program this evening at $11 Wm VAOnJluesday eveningApii 25 at As presidentof the Canadian Na The Examiner Radio Column In The Air Waves ollingwoud llIrlltr iii hnmtltnsl it li gt ti liti ti 11 ith the conclusion 111 in tt 111111 it it if 14 ii lt1 it v1 ii Htis xiintl Luin our 31 in 1ii Tn Since the beginning iii no iiiii1iirii1 iiii it In 01 ire di 1izua tl tlilili av ilii ilt 11 It 11 t1 In ili isti tl oii iilcfinili leilncsilay tllll 1117110 ilxllll teatime tv liltllt iitoxtiti tazlzii at iziictinv oi tiiv to 11m WM and liltilirlillul igti lhc 11 pealzir 1w 7111 lltillgtirilllt lkliltil1 to the pimitiiial piisiitiii 1111 VKBB On The DIOI ins riii li 111ilil lien 11 81 MALI Mm All KBB programs listed below are heard Monday past Illiritltfll the losoiiie and ioitit 11 lhi ELuiiiii Institute 111 1iioito The ltttliiv Will coiicirii lliw iii1oiy oi the lliisiiii iziii t1tilt1lilil Jcezaiis tluli loraris Don Giovanni v11 11c presented this Sunday imi tlxlil begiiiiuzie at iiiii 11111 This open is considered iiii iii ties as the uieatesi opiua ever lllitSlt written Whether all music lovers igice or not it UNII ol the ueaiesi operas il l111ill iei 111111 is through Saturday except where indicated 00 Sunrise Serenade until 11230 13 llll1 Morning News 11 1iin Harlot Iteiei 15 Regional Weather Report 30 Overnight Amvscast 1103 Mon Villll Breakfast 131111 1111 tiii1lt to the lltconi tliill oitee tliili 3115 Shopping Time 0011 Hymns of the World 000 Saturday Serenade 015 Radio Bandstand Unlike his xicllkiwiii Ihr 030 Mon tlirii Sat IIit ParadOrs Magic Flute and The Marriage 91 lliiirs Salute to the Babies of Figaro which are distinctly 1000 Newscast comedies 1ou liovauni is aim111Ultrliiilrlll 1gtILI rt was able to 110 ilL1Hl Iill Hun mp 10011ielniir Morning Matinee 1003 Saturday Morning Specral humor into it Be sure and hear mm 11 lt WmlcIllllhhrpilw ml 51111 1014 Sat Movie MerryCoRound lay tL1 lebB beginning at 1511U3U MULWLHI xlmmim Ma Thc opera was very graciouslyl mm loaned to CKRB 1111 this occtisioiilofm Mon lhrii Fri Movie Merryi by the wellknown Canadian radio TOPRound and concert star lolni Sturgess 110 11 11110015 10423 IVIOITIVtllil Morning Mat inec Hum 11 81 lt lHill00 MonWedIri Church in the present the progiam tlllllltd wmlwmd Views on Recreation This weeks 1110 Voices oi Sprint program iiiil take inc oini oi Saturday Story Book Recreation Beet 511tll All sub INS Mmhwmvmwi mm rm conimittce chairmen of the Barrie Recreation $11111111L1Lt will be IIICStIllAltltlllliiil llariison Dr Neil Laurie Miss lithe1 rossland Sandy Coulis The radio audience is invited to participate in this beei session by phoning in their criticisms or suggestions dur ing the course of the broadcast The phone number is 3303 So it you have any good suggestions or severe Criticisms voice yoiirbcei1 tonight by phoning 5303 during the 700 oclock the annual dinner meeting oi the Childrens Aid So ciety of Simcoe County iill be held at the Guthrie Community Hall CKBB will be on hand to re COid portions 01 the meeting and will present this recording the fol lowing evening at 730 Chairman of the meeting will be Mini Chittick and guest speaker for the evening will be Mr lritch ard who is president of the Chil drens Aid Society for the City of Brantiord and the County of Brant Mr Pritcharcls topic of