filLRSDAY Ailtll 1tflt lDfEl t=ls HUMMING LIKE TOP tli because the MAGNETO Wits REPAIRED and ready Parts and Service on BRIGGS Slltlll MOTORS ===F==a==sr BRENNANS Auto Electric Services PHONE 2464 33 Bavficld Street IttOtfl0c jsxxssantnuxsxviitsisiiwssiiiiswssss VlOBIN NEW FARM HELP PeniMycin Ointment for udder infusion ill treatment of bovine mastitis lu has THEY l7tllltUUit VicBin SkourTabs for treatment of white calf scours and intes tinal conditions caused by bacteria Both available now at WHITTYS DRUG STORED ALLANDALE Canadas most popular ionnula feeds Ypur Dealer is 4+s noun ii GRAIN andFEED STROUD Specializing in Custom Feeds GRINDING ROLLING MIXING Dredge For Gold At Omineca Field ti llt tl hati hm Jllillt lliIl li tillitll Ni lll tuui tlirli the oil tilil Ii liill tiiilc itilii tI Ittit fluiiiaiia ittlll Iloiit fins laupr Malcolm oldest lttlllttt him till that sunny lisile says banana rum may hit the top of the distiliers hit parade Its drunk in the iist Indus he said while Illlll heie and theyre trying to promote it nor in the Southern Stalls Where has this drink been liltlr nu Apparently said Mr ioslim with some surprise no one ever attempted to make and rcll it be fore TIIIC Ill PING NEEDS PHONE 24 amass siXtticll diesel5 are able oi yard at lmimec uuwit lira tit t5 IzlltI cl Iiitmu operatiot to tttiul tlitl um uiclianl mind pasture ltilti dottingI dLIll wimp eii shuni iid liviliauic ltill IIii tNow They Talk Of Banana Rum ilIllt April li Itli IIiy bartender 1lt another line otl llciiiiudti director of the EXAMINIIR CAN FILL YOUIti HE bARRlE aishleER JiST RAID Trt zAUWMYIIM ONDCRFD up qua160Imware aw AgesHes rvth pawtt PF 1K SUNDAY Anti WJ HA1 tAIa viHAF RH ttli47isl AM Unr Arguing From 0pposite Promises lly LEWIS MILLIGAN The ieciut verbal cscliantes gtl and let nonwoiuniuiirt countiics tween US Secretary of State ll live their way of Lie llunc aie the pieiiiises from lllfll the Krem lin view the rest of the world Acheson and the Moscow piess It miiided me of caioon which ap tpeared in Itiiich tilli years ago That was made quite clear by in which two housewives were dc the Itiisslau press in its reaction pictcd as slinging one anotht from to Mr Acheson itltlttSS It did not deal with the ieveu points laid down but sot ted to abuse Among other thmus it calch Mr tluu doorways on opposite sides of London bysticet In the ground were two professors lookiiu lolc yi on and one was saying to the other Acheson an ltlttilllllli and un fllhose two voincn wrll newr ccreinonious hat hired Iackcy agree because they are arguing of the warmongei and simple ifiom different picniscs lion We can dismiss the charges that Mr Acheson is liar and LI In an address to the teachers and lackev as ltlttl abuse ltIt the students of the IIchrsity of ah MUH toiiua Mr Acheson said that if the be $125 $175 ii JP5 Dial 2823 in anivE on fresh palatable SHURGAIN for Cattle Hogs Poultry sin Phone 52 rde LTodayErcefelivecy Prompt Attention to All Orders Tho Sarjoant Co Ltd who war From our point of view those are Ithc logical and sensible steps which ithe Soviet Government should take if it really desired peace and antics able relations with the Western World But the trouble is that lllC Soviet Government while it may not want another world war very plainly does not want amicable relations with the democratic gov ernments It does not want to live Prospector Age 74 ll You It ovet ustre L0 no LoClo Szttin Fiiizsbewith its soft volvety handrubbed effectisbutone of three disi Itinctivc SCarfefinishes for walls and ceilings More radiant more porcelainllikeis scurfes InterferiGloss Paint AMoie subdued more delicate is Sparfer Flat my this Kremlinwanted to live and let live 1min 1th Si in Mill inm iu but the tiutli Mine is some in world where men may dis truth however III the charge that agree without going to war there cie seven steps which it could vtake to secure vorld peace These in brief were Sign peace treat ies with the defeated enemies of World War II let the peoples of the eastern European Satellites amenable to that charge Kremlin is In making that the reason the truth of the seven points and that it is Nuseless and foolish to ap peal to lkConittltltiisl government on the grounds of and decency But Mr Acheson is not so simple Ile fully realized that he was argu iii from opposite piemises to those of the Kremlin In his speech he isaid that what separates Russia and llie United States is moral issue overthrow established govcrn for Hw Ciofntf NHw 1701 milkv mcnts Treat accredited liploni in milde PBHEHI wvhllll alswith decency and respect mm find will ii Old Sim doping the Russian peoplcltitlia philosop 1y lllLl1 claimso with stories that they are surround monopoh knowmdgc wa wron with lltlttlttl ed by pack of capitalistic wolves Yet Mi Acheson said it did not me plotting another world follow from ths that the two syss icins could not exist concurrently iii