Flyers Clin Firs Place With 62 Win UHA Clover all kinds 1131 Insurance YITLONE SEEDICRS rOR GARDEN ==== Garden and by thc Oimcc or packet LAWN GRASS SEED Lawn and flarrlcn liitili1rs such Mlliiliaiiiti Viztliio Shccp Maiuirc lionimial and Eilicka lowcr Cultivators Orchard lowcr Spraycrs BrownC0Ltd Seedsmcn Since 1871 117 lluniop St Barrie PHONE 2435 powerpsafety and IHURSDAY APRIL 21a 113 II OveriBiltmore on1ll1p1c1z 111 15111 ilttl 1121 7111111 ll crust wtiri 111 lion va 111Dikcs1111111l111111 ii1 Mortiay 11=ii llaiza firm iidiy Iaoilltal wczat tin 11I111iilti 11111311 ltiltmoyo 015 hcloli c2 illtlfl 1112 11 1111l1t 2111 11111 Elli myMHA Omwmwmm is KW WWicEQle 11 IN ilm min Ill to 112111 Hill Illl IAIIM 111 Ns 11111111111 Hit llislm 11111 it 11m 11111c tuiit lit5mi Alliiilli 111i1i in 111 1ltl111h 11111 in 11s1iv1s tiuvlpli 1l11111i ilitlt licst piincli lii Iln third 11111111 wlicii tlicy Win11111 Whirlxlt llai lliiyciu 1lltll 111211 p11 llllllll iiu llHlN 1111111 11111111111111111111 ll11ill 11 play 1111 1lt dciaicd 111 oiviaiinuiz comfoltablc win 111115 11111111 liiiy inaiiaazcti but s111111c i1=1l in thc firstpci 111d finy Iltlllfl tlic sicoiiil with an 111111 coiiiitcr but had to wait 111 is good gcrop OR ILANlliRS AND LAWN Flower Seeds tau1 lictoic obtaining good looituu 1H load llaniiy Il1cloiiali smooth llll wlicii it counts most was thc 11111 pm 111 thc goal column With two but his vholc iiiic was rcai coma conccrii Danny 111 ianil and Hill Scxtoii pickcd up tlircc iiid two points rcspcctivcly iolaiid iiotclicd mic and assistcd 1111 two othcis whilc Scxtoli card cd oiic and mic Don Emms cmitiiiucd his bril iiaiit splurgc with uiothcr goal and liclpcr oIi llcs Kcllys cf Ioit Dctciiccman Wib McArthiir pitfurl up two assists iuclph markch 1111111 off the sticks of Don Murphy and Chuck llondcrson lhc ruizucd affair was fcaturcd by twwround tistic bout bctw1cii lDottcr of liiclph and Barrics Kcu tToiliiis Midway through thc third lpcriml llottcr and Bill Hagan Sii111111i Plant Food iaitlcn Sccd Drills thcl lltll iiltiviittus a====== ii hi tradcd puncth but llicii Hottci ccivcd majors Shortly aftcr icleasc from tho lpcnalty box liottcr tookoffciiqc to stickshaving by Collins and lthc action rcsinncd This timc Bottcr took down another major genuine IERGUSUN lRACltl can be YOURS at BUY BRITISH SELL BRITAIN Model IEA20 que in England Heres you want 81 pricgergyoufvic rm hoped for The worldfamous FERGUSON With its revolutionary features gives you EXTRA QUALITYylinprOcision partsEdvanced design extraStrength metals its tractor built fora lifetime of hard service it EXTRA PERFORMANCEr in faster 9m convenience exibility for light and heavy work dependability 9n may 10 RExrRA IiicONoMY in Low inurhese price gas consumption low maintenance and repair costs and longer lifel COme in today ASKFOR DEMONsrRAIIONI ctivrsiiioiii 2115 CUNDLES See the new 1950 FergusoniTractOr Oh display atGraves Bros Open House on Wednesday April 26 up 51mm 11 1111 last ininiitc of may iii the switched to Coliis Alithrcc l1 Lolliiis didnt gct time to swing and rcccivcd two minors whilc COPyriglit 1950 Ily Hurry Fergulpiilnc Pro Volleyball Champs 4950 is Starlicil against Ilic ll1S train with only lll clialkctl against it IliiriIIL lhc tllllrt scasoiis play Provost garc llicir follow IHE BARRIE EXAMINER 5M2 UNIAKIU CANADA School lcam Major Ioc Laiisoii crs chills by losing tlir first ii licats of tlic