SPITAL DONATIONS Il 11 ii VVVV VV VVVV 1V VV VV II 11 11 VV VVVV It VV VV VV VV IIII III11 IiIIIigII 111 111 VV MVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV Mir iil1 Silo1111 III VVVVVV VVVVV VV SVVVVVVVV 11 ll lil1 51111111 11V lirts Iiitii minim VVV III IIII OIIIIIIIII NIMI SVVI lV IgIIVl 51 13V 11V is mini or 11111 VVVVV VVVVVVVHVVVVVVV VVV VVVV VV 11V V111 11 111I 11111 11111 511111 Vi IA DVVVVVVHV VVVV SHVVVVVV 11111 IIilli DI unrad lloii 1111 VV 11111 l1i 1111 Tl lit1V iSVtitt 1111 VVVLV llll st 11 1I 11 ii 11 11 VV VVVVV llg 1kiv 11V1 la llltl IQ ll1111s 11111 li illl UV If IlVl 11111111 p11 V1 II It 311 1111 M111 lVV VVV tVV VVV VV VV VV 11111 311111111 ll Hltl VVl VVVVVV VV VVVVVVV lias Vllonoii 1111111 if V1 VVVV VVVVVV Mis l1V 11111 VvVlv VV VVVVV VVVVVV SVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VV V5l1lVVlVVllVVV VIVVVV VV 11 111111 1111111 IiII Hm III II ii tin 1ll 31111 lliilll llili II IIII IIII I1Ii VVVVVVV VVVVVV V1 VVV V111 tll VV VVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVV lVV VVVV 1VVVVVVV1VV SVVVVVVVV VVV V1V1gtir SVzierv 131111 11111 111 litllt Ll lIllll 17 1111 Rina Shanti liV1 1tttt1 V1 Unit 31111 HI llll Diltllli 11 $VII1IIIIVI1 If1 II IIIIIII 111 113 MI IIIIII MIII II IIIIIIIIII lIi II I11 IIII IsiiITIliIIIIRI 11111 ll Ill tli vIllliil Iitlt Shanty II 11 111 VVVVVVVVVVV VVVN SVVVVVVVV VVV VVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV MVVVV VVVVVVVVVV 15 will V11 Snncm Medical iiillll 1711111 nhaiith Iiin 111111 V1 if 11m 1w up 11 11 111 on ioiii ll Im TIIIIIIII IIII IIIII IlIlll 11 811111111 till llllm lIIIIWl VlVVilll VVVVVVVV VVVV VVVV SVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV ilifllrV lIVliltllilV VVVV VV VVVVV VVVVVV VVVV VVVVVV VVV VVVV WVVV V1VVVVV IVVVVVV VVV VVVV WWW ill 17 oils 1t So tlilll Switzer 1111111 VV ll llllll bl mm 11111111111 I111 HVVVV SVVVVVVV VVVV liillVll 11 11111 51111111 1111111 Iuiri1 leaii and It 10 Sun Valley Iiitli LIllllsllt illti Ilitiilv liiv Illlll III NHIIIII IIIII IliI LII ll Il 111 IltlIllIl David litoiir Shanh lia 11111 1W AlltlmHN Nttlllli illll 11 llaslii 10111 IVVVllVVJVE VVlVIVIIU VAVll Villlth1lVlI liii llawson VlVilttt 1VV 1V 5V1 1V1h VJVHV IV Jones VV 1111 11V iiViiVo VaiiistiViVirt Littlll thioanflVVVthiVs ainpbil 11 II and Kits lli lllt lilittl Mi and tlis t1 lalton IHII 1V VVVVV VV VVV VV VHV ii 111 11111 11 11 iViVmrr V1Vlii 111111 am 1s Ilynii 101 mm 131mm 1U ENDER M0151 DARK VVVVVVVVVV wsVV 9V Hill Mrs ll Ixrrtrani 111 llaiold lsboiiie 000 11 Mrs John Sinclair 30 VA IVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV Dwinnell 11111 Miss Williams 5011 Milton Bonniv 10011 AilLitmlljli Ill 111 lIJJJ CL is Heres the chance of lifetinic to scenicV brand new V1950 model SUNSHINEBicycle audit Iwonftcost you acentl All you harcto do is obtain 25 new subscriptions for carrier delivery of The Globe and Mail for six months at the regular home delivery rateLide the new SUNSHINE Bicycle is YOURS Boy IWhut an offerlI Get to WlHVk on it NOW Send in The Globe and Mail Bicycli ClubRogistration Coupon at lcfttodiiy We willgsend youIofiicial subscription forms by return mail Meantime show everyone you know this advertisement Tell them that their orders will help you to win this splendid