Iiitltsimi want two Armed Forces Roman Catholic Chaplains Meet In Ottawa ROMAN AIIIULH IIAILAINS from the three Services are nictling at Army Ilciuiquarters in Ul tawa today and tomorrow with Most Ilev ll Roy HE Ill Archbishop of Quebec and Bishop Irdiii mi to the anadian Armed Forces presiding This meeting follous the Annual onlercncc of Army haplains which has held Iiistcek under IIoL Monsignor Ii Ilcaudry MIIII Il Principal hiip Iain illl Shown here left to right first row IItapl ullurcau Reserve Force Quebec tity Ilev Ill Maelsaac Il Chaplain of the Fleet Ileaudry lIiroup Archbishop Iloy Ilol II Shorthorn Cattle For Breeding Unit Maple Cattle Assn The Maple attle Breeders arti IL New Tumm liciai breeding unit which branch ed out with iuernseys last Fall to make the fourth dairy breed have recently added baller of Short horn bulls at the request of the beef producers lying outside of the more concentrated dairy area of the Toronto Milk Shed Meetings were arranged by the agricultural representatives and directors of the association in the counties of Duf Ierin Simcoe Ontario Victoria and lelerboro during the winter to dis cuss this with those interested In view of the response the dir ectors authorized the purchase of group of Shorthorns and the committee alter deciding on the Ransom line of breeding was for tuniite in securing two bulls that have been used by the Onlario Agricultural College 0110 six yeaiuuld bull llansom 135 that by Iiskcaiti aptain second row lISqdn lair lIMaj II II IiarIiIiois IIFlt Lt Iiavignon ItAI St IIiibcrl IlMaj Gallagher AI Ilockcllllc Irairic Command Lavailce Quebec onimandi third rowl livan IIIN Atlantic oast wv Iciioiistialioti llSqiln lair II Leveque INAI Edmonton IIMaj It Lupien Eastern oniniand IIMaj llitra Western olnmaiuh IIllaj II ciilriil farm and the toycarold llansoni 23A that has been so popular at the tllttrlollpenl insommutms uni Signing up Agricultural College Two other iitarto Agricultural tollege bulls were purchased at biiil sale the highest priced Shorthorn which carried the richest ilansom breed in III the sale turai College the other College Itoya Ransom Ontario III Ontario Agricuiv 12C and Agricultural from their best Ransom dams and sired the lloyal the imported sale was bull Uppermill third bull purchased at IILITIJIIIII Outlaw Deacon breed grandson of liobin wood Colonc which was placed Iirsl in class ol 13 in the show which preceded the sale Sliorthorn available since March and to late the demand has justified the new venture derstand that Iwho have already signed up bad serviCes the several have been last week of We un til the 150 Iiot expected to have the privilege of getting services from such out done such grand job at the New cent visitors to the barns Yourchoice of 1322 tints in It GlaZe cononrznn irrseertheuActualGalore Your Dealers SANITONE my CLEA Gem air all ie aw WWW all removes ll Re dry clean I7 ofs ado has standing sires and many of the re at Maple SEE the difference because our Sanitonc dry cleaning takes out more dirt brings colors back to life spotsiarc gone FEEL the differenceAfabIics are softlikeriew again XLSMELL the differenceclothes are fresh With no trace of rdrv cleaning odor Dontwaiti Phone us today 0le hayiu PHONE5531 AND 5532 houndedonoconcedecopulate com Free Parking one of pound Sui Iicily IIIIIIIiiIn Army IIioloi Command and Rev have commented most favorably on this new addition to the stud Ihe new members nearly every day At the first regular meeting tlie new board of directors last Tuesday two directors were added to the board as authorized by the annual meeting to represent the re cently added breeds Allan Bald son of Sharon director of the IYorkSimcoc iuernsey lub villl represent the Guernsey breeders anti It Rogers of Newmarket RR former agricullurii represen tative for York County will repre sent the Shortliorn breeders WAVERLEY April 17 Miss