PERSONALS It WORK ll 131 11131 11 lf Account of social events on xi of visitors to 5nd from Barrio 11 Ind Allmdolo no opprechted by the sorts department PHONE 2411 as Kr VA 11 1311 ZIIINVIEIII11I111 Sllgt SUNDAE 18c LUNCH AT BRYSON Ice Cream Candy ELIZABETH 5T Full Gospel Tobernocle in 1liil111 Sllcct PENTECOSTAL llOl NESS CHURCH ll 11 llii 111S1111 11111 of t1liidii Slllll1gt SLNIIAI 1Illl 1111 1313 hiitiv Scliool 1112 111 121111 tlospvl 11711 11 Il1I lllflll CST 15111111 Off Bradford ll1ltil Nu111llllj EilNllAY IZ1illll11 1127 lIIiVICI Ill 01 drip 1117 11 11 SIIW ltl li1 i1ilf JvlcozLo You First Baptist Church 111v Luck BA BD Minister Miss Elsie CloughleyATCltiI Organist and Chair Leader Independent REV MITCHELL Minister SlNl1 lllll 1111 1111 DAY SCHOOL for all HIPS 11 1111 Subjtvt IIll LORIIS DAY lno ltlinisler IIeiichinn SLNIMY 111111 111711 ll 11 T1111 llllliONS 11 IIIIIBIBTIE SCIIOUI 1111 IASIOIIS Till1M1 OLIl NEED 01711 SIN l11 both an 11111141 of pity and licbcl SCIIIllllItZltlllltlltl hzist illllliu Word II tuxNURSERY SCHOOL Mrs Brett in Charge Monday pIn1 Scrvico 711111 W111 ll p111lidcik lntcrcctlrlion YOUNG PEOPLES SERVICE April 30t11Gucst Spf111c1 for Mis l1ul Irwin 11101111111111 stolilily Sillldlty llck 1111c THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Jupitil The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worship Sr Captain and Mrs Strachan You are heartily welcome to these 111vices FREE METHODIST Church 200 Baytield St SUNDAY AIRII 21 1913 Phone 4572 110111 11111111 SUNDAY EV AND M3151 CHASE11 amIIOLINESS MEETING mm 230 pmSUNDAY SCIIOOL p111EVNGEIlSTIC SERVICE JLus Speaker mnem cm 330 10511115 s11 1111011 WARRANDER Light and Life Gospel program Wed pmFellowship Club 200 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL Thurs pmWomens Meeting 300 putPreaching Fri pm Prayer Meeting 7310 pmPreaching Is Christ the Head of Your House All Are Welcome Burton Avenue United SUNDAY APRIL 1111 19311 CollierSt United Church Rev Lewis MA BD Minister Mr Lloyd Tufford Organist and Choirleader lRev CarderfB Minister Mr Dempsey Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY APRIL 23 1950 SUNDAY APRIL 21 1911 111 rimMORNING WORSHIP ll amMORNING SERVICE Christianity In World Of ManyI NURSERY CLASS Adversaries All Departments of the Sunday Broadcast CKBB School meet at 230 pm pm THE CHURCH SCHOOL ODDEELLOWS SERVICE 945 tunJunior Intermediate 8r Holly Services2 pm and pm Senior Depts 11 amNursery Beginners and Primary Depts pmAdult Bible Class Gospel Hall 19 Parkslde Drive pmEVENING SERVICE Exchange visit with United Church Midland Minister and Choir Rev Walter AuldMinister Mr Alex Docherty Organist and Choirmastcr 81mYoung Peoples Fireside SUNDAY APRIL 23 1950 11 dullBREAKING or BREAD pmSunday School and Bible Class pmGOSPEL MEETING Thurs pmPrayer Meeting Central United Church Minister Wifev Bewell BA Choir Leader Mrs Lenover Organist Mr Smith Church SUNDAY APRIL23 31950 11 amMORlIING WORSHIP Vy1 The Minister 7pm7EVENIN9 WORSHIP IlObr CapepBreton Heritage Religious Filmin Colour JCHURCII SCHOOL 111amBeginners and Primary pmSr Boys Class 330 pmAll other classes Begin the Week in Gods House Minister MR STEELE Choirmaster MR ANGUS Ross Organist SUNDAY APRIL 23 1950 11 am and pm THE MINISTER 11 amAll Departments of the Church School Come to Church Trinity Church 1ANGLICAN1 SUNDAY 11111111 23 19511 COMMUNION 11 am MORNING PRAYER SubjectWISDOM r011 LIFE nameBIBLE CLASS lo anlSUNDAY sonoor pmfEVENSONG AND SERMON Personalime RECTOR Wright Rector MrsP 1M Roberts Organist ti 1111110 my Church Welcome Seats Free No Collection St Andrews Presbyterian REv vJAlvrlis FERGUSON BA l1 II 11 11 11 111 11 11 111 K1 11111111 Mr 11111 jilliltitllltt 2111 1111 111111 111111111 11 ll to 11111ild 1tij Hutchinson mi 111 11111 Mis 117111 11 1111111111111 oi lliixllllll 1111 11111111e to 31131 11111 lil 1111f 1111 11 Mm utip Ii 11nd lli lillon 111111 