Twice Weekly rlRIDASCDDCLASSIMLB 3i AU NO OilAA 1351h Battery Present $300 To Barrie and $120 the cost of civic ofces alld equip Hm 11 lll1m 1le Surplus from prior years 200004 works buildings roads 11111111111111 mcnt sewers and disposal plant From the above it is liotable that recreation parks and market facil itieszllt is anticipated during the current year to revaluc the above by direct taxation The Xptlltll to 111111 the value in line with turcs estimated this year at $031 prescntlay replacement costs alld 915167 as compared to last years 21C thereby make more favorable ltlill of $55439334 gears budget of $27865 which will anced Allandale MONDAY and THURSDAY 87111 Yeor AAAAA No lllltStWNlIl 11 THE 135T BATTERY 45111 AntiTank Regiment RCA Grey and Simcoe Foresters raised $300 for the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital Fund during the past winter In the above photo on behalf of the Battery Bombardier Kinsella is presenting the cheuueifor that amount 111 Warren Wilgzir former captain in the Battery chairman of Barrie tanvassers in the ampaign Not all per sonnel were present when the photo was taken in Barrie 1E POST 01rch DEPARIIKNY Four Sections 28 pages 5c per copy District Memorial Hospital Fund FRONT ROW left to right Capt Galbraith 138M llal 11 11 11 ry Siiietllurst 3111 Ball Sgt Barron jnr Berry Gnr Wil liams 0111 McDonald 0111 McBride Sgt Moran 0111 Car Clark BACK ROW Gnr llickline Gnr Gillies 5111 Steele 3111 51 which 1s made up of roman 16110000 Sundry services etc 2370100 liltltli of this years revenue is estimated from sources other than presentation when marketing de Asmnmiciml finances are btllllll05 coming more interlocked with pro The unfinaneed portion of the vincial legislation whereby provin Pyoglcsgivr muchre pmty in above amounts to $17407471 made cial grants and subsidies are re up as follows ceiab1e by 11iunicipalitics cffcc Renovations to Munici tive January 1950 the manual pal Building 01530920f instruction for municipal ac lnstallation of Sanitary icounting as adopted by all pro Sewers 1under Local Vinces within the Dominion of Improvement Act l0430870 Canada was adopted by the Town Industrial sites 580000 of Barrie Although this makes During the present year this in comparison of expenditures very anticipated to have complete costs in the following manner of each department segregated so Renovations to Munici ntlcing is scheduled for retirement difficult with previous years it is 21111 Auspices Ladies St pal building 64559921 that no expenditures will be miss 83 debentures for lUyear or subsidy is payable anddhereby period $5000000 assuring local taxpayers that ad By tax lcv 1455992 vantage is being taken of allcpr Installation of Sanitary rclit legislation in effect for pay Sewers $104308791 ment of grants and subsidies which i111 turn eases direct taxation upon By debentures for 15year per the local 11me iod under the Local Improvement Act whereby abutting properties on each side of the street pay one Tlred Cal PrObablY third of the cost and the town the remaining onetyhird VlSlled Baffle Industrial Sites 580600 on way BaCk Home By debcntures for 10year period Gravenhurst Banner1 Mrs Laverne Churchill and Mrs Fred Quinn of Dwight motored to Toronto last Tuesday Mrs Church iill took her cat along in box IWhile staying with someirfiijiends Also included in this years pro gram is sundry adjustments to re tire unamortized discounts and premiums upon debentures issued in former years thenetrcsult of which is credit to the current because they had canary and utsed to lpartiallfy retire the re rllldggv lifwlltgleg spechlvc de Cntuvres and at midnight she fed it Oii the above piogmm hasWednesday morning the cat was been completed all capital assets gone and she gave it up as lost of the