PAGE EIGHT Oro Shore Deficit =3 limit Hospital If Others Likewise it irtvi ii ii Vesprcr Township To Enforce Restrictions lllitrd Lli IfIi ltAlilill inntfdlifi It ltlltltlfi ONTARIO CANADA llltll ti in Kill illl to 335 HIL Il itltill IIIIII Ioli tic HHI IItttI ill to lllill SHOPPING HOURS it lfiiuon $x1Ktz0 Goods SATlSFAClORY IND or your money refunded To Wear in the Easter Parade lilattd ltli Ilisl itlivtdl UNLY Lllzllifliii Ii liitili 11h Ilastn XVK Tillie iiltlliHlltIHifiltiifl iiiui mm mull ll awryl0 lellerYalue iiiiidddu liul lIlt Stiltll ii liiliza lIi it would ii itll niguzpin it ilituliii Illlxtl tlill hospmil luvs Iitivau are en tryt futmu ti llili potu than which ltj o=i min titilI ert Iilytitiit ti fj pi Al Alilttrli livl lil aw dition llth lu of in mm oiitur i= iiw2 It e1 Kit ins ti rloJ It ti itii lii We cannot it W4 ll young growth striictiwit on kitH Oral tiiiiot from the til ind llIIli ijr ivuw Vbii Ii Witii Hp TL pug Ii not lili of fill pr writ ittipnxg It lt Mr IlillIlttltt will In It culcnm eliimith Iwi iiiil imit in mix3 Lil in rim my lerirrl itlltti ii the township ls expectid in heictied leiti it 11 June th 551 to Hutu pied utitn eeitaiii Stating ll lilitlllltl to IIIlhI iI clcuiu ItHHM ur Tlflitllilltil 51 1ltii hit vigil hiliii QUIITITTAM on ild animal llii12ltllt the fish Ii dit and iIiiIlIt divrioi oi llii upcr will 00 WIN Shop at Keller loi the lllliillI ment of lands and toiiuis flIi MW iiiiiti it 110qu lll aiue in on llose featured til 1illul iii lriIll asking tomti in lIiloIi in Hpillii eoh Illll3tllII lo bountug pa tit My iHHhHW siori Maintain it appeared MW is to semi lllllltlilili that $0120 ii IIHI 11 II INiIiIU It was paid out fox Iliittllilts lll tho llgflllhl the ciosnn of their road season staitni Nov toll and IIilfi 10 lIiiib let the new ending leb lit30 and that eoun NIIimi inchwnl iilt itlltltit il is dump pimp 1mm lion conzpiised of IilltiSl Wright Sand Wilson Stewart Bell and Maurice IiilItIWlCit asked for an overhead similar to that one pro lgtoeti for the little lake road The township iilsobeing ask ed to issue five years debentures Ior new public school proposed =for ltindzile whose estimated Cost 312300 delegation of no township school trustees ltoss llarris and lercy Ford and the secretarytreasurcr Smith appeared at the meeting and dis tributed drawings of the new school whose planhas been ap proved by the department of edu cation deputation from the Barrie office of the llydio lilectricPower Commissibn consisting of Ferguson and an operational cii gineer made arrangements at the Monday meeting to go out with the road superintendent and the deputy recve to examine the hydro poles on the Sunnidale Road It iis being suggested that the poles which belong to the department of national defence for use at Camp IBorden and are merely maintain ied by the hydro be mOved back bylaw was introduced ano passed at the meeting establishing community centre to be known las Grenfel Community Centre The lCOllltt isto be under the control and management of Pdtcr Windatt president Everett Harris vice president Russell Harris secretary Garnct McMaster treasurer Rich ly is to be paid next MllStlll The clerk is also to illil let Choice Meats Pork Beef Veal Lamb Cooked Meats Poultry Fresh Fish lard Cloughley chairman of the property committee and Donald Bell and Roy Hickling coun Vcillors ofthe Township of Vespra Welfare accounts authorized at the meeting totalled $369160 HOS pital accounts and ambulance ser vice for indigent patients totalled $9433 Road voucher No was for the amount of $206822 County of Simcoe county rates were 31437820 