Doreen Reynolds spent last week in Toronto Mrs Elba Brown and Marilyn spent last week in Toronto yyith her sister Mrs Frank Stacey night the weekend Mr and Mrs Morley and Joan of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Wm Corlett Mrs Corlctt Sr returned after spending the winter in Toronto Miss Joan Wood of Barrie visited at her home Attended Farm Forum number from here attended the Farm Forum socialevening in Elmvaie school on Friday night All reported good time Surplus OI Butter In Headache WASHINGTON March 29IAPI Repcal of the lDcentapound tax on colored margarine aggra vatsllieT pronto niofsnrpi its butter which may soon replace potatoes ias the United States governments Ibig farm surplus headache The agriculturedepartment holds about 80000000 pounds of butter bought last year to helptbolster dairy prices With spring and Isummer of heavier milk output head the department expects lo have to buy still more It already has about $50000000 invested in surplus butter Lifting of the 0100 tax probablr will result in corresponding drop in oleo prices But butters port program lts feared butter sales will fall offvand the govern ment will have to buy still more The support price is about 60 cents industry apparently got lot of valuable free advertismg om of pearl even though repeal then Oleo taxes brought the govern ment over $23000000 in 1949 gainst some$14000000 in 1948 CIIciCc Quality Meats Groceries Fresh Fruits Yoga til this new ti IIIONILAI LAWS years Iworld It is iiiin time we fumigat ed the divorce courts ot this coun uf try and do away with perjury col lusion connivance and fraud In my view the present law is unreal was not trying to Increase the rate of divorce lie was trying to put divorce on an honest basis Aitliui Rch and lannly visited DEAREIVID LIVE price is held up by the price sup umuvu emsawait DWHL onuuuu CANADA Till IIIIII II OTTAWA hm Specially Written lor IIII1I IIic Barrie limminrr It somits tinnitus =orr vs Ailill Icev le ixtm attempt IvI ohmic ll ILIWEIIEC In tIIltllt ll CainIla iiI ls Uril3 proud unstirusslul It 1w ll1t Jail litIllll ile IIUZIl Iii khiIEIl in ll iris ItIIUliIIltI to it liastei It kiti iiii lttv IlithI villi llIlllytll SIN vi lit Im It tIlI All ltlltlal titiIvibttl wtt TEL spund llfi ii tn Tl lIIIIIllIIItt ot tin House to coinulc Iani II llil iiiIisng gioatais to iiioice tipii lIIll pioposal Lirl =Iiii tiI5l ill iitlii lin Ize iniitetilinleil sitinex til illl tl lt Ln ltttl when tins uu Ithii 1y Is in ii Hit batIII in lailianicnt IIIeiI bdil 11 to broaden dioti giutitid ILIWWI ll lm itlie Seiiatt Iiid ganu wine sull lily Vll HI liliill ill the oIiizruiIs Illll tiiaily will that no1 311 ltiie Illlllltttllr stichcd it by ue ll til lii1l III to 33 tIoi In lln ll wasnt ltII toll and ti tlt 11 lMi xv II who amid ItI th AA lliilion only one nicked izp the llti Rm ix xv lonto meinbti Il IIi In consetpunei All ioll 31 III lillliIl tzie at fostclio Irincipai Iiaplain IiicAII WWW 1l AI anl IN with canted to test the opinion oi Illjtltiiil II in iae 111 Itexan ml Usual Ir IL 1mm Al Trmmm Ilousc and had Iound it negatiye ei tit ILIiIci lavalow ol Ei Iiill IL IIaiiier he pleaded tor 1Itlllli It the grounds of divorce to In iude desertion oi nioIe titan three gross cruelty Ilttlltlllli iieutai disease ailei five veins and cgal presumption of death He said Canadas present lav in longer adequater reflected IIL Iublic need 01 the pllIJIlt nnnd ur divorce laws are among the nost restricted in the western Mr roiI emphasin that he Marlt riagcs did fail and divorce was an admission of that fact Divorce was not the cause of failure He said that the present stringv cncy of the 1th made divorce an unpleasant holcinthccorner buslt mess with hotel bedroom scenes and the paid evidence of dclectiw us Immediate opposition to rolls argument came from thrcei Roman Catholic MIs Only White IPCHaslings leterborotI