discussion Will centre around the communitys responsibility towards Aneglectcdi children Remember the time of broadcast Wednesday evening April 26 at 730 On Friday evening April 21 at 305 CKBB will present recordy ing of talk by Mrs Robert Marshall who 15 presTdent of the1 Canadian National Council of 100 men This recording vds made ini Owen Sound recently through thcl facilities of CFOS Owen Sound ional Council of Women Mrs Marshall has directed the activities of the McMasterrAlumnae Societyl andwas president ofthe general Alumni for McMasters Jubilec eraiL cause she is known to represent the great body of urban women in the National Coimcil of Women 230 MontWedlri Collingwood 400 Club 1230 until 600 050 Bulletin Board gt WIT11s Marshalls appointI mont to the Royal Commissiori on ThuHereS Health Education Was milde in part be Your Thoughts 1145 TuesIliiir Organ leveries 1200 Luncheon Engagement till 1215 Farm Markets Report 1230 Midday News 1245 Regional Weather Report 1250 Bulletin Board 100 Farmer Features 100 Sat Agricultural liepreseniaI uve 113 Sat Farm Features 130 Ilirwlziy announced Satleeniown Record Bar 200 Fred Russells Corner Sat Music Box Jack 301 Program 230 Sat Hillsdale Review 300 llloiiWedlri The Inside Story 300 1iieThur Spotlite on Star 81 Dialiglit Highlights 330 Midafternoon Newscast 335 Road Report 340 MonchFri BarB Ranch 4340 Sat Club 1230 1115 MonWed1ltri MllSlttll orics 45TiiesThur Barbara Wheeler 1110111 15 Sat Four Stars 01 the Week 530 Newscast 600 County Hour until 700 600 MonchFri Marching along 600 TuesThurs Korn Kobblcrs 615 News from World of Sports 30 Newscast 50 Regional Weather Report 700 Don Mcher and his Islanders 715 Songs of Our Times Sat Close Harmony Songs 730 Mon The Passing Show TuesP1ayhouse of Favorites Wed Holland Today HTues Love Leticrsand Lose 000 11111 llewitts Sports Roundup 11 11 Fri Wayne King Show Sat Childrens Corner 745 Mon Album Time 7745 SatHawaiian Harmonies 800 News WTues Radio Bingo 5105 Fri Buddy Clark Show rSat Salute to Camp Borden 81v5 Wed Wally Perkins 815 Fri Voice of St John Thurs Local Talent Parade the university women of Canada and such other groups as have in terested themselves in raising standards of livingeducation and culture for the whole Dominion Besur to listen at 805 this Friday evening when CKBB presents this interesting talk by Mrs Robert Marshall Following are some Listening Highlights heard over CKBBMom day through Friday At 845 every mOrning its the music of Guy Lombardo on the program Shop ping Time At 900 itsHymn Time with John Charles Thomas and the Kings Men For morning devo lions we suggest you listen to Churchin the Wildwood at 1100 FIAt Linabiclock itsfaimIcatures inch 01 interest tor and 830 Mon Double or Nothing 830 Wed Jaycec Guest Forum 830 Thurs Keeping Your Baby Well 830 Fri Spinnin Inn 645 Thurs Views on Recreation 300 MonWedFri The Spinnin Inn 900 Tues Thur Rendezvous With Robbie 900 Sat Art Dagle CKBB Sat Night Cowboy 915 Sat Ed McCurdy 930 Mon Frank Creary Sin 93 Tue Radio Drama Worshot 1130 Sat Simcpe Ramblers 945 Thur Musical Memories will Franklin McCormick 1000 Sat Time out for Dancing 1000 Tue Simcoe Ramblers 1015 Thur Canada at Work 1030 National News Summary 1040 Charlie Kunz at the Piano 1045 In um Chapel 745chThurFri Album Timc if 805 Mon Freddy Martin Show