municipality attained to date Returning home on Saturda Wlll have been completely fin She found that the cat was dy here It had come to the Current Section lea door of Glen Crydermans store The bUdget adopted 115 year after being all around Mrs Chutrch in the Mount Pleasant district ited Church Doors open 11111 211111 Rummage Sale April 22 ollhw St United Church Recreation Roum mm Auxme WA lltmpiof 11p to $333501 to build 1111 11111 Mr Biehan said he feels tli 11111 roonlcd school at Mount Slaveu board of trade in lri11c1 Albert1111115111115 111 be operated on more 111111111111iss MIRANBY xQUlIJ llAlIIR11A11 274111111 Dance at Baxter Friday April 21 to the music of Ilaxtons oi chestra Duncingoom 930 to 130 81fbtIJ The South Simcoc Softball League meeting Tuesday April 23 11 pm at Bond llead Community Hall 301 Grcnfcl School Monday April 24 830 pm in aid of the Barrie Ilosl pilal Fund 305 ChilliWilli Splash party at IGill ford llall on April 38 Euchre andl dance Admission lc for every inch of waistline 3032bT witnmmage sale Odd Fellows Temple Collier 81 Saturday May Marys Church 3034bTi Dancc Guthrie Community Hall Friday April 21 Music by Tom ion 50c Lunch counter 30111 Angus School April 21 11111 Entertainment of moving pictures and local talent by Angus Horticul tural SOciety No charge 301 Dancing every Friday night Bee ton Community Memorial Recrea tion Hall to Norm Beurling and his Kings Mbn p111 to 21111 lStbe Ye Olde lyme and modern dance every Friday night Orange Hall Allandale Scottish Ramblers Ad mission 50e Lunch counter 191fb Churchill Federation Wednes day April 26 Community Hall Hear Kenneth Wells author of Owl Pen Ladies especially in vited 30p 77 Euchre at Belle Ewart Public School April 21 rdcec orBaT rie and District Memorial Hospital Auspices Belle Ewart WI Admiss ion 35ci 30b Rummage sale in the lecture ed upon which provincial grant Pattcndens Mountaineers Admissv room of St Andrews Presbyterian Church corner of Owen andWors ley Sts Saturday April 29 Doors open at am 2832b Bingo Legion Hall Monday April 24 315 p111 sharp Auspices Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian mettle mOuhl 0ft$53t13167 $an 11115 home and it was very hun Legion Fifteen games 25c Ever le W3 15 9510139 as gry bedraggled looking cat Mrs bOdy W8190m 30b lows IChurchill says that now she cant Euchre and dance in Stroud DilCCt taxation $50535188 move withottt it being right at Community Hall Friday April 21 Local improvemt rates 771858 her feet Conductor ngry Eell Retirestirom CN IL sponsored byStroud Hockey Club Mulhollands Orchestra Lunch counter Admission 50c 29301 Stroud Womens InstittitcWApril 28 euchren crokinole oclock dance 10 pm Pattendens Moun taineers Aid of Barrie Hospital Admission 50c Lunch free 30311 the matter could not be dealt with 1Huronia Choir of Midland will present concert in Elmvale Pres byterian Church on Tuesday even ing April 25 pmsponsored by Presbyterian Church Choir Ad mission 50c students 25c 30p The AveningAForum will present The Improper Henry Proper comedy in acts on April 128 in sunnidale Corners Township Hall Sponsored by the Jolly Seventeen ClubrAdmiyssion 25c and 50c 30p ICase fOi Curlers VS Arena Featured In This Edition Featured in this weeks issue of The Barrie Examiner is the case presented by the Barrie Curling Club as to the move ment of the bonspiel to Orillla FRIENDS AND relatives from Barrie and out of toWn visited Harry and the reply by the Arena Fell over the Easter weekend on the occasion of his retirement from the Commission CNR after 45 years of serviceHeals shown above with his daughter Ilene of Maple He and Mrs Fell fqrmelly Fanny Walker if Orillia 583 tforzhlis 33 Wagiffy liveut 53 Tiffin Street Mr Fell started With the Grand Trunk at Lind Armstrong president of the say in 1905 and