WAlIIIIJINSIINW moi iiiiiiiuii mummy 5ng inc mum LAAmlIILIt UAHML UNIARIU UMMM E550 TWP SUIVCYCI 20 fljllf International Good Will Visits New York and Montreal First Settlers in 1826 First Brick House 1833 lv hper Barrie Iron Works GOWAN ST PHONE 5046 STEEL for SALE 17 Plates Bars Angles Flats Channels cdeBeoms House Rolls all kinds of Ornamental lion Work and General Blocksmithing For Printing Needs Call The Barrie Examiner How Dry is Your Raincoat lcrk iii IHI tnti lji III ililtrilliil Klll or 193s york in Hm 31 11 yIIlN BUYS from tho Moiitrtal IUittt ltlilil lubs illtI fen iricnibcrs fariiiir am from the it of Montreal to 111 Ity Hvm liaiiih 11o li ii ill Ki iiiw llw Ill it of fiiv cw ioik Iolitc tblilir Itlilt last tvtluiiti llJlILLttl places roiiiinrmoriir iliiLiicu wryinury presented to lolitc oniinixstoiwr Am Im It 13 hm on Illltlllllllllltl goodwill fllA pail oi Ilil tItlllfllfllw itliiiiliiiu inc am HimIi oi cw ork iii by Ronald iiioilos of tin on hm MA pr iiiiururiiioii oi Iiaiisfanada ir lliil iuw NauticalNow York wr Irv IOillt Juvenile fliilu Right little lrhiii 10er of Brooklyn llil iiiyl Iilr of maple Ltiiy ii rlitirin off iiatiy ililfl lot the York hon it iiioiili llroio Traitsf iiiuii ir liiiv lrli drift EM trri ltli ltlci Mitt pothlitl lItr iil lllllt ii til in noting omit Ill or 11112 llzu iris lLi Ill tr iioi li lit tit trnrn 01 14 count of Sin llw riri IIli fun LHllle who lll lliIlflI lilt llllt lllUJllI II North lats in 117 but were Lillin on tll11ll sicliixcriiin truth with pubic officers ifllllL lil lulu iiw inn ilitill ftolI uid llltl Itll llltl wooilcii liliIllt of Ilillill Ilabitaiii ll llllrlllilflt IHJI lollltml coat suit ictclius its xviitvr rcpcll riiliir wit r=rr lllli THE BARRE you orli 11111 lli1 twi minim lll lllll tiif Utll plo NonStop llitili ltllil air ll 11 it 11 lflli in in itlll in 1311 il vi nrw vi wow HON ltl1lll ti in ltttlitl rlt no lr in from ll i1 xoitlcii 111 15111 int 111 on cotrirl lii iii ll rum ii1 is ltfi ll LIIH tot oiP to clcttioii fr il 11 in all ttl til townal rcsultul 111 in tot urnr Vonnctl lim iiltiiolr COIN Wat tnnaton llnvnl it tutti lll lfl ll It tili llit Honda tlxttl Ic ytaN inl Hi all 31 tl in UH Tm Mi vl 1me Mi slork itpoit am lyi tin oil WWW liitltli lll on ii it lll All WI fllill llniitin rlb vartion in pillllll llstllgtlUl and lcgzrl niuict my Hm dm1 truly lilo cliik was inhiwri lllul In hall 35 no authority to optn an iniilid box llllllrkll ittttl lisi of lirlts Iidciif lll tll cu tmnnwut ll it From US 1111 UN litl iiiiitl tr oi txmnfiaixizn No in it ottlmAit1ilgtinciii1gtcis Mrs 311mi Moutl til llii ltlil Ill lllli EXAMINER Ill Ask about our other ri gt lllt iii oi lllt 1111th it ILilitl rial rn ntirnic was lllt iiit Hwy 1m 01111111111 liotiw rl phlxuxh 3th cum for fhc tliticrciit cntlititw corii lozi ltl lllt township of lussa Irs loov illtiii tlttl lltl talk by IIIONI ill iiot 1w ion hltil in ilit lion Iliytlr r1 ltrlrii lcrriit 1123357 777 AV iwwu uuw convenient StlYICCS 100 was lltliltltl llltil it rl coir ilvmimo Nov ii 13 gt gti In tittialis lIlI looming ltlltri Am Inn3 mm hly mClum SIIIU 111411 sure good grooming at SHALL SAVE YOU Itllgttl that iiwiiiiizrtiozi in bold Lime Hum WWW curly on Monday ln2 Iii tilfl 11 an Hum pip Egg and in iicciion was llttt It In hold Mm 11 mum plk all 1111105 Jill nil li Bil IN lcnlnsfvr wiis appointed lion waslicltl or all otlni illltl phi Aim mpg and cumin llll rcsiilfs tlr it iolloux iiisiituiii intnr gtlllllll Spry wlutim Insurance Iiispccfion liiioi Repairs liccvc tutinn llll vcar Emergency Rush if desired and above all Satisfaction Illllllll ll1 ll llffvlel lolin oxvtoitli was ippoiiiitii lialilnitt Isaac lillltll 31ml mm mmnuim or St llttlgt ill llm Hill ill 11 until his loath on Jan 37 1013 