livid ili to 1111111111111 liIlEl 1211 111 1111 11111111i llsiihcl to 111111111 11110 111 111 Mr and Alix Ii lliiYii 111i11 81 the Iiiiiiiizii 11 111111 111111 Saturday May lit 11 1311111 oclock lit Collier 71111 tliulcli 31pr 111 11111 1111 51111111111 111111 111 announce the 111111111m1nt of llitll youngest t1ltlllll Mziigiuiil little to liodncy ll111 Iimmt you of Mr and Mrs lliminl 1111 c1111 dmg to 11111 place Saturday piil 1151 11 11 pm tollici Street llip 15 Church 11111111 1101 Mr and Mrs 1111iis 11 1111111111111 Manitoba lllllfilllltl 1111A tIlizngcnicnt of Illtil 1111111111111 Mabel Ilolcncc to John Iill ford son of Mr 11nd Mrs Joseph lulford 11111111111 loinuily 111 111 Bradford St 11111112 Illt wed ilini to take pluci 1n Itlllf 11111 Mr and Mrs 1111111111 liilfirii of Toronto formerly of 21 11111 ford 51 111111111 wish to iiinouiico lhc engagement of their 11111111ltl daughter Sally lloioon to 1111111111 Igcntllick son of Mrs ICondiicl of IIuiulicstIIc 0111 1111 11111111111 in take pllicc in St Davids Iiiil cd Ilnncll lorolito the lzitlci pznl of Mliy Illlli releasable Essex Rd Church Hold Easter Service The Explorers Group of IBM 1101111 Presbyterian luuch had is their speaker lit specizil Custer service the prcSIdcnt of St A11 drcws Mission Baud Mrs 11111i Black The service was 111id on Monday April 17 Members of thc WMS of lllt church had reccivcd special in iitlilion to attend the service Mrs Black told story which aroused great dcul ol intclcst among the young members por trnying the daughter of Juirus who expressed her faith that because she livcd Jesus too would livi again Chief Explorer Miss Fay Miller presided at the service andwcl comed the visitors At the start of the meeting Mrs Polzin out lined the meaning and achieve merits of 1111 Explorergroup Mrs Cumming led in prayer The girls sang two hymns Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross and The Old Rugged Cross accompanied on the piano by Miss Doris Kearns and read suitable scriptural pas sages The meeting closed with all rc peating the Explorers prayer Music Supervisor Addresses WA Group Collier St United Group of Collier Street United Church Womans Association met 1111 the ladies parlor on Tuesday evening April 18 to hear talk on music appreciation given by leyd Tufford supervisor of music in Barrie schools Mr Tuf ford illustrated his talk by means of taperecordings of the musicoi the great masters Mr Tufford outlined for the 34 ladies present the difference be tween the two basic vtypcsof music the pure absolute and the descriptive He was introduced byMrs Charles Kearsey and thanked by Mrs Harold Forster The presi dent Mrs Earl Coxfpresided atl the meeting Following Mr Mizpah benediction Colgate Smoother or Double lolizi 11115 1311111111 15111111 11 11i1 151111 11 l1111i11 1111111 111 L111 vi 1111 111111111 1o 111111111t 111111311111 Tuffords talk lilnch was served by the members of the social committee The meet ing closed with the saying of thc yon010 AOO aUJIIT Guarantees Fulani YourMoiiey Bock IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER 11111111111111110 progress on the plonl 111111 lllllltfl of obtaining small 1111111111 1111111 whch entertains 1111111 of llllillltl kinds can be or 31111 Orillio speaker AtThonk Offering Collier St WMS lii1 liist11i lllzinkoffcring mcctw 1111 111 follitr Street tliiitchhilrchi WMS was llclfl in the church re 1r11iionil room on Friday afteri 11111111 April 14 11 thch ocdock Mrs Imsons 11111 president pitsided and cordially welcomed both members and visitors among whom were three pnst presidents oi Simeon lresbytelidl Mrs Jas 11 ll111tllill Barrie Mrs 11211 1ltllllfl Mrs Baird Orilliu and the president Mrs lizirvic Johnson 11 Burton vc Unitch Church ll111dilc 11s Clarke corresponding stemfury reported sending cardsi to 11111 sick and lettch of sympathy to the bereaved members Mrs Stewart community friendship secretary