supported his resolution as reas onabie and sensible The question is Iiot expected to be raised again this session Ii Wt oiiitns Ut Litton iIiII WMS and VIIIIIMII Iwcekend with Mr WYEBRIDGE Apiil il mu lbs Illlll tairullivisl spent izrdIy in Ioronto III ley Adam IItlll tee day tritii lI ozoliiei Illll Toi tIIllll loiin few Napkin litI with Mrs ilankui lbe IIltiltilllll lioiida lIIt Penttang penl Il itilIiIllitIIll Shitls li tends spent the in IoIontol 1311 11 White from Hiangevilie visit Mrs Iiarics lediiesday lIeiIn and Kay Iloiinsome and line Illillllltlv Toronto tlll the and Mis thas and daughters Mr an1i IIouiisoiiu Mr and Mrs Ken llounsoniel motoied to riiiia Friday to meet the latters sister Mrs I31airv and daughter onnie of Mattawa Presbyterian cntcnnial Services Iiiuiiber from Iltl altcnded the centennial services in theI lreslwterian church lenetang on Sunday MINESING Something Canadians The Bureau oi Statistics report crease in food prices pushed up lliebruary living costs by 21 points to an alltime high Cold hard figures backed up II housewiles lament The costoi living1 index touched 1637 points compared with 1616 in Januar and the previous hiin of 1620 It July 1949 The index was calcn iatcd ion the basis that 193539 cosm equal 100 But rents made the biggest jump previous peak of 1250 in January to 1327 in February Food pricesbiggest single fact climbed 27 points from 2013 to 20400 52 points below the pre vious peak of 2092 in July 1949 The corlibination of these two major advances told the story of reversal indexwh ichstaiL ed to come down last September It dropped 12 points in the Septema herDecember period and then in two months climbed 27 points from Decembers level of 1610 Rent advances taken from the bureaus quarterly surVey reflect ed riscs in the federal rent ceilings gallowing increases of 18 per cent on unheated and 22 per cent on heated accommodation of food prices for beef lamb eggs coffee and fresh vegetables little cheaper ATOM MRFARE PREDICTED One of Canadas top atombomb warfare ren lnanunusuatspeechfrom River atomic project told Ottawa Rotary Club You may be involved in war in which atomic bombs are used tables Arriving Daily instIrime 5544 Meters 11le Charlotte Mr and Mrs Martin Struth had known from1 pressure 01111312 19W tilPIN 00 TUCSdU pocket books for some timethat the cost of living is higher than it The Guild held their April meet lIlllS ever beenhas been made oi ing at the home of Mrs Thomas Ticiai in Ottawa ltcynolds Mrs Wallace Wood visited witii unmrallclod increase in rent her husband at Port Colborne over VlliCll combimd With 11 Sharp it The index rose 77 points from the or in the barometers movementsi There was general stiffening but canned vegetables were actually atomic scientists sent shiver down the national spine by predicting that would come Incidentally the oleo margarinemvvithiu the lifetime of todays child will be For Idetails of atomic last years debate on the tax re government employee Dr failed Cook chemistry head atthe Chalk make Myrtle Fruitck spent Easter week with her aunt Mrs Nell at Sine2 Mrs Soiiiti of Peterbor ougli spent few days with her father Mr Young Mrs Harry Pearson Toronto is home of her son Fred Mr and Mrs llowright Mr and Mrs Ray Iiowright and children from lluntsvilic Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt David and Keith of Stroud were at Plow 1igbts on Sunday Luck and Mrs Ilowall On Thursday evening the neigh bors of Luckand Mrs Rowatt met at their Ilmiltdll honor them and show their appreciation of their spirit of neighboriiness be fore they left for their new home at EdeiivalcA game of cards was penjoycd and Ernest Stokes read an address and trilight floor lamp and hassockiverc presented with the best wishes of all present for many happy years in the new ladies Matthias Plant Power Now In Use At Orillia Orillians are now receiving pow er from