itiinsrm sears Litl 135 3mm um 3mm ONTARIO CANADA MOE m3 Town TWp Offmials Easy ay to Repair Lawn AUTHORIZED gHear High School Plans Is Also the Best Way REPRESENTATION rturzinrlaitrnni page one gt fanAda Limited stirs stirvu stlilJEn 13 flllll AI POLISIHZRS Brantll Office 31 Vespra St TELEPHONE 3392 v1 VH1Q RovAL 33 llt wgds No Typewrirer are Museum i1 le ll v1 rd out ll tvli IlillI Iri for an ill Herold lint pay for litifl and for wnul 1tiz ti per pupil summed by Sim con of which theres lot 10 run out from here lirltisV women mum lt wine lllul The little dog $801 ll Play behmd uck Mn lllll Ii only llltilzilll 1o or rt itiirlrinirlllllmr lIlLIAlLlI1I or WVhem Hltl be it ii Irrilli and ill lllfl llll Hit llXY His muster does not on Ii1lulr tin llnl he gt1ltl HI Imp SALES RENTALS Barrie Business College Jose ll 0nl lilirx Uilltl in riiiciur and MU madl oi Packing up again they drch costly and ritri rib Iltllll Illl HUI my flliiuuili lI7Llll and on to lliitili izioizev ilittt would Ilc litrllllllfi 1W1 you 11 at fuluinbia he inl Nut rtrncn for do llt illll Iurllililitl titl Ii llr Mountain ioitI were block Il weitr uteri ino ll area HIV Hi minim mi IVZHI IIYV DALSTON 01 itll llll HUA liie trawllitt lot or llii llltll llzlzric may in 1v 66 TORONTO SlllPFT LHHLV IA lI e0 lhilingli Idaho and Ylhllllltllnll to willy we our ltl vlz liorii5oiinI 1er tHHIVVVIrV L1 it litulcll liiicoitvcs bi vi ie in It and Ylu tiirlv Will ti IllY IIli ht VIN Mien lw ll Wt II lltt VI ra After two ttl$ at the Coast city VI ly Wm Hum mplimc gm Wm ln in ltltlt NH iii mm 91 Ill 330 hm Illicy drove through Vihllllttlilll Id in pimi nlirthi pf vil yawn Itutlanil lClyici air li ll ii ilron llltl evciitliillv to if WImsqmltii II pull win Il lloinc life at lulrcliill ii ltIZl gtl2ilc ol the 15 four lanadian lm as tttlllr inn oi 21 cm iv mum mu 51mm Ml Hi mva and Mpxn Imlm ltalrloiiria ilicic tniy piiil to VVIV Illlthll in V1VH VillVitVllVllmPlH and lieid llIirrill it Ian I211 MHnl Will ii Mrs George oihlalile and their hack home on Saturday of ll mm lm Willi iliplhiim vii virililllllxhqfiNd Ml lllllllhil ilvlwlwnd two children Ann l2 and Saiidyf week Ni iin trading witl i1llliil iiton in VA six Th 311er SIIURDMDV While in nlifoinia they visitedI WW VIVWIIIV 1mm lli ca are still found in coirddci lVIl MIV Inm3 Innpm 21001 mpg 11 and puny Yvnuwsmm llVic InVsadtViia Parade of lloses mum In Lumhm HHIIIIVIJVILHV gt21R1IAVJrlIt flllllllltl and ill hiehl ii All VVlif with car and trailer in the nitI larll the ltltlinlle highway over D3 Im HVl Hi In vunnplpd If um Ill WI II enl YCIn lnlmenl III months theyre findini it diffi the llUlll Keys the Dakota llad Dmh II milmg WM ltii might in normi our iii MM ll Ihmmkt Wm VIM and hm mm Vm1d lion oi the eiVininnial ol the polri INJHW Wm VhVI HHIFHIIVIV uiv the Illllllllllltllli lw Vl Itll iltltlt illiIgHHI nmlhnpm 01 Innmo II rush of lit Ilicic were about llldtl has been clricily lIIHtvH Ll tlt gradually getting lurk mllumlh Hm VI mm liintipai Iliuirn iilt rlilit Vl Inll lnIlim 11 lulu 5L3 into things Mr onstahlc said The onstables said travelling Ill Rift IH DIlTVPIV wvie ltiiilt cny sciiooh that had lm 11 WHII IVI VI We had trip We wouldnt have with llulltl was coniplclclv Hm mm 15 llaizliered syslciii with classes from frllllid mines of heads and IHIltl III iv law ia Iliii it missed for the world but were salisfviiil ltll iii the wairiicst Hulm mmudh 11 li to and liou in lloil slllltllitltll tllliid Hi Is III irll rl lvlll It 11 glad to be back