and her com lillltt reported making 91 calls during lllf month Mrs Atkinsonfsupply sccrc lltl requested more funds for the 11110 which must be rcpdy for shipment June Mrs Lewis graciously thank ed the society for their interest and help with the CGIT affiliation service on March 16 Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Phillips were Chosen as delegates to the Presbyterial meeting to be held in Midland on May 11 Mrs Parsons read portion of letter from Mrs Johnson in which she thanked us all for hav ing done our Share to help the con ference branch exceed their 1929 givings for the first time Simcoe Prcsbyterial sent in to the branch over 3114000 In few well chosen words Mrs Parsons paid tribute to Mrs Johnson for her part in helping the Presbyterial to sur pass its allocation ladies trio consisting of Mrs Dobson Mrs Heath and Mrs Carson accompanied at the piano by Mrs Aarson rendered ltivonumbers Will Lift Up Mine Eyes and Jesu Word of God In carnatc Mrs Robertson led ill the worship service opening with sketch of Christ from Gethsemancl to the Resurrection morn Mrs Mills read the Scripture lesson from the 40th chapter of Isaiah The prayer was given by Mrs Allen Mrs Robertson and Mrs Clarke received the offering Mrs Robertsonethen introduced the speaker Mrs Baird of Orillia Mrs 1Bairdis fourth vice president of Toronto Conference Branch and is the only nonrest intent of Toronto bn that executive She gave herrlisteners highly inspirational address and reminded all that this year marks the 25th anniversary of church union which came into being after 20 years of planning studying and praying As Prof Basil Matthews points out in his preface to our study book Growing With the Years This unionwas mile stone in the pilgrimage of Gods faithfulmpcople Milestones are only used by thosewho travel for ward The Churchs most im portant message is that God cares for us all Wherever Christianity hasgone the lives ofumeh and wo men have beep lifted up They in turn have helped others and if our partnership with God is close enough we are always willing to shareHim By so doing we help not only our own society to ad vance but also our whole church Christianity can fail in Canada and unless We accept our challenge and live the Christlike life it may warnedMrs Baird Prayer is vital It is the strongest bond we have with those living in China and the countries behind the Iron Curtain It makes us partners with lt111r11 locail employers as guests ition Of selfsupporting to take their proper place in pub lic life Banana ONTARIO CANADA their dinner meeting on Tuesday evening Mrs 11111111111111 Collins was speaker at dinner held in thc oniuiunity Ilousc attended by of their member employees We are neither fiery feminists Iior insufferable sufflligcttcs We uphold the ideal of equal pay for cqual work and the removal of discrimination against employment of married or older women The speaker reminded the women and their guests that the Barrie club was part of the biggest organiza women in the world in which there were quarter million members in 20 dif ferent countries Mrs Collins encouraged women There are too many wo men leading ptllDOSOICSS life just using 11p days In tracing the history of the ntcrnational federation she stress cd the fact that understanding the basis of permanent peace was one of the club aims in promoting friendship between women of var ious countries The speaker was introduced by Miss Hazcvaiildwcll and thanked by Miss Ruth Aarson Other entertainment during the evening iilcludcd an office parody produced by several of club members entitled So Comes the Dawn or Is any Office Perfect Written and directed by the presi dent Miss Mildred Meredith who presided at the dinner the Skit had cast Of six club members Miss Marion Livingston Miss EllenC Dowson Hazel Caldwell Mrs Lucille Metcalfe Miss DOiothy Falconer as the Boss and Miss Evelyn Kightley