Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1950, p. 18

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PA IW ELVE 1115 bAlUtLB lAAhlAnLn uuuue unfniuv hAAAun Hurting lrth Essa Twp Surveyed 201 First Settlers In 1826 First Brick House 1843 Ili th lltlitlt in and lul it 111lli tr nraill tal illtl big Itltllld In ioiiiiutioii with tin Ill tron twin piiiicri to 11 Mount you lir hint Ivan Ilil Ix putIntuit winr llf initial llUillltlllill Itililtllttl In Vitiiiiii ioxuoriii ilrzk oi Il ioi lliitl AN UPLIFT BELT FOR MEN Two detachable pouches made to our spccllica tions to give comfort and maximum support lix peririiccd Fitters to serve you for n11 Surgical Sup ports 5f WHITTYS DRUG STORE ti til Will your house he rleur and free of debt or will you leave your widow an unpaid mortgage low 051 Mutual insuranic can solve this problem for you Consult representative of see YOU moron mmmunvs you your immune income BRANCH OFFICE 11 Peter 81 RILIJA ONT RALlll li LANG CLU BRANCH MANAGER ltcprcsiiitativcs2 PHILLIPS Barrie ARTHUR JOHNSTON Barrie Barrett helpsuou mend them Things nced fixing up in the spring There are roots to be patched flashings to be reset1 drains and gutters to be repaired There are hundred and one things to be lived gt up in the springand thats where Barrett can really help you See for yourself tomorrow at your linrrctr dealers Youll nd roofs shingle and roll cements rustwoofers dampproofcrsnlmost anything you need NEW ROOFS They cost lcss than youd iiiiauinc Ask tltltlt Barrctril Asphalt Shinglcs with whoch 11 sclccrion of icoloiir harmonics For barns you cant do licttcr tlltii hntl wearing Bltticti Storm King Roll Roofing STOPNIrEsAKS with Plastic ElasriguiitlCcincnr Scab flashings gt Mail for pinching tliltl coatingsY of Liquid lilasiilznmii Ccmcnt rascals old roll roofincs glossy surface that seals onrwcnrhcr STOP SHEEPAGE with Hydronoiri laint ldcal dainpipioolcr for cement or wood with Biirrertirlloclc Wool Available in B5 Ilatts Cwitlrvapor barrier Loose or Granulated forms Hc stocks complete line of roofing insulation and weatlicrprooling liiatcrials Hes got what it takesto stop almost itnywcatlicr Whether your problem is leakage seepage rust or rot your Barictr dealer first lrt rt ll illiirl lllk ltll Il tin lHllll iozi lllt tll owl wliltlt Mr inst of nni otliru lt tilt county to ltull hr iiiit ot tin pit writ tito AILU hot t1il tho oltl nip inn tlla iii to thc pint nt tlit llu llll loxtizsliips oi llllll in liiatliits School on liiiti ill liliii compostfl of lossrs litlh Iclaan liltitillioll tho inst iti ol tho loviiltlnp oi tronc bc tlcrk and that lllt Illllli ptrmn 21 or over lltl Illgt tittrtc labor Also to cc that niy cctis which were harmful to ontio Moved by Ixcllcy and lati lsmcwwl 01s RCCW met that ll Thomas Drtiiy bc tlitllllltiltlttll of schools for thc llownsliiits cf lIssu and lossoroin inn was prcsontcd and urantcd on Dcl ccinbci ll llltlfio William Gilicc Tavern License yea1 1854 Motion that the clrk STOP RUST with Ecrictlainr Dricslast toqu hard black by Davis and Wilkinson that by illaw be prepared to regulate inn keepcrsand fixing license fee rJohn Lennox wns appointed taxi leollector for the present year John AVT Ll Stpeers ad Wilkirlisonthat the lpoeiliidglshctafeencihgfil foglihiepuzrlll pose of repairing roads for this1 THE BARRETT COMPANY LIMITED Moritroul Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver chgrl Thur Mari 141 Tilt in til gt yr 121 ii 11v 11 liLi i=e tin c2 Ittftl Jain hiiiisry 15 15 in to to rlclaaii 15 1113 ltli 1t flirton IvE AM lxta Itt ll1iii Vltlklll v1l illcl 1K lr lcbruuv 1537 llilltlli by Mc nit lat 11 lilnit silt ltlkiimni that thi 15 tin ltiitci of ngiIl that itiiilbcr ltltt tailors ux MRIK ltiAllriiltl il 111p tyinvkxiziilllx 