home in the old of weather they experienced no Ill rmllf Nit HMS lllllic pointed out that some of tlic IKNHIH IVV mi VVVIVVIVVIVVVHVV HVT inki IV familiar surroundings undul discomfort Illllll th liml itlllll VUHK rural gtilltltlll were now catching concern or he found ilIIWILIWHLIpII llllll yonsamo gram nh amt ynwv Involhd IHI 103Lth mndg Brock fillyillll Illfl thlt lllllllctl IIiiiytx 11 Hunh IV and If 511 vuervV NIH H1 My 1lIHIVV IVHU 1V1 VJVVV ltlli lllfllllflll OI lllto fllf SCOIIIS and Helga and adds shell be izlad when all in liftdegree temperatures and IIiutn IHI Vhllih llll Ilild catch lIuV blues Inge liiiy lowiisliip Among them In phylum It Am Illllll conditions caused by bacteria the IIIlIXlelIl is done and lltl were caught in snowslorins in 1711 HHHHE 115mm EM 11111m1le Hum mm mm 1l llm llliiue lln Iiui been under it tlilt Both available now at S17 house is in order again mountainous country but Mr oii Itulh 111 lm MUM Vl lllllllW 111ml ll Iiois care lo Iiiilli ltllllllltiii In riverpr 3mm sumV up 111 an In Illtivsrlll W15 VIN 1W 1101 IlI Found by Iii incl lirai Il gt ivJ ltiinL IViuitliilI on VIiint It VI Id Ian and mm HI Rm WIde pm Hum VI VVVV VI VV to thllt It It tannin ily my mp 0mmth MINI ltlt IV iiini liltlr LIL oeril IiIl tll Synepalzx mmip Vuiim vimc SI mount lltllhll Barker oi hunni II Ml msmmll 0le up oiistible tliev iltlllll 1er ist ilalc said the rural iiiunicipalilics WAlv Am 1de WNW Ml on film and has 300 colored pliotw 15 in llxIMlblJt AN LLYOI llllm IWI itlmill lilli 3551 Road ALLANIALI Dial 2823 IV VF VV my be gmwmlm mm slionVri tlilllltl ll lotunit tilrt pmNTlNG NEEDS PHONI 24 WHIP IV Inll +31 IZLIhIInim Sims The citrus harvest was on ii Burm wns included in the arm vn II S$xssxsvmsxsxxxm ll lime and Mr lltlll said he lh ll Illill Whmmll siLVitud ItOiltxslltntVll Vltll VaV 1in mud Stem holding Ilbhm Icuiitts lurk of Vespiei Vitgrili 31K1th31Ltht0lylgszli LIL mamarun and WUM ham said llilgli Sllitibl cducatuni wigs dicta tiaii it use to and Drive it Yourself lift it mm mm 2x vyis 112772 Im Mexico to Louisiana visited New lhl to Yellowstone Iaik their drove II stepping stone to uniyeisity but BARBIE up through MonthIl CVHRIHVV iltans nid tnt through hlthlS mm id Wui Chg sippi and Alabama to Florida They III glileic thy spenlt Vi yIchk itVHiho 5pm Six Iwks more Visiting W1 Ht try btlnlltllll to farmtis gary tampcte iil icy sons lives and on one occasion drove Tm do 1mm MM Com an Limited spent week at Banff their travel HpERer DRWJJRSELF led by way of Jasper and lCdiiion CltilcllhllqglguildWEE Ihlghftlf also spoke lie houulit that as far LICENSEE lm SHSkmmn Dull Auglm southernmost pditioir tifllllileUSL as his mwnsml as mumCd mo old svst Ill of lllll im 31 il 69 Collier St iii9 5311 gggllmtggg med and extends over numerous water hm WE has hpmmllg ilSllldl d5 ll Towards the close if the meet 05 11k invmlr mm ing Tarniari Downer of Vespra owmg Cltal1 smd Township said last January it was Coming homethey passed through found that rcsqngs 51mm Uf 1m Cjilgmj mumV lmlml addition would be four mills How Wasliington DC Maryland Pen rivet Sim mm mm the Govern gililmd md IV Yfllh 19 menl had announced change and It lHI +5 OI llllmlk C0111 Vesprns share would be only about demos Last February in Fort 16 mills lic gently suggested ud MYUISI Florida the CONSIHNCSijouinill again with the hope of met George Plant 01 LUIOL HCIluitlier benefit to the murucrpality 11 was 16 miles from where he was chairman Monin said ihe staying and If