narrator toast1 to the guests was pro posed by Mrs Metcalfc and re spondcd to by Salter Guests for the evening includcd Rev Lewis Mr Salter Nettleton Stewart KC John Mitchinson Fisher Russell Bloomfield Pickles Ferguson Rothwell and Stevenson Vernon MCQuay sang two solos for the dinner guests accompanied by Lloyd Tufford at the piano BeatEice McQuade 190 President Beta Sigma Phi Miss Beatrice McQuade has been chosen president of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority for 1950 She succeeds Miss Ahna Pigott presi dentvfor the past year Other members of the new ex ecutive will be Miss JoyCe Reid vicepresident Miss Marjorie Har ris secretary and Miss Molly Kidd treasurer The officers were elected ata sorority meeting held at the home of the pastepresident Miss Pigott on Theresa St The sororityfs spring ruShing sea son israbout t3 get under way The first of its social events for the lspringr will be party for the rushees being held tomorrow ev ening April 21 Aformal dinner for the initiation andurinstailatibn of new members will follow on May 71 at Robindale Inn God and thy prayer We ican keep in close touch with Him In closing Mrs Baird told about the monument raised on the shares of the Bay of Fundy1to theyonng man who lost his life while trying to save friend because those to whOm he had thrown his lifeline had let it go As WMS members may we hold fast to our life line Christ and His way of living so that we may help others live too she concluded The speaker was thanked by Mrs Parsons and closed with the Mlzpahbenedic lion butcs testified to the high cstecin 111 Church which the deceased was 1111d the funeral from Toronto Midland Orillin Owen Sound 11 Day of Ottawa Dies In 76111 Year Has Relatives Here was the son of the late Thomas Day and Mary Sadler He received his primary and Guthrie and later attended col Ofillia Norinril School he taught at Grcnfcl for year then moved to North Bay where he taught for some time come manager of the National Fin ance Company He was employed with the Capital Trust Company for number of years prior to 1934 the meeting The many beautiful Friends and relatives attended Surviving Barrie 1111 River 1111 Myrtle 13 Born in Pickering Ontario he 33 education in Pickering legiatc at Owen Sound After completion of studies at He went to Ottawa in 1909 to be when 11c joined the staff of the Adults Tickets Blue $150 The entire proceeds of Afterwards Mrs Flook and her committee served tea Mrs Sinclair presided at the tea table decoratedri with spring owers whiten social hour was enjoyed Business Manager RVH Ottawa he taught the Young Ladies Bible Class licforc his brief illness lllt THE EXAMINER CAN 11111 1101111 rmNTINo NEEDS PHONE 2111 his mdiformci Mincivu Iiildd one laught llliy of homo throw brothers John loronto Iticd Shun lty Buy lrank Sault Ste Marie two sisters Mrs licrschel Rumble Ilillsdulc Miss Ella Day 0111 Services VtlL held Monday April 110 from llulse iiid Il1yliir Fun lcral Home with inlciment it Iinc Form mDIOYCC Of 1110 AnnllEcicst ccuutciy Otlliwu 1101 ics branch ofthe Department of 111 Griffiths Unplug bor James Richard Day died in hospital at Ottawa 011 Friday April lie was in his 76th year THURSDAY APRIL 21 1430 vidow tlic IiilllAl wasmvswussstatuuxnxsxxwwuSkates Your choice of 1322 tints in IoGlaze COLORIZER See the Actual Colors at In Aid ofBarrie District Memorial Hospital Fund Your Dealers DATES Annuities branch of the DCpdll pmwsmSWSKXWXVgQCSWSWCW by theiCelebratecl Canadian Pianist Reginald Goddell who has donated his talent for the evening itedChWC TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWINGAGENCIES Whittys Drug Store Allandale Jacksons Grill Knights Drug Store Dixies Smoke Shop Dick Steele China 81 Gift Shop and Bibbys Barber Shop in Barrie Students Red $100 Student Tickets Available Through Schools this Recital will go to thefBarIie and District Memorial Hospital Fund Quilt