cameliereus brakeman in 1906111 was yard ftfre Guiling Cfub and Alderman man for 35 years and srvedalso as conductor His father was rall neg Ayres member or the road man as is his son Herbert classed Conductor working out of Arena Commission have pre seated their views lproved by 1111 of an expenditure 1llsh minim tlllllllllllllt xDavid ll Church and llillcrcst itllis purpose The approval for men ul 1111 ltt station at rd 1000 in 11111 leauni 0011 to go to the objectiu oi lUUtUU lander IAHIHIU Il commanding filter of the frat lln ellnpaign is proceeding with olunleer workers still in 1tt111l11111 111in at headquart ers to recent loiutiolls and pnnlent of pledges Allt llllllllll ltllt ltiltllll lt UPIIRA IN lllls DISTRICT 11 Tintpurl 1111111 will 1111l1j 1ll1 111 applica 111 11 1111 Alrv 111111111 for ruthers WO II 11 Black Capt George Lake Major 11 Wm My lleln 11112111 1111111111111 111 t1tl 111 llulfillll 111 1ll1llt 11111 11111111 fr MOUTH 1m MCAHISNL 11x11 IV111 11111111111 11111 ll 1111 11p1111 anion1 other LUW Unr MUGOWiUl Sgt 1111111 111 Ontario lneludlnu liar 9111111111 l1111 111211111 11 11 11111111111l Armoury several weeks ago but it gives fair representation llughson Sgt Courtney Sgt Jones Gnr Poirier Sgt Mc 1111x1y11111 Bay s111111111 of the Battery SMITII STUDIO kenzie Bdr McDonald 11ff llfh 111 he 111111 Calling Tenders iUrges Development pox OI 11 la New Schools 1Northern Districts 111 Town Of Onllla Plural 1111111111 SASK 11 Bingo 11111111111 111121sday at May agonmn 71mm OWN 101 ml 11111 Ref Ilall liullle 1111111 110 vamp Dr unis111113111111 1111 hwdnwnpm 1110 Su Trinity l11ni11r 1111111 llununziul1 11 llll1C 59110111 1115 k11e111w111 11 111111 11111 by iSale Saturday April 31 2111115111 rlllla lll be called for next week tn11 punHm 1er mm ew Dance in New Lowell llatl 191 1111 11611111113110111al111 MARI 01111 111111s mm day April 21 allsplcis LOL Admls 41 1W 1111 111 saul 111 an address here MH lollouip 11 1111 111 111111111 1111 lll svstt 111 Minn 3101 2illlgtilmmmm on Nmmny 1h board mm ml Wk Vllllllmll5 51W nwwm UHUmm1 mm debumuliclg 141313 Dance every Tuesday mght lh ldlllul 11 tent 11 1111 111 power and lack 111 popula 21 10451i1110r1111gc Ilall Allandale Music byhrmill 10 1111 101101911 illl 111111 are retarding factors Mm AWN lt m111111 n1w school units Once the Ib Municipal licenses perv 51mm nmlmlh 1l Hrtmvm odlb 111 11011111 IIlhh 111 11111 111111115 11111 11111 purchased by Capital Section mm mam 90000 Rummage stilt Allfll 33 lllllll In N1 lr1111 Albert to 1111 south end 111 as c11mli T1 1111s llospltal Alcl at 111mty larisliilultloli 111 bet 11 11ctlyu 111 10111 NH 1x 11 11111 11111 1s11 1111 hunts concessions and 1h 1110 3107 Hb1wm for tommw 0mm to 11 11 111 11 11111I111 ma AM 11 1m Md gm imiuihi tmnlg fhlw WU 1111111121156 5le 5111111111112 Alllllobta1n 111111 price for the 111111l I10lll1 with 1mm 1mm MS and 32 School room of Burton Ave 1111111901 At the Orillia 11111111eipal election 1111 centre of the province lopula 111 December 1111 ratepayers zlpvltion must be encouraged to estab Eand fourroomed additions to flicotiler plat11s could help attractjor capital and population IIIIER AUDI IUIIAU CIRCULATION 12 our11316 CANADA THURSDALAPRILZO 11 lt ddfhfczvfniila New 96 670000 High School TOTAL 18 $95000 Seems Likely To Go Ahead lvtler from Wing loln Explains Town 111 1111 l1 audition 11111131 1111 been 1151111ttl will 1w 81711000 While 11 had 1111111 llLtztsZtti at pt1i11111s nun111174 11111 an 111111111111 11 litittllllllutltilt 10011 person would be itsiraan 1111 11211121321111 Lulllttl from 1111 1111111111 Monday night Was that 1111 idea would be abandoned The 1lll llltlltuil 1111 1111 present auditoran would be altered to provide 11111 1511 l1l station illttl the ho 111111 projllI success and hoped