11 tt liltl IIiiit in maid in tllltt ll iti lll wit =31 Hum 111 tl ll iiit xv 11 ll alum pl My Uviobcr 18 toii In Drivm xiii it rl iI min il wzd ro it Ito in in oil lvti it Ixilx If January H35 rtiicl toipottl lrl oi lli Iilti llotia YH rm ldljul lit iiti lvt 11w tr lli inc ti January 153 tllltil lfli voiix ill ttil Cltlci litr liikir 11 litfvt Will ltlauiit January lilnit Council coinprncti it lvltill l1r laikri lclar 112 IN lir littil linuig William lc luv EN Hp lii i=isiil till =tl onlic li tlllliL the iatc NHL vi pry ln Illltl liczistirtr pt 1H lllllfl Ilrulg Siilflti icot Slle PM JIM lt thriving Trill tililot $13 It IN utlt tXuinrnlors pan $133 each ilr Illl1l illl myh Illftltl par wa iaiwtl to Slit pr tn January 31 lofil and 18012 uil llitll ltlaati ltoigo ltl Finlay ltlnlnc llionim lrrkti Sam lioritir thliaitl ltlliziti littvt ltihil William ltlautri ittilllt liilt nlt ltiiti Dunn Srillltltl lillllf lltcvc lIc Davis wm appoint iiiti1l lllt oi lr ii trill lllitlt It in tin ltllt ol liiit Iiioiir lhlil lcla llccvo icorgtlllcli councillors First onnclllors llama Dcptity oiniiil John 1ch Im Jlnr Dunn Sain llroilcy iiiti loltooltio It 11161 Lttlllltlttl of Ilcsltrs and loororitio Motion by IM Hm 1V IM In ltLilil as trcasurcr and John llciinox Deputy Council llcll Dcpnty Councillors It Tic uari ll Morrison Parker February 869vJUlllL Erwin was 3111tlllllvillilt1ll inspector at salary of $300 pcr year The high cs1 iciidcr was $995 applicaiit Thomas 11 Banting Thc liccnsc lXliComposcd ovarinson Loufoo was $2300 lhc first ptlllltlll to kccp an inn lclaan hIcch Kelley Patrick 181172190110 Davis Reeve It lxcllcy rccvc Motion by Altlitftyluggari Deputy Councillors Hltl lmgtlm lhill lhvlltkhy fvt Dtlllli McFarlurw McClure ifor 1ltlll bc thrcc pounds and January 15 ISTEGcoigc Davis llvn shillings Rccvc Tagpart Deputy Coun Stlll 135110ti0h blrMylAim cillors Dunn Scythcs 11 Land llcc that Stevenson Thos Alonjg Crosby and Ilios Arnold bc zip liioiritcd church ward ns and that lhiVC its lthc clcrk inform that if is iicccs 1873Gcorgc Davis was clccicd funny rm mom 13k thosub rccvc in the municipal election scribed lcclariitioii of officc lht 131 Monday in January 1873 1852Composcd of Morris Latilblll dlid Jilhhar VCFIV Slld incr Davis Murphy hicchtlcnly before the first meeting was Rccvc Henry Morris Clcrk Johnlhtld ll 15 Ollh 0f 10m that he Tcrritt Asscssor Robert McMahon 35 Waldth 0f cm Tax Collector William Arnold C00 In the Vlal 1872 Afltl the iniy of Sim Oct 1852Motion by Davis death of the late Davis John EIiid hchcc that license inspectors LCIIHOK was reevc The minutes Do paid five pounds year for do not state whether is was by lthcir scrviccs acclamation or an election tab lSIiConiposcd of William Mc lLl 10 1110 10111011 or me 1310 GOO Lean George Davis iniimcr Mur Darts was Placed in lhe Anglican phy Reeve Winiam McLean Church at Ivy and is still hangingr Treasurer IIcnry Morris salary on the wall on the north side of three pounds per year Assessor the churcll very fitting tribute John Fletcher was paid to the late Geo Davis in 1853A bylaw was pagSod to the minute book of the township regulate traffic on the township hiCh roads as follows In the roads death of George Essa has 1854Composcd of William Mc 1081 One of her it bl sons 192m Morris George Davis In the year 1873 the first bridge Iilkiitson Murphy Rccvc MC 10 be bllill 25 Sideroad Con can was erected at cost of 3300 Some 10 years ago this part of ZSSR was closcd owinngthe fact that Motion by Davis and Murphy new bridvhadtobe built The ilhal Whig 10 JelhbHFFSSlhg Ch estimated cost of the new bridge cumstanccs of William Lowry that was placed at $1500 and there be license fee for tavern be reduced lng very little traffic over this part to One