IAtIE TWENIY THE BARRLE EXAMINER HARRIS ONTARIO CANADK THURSDAY APRIL 27 1950 mvw Essa Contest Winners At Inco Conservation Corner Iiimrio litp1rtiiiviit of Lind and forests Sutton lirtrztik tti=iii 1h 14 int Hi 111t1 tuiiiiiicc liiii1 EJTIAIJRI 11 izizti 31 liettniti iaiiiidgc aai IItilllill ri tuiwii llil tii viiiiii lIIl 31 Eloisa 111114 on 51 tiiiiiles Shanon xii out ii Jctiticil of 1oioiii 11 it lit 1i in aiii liito Sui li1 iiis Iotio lrutincnl Irins ias liltIlIl tioiiix iftc spriidunr 11 the 1i1ciiiiiic isoiii Iizioiito Likin lilr itil poiiu II11I iuiii iw1gti Thul one hb he mu from you Womens Insiiluic iiti rsecIiixi Il toiixtmix 111 iii HT tiiv Ix Worm littii in illit Ironii mi in unit MINNIE LP iieiciiitiits ill 1iiI pen Hue Ilk 1iiiiii lizi MIDHURST Tells About 191511111 IlrlllITll rim ll 1M New Hearing Aid Alix Win gt gt huh ii fiiiiaiir Dalston is LONDON IIuglnnd April 37 Itacocks in IIioriiioii to 1111 AI illili iiii Iil litLtIlllLI itc 211 1lillts 1111 MLMMI PM Cunadizins can now sine money on lm ihe new lillgtil Acousticoii ac cordiiii to news from Acoiisticuii lntcriiationiil shipment of these Ioiniiu tioizi Iiiiltl spoke on liaflic Ii 11nd SatM INN11 2lt tittiilIttgt pictisioiiiiiad iusliiiiiieiits hits Just arrived in ianada Dut 1o 311 111 15 Itliti Ii linksr 1itv xii1v pi i1 litVZlIlltlIIlItt of the IInuiisii Iounii izt lilt lli till not IttiltilII 1llli Tim these cousticoii IlLilllllR aids will IJ 2w tacit that lrtltdlltill hour unis i=iii TV piiii int text eniiiiw of burno 11111Il tciith tho aiiadiiui public at the lowest price over offered I1TI11 were saiud in ii lei ltiLIs assisted ii the ii1 those who wczc IIiIl hunk Pmlwk laiiious in lcii Britain litiropc HAN1m mm and iistiaii this icIyuriied lZiiizlish Acoustieon is it powerful efficient nioch economical to buy ciisy comfortable and 11101 spicuous to Wear It is expected to Iililj Welcoliu cliei to iniiiiy hard oHuaringz Canadians If you hine trouble hearing get the facts about this new English Acousticon Scntl for free copy of Your lleaiiiiuI Its on inter estpacked liooliltl full of illus rations 11111 amaliniz information that can put you on the roiid to better heziruii iiizht awayi Write today to Acousticon International 157 Richmond St Toronto Ask for your free copy of Your llciir ing fourcent stump does the jobwwritc nowf in eirtii 11litl poi tltill 111112 lt1 oiiiiilit ztgiicvilaiit lI ti wisp tII LIIt1i lIZII iii tItklttZ ii lituildzti L1 1ililt ilitlilitl111 Ni ii int ii 1II It 1it cii lilil anihi MI 011 ii lioxuivi 1111 not with iixtii and matte or it il =ti1iiiit llltll Mrs the arrival oi Ii llthplia ioiitiii1atioiis to 1i ion lliit on itililIlll iii the Iraiiiiv IL1 llllllj ONI IItIt Iii tiil ii 11 llilluili 11111 iii ipiu iin tiit in tiliiizmtiui iiiJ 11ii iii 11 II in wilt igiiicziiius liti iii its extended to Ali iicath ot her sister llaiiici Smith in loionto rc ccniiy ilcy Mr iiison being ill Will tiot be able to Lilkt the service 11 181 laui but orrnngciucnts haw Iiutn made to have service tilLIl iSiiiiiiay at the same hour Apiii 11 Mrs aiiloiiin and li Maicci Ml ml Upwrumm Spunk ml 11 11m 111 Vk 111111 iii the iittcinoon which is Iloronto LitiittI education for the children Mr and Mrs iaitcr AlitittiitiElitil11 Woods showed three iiInis got Vyeyalc Slitlli Sunday 1111 ithcn Itoy llickiing spoke on his Durini inspection trip to ProudStunn oncn pit of the liitcrnailoiultmfl MI lnm i1 NH 011 llie WA will meet all the 11mm cis lt gttlli was grand taik winei Nickil oinpiuiy at Sudhury Ann iltill illltl Jack 1ialmcrs essay contcst winners lllslHtL Iant tItiIrlt showl It scoops up cubic wl Hm LU limb Um LH noon May at pm 11511 cu by the ladies dltls