Arapularsreqt lHLRSUAY APRIL 111511 Avg 11151 in man mutuxxVVumm ONlnbVLiU 12111311911 HAYWARD BECOMES WAVERLEY FAMOUS EWJ ll ruin the imp Imrtlrn 1mm The Examiner Radio Column he 1111 11111 11 no 11 Irrd 31 111v umnsrzu WANT AD Hayward is spreading Sinrr VII 1V lltr lllllru til lU thrlt llth IV tarriett the story of Hayward IV 1121 15114 tltlil 113 will he lt 111111 11111111 1i Hyman H5 mmluom lHCH ll1 illiv tlllrtlllil Il lint llIltl hivnpuun lnu huh 8L ln 51 11 Vii 111111 11141 4111 111 gt1t lla Um lunmw Ilium it 11 11 111v 111 Ctih ylw and Huh NH 0n the Dial rjllllr and 11 Barric LI VVI It 11111 Jr nes not spr1l1 iuII l1 li N1 111111rv 11= re 111 11 lmnier l1tr 11rr111II the story 111 11 if 1111 111 All mum programs mud in wk Iuhtn MI 11 111 IIH 31 VIIVVVVNV VVV LN VMVII mVVWHI below VaVre beard Monday tinny llt 1111114 released ill whlslx 1h dull duh all It 111 it its littnt woil v1ll he Mrs John llot1 lmqulh autumn Cpl he Mn iim li ll Horn looks 4114111 1l111 11101 in 11 ttllJ i=1 11 11 Ml prom New 11 ludd lusts lhtis the story no goes anV IV 51 tlu Il zizvi 111 V51 111111 Hi V11 KMMV 115mg 700 Slums Svqmdp mm to all mtltler establishments llV VVVVVVVIVVV VVV VVV colorful llrlllIJlll ru lllllxll 1111111 1111 than 1111mm 1111xleiitis tuldltl ntenuum 111 111 71 mm mung yum IllHtmtwrs In tumour VVV em II AV WHHV Vim VI nth Hm HM 11 UNI HlVlH Milli ilu llltlltgtlllltil Mendelssoinfs Elt 731 SM glnglhnkn Iso gtllill Ulric publicity is allude 11th1 lytli It 4111 thts Sttlitla at It 1511 lhr 735 Rgm1v11her Report th I11rl Itroun Dental INN HM 1v 11 li 17 Ctlasstc llwui wlll be hand 750er11iuht eeast linic iho lixurctl in the milk methodswith ltr 111 11s11lts I111 I11 Vlalluttau 81111115 11 usual 1100 Bill llew1tts SportskRoundap in MM hm hm mung 805 MonWeuhri Bren fast F1111 mm 11 Md This lhulsdai Vennw v111 ti 15 Alwltltltli llt Ht llhHllh AL Tull ilrlmtli Allin cum my ITIH wgp 11111111111 11111 an 11 11411 VV VV VV VV Vm VVV some on 1111 iyuan lVlVl Vt VV 1IV1VrlV ll VVV lVI ll rlwll loionto lll mink the 11cca 84a Showde IlVlntw Vd mum mm mum hourly VAVIVViti V1 IHSIVIVR PIV Luuu lv JWHV mi 900 vans 11 lie or 1111 lit tlttth ttli VVII UV pm VI UV VI IVVVIVVV IVtVVNsVVV VVVVVVVVIVV1V1VV VV mm SVVVVVVVIVVVVV SVVVVVVVVVVVVU Iollowmh tlu rllllllll Ehzabeth St Phone VIV VV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVV EV IV II ttl wally utility that the W111 kshop Ht IVVIlVUVIEIVVIIgVdeit IMHVWR 111 15 KL IV1 VIVV VVL 1V 11111111 11111 11 1l1l 112 1111 IAllii iilhjmlkilx klllll Spline to the Babies VV 11 bo1111111111111111oom111 II NM HM VI 1ewscas 1111 1111 war VV IVIVIII WW llltltl 11gt Mil sNtllItitIlaltl tgtt 111113 Moi 11111 1111111111111 11111 11 11 111111 11 lt tintlive era he tK Diem 1001 1111rdav Mornn Special 11 3130 1H ll illlllisllllll has lttcltTlv lrtcuttn Iltt mun 10 llle hum 1VvI s13 11111 111t1 11 nlt VV IV