lllllili1 1lftll Wilt IAUL llvilv1lll SUITS ModetoMeosure Vc now lilivc grand isoit group Llllllt 111cm of spring sumnur and cii round llllllllllllb In tlic Jill lil color pic lllltl pics i1islcds scrucs iiul fluiiiwls ible pflfOllllLlS arc inissinu from lhc first two points but faded bad session will be innounciid 111111 thi lilicup Iligliscoriug Ken 1111111 Wk for Valli lllllll underwent 1111 appendicitis op1 T1 third mu 1m Hi 1i Hm mm il 11 scs 13illflm 0111 10 lbc in Guelph 1101111111 11114111 111111 01 No 109591311111111196 lthc fourth in Barrie Wednesday If Iiiiliiiflv Inbllls 1036111171219 11 blilvwc Of fifth and sixth game are nocdcd 3151 CGI NU 11734055408 liaitidilliiii blucllncr Ilowcll 111mm also mm plan in Buns 21112 Kenwcll 11 Stars 91121092 $6500 $6950 WEBB MENS WEAR Allandale Phone 3632 lilillic with lI lwo 11111521 1st fl hard Daily FREE IDIA 3s nayrlcld St L45 PLUMBING Expert Repairs and Alterations do COmplete lnstcrllaa tion DID 192 ken Dlyers C1111 ingwoods from pm to 730 pm Saturday 12 noon 730 pm 0173110013 3111011 AND 1111 alumni Or am 11111111111111 111 not will be dctcrmiiig 1111 in pilitlcc scssioiis illflpll who have luilcd to hit the stiidc tluit ftllltfl them to their championship and through two playoff rounds hold the llI of the opener on home icc That first game is ilwuys IIIIIOII my series 111111311 illt tioplczils sliliik HN Mbpmhnm in GIIIZIJII ALSO IICAKIINICI L111c118at Mason has also Biltmorc As who needed strength pridnv and Sumng of week mo Mcmrml cup Illlydowns The location of the seventh 11nd Ici oulrcal CilillldICllS Novcithclcss Guelph still possess wellbalanced forward Midlluids lincs Henderson ind Keith provide Chuck Don rict attraction The Bills illt shitting llgltgtlilOllTFthrflAnnual Dance thcy 11111115 Icgaiiitlicii form will be more than handful for the Flycrs FIVE PolNTs Fish and Chips except Sunday 53 Barrie Lloyd Bristow EATING FREE ESTIMATE 347111111111311113 Phone 3770 with me aIWays have sumo shine Give leather long bright Life with Nugget ShOe Polish 250 at Your SHOES rHis MORNING IIo dulldays the 11 Group llilf 1111b liuy hid his Airlorcc lclun operating on flll jcl power in lllc first thrcd games of the group tiiuils with 11191 totzil This included two 1lllltS 1ll llll llltl mark For second division 11111111 Sportboys clL ibic surprisc when they came scci ond with 11373 Last ycurs groupl iwinnci Barrie Tanning 1111 in third within easy rcucli of Sparel lboys and they willbc tough to kccp out 1121111111 IIXillllllltl Llt keep bccn lilindicuppcd in that two lilult ing pace with 1110 lclldcis during of 1111 above nights ciding mlltch if necessary has not been determined 1Gorrison Club Held at Armoury Aiiiiulil cluncc of thc Gliilisoui Badminton Club was held in the Officers Mcss 11 Bairic Armoury last Friday evening with 10 couples in attendance Music was supplied by Wally 1c11V kins Bob Powell and Gilbert Wiley BllffCl luncheon was by Mrs Dori Iothy McQuay of the COIiICICtii board Committee in chargc oftlic litl fair COnSistcd of Mrs KWillsl iMrs Donald Rumble Mrs lChittick Mrs Harry Young John Stlzatton and Charles Wilson Because of winters extreme cold payne division