IIIst PHELPSTON has ictiii 111 1i llllllll ric Satniday iiiorniiiai By KEN ROBINSON Barrie Recreation Counsellor spcakcr at Mondays prcccdiiig program Ihiirsday 83 p171 ER BRINGS RESULTS 114 gt cc 11 NAMES erect Welded Strongest Yet Bendix RES Balloon Hm Medlnamel Bicycle Accessories REPAIRS To All Makesof Bicycles FARRELLS Sporting Goods EVERYTHING FOR THE SPORTSMAN Phone 2653 pil If 311s 11111 who 111 llll Willi llli 1i1111htci llis Kcilta 111 loionto low 1111111 llli 1tt1 lltlrll lll ayanaiigtlivlonir v1ililiiis iii liai School icopcliitl Monday 11111 thc holidays with lllt icuulai it Itiidaiicc which iiiiiinics that thai mumps and cliickcii po liavc cciis Following thc rccrcalioti com iiiittcc program KBB vill prc scnt ruording of spccch by Jack Danc of liOrcst Hill who was Kiwanis lllyfflllltl This addrcss concerns rccrcatiim and will tic in with thc ADVERTISING IN THE EXAMINi ilSPORT Ry GEORGE STOREY SATURDAY NIGHT llzll lill 51111 111 1311111 llti 111111 sccoiul coiitcst of thc llA liinioi ll bctin 111111 llllllllztlllrldil s1iic with liiclpli lliltmorcs and tlurc should 111 sonic 1111 tiylritt illtlllli 15 111111 11111i1sl1oii ovtr tlicii opponciils lll tlic 121 If cioup had thc iabhi ltllllttl in HM rccciit ioiindIobiii With 1111 llvtt and ariail li11poil Iluwcvcr oacii Swat Mason is confidciu his lilll can 11111111 form that has piaccd thcm lll tlic finals 1111111 hold two playoff lll orics and onc cxhibiiion tiiuiiiph ovcr 1111 lloyal 11 ltW 1111 1111111 flit Ilycr camp now Ihcy 111st tiic scrviccs of 11csic itllvziiiicr laul iinims at Noblctou liicsday 111 thc uamc with 1iwii Paul was itlilitr atcly crosschcclud into thc boards and Niays showrd scpaiation of liartiprcsscd to do so Anti llic picturc 1llill1l but rosy ill Rollins pl Morlis Iron llou lp coiuc lIclurt Il Mac iioii1l1l Sgt lniiin lli illl 1111l 111111 11111111 i11r 11 if il liislilzitz iluliiix TInlOIhY 1111s1111111 11111i1 1111 $1111 11 Pasture Grass 11 1111 14311111 lily tliw 11 ready made 01 IO 11 111 zllll mm uiiIiiiii iii picnimr 1111 11y 13 11111 11yi11111 1111 mun11111 11 Your OWn Spelelc 1111 11 111 i11iiiliiits 11 tipidlimc INIIIIS normIs schclinii as HIPLtdlll of tlic 1hr Nrlrmost tool thc lliiril igamc by lily i111 111 11df1hicl din ycurs rotust Jiisl l1r to IIIIdIlIiII LtJlll iliiriii scorc rlll IBAIII in ton in thc fourth innit to Ill CIIIOHS ll 3il WW tllttlul1 humkril off 111 RIS of to thc srrics tlicii Ifltr rlit llir liarilist lllltl minj 11 111111 bihc 11ililtiui 24in placc in liic llllll tlicii iii llic finals garb mm hum um mp in VIII Clover fillfofillfi211l115 1ii Wle 11 SW Pumas I1 lsiasiui Illlllnl 11y tllllrllll lulllllll two lured HIT IbuprourixL Hm llhun Inoculant 14 In Fain ill ll to Lin Illlll straight lIltl Illt voll1 lt hiick llrcalt laiui iitlioii Scotti 13g gt 1s ll lull IIJIIIDIOIIIIID 5821 icorgc Slicplirid tlltltllt Wt II lioll 111 Lti CAutiuv Int runes tr Slamming 70min Sap61g ammonia This tin 1gt111i lo ipnihan 111 llll lHHlll 11i1iill1i 11 11 lion la 111Iiti1111l Iii fai lliiiivi lt11 111 i11ntl1y 211 111 11111 1111 as this comm v1l1111 31m illfl cx11i11iioi 1i i11 Ifilllltlflifl liniuciiiaici Hlll121 illt 1111 left shouldcr Also rightwinucr K111 oliiiis Sillitllll lllltlUml twp yummy my stitch cut on tiic sidc of his foot and is doubtful siaitcr 1111 tcv may mmm up my WW1 mp iltamcs at icast Word froui the lllttll camp has llltllthilll that our or lu tlic llcti