VV IVVV 1l111l1ol I11el which is 11111111151111 mqu SMV 3101111 Alp1Rrti VVIVVV WIV IHVIVIVVV IVIVVVI VVVVI lVVI VV IV 11 1111111 11111 II K1L1 11 WM gt11 ll 10720 MunWetlFli Mystery Slim 11111 111 11ti11 117 11111111 to Vlll HIVIVV VVVV lngV VVV i111ctions 11111111111 with 11 oppoi her the 11 111 11 I1 11 iltl t1 lltlttl 1t11n1ty and let1111111111111 for Itoinng Itliltl 1111 11111 11 11115111 111 111111I 11I1 11 mine 111111 1111 hulkmy lmflwlFV il 1nal1ans all our the cottntty itellullllcl 11 H111 111 Apel 10 CW pm lH 1l Ill 11 5mm LINN is the hope and intention oh lhemd Sill lcu Pun11h l111 11 111 t15$l11111 t11l11tlllt1l llt ltrl1lt 1111 l1 11 ll wwkmnp and pmdumm Mb 1041 MonVVV11Ld I11 Morinng Mat 11111V11l 11 sum In mimVl 11V1111 lllvt ititltiv111tt1111 coatay Ltd 11111 1111111 L1 111 toll lllt 111011101 1110 111 liHl MINVW Uh lfdflfmfI 3nd ll00 MonWedlri hnreh 111 the 11l11 111I mi Il lf 111 NM 11 11II11 111 11 cloutI1 s1111t he 11 11 II ping rllmi ll tNlmml tilmii Wildwood Ihvtliiillii Itllrill 71111 11 1111111 l11111l11 111111 v1 11 12 Ill 41 IIll Wt will ll Im Wm II 10 News from Womens World l1 ilnelt 11111 1111 1111 Mr 115111 ll 111 in Movie lute 8mm VIII HVV IV unknown and 1111ppitc11Vtd Smde Story Book HI VV VVVVV 51111 1l1V Hemp 11111 11111 14111 WIS tttltlllltllr and w1ll 111111 l111 null lhlm Illp lmmmg ml II If MoirWedxlhL Penny for xiv Hi IV l1111l1 11111 and 1l 1111 2111 HVVV VIMVVVI Um 1mm most 111V1potlaVntVV actual VeNVprVrunty Your Thoughts Id 1111 li llzim laitk urn111 VI in ltttsell 1111 ottuuue 3111 the 111V Vlhis Vllnnsday 1111 one 1H3 1m15lt111r Urian litVern 12111 the 1111 1111111 11 811111 11 VVVVV VVVlVVVVVVVV1IVV1VVgt1VIEVJVVV ltaieaslns111111 11111111 111111 lM hlmh yl 1200 Luncheon Engagement till ll Hull 1211 IHIU mVI VHVV11lm1 The cl1111r 111 lShops Kill 111 llart1e and lII 12V amm Mmka wort l111 1V1pt1v111l1t11n 111 the mm 111111 1111 m1 IVV VVV VirV VV VVH 11 in Oshawa will jltlll the Workshop 1230 Midday News ltlttltlt Ill tHHHIHHtIl Wet1 ll unto 11111al Ito Illllil 1uh 1117 dt1 llIt dntttlon of Ir l1nv ml lurid 111111 11 lure 1111111 11 111 11 pl pligtrnl 11 mum on an ntar1o network to carry the 1245 ltegronal Weather Report VV VVV ll rlrll 1I my l11oadeast of the Vorltshops 20001 1250 Bulletin Board 1W gt Vl It IIW 11 ill Sympathy extended to fl RI lls 1l11esl11ne to put on very intcl 11111lv1 11 Ilax1 1l111 show The program will include ldlmt thlllfs gt r1 50 505 13h IN eslinr 11111111 Itltllllt presentattot Hth 111 ttcklunt pttttll luastei pl1v mime l1v llow ullt 11 WWW unmpm MITVIV Bun UNIV VV VV VV mm and talk ll1111 tlt senn than IHM Ml 1311111113 3111 Sunnldale Corners and l1t11n luck Sllttztl solo Mmmni 1h NH Hf SMV Farm mems 111111 I1Il to the people l1eau I111Vv Hm spunk VV 11 11 eesus nly wlll he l11111111ht th ml hmmLl kWh5 11 Surety unplug ttlul motm 111111 in pit1 was Ill I1 and 