will llill till lsAltltlli PAGE ElUlil THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY LIIII III III MONTH SALE WEEKEND OF TREMENDOUS SAVINGS FOR THRIFTY BARRIE SHOPPERS SALE OF RICH LACY SL PS has FIRST QUALITY PAYTEX RA ES Plasticized 45 GAUGE SMART SUITING IAllt 20 Wool 80 3911111059 Flbm ltlioi Rayon lhis rich plaid check suit The regular everyday lilui mg is new illt or these beautiful paper mm drapes is solow that we PRICE include them as feature III our end of the month 11mm 277 sale gun offers grand bargain lll PM straight cut slips Grand lingerie iabrlcs witii richly trimmed top and At bottom oi wide lace our low sale price we ex LACE HANDKERCHIEFS See these beauties Inst arrived for this sale Youll recognize the bargain when you see llltm SALEPRICE Iron pert crowd or thrifty shoppers will buy these beauties ne luxurious first quality if Nylon llose of tcred at this very low price Spring and summer shades COTTON BROADCLOTH ltcg 139 YD it wide Lll1t of pretty new spihig See this splendid nylon hose on our Mg wildestm n1me tu broad iiiters lllllllt end of tin month WARNS UHWTW 1M cloth The price Mm saves you money MERCERIZED suiB BROADCLOTH Its Bates quality Colors and qual ity are tops in every way Note the saving Chambrays Pretty stripe SALE OF SWEATERS hainbrays Itlilllt $398 $499 599 cg cernd for 2i Imagine the bargain Yu Efgggzgamu Pretty anklets right now when when you buy at half Half Price sale of better quality cardigans and pull they neededSubsmmmrd or price overs Very best makes and when the price is cuthi high priced 11m Pair half they are such bargains $349 WINDOW SHADES Sale Of Towels lteg Matti Reg $1095 for Reg $1395 $548 Grand white broadcloth shirts available MENS FINE SHIRTS Not ordinary cheap shirts but real good roomy fitting garments MosusizcsPRICE $288 Clothshadcs THE BETTER KIND OF TOWEL 331mgjgy lltltin $127 cream SALE Beg $129 PRICE ca HANDBAGS Great big heavy plaid towels Size 24 45 inches Gay bright cOIQlS 01 reddgreiellv gt diff Mafquisette ruffle curtaiii black and plaid deSIgn Waikeis suggest mg with colored figures on you stock your towel shelf with these ivory background Regular 24ch DAINIY MARQUISETTE RUFFLES Dainty fine dot marqui sette curtains Size 48 81 grandbuy at our low price FEATURE beauties Reg 39c yd did new bags Regular to $500 All offered at one low sale price BUY THESE NOW FOR IUNE SHOWERS Embroidered Pillow Cases Spring great season for weddings and showers These richly embroid Rmuffle CURTAINING Ivory dotted marquisette with ifrill Regular 59c yd SALE lRlCE KIDDIES SQUARE TOE IANKLETS Try pair of these new type socks cred cases are prettily boxed to Note our low sale price ch make ideal gifts Just arrived in note the fit and how comfy they af time for this sale Buy several pairs YD cg Its new theory in making kiddies Pair and hold them for Shower glm pAm 29C hose These are slightly substandard Pair Its savmg Ea hence the saving in price READ Grandtowelliiig 20 inches wide regular 89cydNa tural with red border or large black and green plaid bRAPERY HOMESPUN Reg $198 yd item ENDOE THE MONTH SALE saves YOU MONEY Walkers feature cheiiillebedspreads Pretty shades in solidcolors of gold green or rose The regular priceis $1095 but ill ring the end of the month sale you save money on these PRICE YD beautiful spreads SALE PRICE CHEIIILLE SPREADS fSINGLE BED SIZE for 48 inch grand quality homespun drapery Pretty stripes in either color green or wine on natural ground PRETTY CELIASUEDE NIGHT OOWNs 277 Heres dainty surprise for youPretty nighties ruffle or neck in colors pink orblue Regular price $298 85 $325 Shop duringthe end of the month sale and save money Shop Reg that single SALE bedspread during this PRICE sale save check The good quality is the big feature ofthis am