lot II will Ill Ilt tlttttltl 11 Dinwooill tlttltfl in lllilli cornpontl of v11 until January 1934 litlftlinl littVtE 111Iicrwlirn be ltnlilllftl linvinc bccii at lhllll UlllhlllllV lll lllllLihlrtillllid Slicriff of the County of Isaac lfllllill llowaid Hunting chum licastirci ll llcll tloik Nor Appmmm him man Coxworih llontl tiiipcrvisor 30m 01 gmmm Tim by 9llll5ll llll Ircw Illrlllfl and published by llic totiiiiy of Sinicoc Joseph NUSERVICE DRY CLEANERS Dial 2471 2472 Barrie For Pickup and Delivery 14 High St or Knights Drug Store Wintcsiiic was Waidcn of ilic itooiiiy in llltlli as Ilccvc of Ill TUTWI IM SPARKS FLY into the night as part of giant American walking ml 15 Iraglinc is erected in Britain Weighing 455 ions the huge incctian lfll MW lllll lcal excavator was purchased with MarshallAid dollars 50 vehicles lllllllili Cmmll reeled it hit its arrival from the and hauled ii in parts to Thc cXperts want more work out of fewer people llicyrc beginning to get results Jnhn oollh John Gillblllll rite where after 14 days and nights of nonstop vorkit will bc Gmssici ivinriogrn illltl William lrwin in work digging iron ore And why the rush Britons lilJlll lllssa to 11150 ii for Marshall Air to help rebuild thcir varsliaticred economy thc niointicrs of council and of re nevertheless aiiyious to be inilcpcndmit of and they scc iii fiqrls in 111 vcic Bantingl icascd production and exports achieved as quickly as pos izlc as ltccvc McMasfcr deputy way of attainingr theirjiidcpciidence from dollar help by 113 to rccvo otincillois John lltitigll llowarti Hunting and Isaac Jcnncif Mm 5mm 209 Elimbm Borrow at IllI itllmu rutnier nr briiikahlr srrimly Iln incans taut wr lhllmimv llillllllwl lgrmig Taggers itollttliil wcil ovci $10 tacli Am irotcttis co to riiiivilics of flit vico iiiu oi nccrl whcn voii iicctl mg road lllltlltll Illrnrn Son illl orps which is if Cash loans lllllflt lo rican up oltI Va fit mum SCIYS Mrs LCturle lsponsorcd by iin local branch of bill for my ooil 1111 111 durinittbo years 19421 and 111411 ch5 YW PVmlPl ltomc Ilaritinu rcccivcd the honor ll lLl llic Navy lcinc lag day licrc Sclcclllic rcinvinnt 11a ltio tor of llll rtlt id ntltii im lsuumldy Nuliwd $125 mow In Ayrshire Auction ere oes money go lClll 0101 lltl 31 lllmlllfl coo otnily in 15144 and retired at fhc lift 1in last your reports Mrs repay Check these iavorablc iatcs Nut or that vcar In Ill1 McMasfcr was Bulllllld alum Planned For 0C1 Atnonnt Nonf Monthly bcr of tho Bziiric Navy Twin 9v How Banting dc uty lll 0llflll 32BZL Ill ms Irrmnx wusle Bum ctics ttllllC coininiftco and in mp of by 10m and cm Al llmeS most OI us have looked at purse wallet $10168 $1800 tin and Wood CittllClllOlS IllV lvonlr is planncd for Ociobcr by the Sim or bonkbook and wondered Where does the 479 12 $3000 jlhcy confinncd in office during Girls collecting the highest irt and District Ayrshire Brccdcrs money go 9046 18 $3300 fllic ycars 11145 1946 and 1947 mounts in ihc morning wcrcBcvv tnbf Aticfionccr will be 570053 31 gum Iinvinl acccpfcd job with fhc crlcy Dtival 127 Iinppcrton Slrcct Noil ot DcnIicld rclolcslttiioil lcparfnicni Rccvc and June Owcns 111 Bradford who Breeders with animals lo constant You may have wondered lgo Where does fut cxgilfgg QRZGSI hlchiastcr retired at the end of collected mono than $15 each The nrc asked to contact the secretary money 90 lhe money We xecewe for 905011119 on ION 1947 WLSICN Milllhl lClhjtd 110 highest iii the afternoon wcrc Mar lcimcy at RR Barrio fuel oil lubricants and other products we sell 30W 0F4CH055 HOUSEHOLD icausc of illrhcalth ilyn ersirong UH Elizabeth and inc is backed by more than Lycars An election was held in Jan NORTHERN PARADE ost yegr each dollorywe received went txmricocq Service is always