of the CNR in On continent Outsid ers was anything but orchards to the host of skiers throughout Ontario but you Wouldnt gather such from the Southern Ontario ski zone Spring meeting held in Barrie over the weekend No less than 43 outofvtown e11 thusiasts registered at Queens Hotel Saturday and attended the regular meeting Sunday On top of this numerous local hickory sliders streamed to the gala reception dance at Club 79 Saturday Chief organizer of the meeting Phyllis Moody and her assistant Helen Livingston reported one of themost successful Spring gather ings in the history of the ski zone On hand to act as chairman of 11111001111111 Dick Westheuser of Toronto The following board mem Oshawa Ross Larway Toronto and ilton Bill Hearn of Toronto direct or of first aid for the Ontario Canadian Red Cross Society Vic Blackhail of Newtonbrook vice chairman Bev Fahlman of Oshawa technical chairman Don walkinlt Shaw Toronto newly appointed legal advism and also in charge of film section for the board Miss Eileen Jamieson Hamilton chairman of the ladies section Clint Melville director of travel and publicity for the provincial government and also director of the Canadian Travelling Ski School and Dr Doug Firth of Toronto chairman of the Canadian Ski Pat rOl system Representatives Were present from the Chicopie Ski Club in Kitchener Cedar Springs Ski Club rzrccccltcgtc lgil In if lhcy appear at the alleys the railroadcrs considcrthc Horne Slated ill 10 3931 tario one of the toughest 011 the gets underway next Tuesday at 11015111131111 the business meeting Stinday aft bets were present Richards of vicepresident of the CASAsec rotarytreasurer Jack Hallof Ham in Hamilton Oshawa PeterbOlo Toronto and Huntsville Ski Clubs He is 47 111 second division found Illt com llllllltlll pretty tough llii sccond and completing scssum of this pill mppllwd umy 111 1111 first llllliifl 1111 mulls by HM off Klll bc Monthly lll 7171 p111 pnhwmm uuinu ppm 1111111 11nd Harrell 11 2111 second 11 111111111 1111411 111 Rwy id Ilic top two cums lll illlll adWHWH 131mm mm MHM Tlionis ind jllllllls countiu IiilltollIllllltr lll 11 11 iiili1 1111cc into flu championship iinlils mm mm 1m who pm llllull iiid 311111111 ltlltgtlllt1l 111 Erural 11111 111 1111ii 11s 11 Any bowlcrs who havent ct cu 1111111111 xlliYS liitcr revealed Hmwvud llfm ml lliljh will lmmm IN gllli pill 11111 isilois 111112111 111 llic lliis event 111111 your 1111111 1111l tcrid 11111 singlcs playoff c1111 slil cilliir Thursday or Illlil at pmi This is llglnne playoff and the first so can bc bowled on cithcl The second 103311057 ltJtIll02l30=l2 063410307895 At the intermission interval of Rosette Shoppe 0317 131110 Taxi 921 lhc playoffs for the championship of thc Blilllt indics Bowling League the first five teams are grouped within 131 pins which is close playoff and anyone of lhcscl tczims with good game can over1 lzikc the Icadcr CGE No lstalt cd off right from 1111 first 1111th in the top spot but it was just 11111 111111111 by Ncllic Clzilltcin the third set that kept them in first Lakej sidc Cabins starth off ilIseco11l 131111111 bill dropped to fiftli at the cud of 1110 second game 111 