311 John 111111111 loidon Sinclair Canadas leading by Mrs Iean Sam oultry Breeding Farm Iaylor 11 11 111 uis ltoss lle1l lhe 11151111 Sat leentown Record Bar fm Hulall 1t 1lll 111111 radio critic and commentator John 200 Fwd Rummy 10mm lerryV the local r1 presentath 111 spam l1 celebrated then p11V Smilrillm Mu Ll Mimi CUWHlWi ID llilmllllc 8111 Music 13 llmnllr Vlh IltttlllltlT 31 dnlmldtilf1ll1 11ltltlt ttltllltllllI1 on l11 Mlnilllll 31 VI lt1 Vl 11y 1111 to mate lVl 11mn4 11591 Vney emu11 1t 1111 1i The tingling WM IVVV 111 and lhl Brown who 1s out 30 Mon Wtd 11 11lln1gwood Sum ML 11 lemm HS WV SVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VIVVVIIV VVHVVH V1 as Exc USIve or mmh mmmf 1m hwmw WW leildi l0 lilUmlhmK Nd Jackpot lVrolztan the Hall would have Ie1a packed 1113 mm imp41m Mr and Mm Lamont 0111111 VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VhVV VVVVVVVVVVVV IIIVVVVSVVVVV stars and an VerIorksliol VmeVinV 230 IuellV1urlloltdathn llllythlllxzus people had heen expected from cl1sltll have heen ee1111n 1h Wm lltVm Sillltlr 11 Mil 1t 11 the This 11 will l1 hm Mum Poul MIOH 230 Sat llillsdale Rev1cw sonn ol the other tltlllllt1 dis mum lrs lime CKBB and CKLD Will be reinvt 300 MortWetlFri The Inside mots but could not 2111 hvrv must 1111111111 111m 11111 Miss 1111 31 111 11111 111 1111 111111111111 11191 Story to the toads helm nearly iinnassdnjmne 300 l11elhur Spotlite on Star in hm 315 MonTue Safer Show lmnus mm lwvlnd by Ivmwi sented on the program The broad rm mm HUM leHh ll ll cast lll be aired from the lladlo day you may obtain spntlual ni Thwmc in Tmva spnat1on hy l1tcinn to these 5111 ntotoictl to Wilhanastill lannly ol 1Veni11 s1t1d on 51117 to spent the weekend llll day With l1 and Mrs llairy Max the trainers sister 1111 slUUvuu1u191 ttt11lt FARMERS Buy Your Feed the 315 Wetlslllurnlri Dialitrht Six 1mm 1mm Tmsz WWr itininadrinrl sumo to fines Efgycanudl Highlights hnreh W1 llll St lamesi Wlwmk 541m 33 ll 31 330 Mil1fternoon Newscast Orillia altcrnoon launch of the This Sunday is Easter and CKBB hear an actuality brotlcast fioiii301l 335 now Report Womens Auxiliary to hear Miss to 330 p111 direct from the interna 340 Mr111AVcdlvri BarB Ranch Milt Will 11 WA lm takes great pride in presenting tionallyfamous Jack Miner hirdl 340 Sat Club 1230 Vltllmlto tell of her trip nom coast VV VLVVVV PnonIiPnovm 131351241111 flittilttthilt Kmusvmc 0mm ravinesThur Barbara Wheeler tr1111113131271111 21 FEEDS repltcinU the Classic Hour usuv Th broaden Wm form part fl $00 rumidizso lmm 9t limts The next meetin 300 llnusoaylhe Dayles 73 allv heard at that time The Eli hll CBC Sluld 1r qqt pm 131 of thx weeklot the WA 111 he held 111 the 01 noon feature Saturday Magazine ifch onnnunitv 11111 1111 April 11 at id My Hummus Th igrlm 550 11111111111110 until 700 tlmkg MW MW rst 110 Paper Bags at full swing at this time