Orillias third publicly owned hydro electric power plant at Matthias The new development was completed this spring and foil owing number of adjustments necessary to the generator and switch boards the plant was switched on to the transmission line to Orillia for the rst time on April It was shut down over the weekend for checking but put back into operation again on Mon day your children almost certainly that reason he said the people must know the deiopment so they can assist the government to so decisions in precar iousworlui He declaer Canada is hingdan geroflzilling behind inrthe worlds iatomic race unless she pours more men and money into effort to keep it up front slap at the United States in declar ing there is no atomic secret Se crecyisharmfu1 he sid it cobld be fatal IREEANDS CANADIAN AMBASSADOR Irelands first ambassador to Canada scan Murphy his wife and four daughterswere official 1y welcomed to the capital last week by officials of the egtternai affairs department The 53yearold diplomat and former Irish minister to France and Belgium replaced John Hearne who is now Irelands ain bassador to the United States VMr Hearne was Irelands high commissioner to Canaida Sincelre land became republic the post of high commissioner has been Chang ed to ambassador THE EXAM YOUR PRINTING NEEDS PHONE 2414 iampton Mr and Mrs White and family of Whitby were weekend visilors with relatives here spending couple of weeks at the Ilonorcd Ere Leaving for lidenvalc Dr Cook also thken implied ER dAN FILL TELE IlOfllezLllelfWERVSGIIVCdeMLIlt COFFEE is CANADAS BEST COFFEE VILUE LOLAWS FRESHLY GKOUND TWUUUPEEEEEEmlgc SPECIAL BISCUITS McEIIiiIliltlitS CiillEGLIlTE liliiiililili WATERS 10812111815 Jiltiil ti Jill PEANUT BUTTER HARRY HUEEES CUSTIIRD EUWUEB ital iit LTEEYS Fiilltli EEliiiEll Klilt PEAS Ett liEliltiiliiS MEAT BALLS WITH GRAVY tlif TILEEST Utiltll MIX Pill CRUST are SILVER itiililtlll FANCY TUIIIIITU JUICE MUTllliil METERS UillllltiE PEKUE TEll are WETHEYS STRAWBERRY JAM mm mm Grit Tillllltiiili SWEETEEEI UREPEFEUIT JUICE as Mclltltiiits TASTE lililYUlttliiilSlI won 023 UULE Eiliiiiliil JUITE riiiiri HYEIITEB FANCY STitlthllEilltllIS air Cliillltii VEEETERIEE BEANS Orin STREETS GULUEII TURN 015s Pltltl 1101 F001 ii27c PELMUTIV sir 12c SIIIIF LAllGE PKG 33c RINSI LARGE PKG 33c BIG CLEANER TINS 130 SOAP PADS l4 PKG LARGE PACKAGE 32c LARGE merrier 33c gitA Jewel Ell tat tile Clllill PASTE Willi Ti 59 35 itsrlvc p331 IVTZIIBII miss an at 49c Ffscm we llillllE lEliF nuns as ricrniii ititir Kilim 17c EUNCENTEATEII soil SUBS GIANT PACKAGE PLUS GIANT CAKE PALMOLIVE Lonmwsi cumin COTTAGE BRAND BURNS Etiliillil sir QUAKER PUEFED WHEAT SiliillilES 402 up 602 16c PKG PKG PIIIEEII IIIIJE SPlllllIiES PKG Me BUY PKG 0F EITHER PUFFED RICE 0R WHEAT sucro uusu AND our PACKAGE FREE WITH NEWSPAPER 2402 norm coupon LOAF LOAF Furs veneratm SPECIAL CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS SAT LEAST ONE stir AVAltABLE IN ALL STORES Never oneness 35c EXCELLENIEOR4EATING AND COOKING MILD SWEETIMPORTED EOIIIICIIISIIEEEIIITE ztiiliii 19 gffgi2123ncnsi 15 EELETTY sriiiiis 19 cucuMiiiiIi 23c PLAIN hum tilLB MAPLE LEAF cans 24c 35mins PURE can PURE iiiiiiinii zfzik 21c BS PURPLELABEL nglo 53C f0 FROSTED FISH SMIIIIEII FILIETS 1b 41c MEAN PEIICII FIELETS 1b 101 FILLETS ib3zc QUALITY innsr TWITTER PKGS so some GOVERNMENT STAN DARD VEGETABLE PKGs 5c 10cl iiLiiiiiirx TISSUES HANKYof PKGS WSIZE gym circle MILK FEDVim BEAM BOASTS orCHOPS 1b 53a LEG ROASTS SHANKHALF Vl lb 553 SIRLOIN BUTT BOASTS 1b 59 RUM 305$qu KNUCKLEBONEQU lb 59c BONELESS FRONT BOASIS 11314831 PESHETT MENQETDVEM lb 49 lDEAL FOR PATTIES 0R MEAT LOAF rnrsn PORK curs mom ironsrs lb 43 1h 55 or RIB CHOPS or CIIOIS BUTT llIIlISTS 1b 49 SHUULIIEII IIIIIISTS 32K mare sinus pic POBK snusndn lb ioniiw COUNTRYSTYLE pom pom snusncn lb 47 as EthticiiWQa PEAMEAEEFBKCK BACON suits mess Emotive APRIL 20 21 21