the third game Stcph Scanlon with 329 and Betty Richardson with 2021 hclpcdihcm to 12197 game thati put them back into second placci only 31 pills behind the leader lecl next three teams didnt start offl so good but got bCllLl in the sccl ond xture and arent out of the running yet Coleman had 033 for Rosettes Somebody fofgot to shift gears for Blue Taxi and tlieyi all night Thesecond 11111 111 11111 playoffi pm Ski Zone Meeting Held if Here Over PastWeekend1 No doubt the past Winter season and Beaver Valley Ski Club in Flcsllerton Representing the northlor Clalgtht crn zone from Sudbury was Ellis Hazen Many representatives from Barrie Mount Jimmy Ski Club wclcl Mr and Mm Vic Mav and Delva also 111 attendance The annual business commenced at1030 Sunday IDOIIL ing and continued folldwing noon hour lunch to pm The major discussion was the combat against the weatherman this past Winter Little snow fall hind ered competitive ski meets in this area but nevertheless meets are planned for next season with dates to be decided in Hamilton at the annual Fall meeting The discussion on membership showeda decline of approximate ly half was expebienced in all clubs This was credited to the lack of snow There wasalso decline in membership in the ASA there was gathering of various ski patrols Discussionrtook place On possible means of raising funds for necessary materials for Ski pat rols Dr Doug Firth illustrated new type of bandaging and also showed new splint new hitch for trac tion Was introduced and the mount to one Millertown residents are now busv hauling out their years supplybf wood with tractors borrowed frOm local sawmill Every year the company loans the community its tractors afterit has completed its own hauling Operations Donald Gordon is the youngest man ever to head Canadian Na tional Railways sprawling empire points IE stockSThardhitting dcfcnccman meeting Following the regular meeting of bandages used was cut from two Sympathy is extended to Mrs Ly ea DanPoland Paul Emms 13be was Open In Guelph Pace FlyeIS In Rough Here Saturday and SPARES lctory Over Carw 111111111 1111111 totton chic scout of the Boston 11111111 11151111 11311 1l11cli g1iigt1111u pio111111 11 MW 11 V11 vv 1itt1 tlli 111 the hockey season that Blillic fun III1r 1111A 111512111 11 loiid1ob111 pi111fl liiigt1i11 1111111 111111 11 r11 linsiolt 1015 Noblctoi Ari11 loi 11 1111 would 111 1111 111nip1onship i11pl 11 on TI Ami Aphrmrrn jugu Emm Mm COM Bm LU never Alum BULL In and 11111Jillri swcip it Minx lt gt 11 gt 11111 11111111lt1iit111c cll tale 11111101 11 title 111011 good roup nulls 11111 1111 inn1 13 31 11 1111 are 111 121 3437 31 511111 111111 11 111 1= l41l to plot ce three good Slroud Hedmen 111 11 101 7111 111 111111 new 1111 11 11 1i it Ii 11 111 1l1is 11 l11 lilli foo llllliltillllii LL ll 111111111 plJ oil 11111111l1 I111 eorganlze or 1r1 2111 11111 1111511113 11421111 11 13 1111911 11 541mm 511 Baseball Season 11 111 111111 11 11 11 111 Wluxmn KH in NW NU max 1i 111 hi mi wml HI 111 31 lll xz 113w Snmi IN 11 111 Iiurl HQI xk IMMHHHH NIH m1 UMHHHU Mr Ml L1 Simid lifl1il oils 11 v1 in Himiimli 111111 Illlgtgt1llll iilifllil Chm 111 Wilma 131 111111111 