FlnanCInq 1111 ulllntal contributions of the air forte turn would assist the campaigns good work for 1111 people 111 Barrie and dis 111 111111311111 rltv1111 11i classloonls 21111111 11111111111 11111111111111 to gt1Ll i100 prr111111 11 b1 11111ded in 111 111111 i1111111 111111 1111111 11 111111 111111 l111 1112111 11 11 11 lilvvt lll 1tll 1tIt 111 31111 111 1111111 11111 11111 1111111 1111212111 1111l11111 111113 5111100 1111111111 111 1111 1111111i111111 that 1111 11111111111111111111111 11111 ill l111111lv Utlll lu tlr11i viii 1112i 1111111111m1 1111Z11111 1111 1111111 11111 311 1111 thinegt211 111 111v11f 11111 no 11111illl131 MISthamo 311111111 15111111 111111ia117 pm 531 111111111l 11t1111111 211111 lillilxlzin 111111111 111111 1111 no 11 Win 11 1111 lllt 11111111111 l111 1111 111 $1111111111 11a 111111111111 1115 1111111111 11 11111 111111 11111 111111 1111 1111111 11111111w Willlltl 11111111 111111 11 1111111 Iii111 l11l liltil111l11l 111 pra 11gtIttl 11111 111 111 11111 Winl 111 111 111111 asked 1111111111S Ill Hiltml Mauls 51111 larl 5411111111 1111 11111 11l111111t 5dr 1111111y 1111 11111111 11111111 should i1111t11 51113 1211 portion 1a 91111111 151t 11 11 171111 iiiXt 111 Shiniilillil 111 offset 1111 111111 121111 1111111 deficit tllilthlll that 11111111s1111 1111 1111 could 11 1111110 Till 1111111111is1111 111111 said 111 11111131I1111 111111 111 111111 11 31 1111 11111111 1121 Ilill for the 111111 1111111111s 111111111 11f 11111111111111 1111 1111111111112 111 111 1111 11s 11111 111 111111 111111111111 11111 11111511111111 11111111 11 Ark11 about 111 1111111111111 1i11ls11111 ll11111 1111111111331 111111111 1h 111w 1111111111111 11 lion5115111 towns111ps would 11 1111pal111l lilsald 11 1111111 111 about $31111 The say yes 111 1111 as soon as 111111I111111i mean 11 1114 of $7300 mm were provided 111111 information11111 arta 111 about $11512 for 1111 1111111 111111 lhl 11111 11 as 1111 11111111 sites 1111111 1111 Churchill River illiwcre hum11 of prior 111 151111 There is considerable room 111 11n11n11v11111111 111 1111 anadlan weai toricanine service wine1 less stem schools If the tenders are within that figure the board will then make application through the town council for debenture issue for such an issue would have to come This board previously gave up 1111 1112000lT prov 11 of 111 1llibhhdiiillgdetailCd1 to obtain the plan and specifications from the architects rmdu W1 lhd iton and Napier are to be gnellai lnay tender on Ialll threelolr 011 zliiyshtctqn 710 one Of the bukmgh no Presenting the problem to eoun school at Mount Slaven will i11 for propom Barrs Cludc ll1m Classrooms 91 flikm M1cl1ren said several houses 1llltl depreclalc delgmlcn md PiaVimom Vhlle the have been located on 511111 111013 in the areaand would ruin bean Olhm 115 be foul100clty for the past 30 years For 1111 31y spot there Also it would bar additions to the Present bundleslt iformity it was desired that the route towards 111w11 used by ThomWill acumlly bC Sam propertylines bc evened up The plc in the upper section they They claimed all property owners in the area object to the saleJ to 12111 of 13 new classrooms through the only other anumimvc would be 10 three units as the present two move the houses IOUmCCl Mount SIIWCH 11001 There were no objections from Morley be 101d0n 19 one 111301710111 property owners and council decidichase the property AccidentTdkes Life Of Oro Resident room in use at the David ed the best way to adjust the prob Church school would not be USCG lem would be to iced the land to once the new addition was ready the residents 111 his motion to that The new Vunits if constructed effect Deputy Reeve Griffin would overcome the necessity of included the stipulation that that operating staggered classes as isproperty owners bear