Dotlnd 70f the road themunicipal council According to the minutes thelbeiieved it good busines to close townships of Essaand Tossorontiolme road were no longer united 18747Bcevc John Lcnnox Dc JBHUHY 10 1855Fll51 Iheellhgputy David Dunn Councillors 01 the year composed of DaVlSlThomas Duff William Rankin Wilkinson McLean Spegrs JThomasLennox rietcnmywninm McljcanRecvel 1875167DMDunnl home Do Motionby Davis and Fletcher that puty Thomas ScythesdCounctl the clerk be paid 12 pounds IOyDuff KI Morris Lennbx shillings for his services for the V1813798081Recve Dunn be allowed 15 shillings for two daysas returning officer Motioii CleanlCth We L993 Henry was appointed treasurer for the current year Motion by Fletcher and Davis that the sum of 15 pounds be granted to repaill bridge on river on SR Motion year Motion by Speers and Fletl lchcr that the clerk issue proclam lation for the municipal election and that the election he held in PROMPT Bradens School 1856Firstmeeting for the year held composed of McLean Davis Wilkinson McKee McFarlane William McLean Reeve Motion Clean Clothe Wear Longer stating the duties of poundkeepers nnd the descyiption of lawful fence Clean Clothes Wear Lopget Clean Clothes WearLonger Hon37 lttn iii 312 1L ztl iirls In to vgtgttltl lna inpioynicnt in it turn Spurs William uil sillp his ippoiiitrovnt on iaicl Lit 1191 ll111tl on the list of lil Ill Ilcnr lllcs ini lklrllilll int lllt lilll oil 11 lliillll 11W 311111115 1t inn imlt wnncsnic Jas ui diath liming scrvoil as irias pros as sci out In tho inin nit tlw clcrk ll Banting was lf lrlaan llccvr1 icoiiw Davis Dc cw Treasurer purchased and David Carriiihers Ill llllltllY 1311 John lllll 57 Drum slain it Aim year 192 the Department of illull ll al lways askctl that cvcry municipal ity appoint road supervisor lrcvious to this appointmcnt all lllllhll 35 Hllthlhllll lllhsmll fl 1900 moiioii by Duff and INNW hill bl WWW Hm JI lht lUWllhllv lllllilh MCllilh lilliain Irwin that WIJ Moir bcl of rcprcscniativcs from the var sult with Lzttll other on the ad visability of having the county build and maintain sziin roads DULY NYC Coxworfh Conn On April 1902 the death of Cillors Harcourt Blackstock ail Banting the township clcrk took WhllCSldC itllan place at his home in Essa Town Coxworlhv 10 lthip The late Mr Banting was appointed clerk on the 11th ofOc Reeve Bonito Dcpufy lobcr 1856 and at that time had Reeve Councillors Iliuginson Served thv township as clerk forlllarcouri Blackstock Bani Alwrszeiil when you place the by Wilkinson and McKeethat the cerk procure 50 copiesofmbyliiviilv linker Cognition Count cf 51 MC Tilll 19 MI menr343 filth by Infill iiirs Dunn lii patios lint lilt II Eli lIl klttJlll Iiiic 2m Jitlllt ti1ap 13115m1715 v3 llti ll lti ll 1111131 Ililcl CULINYEEUDV ll lll IUVAcfll igt ll low lllllii Dignity to lu lit lil kouiltul liw rt ILc it ti imp xlllliill tiriiii from at It llit on Jan LI luii W11 Autnly of lilllhil tgi 211 ill tlri ozi li ll 13 2111 can Janus Aug 113 1010 ljlnlll in St boo liilttlt It lllr Illlllgtll Ilvtl Ll 5o ISFS llun iUlhk Dull cit1y Arthur licitliti who lllllllilhl Council it Iiilkl littil iltilgtlllvl oi the tixwir at 1911 llaii civtti tlic trwit 31 Ill nay Ioiis tlic first ici vc Township lli Iht Mar 1151 no havr Illltll an cpitaph 12 1S5 lit itllt lltilII Dr ltiiio Council Ii lrnc IIILI Just ph Wiiilc 13 Hi liittlt lltlll li luiiux lillitgt Spotrs NIL iiiiigi ltll livtVi Dc ltrtvr lciiio ouii if 0n 1arrli ltitll llll ltiiis thc township lohn Fict ltl citt with stiiidcn and gt oz tho township for the past It itiiclrti to vtitt it lvltrt to thc rairpnycrs oi the township ht Itll hflh UT 1th ml Donny councillor wcrc named ltl 11 105hllt corninitcc to ptiichasc 1t acrcs oi iitnn llttclur was appoint