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Protest License the llt 1115111111 1llt1l could 111 V1 VV 1VV VVV VVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV SVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV VV VV VVVVV VVVV W1 hm VMV SH11Vm1111n1V 11VV ll 111 11 1111 1311111211 11 Fees 11111 111 11111 111111 1111111 011111111 mm VHVV VV VVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV AVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV AW 31 mudvn mm mumm 11 1111 VV VV VVV VVVVVVVVVW Wm WM 111111 lilllill 1111711 MN MW Mm Tm 1111111111 111111111 11nd Tammi 111191111 111111 and Hlllttl 1111 11111 dialling oors 11 will 1le Mi 11 111 11 11111111111111 llhioric1111 11111110111between riliia toiiiistHHt 18 to Whether the 111 11111 from 01111 floor to 111111 tlmg IV 111x 1111111 111111 3114 1111111 lllltl wuuld 111111111 c11r111 11111 as spec V1 11 1111 12 1111 11 1111 11 11111 1111111 111111111111 111111111 111 11 gm 10 111 11 Al gt1ll 11 lWlll WWHW 1m 13111111 1c prpd 10 11 ilie corner 1111s 11 checker hoard 111$ lmplHI 1m mmhm gt VV TV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVV VV 11111111 de summln 111111 11 1VVV 1111 MVV VVVVVVVVV Mrs Sani Nicholas 111 11llll 11111 1VVV1V1 V1101 11511135 1111 111 iiitlitaneled 111111 Milli 111111 111 11gt1V stiutiiit 1111111 1111111 11111 111111111 1111 VV called on 11111111 1111 week lual school 311 Some thouplitle 111V 13111111 11111 111 111 111 11 XM 11 CV Fl1 llltl litmbldd 11 111 111 11 1111111111 111 l1 ll 51 um 11111 111 license les for such 1s mm ii 11 11 gt1111111111111 11 11 0111s 01 1111l iii Illi Youniz 11111111Fil MI ll ltWVl 211111111111111s 111111111 111 11111151 531 WW l$ IN WNW 11 HIi1 NIT11 iIxl 11 11111lll1 lmSmwi WWW SM 3111111 and cabin operators have mill llltli 111W 511011111 NW 11 lor free estimates plionc day or evening LHVVV IV V11 HVVHHVHWV 111 1VV VUVVV 111 111111 T111 WU 111 Mrs 1311 l111111h 111111 1111111110 111 VVVVVVVVV1 Wow 1V 111011 11 How is wondered if such people 111V 11 VV Inn 3101 171ILILIH 11111 1111 1111mm 11 111111111111 11 1111 KPH Tmmml Hqu illmvxi my In 11111 11111 1111111111111 11 min 111 Stop 111 think that such aciions 1111 VVVVIH IV1 11 V1 11 11 111 11111n 11111 Wt 11 Mint tillittlim lr 11111111 liaiiilier 111 111n gurusssuuxssumsxnsnwswusssuwskun1t NVNH VVVV VVVVVVV VVV VVV VV VVVVVV VVVl 111 11mmlV 15 MIMI 311 111 311 01141111 111111111 vis VVV VVVVVVViVV 1VVV1VVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVHVVVthmt 11111111111111 111111111151 or 1111 VVVVVVVVV 11lt 11 11 11 411 111 ill11 1111 11 111l 111 11H1111 11VV1 1111 NlYlil was 1111 by the local ted ltlillllt 111 111111111 llarlior VVVVVHV 1HVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIVHVVNU1111VVV1VU Sllll 11 child from 1111 school immm 11111111 1111111111111 111111115 iiiion Swan ORVA1H 11 LVN HUI 111 111151 and Wrinmn 111111 Mi 111111 Mrs llairy Willi 1111 iVnVHVI IV lVVVIVlV lVlV1iVVt V1111V 110m lllNl 3111001 ASWNWIl MN my Hm 1110015130 111 1111 11111 111 111111111 1111 were i1ii 11v 1111113111 Sile lertaiind 