all transferv beingr done in some of the lower cnce csts grades at present After discussing proposed sale of Disagreement Between Curlmg Club And Arena Commissmn 07 Has RepercussronsdrrGouncd lrnotion at town council Mon the rink will compete with the day Py Deputy Reeve Griffin arena flint the Curling Club be given 11 As far as Im concerned he deed to property beside the drena said the lot was promised and touched off heated discussion on the deed prepared This Council the problem and brought accuse should be as good as its word tion fromtAld JH Paddison that Objecting to Ald Paddisons use council has gone back 011 its of the words this council Ald word to the Curling Club Harrison said last years council Stating that the property com could not commit this years He mittee is probing the matter with felt that the DlOPCIty 0011111111180 the Curling Club and the arena was set up to handle town property Major Edwin Wilson ruled that matters and the council must wait llTown Barrie Will Donate 54 Feet Nelson Street Property owners oil the west sldc piece property Nelson of Nelson Street between Codring Strccl which would result 111 closv tile strtet at Codrington 90 pmldmgs mu commcwr feet of the street but 78 feet of council took no definite action residents Mr Bouncy and Mr Iicrce pro fusted the sale on grounds that it value of property inp lnwo Blake Street peo recently applied Pages 108 Limp Borden brought the hm pital valltpalgtl 11111 to ib000 11111114 he fund had Jthdltv ant11111 111 liarrlc ll Monday 1111111 it began to v1 icai that the Barrie District Codigluti lustitlze Board 1=o1111 1tli have an 11121111 1111111 1111 remaining 111111 inulnclpalitles rruarliev plan 1111 1111 new addition lwo 111111110111ilt1 13 0111 and lissa 2111 llllti11lj SiLlJilttl support for their gtlltl1 l11 11 11 11111 11111 11 IL 1111 11 gt1 11 1111111 on 1111li71111l t1511t111 1111 211111 1111111 112 111 111111 11 11 111 111li 11l1 11 11114 1121 111111 1111 111 11 1w 111 1111111 111 111 11111111 11 1111111 111111 1111111119 11 111 spill 111111 11 111 l1r 11 111111 11111 1111 11 11l11 11 111 HuiLilt 1111511 l111 itil111 2111 111111111 111 j1 211111 111i 11 ll 1l11 l111511 111 11 11 11111 11 would 1111 111 1111 1111s 11111111 11 1111 capita 111v 11111111111 111 111111111 N1111111I11m pm pm in il 11111111111111ss1111111111111111 il 111121113131 111111 1111rt111111111111111I11 111go 13 11 11111111 111111111111 11111111111 111111 f1111 11 Emmi 11111 11171 111 114111 1111111 i111l1 311 11111131211111411 111111111 1l111111111 Allili Vilullllallltif rtl 11i i1 illll 111 111ll 111 1111 11111 11 11111 li l111i11111111l XVI 11111111l1 for Ii111 1111l 11121 11 121 lit1111111 11 would llt11 11111111 1111 lu1lll 1111111 11 111 as 1li1111gt 111 llavi 111111 111111111 11 11 11111111 111 13111211111 111 all the 1111111111115 11111 liar1111111 112 5111 1111 121 1111 11w t11wl1 unzilanee 111111 11111 111t h1 11111111111 1i111r 111111 than I1111i 11111 11 11111111111111 1111 11lltl 1111111111171 1111 1011 111111111 111113 111 approval on 1113 11 1111 11 1111 11111 111111111111 111111111gt11l 1111111111w11 1111 1111 1111 would 1111121 1111111 This 111111p1r111 12111 from the 1111111111111111 lle 11111111111 111s share led particulally the ceiling grant 11f Lyn11 Downy You on 13111111110 per classroom that had piv 11llor 1111111111 lr Duffln as raynn 1111l been 111111111111111 and 1111 there 111111111 11111 in ilt 1111l 111111 zllzdltorluni for any 11111111111111111 and 111111111 Illeve fhffori Lockhart 11f lnnisgpresent9111111111111 Wm 1111 said he aereed with Reeve 1111113151n11oi1 1111111 that the 1111111111131111111u 11 1pr to lr Doncncy 1411111111 11lrll back without Nllltll Ivliiillsull said further 111111111111 llfllllltf itlltrll 111111 1111 1111 lelfllltllllll liatl 