new bicycle and youll have them ready to sign for their subscriptions when your order forms arrive Take subscriptions anywhere in Ontario You may tVaVke paidinadvnnce mail subscriptions for year at $100 in places where we have no carrier boy service Dont worry about delivery We will arrange to deliver uh subscriptions you secure WITI Fully Streamlined Frame Racy Sjporrs Handlebars Doublebraced Fenders II THE I950 SUNVSHINE RICYCLE is styled with beaulilull proportioned lines It Ileei streamlined frame of in smooth appearance seen and it rides like its patpropelled Youll lit extensionnew double braced motorcycle slyla fender Perry precision buit coaster brake bailbearing crank lull rubber pedals adiuslable livel spring scat Girls model with chain guard comes Sunny Sky blueboys model maroon Yes You wi be thrilled to own $UNSHINECanadas only lull streamlined biceredesigned to give YOU floating ride tubular steel is electrically welded for superstrength and Its the smartest bike youve ever the racy port style handlebarsmounted on streamlined front Front forks 3lele construction for exceptional strength One piece Built by the SunshineWaieoo Company in Wateerao Ont Streamline Retail Pride V$49L95YVoursV For 0111 25 rrwsunscmmois 11111 Mail Bicycie 3111 REGVIVslRVAnoNVV no King st 71111 him want aIVSUNSIIINE bicycle Register my maid and nd me supply of official order form andiulasLof the offer Namch1 Addrus Plioncu City or Town111 Girls Check ilylc required Boyi GM 150 Youll Want Tour Bike for Early spring So Dont Waste Ii Minute Register Now 111131111111 in This Coupon T111111 Iiifi1u Lawrence Clifllill on the birth 11 Orillia last Monday iiiiiiitit rJuinllniJLV hills 1111 1151iiItJV ifziiifiIJA THORNTON LL iI1 131 1r 11 l1 71 11V 11 311 l1 li 1311 li IV VV 1111 llonor lillt to in 11 111 11 li 11 511 Ill Il Itliiifl i11iltiii 1111 11 Toronto 111 ll 11 111 IlIii llltii linlii ll iiiil liiI tti1 tllllllli i1iltll Satiiila 31W llill Al and l1l1 lllllvllltll loinnto Islitll illi Liars lion Italv Fa tor 7111 11111111111 lis lii il1 loiont ian lss l1111 lliiil 11 Holland spent iiikiud lill Iihir 11111111 1111 We ire lililIiilll 1111111111 to liav AllH1 ll 111 lllt Itllllill lItiltii 111 LII 5li IlI IIIMl IIIH Iiiui llilllt 111 llll 111 111111 Fa llI ll IHIIHIIIII III II IIIIIIIIl iIlilIlIt paitniil1i1 sii Itlllllli lV 1VVVV 111 lzl Ilium 111lu1t 11 1111121 1111 1vill be hold lItil llI NVHr ltlilll ilil III the illllltll 11 Till 11111 on 1111111 li lrulav with llii Stioiiii iloir lilll l11111 1111oiil 11 lllgtlltll line on their IIastii antata aftrr liliitl xviiii Ill and lis LII1ltI wIrIs 1111111 SIIIILH MI nil IlIlI IlillI I1 IIt IlltlIl1il 111111111 WIVIHIIVLIII IlVVUnlII1I VI HIVHIVISV VIVVVlIn ul i101 school iliiiuw HillllltlilI1 1inliii pail last 1nisliV VVNV VVV VVVHVVVVV VVVVVV 1VVVV1 tlZIlil Mis II lIltlilllltl and Il 1VVVVIIIVVVVVV VVVIVd VVVVVV Ii iiose lltllllllii liliill scores II Mr and Mrs Paul ioiiliuisiirl Mll1 II MI Itll 11111 to Maltoii iirpvrt lliuralaklI Ddmljl IN IIll 11111oi III Toronto 11 llitlit Alaiili Iltl to Miss Iiilith Zach1 llliii 111m oll on her flight to lInulandd to visit her relatives Iliirr Hap1 va litllllllii lllllli NEWTON ROBINSON April 11 loiontn Moildav Mr and Mrs llalpli