111 111111111 11111 111 1111 1111 111 11 11 yr PIIL Mm 1111 gt111 will 11I 11111 1111 11 111s 115111 NH 33 $111 ll 11 jjl If 515 WW 5115 11 i111l111111 ll 11 11 11111 113111 lis illlili 111 1pidl 11111111 111 rllltl of 12111111111 gt1 UN it In ll Hum 11 111111 gt1111 1111 liiis 11gtill to 111 11 iii important 1t ll ti 11 llh 11 1111 111 311111 414111 Qlmll UH ht Hm 11 111 in li1 11 11 11111 11111iii 11f 11 51111 il1 llllifillll triisscllcihffl into 1111 HIP 113111 Ilajklllllj lliw 1P 11 WM 11i11 1111gt 111 its 11 11Ll mmwrmn St homo 111 ti1oili 1111 third HM my 21 Km 77 HM In HIVEMU 1111111111 111 fazivils 111111 lctio Wm Wimp 5mm iv 1111 1i1i1i11io 11 11 lltll 111 the tVlll 11 lllll ll Ill1 lll Illll 11 WWI Hm ll ill 11 1I11i1 1111lulu111111411311 71 11 17 grip SEDAN 111 k111i11 sj1iiii1lolns iiiiliclitcd 1111 Jill11111 11 HYLZIWVWW Kl HMRY UPLNH Mvnnh 11 siiimldri 1111111 Iio 11111 lliul 111 lml 11 titlli itl1lljl HUWI61 up 11 1111 11 11111 111 1111 11111 il IUAL OLDAD 11 111111 in his position 11t11sn to 11 ll wifbitm ii In Mr L11 Hm W11 lllilllill 111111 11 11 11 UH 1r 11 71 up 1113 1111111 1111 111111111 of 111 111111 Illhllllttfi 311110m MM mm 11111 1111 i111 gt1c In JDV 5W Wll dd In 1080 111 ll 111111111111 lltiillll 11111 10111111 Iltllitl 1111 1111111 111 111 Id 119335 luff Im lllifii SItif 1111111111l 11111 t1l 1111111111 Mil 111 IN1 1111 16 CHE SEDAN Yum mm UK Mm mum li ii 11 ll 11 ll It WW my NH Ilii siliclcs 1111111111i11nsliip pli 111 11111111 to 211 iti1 11 o1 111 nd 111111 hi1d 11 111 10l MALL lAIhIh Il UDHLUA 1111 son 1111111111 lrlllllillf1 111 Ilfl JIM 511 111 Wm Hum 51iiiizg 11p 11 121 11 111 45 rimi vKium WNW slur gt1 1111 pm 1111111i 11111 111 1i1 41 0I111 SII Hm 111 an 147 1iri 1m 1i mp p11 11 itpny iiH1 minim tlill 11 1111 INI xln 111li Hhoui 1T1 Hllx lulllplllfdi llii1i 111111 11111li 1111 iiiirguis rill ll1il 1111le 111w liil lit ttlildlli HHIVHH Hi II Illlt 1111 I1l llt1l to 11 111 11 1114111 111 is eligiblo 1411 1161 Norm Illlllrll id Chm Wind Ham 38 CHE Aon s1piiitioii It c1111 1c dcfniilel mitti1 on they is room for low 11 do Ame hwmv 1min if 11 11111 111 gt 1111 l111 11111 1111 1i111 111 1111111 1111111 111lli1 11III 11111 Iuiiis lll hi llllgtgtllL NIH 1111111511 111111 gtll 111 gt i1 1v11u 31 III SEDAN gt 1l Ttil llllllt 111111111111 2112 uaiiiii gym131 root lmd Mich 111 11 111111 11111 111 ump Iioriiin 111 111 11111 111 11111 111111 11 111 111 111111111111 in 011 111 limit field committw of 1111 FRONT SFDAV ti lhm in haw 11 11 MIL film 1111111 Whil imlild In Hul 1mm will 1m ipoiiittd 11 pl 11 ll iploct 11 Hum 11 111 sccont 1111111 1111 lo po I1111 311 11111 111112 1c 1111 111 10 My Wm Um llh 4m UH Illt ill1 1111 ilii1 1111 iml mold imilw 1er er Wm Mm Lulu in WWW 11 1111 1111 111 11 11 riilw MM 10 its SiltilliiSlxilllll Kcn olllns of It iroup llioft Clarke 1tlt badly off form will mm lcolhngwood Juniors 1110050 from at lm allilllllilllllllll tolluis riccivcd itiI1I 11111lilitllllWEHUI SpainAltivuiuc 11Ailil1iosio litlll 11111111 1111 mil fmmm his My which buy 117310341015311 111lHvltli11111 llll mil lillill 11 IltllV 11 llll ll WIn FllSI FInOI my TN In rum 5t 30 waves Simmth WW shmwl mommyTummm