11111 lk1111lltftl liv Illlltkvkll from Mr Rutherford of 1111 De lStlllllllitlt spoke of the new 1111p11111111 of Education ernment grants and said these 1111 warding 11K WHOM who CIV 111111115411 llk 11101113 lllillium hlillorric11saidit11111111seal in VICWUI 1110 11191101 111131115 1112 111cr $00 but it was not sultablc Sunnidalc would now be prepared 11p mpgmam mg imporlam Dimp malit 11 1110151011 ILRindlllri llltrlvotaI and instrumental 11111511 had proposed new high school lrinttipal Bowman explained111211111111111 should be prpvided 111 order the new high school grants fronlthat these classes would not inter the province were on the basis tffUvj1h 0mm Ctassose 17p 15 $116 er 111111 of 11llt attentl atice IDlUS fitl of iltllIsliliailtll MK 15 5min mum bi huh 1m clraniatlc and other needs costs which amount to approxim said1atcly $30000 year The province will pay 00 of the share of de benture retirement on the proposed new school in the school and sound prool When Mr Richardson asked 1f any consideration had been llltll to using gymnasium for an 1111111 toriuni the chairman said it would During the discussion on the Turn to page three pleasc1 the motion could not be put for its decision 01 else show lack council of faith Referring to the arena The discussion was continued in COmmiSSiOn Ald Harrison said committee of the whom and 11k they are only directors acting in 77 chairman Ald Mrs Marjorie Ham the mmrmr 0f 990110 Who own the arena and must act in the ilton also ruled that with no 10 port from the property committee best interests of the community In favor of waiting for the pro Hln putting his motion Deputyipelty Committees report Ald Rv Grr to gaggingigniaiiiaigay tggtmu rangements were made With the 1Curling Club in other years but Eggsgginyegigaxgi wiictliligda since then the Kiwanis Club and Cisjon wag mad He moved that the BCI board havesignifiedneed the club be given deed to erect ifproperties behind the arena for rink in line With recommenda sch091 playing areaCVAISO he said uons mad 1151 protected SUPPOFtlng the motion Im in favor of the Curling Paddison told council that in 1944 Club saidbm maintained that 45 when he was presrdent of the other requirementsomust be con club theunderstanding that the lot contention that the Curlmg Club at the arena was reservedfor the is being opposedecause bf fear rink He said motion was passed of competition to the arena Epmlvgg issumg 0f the deed to ReturningfeAld Paddison said cu that osition 011 council eomes 0n th Stlnglh Of that10 1111 from git years members while purchased girdelS FOOf Sheelmg those in favor of granting the deed and other materials and is now are new members ready to go ahead It all depends Moving that the mattcr be re on the deed think council has ferred back to the property com givenits word and should honor mince Mayor Wilson said the it Wele dealing With Citizens and was no reason for reflection on we should deal fairly opposition to the rink is fear that would be reached Christie said that certain ar spaca for arena facilities should be curling Chbv mum gave the sidered He denied Ald Paddison last years council He said per Later in committee of the haps their decision appeared un whole Ald Paddison said the ques wise but circumstances had tion of parking space being out changed Wed be very nearsight down by the rink was just ed if we didnt recognize new brought in to confuse the issue facts he said and told council he He said the real reason for the was sure satisfactory solution BROKEN LINE INDICATES the path driven by Earl Lyons inset salesman of Dal tnomtng drowned lntwo feet of water 11111111111 ston when it overturned in gully 0n the 3rd the wreck Concession Imusl sometime last Friday night or of car Saturday morning Lyom found Saturday photo hilltags Farr