friendly and in W48 1le Louis Truqx defoqb mm who knows the 1ll Norm txsol3g this WQ gt sJL gWiggiblrghglgfiiglilElisuglgt cti Howard hunting for thereeves EOllllfll 311 Hvlild Hilllbldt gets it in his blood and never gets phone book under llitiltiiirii runway Ichair Wlood twas deputy qglgssljonhct IiiliiliSslnL 15 It 112310111 hkmlylbil EU CBIllDE OIL and other raw molefiulslook more ICCVL CC mil 1011 30110 11 in round wout Dmf MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT Wnkmmy who had previously After heated contest 31 lmglfwl 1M Spmknn than half of each dollar scrvcd it number of 101115 COUh wlml was elected as WOW Gm strcani where you had to stand bc rIUSEII0IDT1flirts 16th itscouncillorrwithnikinson lL1ltl rccyc Harold mud bait yum hmkyg MANUFACTURING AND PACKAGING took wmm Clchmno member Ol orl lm mil llmmd 11 VAL FOR Que STAR if more than 11 cents Costly equipmentrond tho 1917 school board and 1150 LOIlllillltHs ems km dt 640 26 Elimbem 5mm lcacock This council sat in 1948 FY01 IQL Ill th lhClhl Wm em were nee mu mTIHr Panels and 1949 1Cls ll lWShp products we supplied for thousands ol uses 11 Alum ONT An clcction was held Januai other on Coumll have ml 1950 for all offices Louis Truax Chahzfltd Norman COMyoith was TRANSPORTATION look the next big bite Of the 0mm BRANCH md Wood ran rm mer The appointed clerk 111 1934 when isMiuiuugusrsumtannerrhonezsvi 3icc hyacqu New com Dinwoody resigned to accent dollor Products moved over Wide ureaslo it 9151 II mltsuoomzsznsizxgwm 05th by the three counmuors of 10 tOSllloll of Sheriff of Sinicor serve every community in Canada Dunng 1949 oun SEENGTIiEPuaLtcSiHLEIB7B Five new men in the eld for Dempstm was uppomtcd tents we Paid more than millions for road tlpCllS01 on April 1934 railway freight alone Bell was appointed as trcas MARKETING was next Morlteting brought you WWtheapzoduetsmyouwneededwhenondwwherewyon urcr in 1938 succeeding the late needed them power heat and lubricants rents for factory home and form Marketing sup plied your neighborhood dgglthlmi inde mndenthuMessmon so thatrhewcould saliva you conveniently and dependably Rgbcrt Lowric who Vvlrlfld treasurer of the township Happy Healthy 1918 F213 Birds on Ildlel The Edgar Federation of Apricot3 turc met in thehall for their closll ing meeting of thescnson Thursl dny evening April 6WilhMziuriccl Hayes as chairman the mcetingl openedwiih three films showribyI Mr Lcahcy After the business dis cussion Miss Fern allampel olg gt charge and conducted El recrcai on period which was enjoyed by liall and then arcouplc of Square dances yvcgctiicldlie liilicssclzrveg lunch an icn iss nmpc 710 in shorisma song The chairman thcn thanked er Lcahcy Miss Ham yrs THE SWING ISTOSHURGAIN sundown mean ied Miss Hampcl at the piano for SETORONTOfSTREET TAXES to provincial and federal governments took 753 cents Anyi this not include tents gasoline tax whichdepending on where you of you spent for standard grade gasoline PROFIT was 389cents out of each sales dollar Of this 225 cents went to shdreholdeia do dividends The Jestclout with money we borrowed and obtained by soles of investments iwus put back into the business to replace the splendid evening they hadgiy Canadas Ines popular formula lxljih Laeahfcc TEL Phone wbm out equipment to provide new equipment pl for thanks from himselfnnd the ch Ulllivianelj 30 hmr 9330 find makesure that we can continueth supply oration or unization 2+ your needs in theiuturer SAMUEL R0551 Bringingyacilia1939105 anciwa cosin one GRAIN and FEED STROUDPhOI195Z ecializiii in Custom Feeds GRINIIIJING gROLLING MIXING CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Tl em islet MP Al on II MI ED 7s359 mm Prompt AttentiOn to All Orders livestock from 211033 cents outoi everydolldr