11 l1w at Ll party on Sat mm WHY ltim In mummy Homml mlmm IRUIICUIION Brim mm 111 mm VV1VV PM VVVVVVVV VV lVVV VVVVVVIVVVVVi VI Cm 1111 mum UV MW VIN RUDV may 111111 V1lV bVgt111VVVlVl1i1VlVVVlVEVVltlil VVVlVlVVVl the 1911111111111 111111111 and School r1 lt1 vision 111111111 11111111111111 1111 111 11111111111 111 11111111111 11111111115 1t and Dorothy 111111111111 MeNabb Ml 11ml 3115 lltll Itllllll 121 11VVVVVVVHVVV1 gtVVUIEVV Mfg Em inf lrtllll UH Llllllll Ml NM 1lltttllltlllitl 11 1111 111111111 1111 1111111 1V 1111111111lt 1111111 MHubris 111 Unions at 8135111111 terlaiiied 11w 11111115 1111 $11111 1VIVIV anVVV IV 211V effectively pruviilml 1in our and Toronto 11 111111 1111111111210 11111 lilltllil 1111 11111 c1111 NW 31m Mw Mil mng lDbmxlil hum1 11 superior quality awninus Ni 11 111111 11151111th1111311111 huist 1111 llllltLl VA 5111115111111 11 ltlHlUltlS Illltl lliltl VPPT VV m1 VV VVVVV11 VVVMIMVV 11111V lNVVVmVVVVV VVVVVV 111111S and WmVlrkV by Como 311111V1u1 5111 1VV1HV1HVV ADI 11111111 1sltli11t Mistuiiic tn 111ch are llloVltnsnt limit 1111 1111 women 1111 hive 111111111 111111 111111 Presbytery officers and 19 ltSllllt lllt lfllll C10mryl NilsAiinhiln mnll Ht um decorative and afford Mr and Mrs l11ii 111111111 attenti 10011145 m1 11 11 l1lll 111111111 11 lmm ml com iletc iioteition from the SUV VVVVV VVVUVLIVVVlVVVVVfUV mo VVV V1 11115111 11K 1111511 11 1101 11 H1 111V 1511111111111 11 11 111115111 111 111111 21 111 Vinuiutcs till 1111111111 MIgtV VVVVV VVV lms US Hr 11 to 011 Salllltlm Mi 1101111 111 1111111101 spent th1 ml lllttlllt ltl It 1101 1117 lt 51111V 111lt1111 41 Hmnu 15 lud mun 11 VIVVVVVt CVVIliiVVL 1VV1VV1VV WZVVVVHVVW 1111 WIN 1111 sirriiiii 111 pic and in The 111111 llltlllinlh ot St Johns 1111ll1 with his 11111111 him hMlde llinl 51Vlium1liill mm mm Duck l1 1111 11 11 1111111 l151ltilll 11111111 sold th1 ltill1l 1t l1111051 111111 Jud V1 1111111 1111 iltllll 51111113 111 111 11111111 v11 IIVI lmVlV N111 VWVI Int IllVV lll llie receipts trom previously SIM Mid box 50w wow hand Hum lurluhu mud laiia Eliot he Bariyiiioits 111111111is 1111ltllllll William lli1 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV SVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVSV 11111 11111 will lltVllltltltlttl Scarlet on Sunday The teachers and pupils of the 211 IlulgkyVVVhVVttI 1111l1111n1ml 1111113 Sm bark rm chieth on 11111 and Dan 1111V1111ndod 1VthC Stiff $011511 91 ir and Mrlt Geo Constable the grounds that an additionall on the DIOI Vlhe euchre and dance held 110121 VstltleVfiVVVVVth HUOI 1Vnne and Sandy are home after room is to be added to the school All CKBB programs listed itfinliiulrnvgn1111315Ltwim $1151 11111119111 the veckcnd at 9311 El 111VIS 011301100 on tour in the near future Mrs Dowsoii below are heard Monday funk k1 II Bannisters were larenee 1311111 0V1 lesterii Vanada and the United who attended the Home and School through Saturday except where ii 5111111 131 pm nister oi ollingwood Mrs 051m ICdemtlo Uthmlml ill T010111 le indicated 1mlw Wm me won Morrison and Mrs ll Ritchie