scycn ions at liitc lcdcration Euchre liirtv AV The Federation held it There eight ful cuchre party in the school on xiiipitiiy liiii in Mrs in iltll itihlt tituiiiiicit for Mill iiiiiii tw and iiie all i=I 11 in Iiizii Ilil11itl lm vi 1111 ii viiic tor liit ILiIllIIiLlUII iiil liliiti 1ioiitl am i111 iii II it ls iiii lxti ivilltii ii 11111 iTilt IIl lilitt Itlllt iiitiiJ it emit at iitilIlLL it roiziiiiiolx to 111 111Itgt to nor pimp ii in iiviia To iris Io kit liistaziccs tl cit no wIlei Iil with llli iiiitxlitll oi inst iid had sand the it oi 1gtllil tiaci iiiti 11ch noon discus loi iiii siiriis ti 151 1111 1111 Itlti iiiiiiois lititl ii AN UPLIFT BELT FOR MEN hgvf 11 Iiiiiiiiw liit iiiti IIIt ililillil iiii iiuc liiiit to itiit1cs ii 31 pliis tintc cirs bush jiiilltilit sitt11gtlttt by sonn itliil iuitics Ito contended that ii was iiiitaii tor txaiiipie for ion college iiitll to step iiito the 1111Illlt ticiii two Iiioiiths and 13 11 ioiiiiiiaud lop wages This practice that 111 it they inauitaiiicti Igt not fair either 1iillilitl11 tor the lltlil oi Llilltilltt It WWWWM Emmi iirciist should in 11H guts Jltte toi iyiiy tiolliii spent vl is nun lllt in HID 1M the tour 1st Ilt Lxptils to hounds ixpiri oil 111 311 rcctin aitie ioi his dollar minimumL uepui lliitiil llILlit1 ttiiif of Two detachable pouches mode to ur specifica tions to give comfort and maximum support Ex perienced Fitters to serve you for all Surgical Sup ports WHITTYS DRUG STORE it hailti c111 lilvlgtitiil Iii IItIIlil 11It1111if iio iiiistttcti 11 his IIIIKIIVT point Utl ItlI that the 111120 tliimi tintiii iii tois to Mi lttllit siicccssv aic turlongs in tiltI iniic Monday evening April 31 ill aid of the Barrie and District Memorw St 30 iai llospital liund lhosc lllillll1 some areus resideiits will be only GRAY COACH LINES BUSES first prize vcre Mrs 11 Ducluvorth up and shoot bciir Guides uid IMPORVHVG mm 1m him 111111 it ltiliIll act specifically provides iio owner of ii do gtIliill tlItIW it to molest or follow upon the lriltk any wild game bird or disturb 11x HUgt1 during the mouths of April May June or July iiiy cxcep tioii is duriii field trutls author ltti by the dcpartiiiciii been one of the iiiotiiitiii tactors iii caiiiiiiz the LHliltitlltt etc not contciidiii that and it years of just its capiible lit the Other euuiis present declari ho ltilll shouldnt obtaining it Departmental otliciais thin the nonresident wants block have uiitltte one in the iiiiisl iiiolt to the guides and lil rappers the iiiiiaie Illllll oi our furhearth iiiiiiiais ind fish said Iliiliiilisx iho some men inuch Illtll iii ttlllllillllllLl told the iissinibieii senior it was thought by some that practical tests before licensing would improve IIllSUSIIUTlIlUil illttllit 111 in good man boys ot 17 liciir ru difficulty It LILLt Woods northern sections too hiippy to have someone come Illlli llllilill LLllgt illt it illllSZIlitt mm mm llllll destructive ItlltltlltltS and in 1h lillllml mluh dmumm some districts the have asked that 11 HM 151151 it bounty be placed on iilt mar lcilcriition Meeting The Federation of iillltlilllt meeting wits held in the school last Sherman lands and forests According to the law persons wishing to release such Monday evening with licency presiding They piannczi to hold it eucliic party or III school proceeds to be in llltl oi the birds or animals or those propagated from stock ini poitcd into Ontario must have and himself adhered to the Jrcguzy WARNING 0G5 liitiolis TORONIOSpecial warning to Ct11 More fires are started through sltlt1lllt1 in the woods than from any other cause lohii Grew trap doL lovers was issued toduy by the Ontario department of lands and