of la in it it lo Iiiiths gt iii vll tlfl if Int LLITK lit in Hyido isii to London tii it Chooie your repoymentplon 53 Etl in upe til iksizt 510168 521479 $70058 CANADAS ororsuuninrcisi CONSUMER mac oncmuunou ouior4 CHOOSE iiousmoiu iiirli ulJ on lt if gt it llo tgtv il li llt MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT wv ti Khan HOUSEHOLD aa tr liili it our tr ia 26 Elizabeth Street if out mi Second Floor Phone 5529 in l3 mi bARRIE 0N1 ORIIUA BRANCH lit some Illidqilartcis tor ltl Iii lIlli lii llttl ls lfiiioieil Iigits Iiy Very liicli Mlnlnagu last 7nd Hoar Phone 2591 mm Hilll Ll imi Item it in an ila llu strike all tauntJ nmsautLtvuuay hymn ti iii liiiiwi iiuiei Situitv To via mzau ape cup yrd ll rucii yllcptllt of Institute for film50 You Just DIAL 2471 Or 2472 for Pickup and Delivery Immaculate Cleaning and Pressing of the iamily clothing assured Satisfaction or No Charge NilSERVICE DRLQLEANERS r33 5mm 15AM min newer unianfu CANADA My bosom TEAM CRQEQE Th TROPny rims RR you 8055 TO owe you OF WHAT ME AND MY TEAM ALL BOND HEAD held in numb uumbcis lift average atti titlaiite la Ilziii talks on Ainti tlillllli Waild itiiis Canadian tlllllisllHL work in the ltkllltllt and on la llcmoiistration on rite Number of meetiiizs of makm and learevei biuslies llad colitists papeis auction saleai amas ivuisic to at meetingsl held picnic or the schools helplt ed uitli llalioeen party and help ed towards library llatl junior sewing tltl made our money by tttltlttltl hard ball games euclires booths sale of tickets out ltlclt diaws batupiet for li Ifiiiwl sates ll lymgeprgi we CQEW stocks laiy and to take he necessary liS luvs cw OJER i7 blCs cN EIEFORE F0 HOV vt LOPtDEO our VOtLA AN House now mead BELLy va L7 stoma oval THE FOU LINE is Lafontaine Growers lFined $66 and $60 Bacterial Ring Rot IIlltltt to fake steps tovlialt th spread of liactciial rm rot in elilocs brought into North Siincoi seed potato groutrs into court ltlltitill on tll 20 These were Iiir tirst prosecutions ofthe kind ytir instituted in this area lorille tharleboif Still incliulinJ Iliibitaille Slit Iloth grew crs werw ordered to dispose of all their includuu culls last Janu 1t tlSSiSsftt costs and Lucien infictinu steps The disease is dcs cribcd as the most deadly potato disease iii North America GFC IIIIS OR IlI ptat itla is being organized here to to elude youths neighboring alc alternate wyp and itllliSlliIW Sonie 412 uploads of seed potatoes iwere exported to New oik State actress and ifrotii the Iienrhspeakinc area of iskc Lafontaine last year 1121 lImli inll loll According to Ii la rootlin mation imy piano iinti smulm plum 15 10 members tees and grant l1pttlll ldcpurmwm umicuhuw mo titres tlll toi littllvttlil slim half ltHtictS had not been carried out 11 Chlmlln RCwllti told of finding piantitirs of larrie Ilospital lund new pluttoin intmam mbws bum mm tor hall and clipboards in new ball lees tea money for gifts fll ctc tor sick lotal receipts $1145 totziicxpt iidituies 533433 on hand salon Annual Meeting of Sr Institute The Bond Ilead Senior Institute met March 23 in the hall with 13 ladies present The meeting opened by singing the Opening Ode then the minutes were read and busil ncss discussed The reports for th year were read and the following officers elected for the ycarz lres Mrs William Suth erland 1st VicePres Mrs Brown 3nd VicePres Ilipwell SceyIreas Mrs Fora Asst Mrs Brethet Dist Dir Mrs Kneeshaw Convenersz Agricul ture Mrs Reynolds Education Mrs IIipwell Historical Re seaich Mrs Watson Home Econ omics Mrs Kiiecshaw Community Wclfare Mrs Lisk Resolution ngs Robinson Rev Heari gave talk on the libragrgts early start and growth how it has grown from travelling library to onool 1000 books The Ulibrary will haV days QDCU to theeiibligMrs ILWS gave reading and Mrs Watt conducted contest Roll call then lunch was served sniiitrv BAY Nancy visited Mr and Mrs Hickling over the weekend brother Reet on Wednesday England was the recipient April 29 They will hapninc eluded very pleasant eveningi pany hethinks nobody knows he keeping GOWAN sr House coming Mrs Ii SpentEaster with Grandparents April 32 Mr and Mrs Roland Locke and wedding Shower for Miss Rect wedding shower for Miss Doris Reet was held at the home of her inclusive One day week the Barrie Iron Works PHO STEEL fol SALE Plates Bars Angles Flats Channels and Beams Rails all kinds of Ornamental Iron Work andGeneml Blacksmithing lin Tiny lownship Neither man April 24 the WA will meet at the home of Miss Ma bel Wattic at 230 The devotional period and program are in chaqu of Mrs Howey and Mrs Stan llev Walt Tea hostesses are Mrs On Tuesday May fAdamson and Mrs Peacock All ladies of the congregation are cor fdially invited to attend Master Wayne Russell and Lynn fGalbraith spentthe Easter vaca tion with thciigrandpaicnts Mr and Mrs Galbraith Sunnidale or ncrs Successful Euchre The Home and School Associa tion held very successful cuchre in the village school on Friday night Prize winners for the even ing were ladics 1st