llhtl Of US had iboard was not in position to say btUn dVClillnLdV few Minutes Wolwliiit it would cost any individual wouldnt have met its small municipality but the addition Eastern and western Canada vorldmuuld cost smear For Information Hamilton Toronto CanadaV Ilimvcd CALL BARRIEV 4303 First Spring Garden Crop Montreal wrnmneg Appetizing Radish Radishes are sown in almost ev ery garden at least once That once is enough to discourage many gardeners because so often when the crop matures they have to throw away most of it The reason is the radishiislone oftheearlieruegetahles because by it grows so fast From seed to har DAVID BROWN vest is 20 days for the small globe type Having rushed to maturity it just keeps on rushing and with Tractors Limited in week the root turns pithy and the plants begin to think of going ENGLAND to seed That when the discour aged gardener digs most of the long row he planted and throws the roots away Keep in mind that the faster variety grows the shorter the time it remains in edible condition The trick is to sow only as much as you can use during that short pe riod and make another sowing to mature just when the rst onebows out In the case of the early globe type sow Weeks supply at time which should be about six or seven feet in the row Remember this type does not like hot weather so stop in time toravoid that and change to midseasoirvar which will be usable for two weeks so two weeks supply of them can be sown if you wantIa supply all Vsum mer sow late summervariety for hot weather But frequentsow ingsin small lots is goOd rule fI for all eXcept winter radishes Which take tonmonths to matureA and remain good for six weeks They grow very large some weighing several pennds One IwayIto grow early radishes is to mixthem with the SeedSAOf nate quickly marking the row parsley parsnipscarrots and beets where the other seeds lie which all ofwhichare slow to germinate will assist you in cultivating Be Features ENGINE Four cylind TRANSMISSION for er lnonobloc vvardandz Reverse speeds with wet cylinder sleeves DVe BRAKES Operatedeither in taChable cylinder head carrier dependently byhand lever dr ValdeIgear Bore 32 Stroke jointly bygfoot pedals Output 2535rhpAIllVrangVe TRACK ADJUSTMENTV by governor operates at all speeds from 600162000 erVmV combination of dished wheel centres and rims Rear track FUEL GasolinepIDistillate or adjustable from 48 to 67r2 Diesel II frOntfrom 49144 to 6213 WHEEL EQUIPMENT IEIneuII maticrubber tires front 600119 II In every sizeGMC lendswith topper liaivestingthe First Radishes GIvesI Home Gardeners Thrill formqnce at lowest to the leotures that moirerwilh moreiSaleIty ROAD SPEEDS Range iii to and convenrencelonger life and less 18 mph NOt more than tenth as man suret rill tth rear 1128 Alternatives Steel an ea rat is es as dishes as the other seeds should they mature before they can crowd 2SPEED POWER TAKE0F wheels or oversrze rubber or Vbe usedThe radishes wrll genmi the slower crops IservrcmglAan l9 lOP ll all gives AND PULLEY es FIXED anti ADJUSTABDEiDRAW DAR IiYDRAIVILiC POWERILIFT V0 IMPLEMENT LINKAGE COILVVTGNITION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE PETERSEN TRACTOR SERVICE 222 Blake Si Phone 2752 BARBIE you improved more poWerful vqve inheadengineseengineered for peak DOORS SASH FRAMES GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Lomlry Motors Limited 21 Mary Street performance Call on your GMC deolerl Snozsos PHONE 2517 Barrie BARRIE isia2449 56 Elton street ea WM