of year and 600 Momwcwpri Marching along 111 l11n1 limitations have l1eet it is Cprcctedthat the portable 600 liuosglihms Km Kohmors sent to s11rrVoVund1nttV tltstVrttVtthVindVVitV Iwm 1310150 up 111 1mm wen or spam 111131t tiltt3t111 11 per ton less SUtlll it most anaca Newscast resentinthltI lntomparubloos 0f geese which will be resting undt go Bulletin Bhard VIVVIVIVIVV1V1V1yVVVVltVVl1lltd l1I11sVlnntnts 650 Regional Weather Report 700 Don Messer and his Islanders vs 715 Songs of Our Times Sat Close Harmony 725 Tues Love Letters and Love Songs mg llCllkl found two bank miles 730 M0 The passing Show VWllll the same serial number Theyi TuesVeplayhmlsp of Favorites were not counterfeit bank of wed Holland Today ficial said There is just an ocl lltri Wayne Kine Show lcasional slipup of this sort ll Sat Childrens Corner happens in the machine that num the sanctuary before north This Saturday produced by feeding at proceeding Magazine broadcast Richard Gluns of CBC Toronto will raise the curtain on National Wild Life Week which begins on VApril 10 the late of Jack Minersi sue From TEDS RADIO APPLIANCE 44 Essa Rood Allandale LONDON 1CP1A girl collecti 63laglmllttlttt11111 11111 You gave $300 Gilmores Poultry Breeding Farm 60 Penetang St BARBIE Phone 2735 birthday National Wild Life Week was established by not of Parlia ment in 1017 as memorial to the lUUlU boac famous Canadian naturalist who 745 Mon Album Timp be the 01051 died in 1944 and is commemorated 74 WedTht1rFri AlbumV Time VV 00lt20U000oomo by sportsmen throughout the Dom 745 Sat Hawaiian Harmonies into 800 News 805 M011 Freddy Martin Show IV twohour play bycLister Sin clair abotitthc ancient Greek phil osopher Socrates will be presented on CBC Wednesday night this week The drama will be pro duced from Toronto starting at Tues Radio Bingo Thur Heres Health 5105 1717 Buddy Clark Show Sat Salute to Camp Borden 815 Wed Wally Perkins 815 Fri Voice of St John no of lifes momcnls Thurs Local TalentParade new Monapch home Its the thrilling deeply satisfying pride of owning theflue car you zilways wanted Ad Itis pride that will last for years for the 950 Monarch isycars ahead in styling in ide and out in riding comfort in dependahil Your Monarch dealer will be happy to tell you about the features of this truly outstanding Monarch car And while youre there take the wheel s1mplcthe pride youll know when you Ride like King 111 T950 llrIuarrJ 830 Fri VSpinninVVJnn 845 Thurs Views on Recreation pm The performance 11 01 8130 Mon Double or Nothing ceded 730 by it halfihow Lfm 830 WCd Jayme Gum Forum It comes to Votl the day vou drive your cert by CBC OichestiVa in VanI 820 Thu Why Do You worry couver undcrthc directionjof Al bert Steinburg including suites for smal orchestra by the Finnish QVOOMOVWedVF1iV The swam com oscr Jan Sibelius After the Inn lneWs and CBC News Roundup Vat 000 Tues