llitliVLVltlmi w1re in Toronto Sunday Mrs Brooks and Miss Katharine Iliooks ol Toronto were at Ilieii home hiri Sunday Mr and Mrs Lloyd oborn anill the children visited SILICOL irieinlsl ovir the weekend Allan lIouehton and harles Vil cox snint Sunday in Toronto aiil attended the crippled childrenV show in Maple Leaf Gardens Congratulations to Mr and ilr Ill daiiunter in York ounty 15111 Illl lhiusdav March 30 in Friday niszlit thtII liil1 twill Dainth Doersmct Vat tir IllttIIlll of Miss Marguerite Ramsay Ilor their projeet meeting The regular meetinL1 othhe TL Vwas held Monday evening with ll imembers present The treasurer presented veryiine report on the 1proceeds from the oneact play 11 was decided to purchase new with erIt 11321 cover inside doors of th 1ClllllclierllSS Gladys Houglilon wa in Icliarge of the CUlIliC program and have paper Von great 1llIiitl iiyriters Miss Sara Earlv led the lLClCfllIOli and refreshments tll served carom VV April 11 Mr and Mrs Paul Russell and Eddic visited friends iniNewmar kct on Sunday Mrs Longwortny of Regina mad Vhliss Kneeshaw Toronto were Wednesday guests of Mr and Mrs VGrenvilleHughes Mr and Mrs Louis Neill iMrs Louis Neilly and childri visited with Miss lVV Neilly in ITITTLINIESING April Va Mr and Mrs Dick Irwin of Col ilingwood were Sunday visitors at Charlie Grants V1 Mr and Mrs Plander and family motored to St Thomas Mrs Pfandcr and Lynn remaining for weeks holiday Sympathy is extended to Mrer Fred VPcarson who was bereaved by the death of her father Mr Wicklum on Sunday Best wishes to Mr and Mrs Ross Ronald who Were married 015 Sunday Mrs Ronald was formerly Miss Joyce Jones of Barrie Mr and Mrs Jack MacNab Aud rcy Dianne and Sandra of Harlin ton Campbell and Mrs Car ter of Barrie spent Sunday at Dustos din VJ MAKE your make your V34 quiieldSt iIlIltliI1tiilV iiizzlit April t3 Miss liri Miss Kav and Allen llornerwe 1iiiii1Iis llIlene of Oakland Ilill lehey are celebratingr WYEBRIDGE Will have hotter lllilllll now lii lvdvraiioii of Agricultui llli 11141 in the toiiiiiiiinity llalH Ilani lll ol lizirrii lltllllttli liiltlI ill lnii attendante Iv1roii1 1111111111v llllll III IlIiIttIlltl Ali lllil MW l1Masler of irenftl Mr and ilis Ihonipson ofIIalsloa and Spence of Midliiirs wire reV iiit iillii willi Mrs ll Honor31 FM GUTHRIE Ml April Mis is Item again and also Mrs II iaiilioloiuw Love illlflI VMrs Newton Bissi Mr and Mrs Alex Graham and liil of ItViillilCtlllll are visiting with the lIiillIlClS parents Mr and Mrs Alex iraham onglialiilatinns to Mr and Mrs Alvin Ilawkins whose silver 111 dine anniversary was on April moio trip to Kingston Svmpatiiv is extended to Dtlli lilchv in the death of his sister Mrs James llarver of Stamina Mr and Mrs lilkiv Mrs Morris MacArthur and lton lilkey lelillil ed the funeral last Friday ilflti noon Farewell Party partv was held 11 the Citii munity llall on Saturday night in honor 0IIlllli1li Blackstoek 1l IIis leavine at midnight to no to his uncles farm at Glenbusli Sask Wilson read an address in rhyme which was both sLiioiis and unity and Lloyd Bartholomew DrCSentcd Hugh with handsome leather wallet containingT sum of money After Hugh expressed Iiis thanks all sang For Hes Jolle Good FlltII Refreshments were served group of Hughs pals