and to plant my On April 11 fl lililollw lh l1lllll 11122 Davis and Thus Dcniiy 3lih 30 llllll were appointed to havi towiisliiiw lllllillll lll lllthNi ll plot fciiccil ihcy having purchased ttl titpoly wvc lltlllii fhc first llilhlll ll 311d IVIWlY JUL 10 licrcs of land on conccssion lcpnty oi thc township Hlliiicsitlc Duff and wcsi half lot Iii This plot was platiicti in lllL sprinc of 1922 iuidcr lelilllll l11110X1 lhc supervision of tho 11ot corn lhllllF ll llllli 311d Dklllll inittcc Tllttl was tho ltllllllllttL of 18361861 lln inst tiittilll of IN WhllySldtl lUUllClllUlS reforestation in lissll lowriship ltbllllill council hold it Ivy was Doll and William ll1n livid in lic school liotisc on Janu 5135 II lillc and litiincr lovotl by qumiinq put Mp1 mm My only Ii 1imnlihn Hindu131011 illiain Irwin 2nd Deputy James HM up Mum imnnnx tinnitus John Coxworth On May HI 11197 tho first road gradcr was til llit first lllllt of 1111 ollttll ltlldlllLE his ltILllIlltttl1 as rccvc was to appoint otizccrs such as hl mm mum road work was looked tiftci by the lolin lltlLlltl was rppoiiitctl icc 1m mgi pontlnupnt gomg to me ponndkcrpcrs itncc vicwcrs and rccvc nnti tncmbcrs of cotmctl 1m lht lMldHLt Nl oltlIi African War January 1901 gt him mum mm lwllllslllllix Hill In tho Lli 1fi7 thc mini 1ff Wlll lonh casmor bridges hm illltll ltllltgt hcinu to soc that cvciv MK ml an on inccr would bc cmployctl icipal law chanucd and thc rccvc Ht1n that tho rccvc Richard and mm Tn 011 ed ML and Councillor John COXlAl this 111111 fhi dcpaitnitni p1l lhl P9011104 ilUlLl DHVIS COWS worth be appointed to represent NY in PM Iolni Ilctchti Dcputy Council lllrlv dunvhlltltll nilHinlmillh llcnry Morris Dunn ltllllt to tl ltlfll wk hm Thm Dun NHU Urgwlllg MClmh lUI 109 tons sittions of the count to con the lownsliips oi lasso and IUSSUIIlyynrkcl Ben Morris lic municipality at conference for the past ti11 yiuis non iiiaiioii was litlti for tho ptnposrj of nominating couritillo to 1111 111i vacancy tllltl by 1111 ici ration of It ltilli limo Ii lotion lliv 291th of 1cliii lltlll lllflvgt Vlllltrltli ylr ptity ll Ilaiitiint ouiiciL It Adams l1il lrl Reforestation mu liDtll Davis Council llriicsf ltllllSUliilltS Donny Jcnnctt On March 13 1921 alti was icviivctl froin Iliillltllltlllll rcprcscniativcs iirciniz that the nciiin lin yin inttr tho tax llclvliri and family vkprcsse wunm buy plot of giotiiitl intas tlic sympathy oi iiic incinlnIS tiring fivc ilt1 Ioi rcforcstation p1 iotflttll and iattpaycrs and cx Drumaps mm Dr 51 llhm lhk hilllyVhIIhI Davis and Jenniit tlii lttt Today 21 years lalcr bcautitnl lploi and many inoro plots Stunt lhll7llxll9190013lh0 IllCh hundrtls of acrcs arc now platit rd Ilcll Dtiff 1st Dclltllyiltd in 1255 Township Its Deputy Chas Dcnny Council llors Ernest Morrison Jcn llLll Norman Coxworfh In the 20 per cent on road expenditures puiy Rccvvo ll Boll Council tors Coxworfh Morrison Boakc 1in in that capacity for vri bylaw was thin lIlllUtltittl to appoint run irtaotiirr and lion lbw mm Uf tl lowii vas appoziitttl Ilt tiii st lfl olI ilic iotiiicil boarili as ticriul by acclaniatton and it nilcd his first mottin it Thorn 1919 rliuvt Janus lltllhlll lbw 192021332 letVt Han llantinu and liarlcsl 192324254641ccvc Dav 192728llccvc Chas Donny Dc IIIZIISMIIccvc Chas Donny Dc 198132 lyornizin Coxworth to years He was succeeded by mg McMastcr bciiig appointed Clerk th 711 dll or April 1902 Higginson Deputy Council 11 Blackstock Banting Gourgcf Wilkinson The death of Council lor Harcodrt Blacksfock took place 1903i5ltichard Bell Recvc James Dundns Deputy Councilv 101s Coxworfh William Irwin Bell bylaw was passed on the 11th of April 1904 to comI mute statute labor in the township This was step in the right direc tion