mmmHwink Bnhrsmm mm 317 WW liiiisil llllltl gt From Auora Back Hawks 1le In mm 1iiii 111 2111311 111111111 111111 mark in 1111 c111 httptlltht Slit undlcs Will he 1lllll for the Ulltllllll Illlll lAHlll llllIlllllnlllnnal 111115111 111 1W 111 littlfmlll tl1 Hllldflltill 111 iii Binmmu 1111011111111 9111110 ii1giigi 12111 11111111 11111111 illll they 11 11 fllliltlil 11111 lllIUtlHll Wti 11111 111110 dim1 kphwhnn 1i1 111 in sin 91111137103343553 11311111 1m mm imwmi mugN tin11111 trips body slums and ttl 111 my four sci111111 11f II 1111 fl 1111 1111 11111 1111 llic Ilyci oruuiiimtiou are con 11 11 11 11 1111 UNIV lull If hid 11111d 11111 liolid 1111111 111111111 111 lllt book 111 111 1111111ood 11111 111 111 in My Wm WM WW rimmllm blnmmu we lullk 3H 7118 instead of 42111 1111 would lt coded in 211111111 Iillll KIWI ld 51 Cit WI WV Illifl rid Etwo idmnccd1111iuct pcifornurs lilEchFAIH Hill In Hmj 13 licd with the lcziticis 11p1co 111111 11 through lllt third with 111111111lts 111 1111 lils 311111110 of the 1111 Hit vzicuiicics Vlnllici this vllli lllill Iilcplionc 1111 two teams from 11 11l11 tlUrMllttk by Ictro 121111 1115 Jliliioi 111s1iii1111 1111111 ud Wk 11J ollinizwood lucsdliy 11111117 wiiil headlong into lhc bonids but Ilt1lllllll tool 11 Poo11111 ltlltll 111 11 111111 1111 111111 was up on his Illl 111 no illlll 111111 ll tliituon 11111111111c11 with 711l1oiz separation of Illi left shoulder Wm My Nahum pm llllltl 111111 111111 of goal 111111 11111111111 Tubby Buircll slink 111121311121 goal for olllnuwood 11 1111 171 liipliintloii tor the Sillindioiio lllllltlif mark on pass froniSiilLu lanmmi in hum 11 111 and then Wulmslcy scnt 1111 121110 3mm 31 mm mm hometown fans liomc happy when WM hm mm Xli be hanged in Imn ooks rebound WZH plump Mm 11 mm 111111111112 six weeks Qljli plpt llillil Slim 311 ANN is cltllil ready to function 11111111 Illuisdziy lhird ill Collinuwood mlwhw um Saturday BRILLIANT PLAY BY lll l1ul went on to finish the Lillllt mid slolc 1411111 dcspitc his separ filiou to conclude brillilmt per iIoIIIizinci of two goals and onc use sist Also Kcii Collins suffered slush on lllt foot which iciiiiircd thicc stilclicslp closc and probably will be out of action forLliic rcmziindcr of 1110 week I1u Poland was top mun III the point department with two 1101115 and as many issists while Iliul Emms was close sccoud with three Annual Review llltl fLCillUlllll ioulc clothing As this was 1111 annual 11100111111 thc officcrs illll convcnv crs utivc cxccllcnl Icpolls 111 ill tlll work Mrs IAIlisil was clcll cd chairman for the clcction of ol ficcrs Ilic icsulis flt as follows Theres More to Moving The remainder of the scoringwus distributed Dcs lxclly Ken well Pres Mrs Illlbtl 1st Vlco Conmi HUDZWIII an Pres Mrs Gordon Sliclswcll 12nd 101111 Vllilllm Longl 1nd Ilol IL1ll mum MW Maddm Stu 511 11211 LtllIlL once Mi Jmc Hunter Twas MN Don 191111111 11111111 to 1111 1111 score Dis Di my 0111 nun 1111 not 11th 1111111 shcct in goals but colliclcd two assists us did Wib McAlthui DISGRIHIIFII PERFORMANCE Ciiiwiis disgraceful performance was headed 1iGlllllilm Hastings Ron Pclro 11d Herman Jacobs 111stv lugs collcclcd