less discountof $45221 making total of $1392599 meeting opened at l0 am wand adjburncdat seven pm GEO cons BUTCHER Phone 3214 17 Essa Road Deliveries all over Town Widespread belief in our professmn ilI coinpclcnccand business fairness causes families We have never served to call us with confidence Our wide choice if prices enables every failiin to arrange for funeral ofrvinemorablc beauty at cost in keeping with its plans HF Hausa FUNERAL HOME tow woman Monsoon PHONE 6555 YSlingsby fleececloth Fireman red natural cabbage Celzinese Satin lining Appealing Straws lastcls ONLY $100 Funpzera fan its lill whip stiltbin ll oi tllover with tlllilltilItt IEIIlltI llIllll palm White tlllit nuty black Dark Colors For your Easter llonnet choose demure little model like the style shown above so very smart in wheat pink navy red kelly green grey brown or black ORIENT NYLONS Ilt11Iilliltj at its llest lovely Nylons in popular hults ol IitfilllIlIVIISI lieuuli lucpe lleziut liltlgtll Sizes to 10 lllfiii l0 IllINTER Splendid at lluiltrughl price lair $135 13iliIC 30 DIINIICK It Vtul lwitli besti lushious the Spring $160 tiliziili 903$ $1795 Coats that will win applause in the Easter Parade and through Spring Fine quality fabric attractive detailing and splendid workmanship at Zellers Thrift Price All Woolf Polocloth fleece finish Sizes 12 to 20 Choose from grey red pepper beige parfait wine See these Smart styles and many others at Zellerst Season throughl lair Special Valiie 98c Beautifullypatterned Silk Squares to ac cent Easteron ensembles SCARFS 301531 5IUMM SILK so lowpric ed youll be selecting more than one Florals paislcys postcard and other colorful designs some with solidcolour borders ln wonderfully attractive COI orings TOPPERSI SHORTIES lOllEltS SIZES 14 10 20 29 Ins long Good quality $795 $1795 $i995 Sizes 12 to 18 red kelly green black copcn SliORTIE COATS Sizes 11 I0 17 Zellers Thrift Price and 12 to 18 Polo and twrll cloths $298 Smart Cottons are Starred for Style and Comfort SMART COTTONS ARE STARRED AT ZELLERS headquarters for the attractive budgetpriced Cot ton Frocks youll want to wear now later on Frilly Flouncc model shown above is trimmed with dainty eyelet embroidery and ribbon bow and hasa sash that ticsin front Lovely lilowcr patterns Flowers For Your EasterOutfit COLORFUL AND UAINTY VelvetCott0n flowers to wear with your Springgoing costume Choose from sprays of gar lenias IOlgCllelCllOISZ or wreaths and clusters of liliesof thewalley daisies and apple blossomsWhitc pink orchid LADIES Spring colours limc mauve At FQR GIRLS Sizes 12 to 14 All Wool Fabric PEnicoAi SUEDE TAFFETA With lacc from and ribbon bow Elasticized at waist White only Small mdfum large TIth Corvr to ink Miss Subchn off t0 the Easter Parade looking ismartasyou please See the style sliotvii and others madc to give lots of value plus style at budgetright price Cclanese lined Springright colors GoiHicif BRA$ Size5323 32w Choose from Gothics Youth Bra in teen junior and medium cups orneatfitting backlaced model in and cups White rayon satin HURRY IN FORTIIHS GRAND VALUEn featured fdr Thrifty Shoppers Daihty styles of Satinystriped Celanese in white tea rosc iceblue or novelty twotone Tricot in white combincdwith iccbluc teaiose or maize Small medium and large sizes Pyjamas CITSLASUEDE GIRLSBAGS Shop at Zellcrs for Lovely Lingerie at lhriftlriccs Plastic Glitchantfiristly Lovely 10 as 3211 Styles Muesli r2261 maizl Sjmall Phone medium large 2439 The Store for Spring Fashions ll00ytfItt0000000000I00O000l00 mzcssmsaxm lI tfltiiitgtilftlllII 00000000QQO20700OOOUlOlUOlfltlOt lU lgtt ooos Mmm it or