the same world In other words vote freely for truly independent national regimes Drop the walkout and boycott of the United Nations and respect the will of the majority Work icalistics ally toward limitation of arma ments in general Call off the Sovietcontrolled agents through out the world who are seeking to tlIlIIlItlSIlSt nationslike those two neighborsto disagree and argue from different premises But it is essential for world pcaccthat each nation should remain on its own premises and mind its own busi ness That is all the Western dem sia port showed low grade but the samples were taken quickly and Is Not Exeited Over lgcologists urged Jack to explore further New Dlscovery lie hopes however thatif his find is big it will be put to its CRANBERRY PORTAGE Mutt best use in serving mankind April 17 CP The old saw Theres nothing to get excited 14011 is Where YOU lld it iS 81 about Jack says Ive been pros Iplicd ttingly by JaCk Fisher W110 peeling too many years to become tin his 74 VLZUS has been COW excited any more already hand SOldiei fOIOSl ranger DOIiCG have big company interested and gums and DIOSDCNOII am willing to show them where Old diebards of the California IKlondikc goldrush days fell back ton thesaying when they panned lfor gold and didnt find it They isaid if there was an ace in the deck for them it would come and nothing they could dovcxccpt workwould hurryjt hand in Alberta in the days when Jack hardened to thevaitandlthe foothills swarmed with cattle seegamesays1hatradiozictWeyHe l9led the canadian ArmV there on SOMERSET MAN Born in Somerset England Jack came to Czinada before the First World War and worked as cow and saw schicc at Ypres ODE charged he became aforest ranger in British Columbia Once the RCMP asked him to guide them on chase into the Flathead coun ll try towards the United States bor der on the trail of outlaws who held up Canadian Pacific Railway train near Centenal BC As Jack recalls it gang led by two men flamed Basoff and Aul off held up the wrongtrain and instead of several thousand dollars in payroll money gathered some small change andgthe conductors gold watch Auloff was caught in the US when he tried to pawn the watch and Basoff was arrested later Jack has been in the Cranberry ore he discoveredlast summer near this town 25 miles southeast of Film Flori might lead to the dis covery of uranium The assay rc prespecting trip for company Later he seeout on his own and he been arOUnd since gravcliwhich was used for thc Flin FlonThe Pas highwayt0 the recent discovery of radioactive ore gr Barrie 16 Barrie 15 $66 Mr Acheson is sunpleioii to think the Moscow press virtually illtltls beings it is possible and even natural foie women ocracies are asking of Soviet Rusi to look and let them handle it from Portage area since 1928 coming on has found everything from 6600 Buyer to Supply Bags am now Milli mttitic aJliintiU CANADA WifT By Hy Moyer MAJOR Muelmll ten too has been appointed Command aiit of anzidas ltlTiIt ltslev team winch tzoesrlo Iiiiszlatul 1n Illt iPotato Fertilizer 1Increase 88 Bus The tall at liltll brimer lslioiilil lit ipplcd to potatois div lpcnd not out on the oil but in and economic Iartor Usually the increase in ltll from ieii ouautity of fertilieitallgt oft ll the hisxhcv rates of lzppllt tiou This is illustrated by resula iobtainid in recent fertilircr tests cliuaitic lurith potatoes on different oil types in lIastl rn aiudzi In six tets on ioil types in Iritice IItlvcard Island and one in New Brunswick where on aver age yiflil of Mt biishels toes pct acre aspiodiaed oil un fertilized plots the yield ptl acre obtained on plots icctinu tlithr ent fertililcir at ratt of Illtltl pounds per acre was Bilitbushels as compaied with 23 bushels for Irate of 1300 poundsaud Eli biisic leis for rate of 200 pounds potatoes will respond ito substantial rates of fertilizer as shown bytresults obtained in llc ltests on soil types in the vicinity of Ottawa nt Ihe av ae iyicld of potatoes was increased lliom 222 bushels per acre on the untreated plots to 243 bushels where fertilizersgwerc applied at 3th pounds per acre and to Sift bushels where rate of 1IltllS was employed lIowcver The most economical resultstvill be obtained where careful con lsidcration is given to other factors ion of squ crops preferably leg niucs in the rotation and the pro per use of barnyard manure where available reports Maclican field husbandry division Central experimental farmttawa Ont Cabbage Plant And Duck Eggs Sold At Market hotbed form and were four to 15 cents produce for the early gardener The tail end of the maple syrup take from nearby Hawkestonc Oro and Holly remaicd $5 gallon was available foi the first time at price of eight and the sugar cents for goodsized form 1for boiling fowl hthe price asked for luck tThey were also apiece ket jket andsmall flog Grower Per Ton flog Finisher 00 Ton Dutch sets were the only Other