pleas thrifty When You an And youll cujovl amazing economy up vllillman See it Compare it Driven toda to 35 miles to the gallon 1yearold Evcrcttc Humphiics Bud Chapman Pctr Switzei Bill Ross er and Ted McIntyre jRENT new CAR and Drive it Yourself Call 2772f ii Brikctte to the tailorw 1131116332 AUTO VELECTRIC thick 01 this Roomyose Costs 01in SERVICES v1 DCnany= 1iimtdf 33Bayrieia1StjBarrie at raiiiiriterior W31154139l951y16g ooias GROUP limcgsggksl world M0 ILBrilzcrete mates pride appeylg lin along with lowerthan PHONE 2464 Mdrn iMqonry bcautyexprissedl by moderen raine co caringgo l3m1ie19cosuWishtul Wantingtor masonry construction withoutits customary price premiumIcan now he asks tied For Brikcrete is easily the world most modern an practical maIsonW Consider Brikcreto r1113qu 69 Collier St livosizes 8x12x3Vg 4xl2x3Il laid up Half and corner units for cachsize Seltoontained insulation us because ofa 43 void Meets all required compressivq for anytype or size home you plan foot price as for the house PeMm 01mm sorts211Fran1 my udder inmsmn in treatment or bovme niiismitii dential commercial public industrial and manylundl masmls homes Can be plastered direct Standard color include rcIds buffs browns tan making possible dozens of dillereiit color effectsrlastel shades for interior walls Btikcretn is Spproximately half the met weight of regular brick Less burden on footings and foundations Twice the face size 01 regular brick Half as many mortar joints Perfectl straight and omit farm buildi Visit our plasmastth on Drikcreto or 111111111111111111 have in mind Or ask for literStun BRIKCRETE ASSOCIATES or CANADA LTD Plant Thornliill Oitice Suitq 21 APLE 11335 Toronto 51 Toronto 11 191 seat 125 notmo 1111 VicBin 5111111511 for treatment ofvyhitalf scours and intes tinal conditions caused by bacteria $1175 I00 MOIOII LllllllD uid Olin 170 lay $1 hunts Ont Wumn Olin l7 Hailing 51 Vauouvu BIL Eastern Oizi Mannat Airport Dunl l0 gmwcttutww zW4Igt=r PARIS AND SERVICEFROM COAST TO COAST IN CANADA M17 BARRIE MOTOR DISmiBUIOR Both availabieinow at WHITTYS DRUG STOR Essa Road ALLANDAVLE Dial 2323 1x