From Barrie Illirric Wcliliiig Machine III ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING WITH PORTABLE EQUIPMENT Steel For Sale SHEETS ANGLES BARS l7 MulcastenSt mmmsxx WK cm GaleY km Inuries II 51 For Past SIX Weeks 11 ll 111 Flnals Mrs Richard Cook 11 lwtlz 111 Dres Iust Two Weeks Return Followmg Her Sister if 11 13 t1lllllrlililll 11 11 19 An 31 MN 11 1111111711i11 3111101 own 11 llc 111i1111 Siirmi ii Ht 11 15 11 1111 tlptllttll 311s ook 1111 1111 1111111111 Iii 111 D111 11 111 11 tlltlltttligt1llu Lonire luckett 111111zh1c of the 11 ll hi 11 11 111 11 111 111111 11111111111 111 11 11111 11 hem i1 13111 was 11111 iii Ullll 111111111i Mill3 ll5 11 111 111 l1 111 iiitum Ill lltl liltllfd to the 11 35 411131 11111111111i111 f11n now owned 11 tk1u DHHHH lll 11 111 lflt 111 11 lil1 11111111 3111 Silliiiitlnli 111111 and 111 111 1121 if il1 11411131 11115 rum1 1i 1111111 lillt 11 si Any Ir llml 151 11111 141 11 l1 ii 111 Lrli slic 111111111 Illfllllil 1111111 SGLEC llll 111 11111 1111 llll11 1111111 with Melnbers Lnlerlaln 31 111111 5111 1i ilwo lfllllilllil Mi Iiilliii ii 11 pii11 111 Ill 11 flmdm whim hum and MI FOI April Bflde pm My 1511111 Iltl1ll tMlillilt Toronto 11 111 11111 gt111liozi It 111 lllltt sons Lewis of Sillilzidlilc mm 1H 11 11 11111 I1 11 ii lt iiii 111 11111111111 lltNI llH rtuitis of Iliil IllHl and bred of MIMI 11 11111111111 inn Mimi 111 111l 111111 1125 11 i1gt1 11 mm mum 11111 0111 son 111111ld 1111111 ma WU hm hm l1ii1ii ii ii 1113 1111 11111 up ceased her 111 11131 Also survivuiiz 1111111 511111 1li 11111 so 111 Cl m1 Ilillrlll 111 Soft llll cltlinlis inn lglluinddlMlin and mle sliiiil shouti 11111 Iht 111 13 11111in ml alto ll 11 111th HUT mic HWY 121 up Hi In Hg gullsdllnnntn iltobcil Wilson 11111111 111111 two Mull Hl HENDWIO WNW ibrothcrs Frank 111 2111111111 Aim The club 11 Ilillil madr lizidv p1 1111 11 11111 twillk ind Alflid of 1111 liivcr 11111111 111111111 Illf ttlllli1 Ilutioli 11111 l1 1h Illsl Alilltltllill 1n 111111111 111111111 foi111gt11s 1111 11111 111 1111 111111 11 11 111111 11i11 flavor lhc past 12 years Mrs ook lllll 11 11111111111111111 with Ital fozirbmc Macaroni 111111111s pimiml MN1 tk lmm NH mil 1111111 111s 1111111 sliced not iilo iicn licptwl ilid Itllfll ilggllwm mm lmlh Sh mm mulch 111111111le 111 thick 11111 111111 21 whites until stif111lml INN mull 11 MIL 1111 MUM 111 11 jllllllll and hful 111111111111 of Alml 31115 Hume who 111111111 111s 411111 It 11 11 111 1i 141 111111112111111111 of finely 11111 Kisscloh 11nd bake in 1th1315IldIlllthH ltlfil returned hour trip to biotlulift 11111 iiiii 11111111 Hull 1oflll1llilitl ll111 4331111111110511 If possnllv hollph Uld nulmmlr hm mmnh My WM Vim WW 151 had mm and mm mm Vim mm Tm mwmn Hhv ml lwm hum Mi Nllmll GATES lhv tuner11 wis 1111111 Hitulniy 11 11 ll RA II so mlsfs Plonnln April in from 1111 11 Slfltllll NHnu L1 hltlltl mp ues bcnivor Unich lissiounv for Aliv 11 lI will be hold 11 1111 gt RCCICOIIO Programs with Wm SUI11 1m hon Ml ms Alpmu 11 1g For Resdents lumlllu 111 11 Tilt Rt 111m 11 51 gt 1185 CIY Inner prbiut llilhilnl assisted by 111v 11111111 in hltliltlllys ISSIIL IlOSStl Mrs lemince and mum Ur Im up W1in 11 31 1ii1ln ml m0 lclll world for better busis Mrs Ilflltlltf 1111111ny sun like 111 111111 was Stated 1111s women is one of the chief number rciiucstcd by Mrs Cook 11w Vilnhpr 1f 1111 11 glil1 iui Lt pianmng iillls of Business and lrofcssmnul lIold last My Hand lzillbczucrs llg gt HM gm mingling This was lonicns Clubs everywhere Mrs lwcrc Ilugh Itishcr Fred McFar 111111059 Ill1 1i1jilu11 Aymgimnv mums 1111mm 1111 1h 1of years was president of ilic 01 1111 11 11111 1111 pioposid pio fY 1Ilt 1111 11 11111 11 pm WON idvisor to theprovrncml pics1dcnt ham Harvey Atkinson and Jack 1ii brunch lltllgt 4115 11 Emmi HR Elm has made fold the Barrie club members 11 Pickering 11101 oi the 1001 of all kinds mm LI um mm hnlmprg liiitcd