for the purpose improving roads Until this ate all work done on roads was done by cer tain number of days allotted to each rafcpaycr for road work each year and in great many cases those doing the statute labor did not work too hard Local Option 1906Rccve Bell Deputy James Dundas Council Cox worth William Irwin John Gar butt Nov 26 1906 bylaw was introduced for the purpose of giv ing the ratepayers of the town ship an opportunity to vote on Local Option 190712 Bell Rccvc Dundas Deputy Councillors William Ir win Alcxandcr Morrison Cox worth McMaster clerk of the township since his appointment in April 1902 died at his home at Cookstown His daughter Sadie McMasteWTEarried on the duties of clerkvfo ethesbalanee ofthtsvyei and on December 16 1907 John Coxworth was appointed clerk During the year 1907 Alexander Morrison was elected to council but died after attending the first three meetings of the year Dr Banting was elected coun cillor folrthe balance of the year Wandon Bell 19089Mr Bcllk Reeve 31 pundas Deputy Councillors Wil liam Irwin Miller and JJ Banting Richard Bell was honv ored with thc wardenship of the Clean Clothes Wear Longer Groomed This is your assurance cleaning and pressing of your clothes in our hands Callus today Dial 2885 ihoo zrpahso3 koala 00 1933Norman Coxworth Rccvc at his home in Essa Township on Dec 26 Word of his death rcnchcd the people while the nominationl was being held Words of syml pathy were expressed by the inciti bcrs of the council and ratepayers Councillor Biackstock had served the township os councillor duriiigi the years 192930313233 He was good councillor He served his township to the best of his ability He was respected by all who knew him Phone LONTYON The High Cost of Inexperience 10 if it il ygri lu llri rt 10 um uff fur Elton velar AW null villi111 ptflvlitt llr your itllm iiits tofpf ratio rion 1111 liilflti Ill llllt Itllilltllni idinii tjalmn if go it talc cxpcnw 33i still II and lot THE NG TRUSTS CORPORATION Hood Oite Toronto Barrie Office 13 Dunlop Street 13 your In Bonnets STERLI Elsiiii ion on toasiigir Llt ONTARIO DecoratingitContradhg Co ROOFING SPECIALTY Cement Foundations Building of allDe scription Decorating INTERIOR or EXTERIOR Panelling lime Finishing Block Laying SPECIALTY FOR FREE ESlIMATES Phone 4721 Barrie ROBINSON Struiiil llnliiriu LIQLTID ERTILIZEB wrrmmmnwwmw For many years NACHURS Liquid Fertilizer has been acclaimed by specialized crop growers and general farmersboth in Canada and the United States liquid form it offers all farmers many special advantages EASY TO UsE NACHURS can be applied at time of direct seeding when transplanting for piefertilizing grain CHURS is liquid itisupplies Authorized le15 11R neg 79 Being in used on plant beds yfor side dressing Because NA he nutrients direct to the seedlings When they are most neededin the early stages of growth provtdes aneven distribution of foodThe methodbf liquid fertilization is onethat can be used with count ease by grower or gardener cnor rrirv NALCiiuns LIQUID FERTILIZER NACHURS has been used successfully from coast to coast on viuieeaf and root vegetablecrops and trans plants fruit trees berry bushes tobacco tomatOes oats corn wheat alfalfa as well as by florists greenhouSes golf courses parks Its record of suc cessful use by great variety of growers is import ant to you Test NACHURSVLiquid Fertilizeron your own crops Lwhatever you grow testcosts very little and if it will increase your yields it is too good to pass up WHATEVER YOU PROVE To Younsnnr yr See your NACHURS dealer for complete details on how NACHURS may be of advantage to you for everything you grow Try it NOW you be the judge rooD co gonadal LTD IVANT DA NACHURSf

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