ThurWalt7 Time 11030 Montreal fonmtf 900 Sat 11111 Dagle CKBB Sat Gerna Gilmoui w1ll beJiedeL Night Cowboy tthe Distinguished Artists Series 915 sat Ed McCuldy 930 Mon Frank Creary Sings They say When theres mm 930 Ttte Radio DramaW01shOi r1 in Workers Ure7 Over 11va Tucson 7311111 11110 p111 Neirt Weeks Presentation mawrurauvluannIInuugzp wt nder slim chrome wheel trim ring and while IIdaWall llm optional olVchtra cost when available lmound the moon YOIUI ears Will 930 Sat Simcoe Ramblers 1lieai anything you choose With 945 Thur Musical Memories with QWAYNE KlNG AND Ills 0mm ERae invites Dbminion network list $3t gill OlllR OYbVDfanCing NANG EVANS gun mucus Eeriers each Thursday at 930 prn 009 am 915 II 1025 Thur Snowball Bridge l0f mgb mead the fig l30 National News Summary cup SPONSORED Moon M1s Wntten and p10 uce 1045 In the Chapel VV lows the iladlllon hli 70311191 1100 News headlines weather time IE lproductionsStariglit Moods Fla51103 Sign mi and Anthem gNameby presenting unusual com SUNDAY APRIL Ebinations of music and sound mi 5Organ Interlude The Startlme Show on April 91 915 All Aboard FVor Adventurc iwill give full treatment to the 930 Sunday Mormng berenade 1030 Newscast pm gram of 1ccular and ielig1ous sel 10V Quiet Comer ade medley of six wellknown 1200 Ivory Classics songs about clothes and an unusual 1230 Newscast 1245 Jobs for Workers for Jobs 100 Report from Town Hall 115 Studio Recital 200 Sunday Hymn Time 230 Hit Paradet 11 400 Newscast 405 Interlude of MUSIC 430 Guy LIombardo and orchestra 1500 TheAve Maria Hour llhcse words CBC announcer John Franklin McCormick ito share the musical interpretation 1015 Thur canada at work 27111111111111 MattOItMACK by Byng WVVVVVVVkeVVV M0 Mist by 1040 Charlie Kunz at the Piano vored Witn Flute and My Ladys Sevokc particular mood 30 News ispirit of Easter with varied pro 1000 Family Favorites IV tcctionsineluding an Easter par1100 Church Service 1240 Program Resume 1250 Music without words 130 This is My Story 300 Mendelssohns Elijah 415 As theTvvig is Bent 530ChapelChimes 545 Hawaiian Harmonies 600 News Roundup Earl Cox VI Frank DoWsettBaritone IV VI gt Photographic Hints 615 M6 VV VI vww EYES OPEN FOR CHILDREN Could you stand to see child you had killed Please keep yourvcyes open for children when you drive TheOntario Department of High waysreminds everyone that child rendont alWaxst0p to think but that drivers should always be thinking and prepared to stop in time to save achilds lite la 35 Dinner Music gi 1S agghurgh Service e0 ic incores VV DeMnUPVPASANTS gummy Vs ewscas 910 Modern Classics VV VVV 930 Music Hall 1030 wscast 1Vammy Kas erenade 11 11 ews in inu String 110351gno1=1 and Anthem savour MONARCH 1111111211 11111 11110131111101 1111115 111111 1919111111111 Sponsored by MORRISON CO LTD Your Mercury Lincoln Meteor Dealers 3132 31111111101111 sr DIAL55116 unicorn