Winnie Mon cith 2nd Mrs OReilly mens Tst Knmss2ndSTW2iit Oratorical Finals ayind fees Lor inl mu On Friday April 28 the orator ical finals for Vespra School Area which are sponsored by Midhurst Home and School Association wiil takc place in Midhurst Unith Church at pm varied program of songs by the pupils will make very interesting evening School Play Days Thru Summer Midliurst Home and School sociation are sponsoring play day this summer for all children between the ages of and 10 years children come to the village school There were thirtyfive gustsDor and arts and crafts singing games is who Quite recently arrived from dancing informal and Organized games hikes nature study dram manysand useful gifts She and Bill atics etc will be taught biz qual Davis alsofrom Englandwill be ified teacher and two voluntary marriod in St Thomas Church helpers The older children willhe make their taught swimming registration home at vMidhurst We wish all fee of $125 will be charged 93 and prosperity to Doris pupil and Er family rate of three anDBillm their new life together dollars per family The first thirty Cards and bountiful lunch cons to register will be the class Please register with Mrs Prince and Mrs iLloyd Spence before May 30 The man is weighed by the com least of this course is $45 which in lcludes teachers salary and all sup plies 9VShsh$h Illllli Eli ltSlmi tltill my Gold On Maroon moauron itttttl llllti st llutlt Emblem Adopted or lii ivit ti lt it li if it pound ol milk in yiai it is MI 77777 iii COO hVE NON 1i YTVAVA1TI lvi SH ALI ll li lllLlll illt Liftct ct Week In lat til zit Ila it iiui ll HI ll ttlxtw Effective lo if ti at new 11 pm it till Ilecciit isitois is tl lclulml 21 15 st inami kit Hi1 Aprd30thl9501 it arts in omit 14 it at tr toitlllit raisin It sllliilltll ltHIl li Fun ll lt iztten ttllt liilltlll ltlitii Mome vleKetiu tti ll ppm from IQIHN oi uzusiys ow Rood Attendance it lxxn tit lI lt Itllltl iiul like llL Hi MPH Effigy UHYEin OlLY Latin altstub thi ouu hi ii li TEMPOQARYWHILE THE what Mr xiiitem with itivdflc iiiiii OFFlCE CthEVANCE liiuiwlaz Illilll Home layo till ill iilgll tpizlw hwy itv COMMITTEE TRIES TO ifc gtlltll ezt proved to in Hi Hm imyi 1min Iiii tow ixltt Iliotltlttil loitltl GET MY JOE BACK tittl lltltl cal tIittti Hll lii you llie WI aeret to sports II the la day for the lllitid which Is gtct loi May ti The amp eiuettp tttitl tot discussioa mud illllllillllt appointed to Hook into the matter letter litcimti fttltllilll permission to fuse the public school for the Ill test on July The executiv llillltllilll lit lcttilllltltlltltllliltl that substantial sum fol oli LLEY TAXI AND Trucking Service llllt Vl ulc tlie Nancinun to help toward tiltttitltllltlL fund This is llufl unanimously car ied Ihe plow lll hiatcli auaiii tiltllt up for discussioil and the members decided to run ALTA ittH booth at the plowtlig match also at iron ol the Au atiets oi tatr iIilts on July LP 3113 Ilaptinu conveiier ot health was in charge from Ileiwyii ant of the protuaiii Mrs II lllack gav iriiiisby and Ilrown va paper on The oiiimoii old and Squadron headquarter lllilltlttli Mrs Altman sane Sllli each year bttweem ller and contest lltitlll very enjoy able program to close The assist cut lilcsdamcs Stew ait West Illack gtliA LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING PCV CLASS 24 HOUR SERVICE DRIVEURSELF CABS 10c per mile DRIVEURSELF V2 TON STAKE AND lOCAL hostesses Illack ii 49 PANEL TRUCKS per mile is Il lni in llljliiilillllflUSilX liiii iiiiitlimsinizoei ltllllll tlilriiiiilmhnt QTIllf nevi IIilccntlolltquoo per mlle fre goes to the sea even when it liasl is calch also Vaiiaiil Winninsh Dward Salmon and in error lake trout Dial 2433 or 2222 ounnuv TlIRBOTIIBE rerun AIR tilt Further WITH MillingEl uiiiiiiiiNERiiiiiimum Now ibis mm yis the best time to make your decision on what kind of heatfng convenience you will have tomorrow nextyear aid every year after Free yourselfofall heating worries fromhereon Take steps to solve this major problem 4decisivglyCpermanentlyand realize the new economies that aTurbOTube Furnace complete with Toridheet Oil Biirnr can effect foryOu fHE coNRov TURBOTUBE EORCED AIR OIL FURNACE is completely new design heating furnacethe result of many years research and fullyproven for superior performance It gites very economical heatingperfectly comrollEd at all times Heat is delivered within thre minutes of starting 153paccz saving packaged designmans lower installation costs The TurbOTube Furnace is also available as Hanging Unit Heater for cgilihg installation where basementispace is limited THE TORIDHEET OILBURNER is perfected atomizingtypevoil burnerthe result of 25 years oil burner development It combines with the TurbOTube Furnace reform completely dependable heating installation that operates at ecd iiomical cost This is thoWWI lodeol with yourheating problem DECIDE Nowi Let us give you full facts on this superior heating installation Monarch RBfrigerationco 2118 Dunlo by PfLStieet all Barrie Ontario