man lln Ill School liuclii IiLJIIl piillllitl above naiic ilciliicJ champions ol 11 Ho Iiii 1ciiic iIlii ciy lsc lcaiii llltll through the liieii iiiiil illi iilicii the iciit do ii to il liiiic dclcat lhcv llllll hack again in to tfvliNER BARRiE ONTARIO CANADA Service Corps Borden Hockey Champs 19 4960 010730 Garrison sin cesiul campaign losti lll oiili game during 11 regular schedule seminal 1lllxl llit Armoured hips with tiio straight wins ttnlltl loss III the season came 11 1111 hands oi the 1115 ol iii the iirst game oi the best of It oven the iici lllll lilllltlutl all the liiiiiitiy club ii to iii championship tlll to Pic iili Kiilic Sgt lloomcr eri iiiiis apt Dick racy 521 lli goalie sou Iloli llarklev next 07772730 TiiETlliiiixmllohday indlhytlim Delivered gin Barrie and includes standard factory equipment Dominion Sales and Excise ToXes but not including license fee provincial Or municipal taxes where these apply r21 MARY sr licl row left to iiulitA 10 win in the tiiul game to IIlt llll sciics iiiil the llk illis trainer Pearson pl llill on oilcliiian oaclr llc crii lloiie tiiiii cipliiii apt led toiipcr manager pl iiiighliii lti loiiiiiii llltllllllr pl Ill Liiliiitt 1111 Front row left to riglitllc lioli louic equipment llieyre smart roomy easy to drive but above all Iheyrc startlingly thrifty lo drivel And all through llicscimproved1950 models ymi see evidence of auxlialls traditioqu British Motors Be sure to sec them Work Progressing iion and the towns or this aic Mctausiaud iiilirilll post as Allisioii high school piinciiai ht id tir piiiicipalsliip at iliieltiii EIIVtLI tor two years dead now piigtlied iuintiiictiiiii ahead iiill 11111 pointed principal of the new llaiil chting Memorial School At Allision llliii lillhltl omtiaitniii of the 111131 Kiitaugai High School is ionic clitiltltc ttirjllle dirtlilti note ctrans ifi lilriti iiii ici litir to the atiteire meatlar It liatt one of the 11iifdiy fiiltllitIZ lulvl lni Iiiraid Laying of tilt itk anti coitciih gunnasinni aziil ioikshop it Is progressing rlixliiillf 11 now 12 feet high Work on the gtecoiid Iluoi oi the main cliool binlthng is also uudei it Im iluv tilt inay Last 1TH more than 120 much oi concrete was pouch for tins econil flour liase Al the pitsent time uoiknteii are circling the outings tor the lilizlll cliooi ioni Hitipttlts This iooi will be UI concrete construc going iiito piace iii electiician Ralph leiiliins lit the tole electric company has commenced 11251111111111lllli and the foreman it aitti gioiin SIUW ltil IIYI 1I Mctauslaiid has been up Mr his School tak my lligli licltilt 111 Memorial line he and his family llll EXAMINER WANT Al FIELCRJIAI niiilL Anni your cart GOOD CARS WANTED F0 CASH Come in Today HAROLD HILL llllllll 55 Elizabeth St 111 llltll PHONE 2127 lllli lIlllClt YOIII PRINTING PHONE 31 NIZICHS AN Fl llClJC 3NSSW 111iilllil oicriiiiic game to tie the series The third 5531 Hill Iiiio Itc lllllllll loliiislmi ltc ltoli uiic unit to the champs by to 11 score and Robinson lpl liaiidy liiiili llc liiiiiiii thci iouiiil Ill ilic series with to overtime Quinn tapi 1iv link Sports illiicer 11 liailiilh wiziilier time use 1111 Illlli111llll 111 11 gt111 ILK lt iii iti ii 111 uni eY In 11 Vimm U1 coaieu iti 11 iti to the coining glennv in iDeleqateS To Ohlo liioii will be