ac Companied him to Barrie and saw him aboard the midnight train The very best wishes of all go with Hugh April Mrs McFarland of Wood bridgc spent few days last week with her daughter Mrs Haugh Sgt Russell Beyer of the RCAi left on Friday for Edmonton after months stay with his parents Mr and Mrs Tcher Sunday school reopened on Sun day April after being1 closed 101 the winter months There was good attendance and six teachers present Hanson of Stayner spent the past week with his niece Mrs El mcr Denney While coming on the train from Stayner Mr lost his wallet With large sum of moneyandaftcrhis arrival her1 Barrie station telephoned to say passenger had found it and handed Hanson it in Mr Hanson went tpBarric and the wallet was there with all its c0ntentsVSo there are still hon eth people in the world NeedNew Drapes YES we 111111 pleased to CUSTOM Drapes from dur large selec tion of new gay spring patternsOR we can help and adVISe you on how to own WE STOCKhocks cranes track rods etc as well asa very large choice of drapery fabrics PHONE 4314 Barrie Tent Mining Co Barrie cc IVE EASTER Ewoit lb PRICES macrivz APRIL 56 GRADE LARGE Brond GRADE LARGE Brond Doz 43c GRADE MEDIUM and D02 42c AT LEAST TWO OF THE ABOVE BRANDS AVAILABLE IN EVERY STORE Doz 47C LOBLAW BREAD COTTAGE BRAND 15 1111111111112 SEBVIETTESZ ms 25 WITH DIPPER HADDOCK FILLETS SMOKED FILLETS lb 43c lb 41c SLICED UNSLICED 2402 2402 LOAF LOAF WHITE WVHOLEWHEAT CRACKED WHEAT IINIISIIIII IIISII Ocean Perch FILLETS lb 39c Eigm EGG cm con FILLETS lb 32c LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE mm iii 35C 111111 LABEL TEli 1111115 Stiller5111115 Ilia 11 191 1131341 1121671 MINUTE iiiirs altars 30c IZFL RASPBERRY JRM Pure 02 JAR ROSE BRAND STRAWBERRY 1111 ROGERS 1111111511 11111111 5111111 DR JACKSONS ROMAN MEIll ASSORTED FLAVCURSJUNKET 11121111111 PilWllEllS 116123 PINEAPPLE Miiiiiiiiiiiinr 11215 249 VA DINNER FVOR FOUR ROSE BRAND lllllllT iiiilllEli PKGs 25c SWEET wiirrii Pian 021111299 32c 2LB TIN 26c 33c lZIFL 201 01 JAR PKG ROSE BRAND IFlilllliiii 1111b onET1LLE1 SIIXIAI Imported Fresh Tender ASPARAGUS CUBAN r1131 11111111111113 1111 FLORIDA cririir 511111151111111111 MPORTEDFRESH GREENITV 1111 1113111111 ii ONTARIO N0 iSO MANY WAYS TO SERVE 17111111111111015 IiXlllA ltA NCY II ll EXTRA LARGE SIZE AN EXCELLENT GIFT FOR EASTER 111111115 111111111 FillllT BIISIIET SPECIAL QUALIT PRODUCT OF THE LOBLAW BAKERY 111111111115 cuocom DELIGHT can 29 PECIALVMCGORMICKS lb 49c cuoeotarr 111111111111 Tiiiirriinrscurrs ALPINE CLUB mummies amour 111111 411111 2911 23 VLOBLAWS manor BUTT an 1111 1111 315 LOBLAWS TWO cur corral 211111 11111155111 Bircrwnr NUT BR113135 811 19 51111111111111 swanT1 Mlxnn arenas 01151 29 11111111 ciEAiiEii 13 FIrIesTII IGIroIIInd 11111111111 11111111111 1111119 PRIDEoi 511111110111111111 1111 81 PKG REGULAR CAKE 8V 1111ch SPlilt 11111111111 1111111111 IlliMllY ToiLEr SIIIIP turEEE 395111915 Dllzf VLARGEPacrACE 331 an llio 1111131111 Itilllllll 111 17 CLEANER VTm PACKAGES OF FLOWER SEEDS FOR 25 AND OLD DUTCILLABELS SEND TO OLD DUTCH CLEANSER DEPT F3 MACAULVY AVE TORONTO Slitllili 11111111111111 TEL iiEiiL GIANT PKG VEL 65 GIANT CAKE PALMOLIVE BIIIICIIIIE 5111111111115 1211 25 LOBLAWGROCETEniAs co LIMITED ALL For 2002 TINS it