Asdollarfor setting of 11 was eggs sold for 10 cents Ely lIII ISI lit doi riaie IiiJill local totitrz lit illl if in owe it the criIoii Il tt tilolti imnmll lllll trilltliIVHJVtlititv ti ti tl=ilt the imll ilr till iizile eioutdi il ii till oi 1w pt ll to iitt come to la Ill Iop Iii tilli ttlltl lillltll Htldti li it in mi mi iti lpmla lop below omt to Ill id about periods lull Im llli olw itltIiitl listiiiatioii inn iain ll mi Iical o1 iiiwilder in ii ii tipiiolllti Illit III lllaflt It iptc is til it most pilclu rl lc tiil ll otzc lala for couple the Pacific illlli liiti ttlli tillllltLl ltilllL of polar an ul oi the other circuits tiist week one ll billvs wt re till nkfr tu SPORTS CAMERA specially Written For The Harrie Iiinincr In the led itli balk islttalieu llltt tom illcaily advances one lilIlIJ hac So that gt ll izce Ii sg iruulr troll ox pitlien that one week To lttil taps the piobleiii seemsl ea xiioitnh to solve Why doesntt tin iiteher ins recite to himself zitllt thaw like one one thousand or citi tee and tire away safely llitil IIUIII SPOTS lis ow in say llut the major liilt lieloaded with rookies and lot of veterahsrwho panic easily when the pressure of men on has faces them Imagine the score tied 11 iii the last half of the ninth Two men fire out and the count is 252 on the butter with runner on third The pitcher knowing hissmist toss may decide the fate of the game watch es the runner watches forvliis pitch froin the catcher wraps int sign UNI in management such as the inelus Early cabbage plants for planting were slow selling at themarket on Saturday due to the still frosty air The plants were set out in prited at Spring chickens were 48 cents bound while 40 cents was asked Number One potatoes were $125 bagand 25 cents sixquart bas Parsnips were 335ccnts bas turnips three for if ehancing the plays as for the pitch and starts as fans and the ride hint his his player At this point he must remember to stop for one full second before tiieliveriue It cant be easy lhen theres the factor of the uni pile The man in blitc may not agree at the point with the pitcher on just how long second is and opposing Colds Are Fewer And Less Severe iv UUtUCltltI1K calla lllllOl he may miss balk by one team right after he Callch ouc against the other club That would bring long and loud yelp from the bulking team The new rule affected the major that one manager Lco Durochcr toftiWNew York Giants said he Aer committing the offence It now appears as thouin the same men who instituted the rule must get together again and clari fy it or lot of teams will suffer greatly once the leagues get well into the schedule grind may result from the pitchers not being able to distinguish that one second With so many players get ting extra bases through balks we lantght be seeing lot fewer stolen and sacrifices for the simple asorr that itwould not be worth Tommy Ivan above coach of the Detrort Red Wings who won the NHL championship nosed out the Toronto Leafs in the semi finalsand are now favored to Win the Stanley Cup in the cur rent series with the New York hamsters git Jlei4uessvrmuchainspring trainingj would slap $10 fine on each litirl Theres another bad thing that aur rtriiilzi 50150 GUARANTEED Quality USED CARS On Display MORRISON co no 3133 Bradford St Phone 5566 Barrie tl tilt lml Immediate Deliver Models All and JOHN DEERE TRACTORS ALSO and lil Sprint Iootli iilitvafors and ts liisc lfarruus and all other implements also complete part Service ALLAN BYERS Iohn Deere Sales and Service Atherley Phone Orilliva 3952 oootootintimomomcmomoHd look twice at your HEW home ReARoiofed with BARRETTlASPHALT SHINGLES Oils and Abs come niitiirzdly when your home is roofed with Barrett Asphalt Shingles Hardy 77 Barrett Shingles are tiriimarnd weathcrtightm1d ritzy de uzj Too youll want to see the glorious new colour styles just added to the linenew greens arid blues and reds and greys Your Barrett dealer has them now Check oven your roof If its getting the worst of the weather now is the time to think about new one Ask about Barrett Asphalt Shingles You can apply them right over your old roof and they cost less than youd guess NEW ROOFS FOR BARNS Sturdy Barren Storm King Roll Roofing is ideal Double coverage Concealed nailing Choice of colours USTOPLEAKSMth llasiie Illiistigunrli Cement Seals flashings Fincvfar patching Athin coatingofliquid Ellistigunrificmcn2 rescals old roll roofingsi STOPSEEPAGE with IIydrohon Paint Ideal dampproofci folccmcntioi wood it VINSULATE with litirretil Rock Vool In Vll Blinks twith vapbh liarricrl Loose orGrzinulated form gout Bv dal HP and er se rotection He stocks complete line of rooting insulation and wcatlicrprtuifing materials Hes got wliiit it takes to stop almost any weather ththcr your problem is leakage seepage first or rot see your Barrett dcalcr first THE BARRETT COMPANYLimrEu Montreal Toronto Winnipeg semi trail Afaer