given it liiiutil 11 iir not 111111 II and par li11gt Lttllllt fitlllllf of liti1iillit gaunt tinti ieiiccs iit it lm 1111 1v iiiili oi llarrie 11111111m 111 Il llli serratixis oi tle lc liib if my 1i iii iii 11 My 1W1 nymph 1H Iln5lm 1111t 1a oi 1111 inc 11111111115 iiieeiiiii ili gt1 lel 0111101 til oiii Seieiizide 1H KW fl MMIml1II1IIIL Sponsored in l1 1111 liiteiiia Ellllgllh 1i413Ilwhilljinllz Srl If liililt iiioiial the youth oieainaiion now mm mm haiizitm lilll and 20 ii and Harold Moore is citdelegates 010 11 iliiliillli thio NHL mu hm Md iiii lliiid 11111 iii 11 Ioi 111111 11 11 hi NHtlittbilp el 1011110 liiiiriiili gt This announcement was made 1w 11 ei li ape Ma Iowas Iao licsulciii laiil Robbins Iitlsidnl Huh Inwlmmnu irIINIII HI 13111511 1L iti he tiziii been informed that lillltlYllOX lllllli 1111 i11 piisaa tin ii ioi tipunit Huhpmmng mph 511de klHn llieii iie than laiiois contri ll iiii oil1015 pm 151111 gallons pf mp lm ilillilll lo the attraction oi new iii 11 it 93 ppm wmq litt States anti tanada would lobbins said that highlight oi eiis to any lown And ilieie are Hm mm Tm tind the trimpin meeting ne conventionwill aii oiailinieal 10101 lxiclois that quickly scare H11 livildll 1ie proorim iein mahnnm ldl001esl the wiiuiii of III11 will piospeeliw industry away One iro 11 we slaw mwpk mnonllnv kam llfHLlhe awarded tripto the 313111 iii ithe inosi important ol the latter is Im 512mm Iii Mn Time Inual convention of Kiwanis llltt lack oi recreation facilities with H1 is iiitliii Louis 11 Sellei er are 11 131 my valund 115 mm lylltlltil to ii iiii iii tit 41111111111111 11 em Ellil11111Llgtiill dean oi the graoic 103 lnti Illiili of Aliisic aie school of business at Stanford liiiiieisih lllltl president of Kiii 11 the li is Bent inst International Jzai lav l111gtlll and orchestra on The loam1 men Will be welcoml 111411110 capital by Mayor sweetened 3310 nap1 nines 3171 Eli 11111 IllilllliillllS PE 1111th liillillilllll liarl Cox 31111 EIWFIHSICI in TON 121 15 aiiiuiiiiicid 11 3155105 um 31im Hm 1131111110 Music Hall 11111 Fluac 1030 Newscast 21 or itlti 1010 Sammy Kaycs Serenade Ho 11 Hair worn 1100 News in Minute 1in so 11021 Sign Oil and Anthem lt gt craftsmanship Judged by any standards the new Vauxhzill Velox and Wyverii are high per lonuuuec carAiillhcyrc hacked liy General LONDRYMOIORSLIMITED BARRIELI if gain next Winter FyIlptlruehop Lloyd VfaciOry equipment Tuxeshbui not including license fee provincial or municipal taxes where these apply at UNITED IN COASTTOCOAST SERVICE MEMBER OF Idiom If train SERVING NATIONWIDE ca 0r Worslcy St and lappcrton St PHONE 5553 BARRIE 0096 OOOOOOOO00909090900906900 WYVERN on Phone 24 PHONE US NOW FOR 111915 ICSlIMAlliS Also cement block and any type at brick work OUR PAST WORK IS OUR AIERIISEilEN1 Anchor loiislrurlion Phone 5080 X$$S gtgt Membership in the ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE qualies us to take immediate charge when death occurs at distant point Every duty is performed by competent professional member of the Association Reasonable tees established by agreement be tween members result in savingto the families we serve Steckley Attention Home Owners Have you had chimney trouble the past Winter Has your fuel consumption goneup Dont let this happen 444n111 Dominion Sales and EXcise