Ioss 1tc1 sand in two promising youths from 1111 iniriuct ranks may bc callml for action tunpar 1111131 This 111i111111c1 HARVEY BONES IIAIIEL has found Ducko McDonalds Sundridgc Hcavcrs his country cousins as far as scoring points go Performing for Georgetown Raiilcrs who sccm lcstincd to oust Sundriilgc from OIIA Intcrmciliatc Ii siiprcmacy now holding tlircc straight wins in their thslleSOYIII filial hxippcl wllias final seven goalsamd assisted on four others lllkllllll strctcli Ill the first game licrullled the nets for four and two assists Tlic sccond was 21 effort and Tuesday night at lcorgctown lic picked up point in each department The tcams play the fourth contest tonight in Braccbridgc and Suniliiilgc are faced with lib task of winning four in row or fallingfrom 1111 championship shelf Not too long ago Bucko told ushis Bcavcrs wcic goint to hold the title for thrcc straight ycars IT HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED officially that Molillial anadicus havc purchascd Paul Megch Contract trom Buffalo llisons for S15 and playcrs yct unnamed The 111th also pavc cash and piayc Eddic Shore and his Springfield Indians for thc iiLhts to Vcrii Kaiscr Still further on the talcnt scatch aiiiitlicns lhitltillllnigh Burma PW mm Uh Frank King from Minneapolis Millcrs of thc USIIL Kiiiu pcrtornicd dirwtmn MW Mums Numb for Memorial Cup finalists Brandon Wheat Kings in 101819 iILOUFFE and his Chathznn Maroons arc hitting thc titlc trails 1lsolqlm in 1hj1Eqmm up rut1 Thcy coppcd the International Leaguc by downing Sarnia Sailors 111 lfulvthoy mung 141mm thc scvcnth and final championship game They now hayc chminatcdi Toledo in the first round Of the Uiiitcd Statcs Sciiior championship and tricct Spokane Myers in thc finals HARRY PSUTKA who gave up hockey in thc Maplc 111111 chain for pro baseball in the Detroit Tiger organization will catch for Durham of thc Picdmonchaguc tClasS At this Scason having bccn optioucd out last week by Toledo Detroits Class AAA farm in sociation Psutka advanced rapidly from Kitchener Michacls Majors Memorial Cup champions of 1948 and thcn turncd pro with still ycar Of junior age He was on dcfcncc with Pittsburgh llor iicts one season in the AHI Star schior catcher in thc liitcrCounty Lca iguelsutka was scoutch by several big lcaguc tcams llc got lcavc Of absence from the TorontoiLcafs to try his hand at baseball the idea bClllg as we understand it that if he doesnt niakc thc big tlnic and isoon he comes back to hockey ONE OF THE BEST we have heard yet wasgLeportcd in this weeks St Louis Sporting News Larry Yogi Berra native of St Louis and keen hockey follower often puts on Skates dur ing the winter and whirls arbund the ice at the St Louis Arena where his favorite Flyers perform One day Ilersliey Bears came to St Louis for an AHL match and Berra was out with tlic Flyers as the visiting team locked On The IIcrsliey team was introduced all around to Berra and finally Zellio Ioppnzzini older brother of Barries Iiry remarked And wliat do you do in the summer Yogi In case any of you dont know Berra is the star catcher of the New York Yankees probably the hard est hitting catcher in liig league baseball today BRITT NORTH BAY NUGGEI JESSUP speculates as how Wilfred 000 to itllwinger AB Upon 1111ckcyI thc Amcrican Asl Junior Bccs to Sti Wc would advisc all liockcy ciithiisiasts to bc on hand at lllf Dari 1c May and will 1111 tippioxunatc