AX 111 11111111111111110 anv presented or report 1mm in mnmw ham Hiker Mllnlllt 11 Killlt5 Mllmm 1i 1101 Ken 111111111115 iii ed that the Federation has MN Sunrise Serenade until 830 11993 glll MW 09 WWW IVE 111 grown to 10000 members 11nd tliatl tinciis lsl Bernard lope 2nd Ray lLL 11111 local 111111 is part of District No Miss lira ltuid and Mrs Chisw sler of Victoria Harbor visited md MI Imb to the treasurer suggestion that Mrs Vt Ml 30 ircupboard be built for Home 1111115 713111311er Morning News VV 11 Lunch Vm Srvod 11 111 extend our sympathy 1041111 niem 111 Our 01 the aims for t1l ltltlll YIiXVFlgnmQaixyupeport Vmen and the remainder 01 the 0018 01 the llClVlV 1111111 105111102 1V mm each Awmimpm appnim 3011 vmmcagt 311111 was 11mm in dancmu 11m in the vicinity Gilmore Reive Mr VVV VV VW 300 BllilijlltNllltichpOrlS Rounduptinusrc provided by llowardhlope idlld MW Rlllh RUC Jnd Ml 1301th1 1mc1vm1m1 Am q11nne Reive attended the funeral 11111115 03 303VVCVVV1 IV Tspent the weekend at her home The WA 01 St lcters Church Knock Sewing Circle was held at Mr and Mrs Uillc NClXtln1held tlltll April meeting at the than it was originally towards the 1213 1ecordinv 111 the Record VI +1 111 Guelph in Friday April 11 VV VV Vn T1 mummy mummg 01 11w 1111 11 1111 11111111I 1dcnt tiom the iepoit that th 110 mm nub 11111111 111111 1111 Lawn Mower Repair Department Time gym tllt home 11 Mrs Bowman Allen home 111 Mrs Willson on Thurs soc1al Side of Assocmtion affairs Vediiesday April 19 with 15 Radio Bandstand mud 1111m1nncu Mm 1VV BV Pope inc relatives VV Vday with nine ladies in attendance and that the ViVnembeer should find Mon iliru Sat Music Box 01111 11 1111 11111110511 13111 on Ml 111111 MIS HillldV lxldd ElmV Delegates were appomted to attend plenty of enjoyment in the gathein 045Thurs Salute to the Babies the raising and care of turkeys 311 5W1 Sulltlil 1111 MV llml Vthc annual meetings in Toronto ings throughout the year VMrs 11111111 Keith Waplcs April 29 to May The coming Dawson statedhattlie conveiinVion1 1000 Newscast iMrs owan gave the Easter 111V Mr and Mrs 1710111118 MCMIIIHI Deanery meeting to be held at St was success and that the banquet 80 Hymns of the world spent 11 tew days in Toronto visit Saturday Serenade 801 l10nV1dFri Breakfast liinV KVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV WHY 1N 11111119512 1010111191651511 EM AROUND daughters of Barrie spent Sunday 13 Muir2111111 Mystery story and contest was conducted in VV VV VV VV Ilelll by 11111 TV Bowman 11111 11 1V mvd V1510 11 dm an nnisii was so lSCUSSC was we organize report was 1M1 wTErlt7 11011 qut MOW MerrygoIjoilrqu business part the hostess and her 10W Edwmds sundV IlSSlmll Rape Vere give by made that Temlagers Clllb had 10 1lii 101 11111 V11 0n committh served lunch Next MI and Mrs DCk 1300 nd 121 M55 Jnmmsm Pd MIS 5101m been Olgalllzed undCT the mm 1111113 TUOVT1mV Morning Matinee place 01 meeting is to be at Mrs 11 8131110 mad Vlll 0113 1m Bale articles otVsewing were Vvork Teen Town and that the club i1005 5111111111111 Morning Special John