written iiuthority from the minis ler Barrie and District Meiiioriai llos pitzil Fund There will be one moi NORTH BAY BARRIE TORONTO Will Remain Unchanged Grayi Coach Lines final meeting of the Federation io this your and each family is asked to pay dollar There have been grand films shown and t11IlillI speakers heard during this past your and the schoolchildren have forests following complaints from Ornithologists who declared nest ing birds in some areas were being disturbed by dogs The fish and wildlifedhision of the depart ment pointed out the game and line supervisor for the dcpart mcnt pointed out Parties in the woods without guide were also blamed for fair slizireof the for est tires that occur each season Guides who attended the affair were Alex Jacks North Bay Mike Krexck Sauli Ste Marie Gordon Johnston Meafordf Ross Smith vBarrie ieorgc Crozicr Dorset Ralph Bicc Kearney Paul Miller Bifttersczi ilelmerBiiriin Coch iiuie Alex Thib Coiiiganda Aii toine Bouehiird Longlac liirreu McKechnie Port Arthur William Cowic Kcnoia and Jim Coltrin James COOke MOtors Ltd IBEAR HlNllNG LICENSES 2489 BLOOR ST WEST TORONTO gt prizes were won by Mrs 11 Pair inil Doug Ktulllllt hiirlcs Scoi wrll run ullta of ltItuSlitt llititl itl natural t1 unless you have permission held the lucky number on lilt don iiom lltc Ontario department of The Time Table Between opinion that it was the duty otimmmstv eci guide to see that his party 172182 Bradford St PHONE 5355 1948 DODGE SPECIAL SEDAN 1947 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN 194T PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL COACH 1941 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN 1941 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1941 CHEVROLET COACH 1940 STUDEBAKER COACH 1938 BUICK OPERA COUPE 1935 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1930 ESSEX SEDAN to completion of 1150milc pintline it will take 26 days to more Ligiiicl of oil between Ed uioiiton and Superior Visc rind liornc Barrett consolation Np Ll Hutu nd th ilit Dont ppm1 bitle md winter The pincerls Imoiiii ets bpmuw Ilt annuals into iiiuiio with the Ltl to $1375 1947 FARGO TON PICKUP l947 MERCURY TON PICKUP 1945 DODGE DUMP 1938 FORD 13 TON PANEL and forests announces The non residentlicenses cost 53 23 They are good luntilliJunc if Residents or NUFFIELD EXPORTS LTD provincial gun license at $1 until COWLEY OXFORD ENGLAND IORONIOVisitiiig hunters outside Ontario may now obtain licenses for spring bear hunting the Ontario department of lands from OntariODTStributors for chc some late Summcr vermin licenses iirc alsoiivaiiablc in that section ofOntaiio where the gun announce the appointment of GRAV You cant delay any longer with GeneralsSpringCleaning ServiceOble Corn BROOMS Good Weight 79c All KindsOi BRUSHES MOPS and CLEANERS Your Dealer 1701 PAINTSENAMELS VABNISHES ETC Paint Brushes Brush Cleaner HIGHWAY No 27 BARRIE ONTARIO as Dealers for Morhs Rily Wolseley SUPPLIES for tTe Nv Cars MORRIS CARS are made in Great Britain by the largest automotive rm inltt cBritisii Isles the Nuicld Organiza tion with nearly years of experience behind it Every Morris engine is built with aircraft precision to give you ncarly 40 miles to the gallon and youll useless oil tool Broom type steel The new Morrisocrs you moneysaving car combined LAWNRAKES98c withpmfmdingcomfort WlREfFENCE SteeIquesior hanging DANPELIONSJIAS GARDENRAKES 110 feet Briced$110$l40 918lhigii Protect Your Spring FlowersIWith Folding STEELE BRIGGS Garden Seds Giving 15 inches above the ground GTQSS seeds sturdy defence for Tulips and other VFlOweIs FISHING TACKLE Baseballs Batsv etc yJllNSTtDNS nAnowiiTm ESSARD GOOD PARKING Dial 3997