rcna Saturday at p111 for this roiisinst playoff sciics liy two 1ci at thc 1111 incl llltl tiicic iiil llt coiiciIxtratctl pcriod oi 11 icast 11 hours ttllltl ll1llll or coiiscctitiyc llllillli 1ss11111s with our of tho tilittltigt lliom Toronto taking charco If you lllltl yau 1111 1111111111 111111 lcnd Illt ll1llt incdallioii coiirbc llJtll yonlii iikc to try for your iwalcr satcty insliiictois status bc on hand not latcr that April Jti JYULI lll bu allmictl ltl talic lllL llcd Cross coursc tiioii try 111 tlii r1 bronzc incdliiiion to 111ciyc 111l1 lipiahiicalion lliiasc rcmcmbcr you must haw yoiir lironzc intdailion 111 tfllll11l cut to obtain full watcr safcty 111 structor qualification riin on Monday and chiicstiay assistant lircctor 11f rccication 1111 it 11 IE1 lails ziiiil ScHiIc 1111 kin lllflfiIlH illi lN IIUHS In xii 11 BRENNAN Auto Electric in 11 lrlz 1iil PHONE 2464 11 1111 111 13 Ravficld Strcct 111111u11111 lhcsc coiiiscs arc prcscntly bcinu Westinghouse Red and Cream Rm cum Plated KaiIr swim $4995 $6150 114 Dunlop St Barrie Buckol McDonald MP for Parry Sound Muskoka may be coaching lNorth Buy Black Hawks come next September And also that Whit MousseaiiBai1ieFlyer for two winters may be Centre icccandidate for the Hawks in the Eastern Canada Senior League Whit played for Amherst Ramblers in the Maritimcs League this year JESSUP has been polling North Bay hockey fans as to the best goalie in Gateway City history and it has been about even between Phil Hughes this ycags custodian who hails from Fort William and Aldige Bar Bas enwmvPittsburghEometeeaehn thoivoSRJPEE ppenstamudnzcnvycars ago But along came letters to point out the forgotten star of 1926 Alex ander 8113 Clark Who rnetminded when the Trappers went to thc Ontario junioi finals only to be beaten by one goal by great King stori club Clark should at least have equalfrecognition With llughes and Bastien his Supporters claim Helis present an insurance agent in North Bay andcoached an NIOHA liinibil ntiy this season It was recalled that Bus Clark holds the record ofhaving made 51 stops in one period and if We have it right that wasin the old Mammoth Rink in Barrie Clark was perfdrming in the Barrie net against GrhvcnhurSt Indians the year before he went toNorth Bay soso GUARANTEED touchy USED CARS 11 On Display MORRISON co LTD 3133Bradiord St Phone 5566 Barrie WW rt cwWt ii1ioi 111111 xiii W1CD1 HUMMlNG g1 TOP because the NIAGNETO 21 REPAIRED Ty and ready 01t1gt11 DANGERFlELD MOTORS SPECIALS lliilll HODEL IORD ONVERIIBIII GOOD TIRES TOI IIINS VERY WELL 11138 IllIVROlJCl SEDAN IIII THIS ONE AND SAVE 1911 TllliVROLEl COACH 11111111 sco1i1ss CON DITION IHROLGIIOUI isui ITIIEVINHET SEDAN 1910 DODGE SEDAN isuo PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE 1938 CHEVROLET PASS COUPE 1938 FORD SEDAN 111215 FORD SEDAN OTHERS TO CHOOSE lRll LocAIIONS 65 Collier 51 Bradford St at John DIAL 2487 DIAL 4981 Watcwnsn in TllE EXAMINERFOR RRINTINOWNEEDS ALLlAurOMAricALLr Put em in set the dials add detergent thats all you do to wash Clothes in the new West inghouseLaundromaI Its completely automatic 1115 itself washes rinses itself There nodiing to fill no watching no rinsmg no cleaning uplAnd best ofall its economical touse Exclusxve new Water Saver saves you from to gallons de he Iypeaod Size of wash See pending of course on ttomorrowl HOme Appliance 24 Elizabeth St BARREL WASMA Wm moiAMA mWW hop Phone 5577