thrcc minor penalties in the third and each time he ven tulcd to the box deliberately icfl theshutting of the penalty box door to the referee Pctro also received three minors and each time raised an argument out of clear blue sky Jacobs was the real talker on the club He licatcdly protcstcd minor and was given 10minute misconduct That didnt satisfy him so he was hand ed matchmisconduct Coach Bill Long uscd Don Fra lcigh regularly on the bluclinc and Hunter Lunch 70111 Mix Did we and 111111 Sllclswcll Sicic Com Mrs Alt Benhzim 21nd IIl Dicker Auditors Mrs Henley and Mrs Shelswcll The nch meeting will be llcld at Miss Joyccl Hunters llUlIll on May when cxpcct as guests the members of Cluighurst inrl Dalston lnstittitcsl Mrs Bcavcr of Barric will be guest speaker sociable half hour was1 spent over the tea cups Mrs lIcal ey and Mrs Lees assisted the host 055 lrivcrs llicy arc experienc zd movers trained to handle and pack your furniture care fully to 13 ESSA ROAD PAINT produced an Al effort His crush ing body smashes were dominat 1111111 orin 11 1111111 il lil IIlllllllt Iilt IIopliv 1111111 1111 ttis1l 111111 Lip liici Coolie Cottage and PHONE 5571 IIIII lel 111 11 1llllil11 12111 part 111 111111 ll1gt ininclicd tiiitr lm 111 in lll 1111 IiililLIlitl EXIIIA VALUE 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN IIxccllcnt $159500 ondition iiid 1111 ELMVALE 1111 111 i11 111121113111 11211 is 111 flu 1111 111 11 l3 lloplii lllllltlillllji decision Illlfll gttlllt ii IIII2 IIXIIICI FILI YOIII PRINTING NEEDS IIIIJF COREY MOTORS LTD MARK 111 SQ BARBIE Storage BARRIE ll ing factor for the Flycrs CLOWES Mrs Gordon Sliclswell spent last week with her mother Mrs Oadcs Ann Kissock of Barrie Spent few days last week with Albcrtl Key spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Sampson of Oro Station IzindaorrHandy of Dalston and Betty Lou Gicaves of Craighurst spent last week with Lorrainc Shelswell am sure the many farmers who are subSCribers to The Barrie Err aminer would appreciate the car toon on the front page ofsecond section of last Thursdays edition Do you really think the farmers are allthat bad Duggan Weekend visitors here were Mr landMrs John Holscy and Judy and Mrs Nellie Hurstl and Lloyd of oakville with KMcLeans Mr aiid Mrs Keith Bertram of Barrie withiE Bidwells Muricl Burtch of Edgar with DcllaMily Mr and MrsLouis Patton and Bobby of Craighurst with Alf Bcnhamsz Mixtand Mrs Churcti David and Patty of Egbert and Jack Hunter and Margaret Stuart OrilliaTatTD Keys Sympathy to Family This community was greatly sadv dcned to hear that Earl Lyons had been killed when his car went iover bridge and fell about 15 ft Rob linto shallow creek in Innisfil MILL AIDS COMMUNDImeLiow Fd 111 Sincere MILLERTOWN NFLDACP Sign ay mg BARBIE ONE COATCOVERS Eons and two small children Lorrie land Sharon Womms Institute The Womens Institute met at iMls Partridges home on lApril 11 with fourteen members land two visitors present After 0p iening exerciSes considerable busi nESs was transacted quilting will be at Mrs Dickers home on Thurs lday April 20 also to parcel used DEMONSTRATION inson Hardware PHONE 2431 in enrollstrillion Tliur Fir1