nwansV on may 11 VMIS J1 Edwardg Slldl 1ed on Hostess served 11 lelicious Vwould meet Thursday evenings it until 1130 YPMIl ad1gar1lMlllllen llldywmd1mm lls undergo 1811 me teenage $1030 Mon 1111 Fri Movie Meriy car an ona ucwaits Visite have appointed 011 officers 111111 SoRound 9100 xthTggbigmdavous With MY Emd Mrs MONO fflcml Incidentally the 0100 margarine 1that Mrs Dowson will be the sup 11030 Sat Ted Presents 900 SatV Dame CKBB 101115 Letloy on Sunday iindustry apparently got lot of ervisor Due to the considerable 1711040 VMonVWdFll Mommg MalV N131 C0b0y valuablefree advertising out of discussion which took place let we $115 $31 EdMCciudy llast years debate on the tax re gter 01V resignation frothhe presiv V1100 M011wolVP 1V1V 01111011 1th 930 Mon Frank Crcary Sings lpeal even though repeal failed dent Mrs Payne was not read Vwll0V0 9210 Tue Viadio Drama Worshop Zthen vThe future ofthe ladies 1130 VOICCS If 501 931 Sat 1mc0Ve Ramblers WWdwmm Satulday 510W 3001 Villa lliur MllSlCle Memories witl llt1 MonWedFli Penny for Franklin McCormick April 31 Your Thoughts 11000 Sat Time out for Dancing Mr and Mrs Harold Martin and 1145 TUCSThtU Organ Reveries 1013 Thur Canada at WOIK daughter aicwisitinginiToronto 1318 armsr of 1215 Farm arets epor al 10 unz lano 1V vs 111 ltcmVV1 V230 MVdVday News 1M In the ChapeV VpVesn VVViceVve d1 is 1245 Regional Weather Report Vll00NVe1vs headlines weather time MI and Mm HfmiBmasindW fin VV VVV 12n0 Bulleth FBonird 1103 Sign 00211111 Anthem VV family of Hamilton Spent Sunday Dally Except Sunday 00 Farme 93 mes SUNDAY PRIL no V1111 the farmers mom 100 Sat Agneultural Representa 1ivc 900 News MIS All Patio 15 591111le rom pm pm 113 Sat Saturday Western0 Star 905 brgan Interlude some time with her mother M1311 1210 Rastus 915 All Aboard For Adventure Morrison Barrie who is ill SGlurdGY noon pm Sat HolidayVln Rhythm 930 Sunday Morning Serenade Congratulations to Mr and Mrs 200 gredSVIViusselVlVVs CoVrner gamin Izavorites Len Robinson on me big of ai iVer rcziis ewscas 230 MonchFriCollingWood 1040 Quiet Corner daueher commgWOd hospmli 33 Bayeld 51 Barrie Wire Hart be Jackpot Ptogram 1100 Church Service Mr and Mrs Reef Wilson and on Yes our Lawn Mower Repair Departmentis quitebusy WBUTUcflhurHoliayimhxthm 12100 Ivory Classics Hisedaysbuildhrgupoldelatterboxesmtwsmooth Eu us everybody has We 2308111 Hillsdale Review 1230 Newscast with waandMSMYLALMLQMF rec have wonde 300 MonVchFVri+The Inside 1240 Program Resume son rclVJ Story lt3 1241 Jobsf tog bWorkers Workers Miss Bernice 1V1CG1118D1 Mrs ning newlike mowers Bring your mower to our shop COUD ry an ousan 300 TueThur Spotlite on Star 01 Frank Jacques 01 Toronto spent of amazin $1 1115 for cu 815 Dialight Highlights Iggsgcthgoutrwordi Saturday with Mr andMrsL Steve and 379511 598 What WEE9 wefarry EVSOVmplete mer 331 Midafternoon Nvesmist 115 SHE egitalow Rawn of parts for all makes of mowers to see NO matter where lsIoVnl1leVlVirV10 BaVrB Ranch 130 Thiq is My 5101 Womens Association acting 31 1w you from 005 lo 345 TuesThur Barbara Wheeler 20 Sunday Hymn me The Womens Association met at 1V 600 230 Hit Parade coast you II have real 00 Club 123 the home 01 MIS Lockhart ch 00 Newscast At last these wonderful lawn mowers are available to you In 1941 due to war regulations ouragency was dis contirnied but nowvvere glad to tell you wehave the agcncyonce again 15 Sat r111 Stars of the Week 300 Sunday 01118510 Hour good lime and well be 530 Newscast 1152 yMI tare 95532321315030 600 County Hour 11111117110 400 Interlude of MUSIC glad to see you 600 MonWedFr1 Marching along 415 Asthe wag 1513311 VV meeting which was openedV by 600 Tuesjrhurs Kom Kobbmrs Guy Lombardi and orchestra hymn and prayer by Rev Cook The Ave Maria Hour Mrs1Lockhart then took the lesson VV Soto5 WM pVT Chapel cmmes on Easter Rev Mr CW read the 1650VBulletin Board Hawaiian Harmomes scripture from Luke 24 1413011 V1 659 Regional weather Report 700 MonWedFri Serenade at seven Ph tagraphic Hints fund and visiting committees Mrs 110 News Roundup call was answered by fVavoriteVV 700 TuesThuisSat Don Messcr 635D1nnerMuSic Knowles read the topic Meeting Dinner music Bible name Busmess included ite To be announced ports from the treasurer lower and His Islanders V1 700Churcli Scerice 715 songs or om Times 800 Melodic Encores clbsed with hymn and prayer Lawn Mowers feature rubber tires ball bearings highly tempeVred reels low cuttingimives and theyre 1EasyVTo Push PRICEDREASONABLE YouniiRAKEs berson and Mrs Wes Bates Nothing new The Babsionizing $2285 730 Mon The Passing Show ASH1NGVT0N $3615 Tues Playhouseof Favorites 105 ANGEVLES VALVE INSERTS 30 The Music Ball 1030 Newscast CHICAGO $2335 sat1Close Harmuny 830 Sunday Star was served by the hostesses NEWYORK $2090 725 Tm LV Letters and Love 900 Newscast 111 50W 910 Modern Classics M15 00 ma In BURSION TIIRFADED For real vacation protection give your SPECIAL Wed Holland Today ROUND inn Fri wqynKing Show 1040 Sammy Kayes Serenade VV VVV 1100 News in Minute had real CStdlC maps 4200 you fam1 Installed any time any Wm hang Sdf Chdmns COW 1103 smnorranamnuiem riagO 1y ddd 333 Of brags 111m within 30 mile VVMVVmViV $111111 frmVViVVeibVVm TVVVVVV that Will stop your car unrcklrand 7311 31117730111111 71111 01 Emir rt rm 16 smoothly Make an appointment Vtohave Single Phase 60 Cycle VSVVat Hawai an 1760 PM eWs your ra es checked tomorrow by our 0F 13igeyaxggggiiiw factorytrained mechanics Your car 1111 iflfd VVVVVV FIVhVurVVVHVV1aV1e15CIVieaiV1111VSVV we have limited supply of Dion Threshers sizes Vbe ready as promised and on time 00 V1VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV 0V VCCVVVVVV r1 ar ow 281411221131111111Vesi1111111 11 er in you me in eres in Mod 18pm SmL 815 Fri Voice of fSt John Thurs Local Talent Parade 830 Mon Double or Nothing 830 Wed Jayeee Guest Forum 830 Thurszeping Your Baby please contact LEO 11f M0BEAI1 VAnien Mills Phone Elmvcrle 5216 or Barrie 2373 WVVHVJohnsoni Son ENGINEERING COMPANY 96 ROSS ST BARRIE 11111011111111 MOIORS 65 Collier Street Barrie 830 Fri Spinnin Inn 845 Thurs VieWs on Recreation 900 MonWedFri The Spinnin Innr