Ltisltl Thonx Offering ll imam1 o1 Lentrol WMS Ch See mte urch in Action VV VV VVVVV V3 It ll 11 S1V Api 1111 IlIlLu 1111121i land it 54321 of VVVVV VVVV 5V VV VVVVVVVV VVV hv 131V VV VVVV SVVVVVVVVVVVV VV kVV kiVVlVVVi VV VVVVVVV no1 K1Vl ViVV 1V lVV 1x1 VV 1111 11 iliI Uta11 11 1111 IVV vV lt1 LllkIl iiii 11 1311 1113 IV le 11111s 111111 the 6111 if 12 liii se iocl room 11 11 I1 VVVVV VVV VV VV V1 Vt llV miV liitll i1l clri IV VV 1VV 11 11 l11llti 111 1111 tiil 111 liitplluil il VVVI VVV VVVVVVV VV 51 111111 Vl 1t 1211 111111 Illttl sILiEIsV V1 11 lV 1th lack xwa 11 111111115 1111111 11111 VV it 111 II 1i 1111111111 11 111l oi p1111e VV V3 31 l1s il 111 iiils ezi Univ 11 II App01nt DEIegaleS l11i1 2111111111 31111 11111111 VV VV 111 1111 tiiiiic 11f 111111 to VVVV VV VVV VWLTU Convention VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VV 11 11 VV VV VVV VV 1V 11V Vs 11V paintiu Japan1st 111v 1111 ViV 1V 111 VV1VV1V Vim MWv 1111 Ii1 iii 11 ii 111 Nu VV VVVVV 91s 1iggt1i1ii11 1l111 VVVVV VVV VV VV VVVVVVV HVV VVVVVVV VVV VVVV 11111 11 V1 11 1111 lltillt of IiIit 11111 eiI lltIIll II IIIiiiiIiIi iertt It IIIIIIII iIiIilii liItIiIitIIv ll 11s 111 11 xlui11av il1 11111111 1V VV VV VVV VV VVVVVVV VVV 11V 11 1V 11 Air1 int1111 11 1111 1111111 111 mlihlli wilt11 li VVV 11 VVV 11i 11 11111 1121111 111 111111 Demand Al sale mm IIIIIILI Shim II 1M VVVV VV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VVVVV 11111 1j111111u 50V ei wins llelen 5iillilltl3 dear111 1111111i1t 11 III II st 11 llfltl IrllillllI lI1iillli l1lll1il 111 If li liltxalnlti l1ili hatter 111 TVIIIII II IIIIIIII MIN Ili II lIVI 13 II 1iii ll 1111 well1111111111111 111 Ililzlrll litltl the LIILLJLII of All Nations till LVliiiiVa the niVissioiViaVi 1ss1V121111iz lVltll 11 V1l lidDot 1i 11 11 II il 11111 In 115 1111 11111911111 sale 111 $iYiiI Viil VJI WIS ill IWIUHJ III MINT Imld lhurch IIIIIIIIIIII II IIII IIIIII IIlIIIIIIIIIII 1V VVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VV VVVVVV VV VVVQVVVVV 11111V 1111 V111 11 111 131111siio1ril the girls around 1aii11V 1VV1VV1VV1V11V Vt Illlllliiil 111 11111 is iVVl VVlVVVVVVVVV V5 VVVVVV MVVV 111 1111111115 AlaV11 111 mud to stiiitViV 111 thi lliilihllI They saw 111 large zoom litlf IVV VV VV1V VlV 111 111 121 1w 1V VVVV 11 IV 1V1 VV VV Vim 121 111 Lli1illti Itiix 1111 Itllal kid ll17 IliLViiii 1not ltllllii are lltlll and where W91 1V1Vx l1V Vl1iVV 1111V111VLV1 ti 310 it 11111 111111u 1111111 111111 111i 1211111 lltiI lll illlli 11101thilllitttlitliiii the Sunday School is broaden IMI IITII III IIIIII1IIIIIII1 IIIIII 11 1111V 1111 gt111111111E111L111 in 1111111 11i oiini1 to see much at the church in lilt Vfioin each Sunday at lit 11 13 iVlilI l1 llm V1 VV VV 11 11 Vm 11 1111s V111V111 1111 l11 111111111VV1 s111 11111 lioit 1111 oi 11111 nlcht Ml bliilii 1111 VVV VV 11 l111 111 11 aiso 111 11111 111 1i 11111111 ii 111 Another Cliillili when made tliHIS are piled on the platform IVVHVTVVG VFLHS PHVNF 24H lllhlllilllll A31 V1 11 1111 t1 1111 11 County volttin liiultiI II lllltli 1tti levti i11pisioii on tru girls was and from 11111 to Bllll men eoine EV OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 11111 11 111111 11 l1llnvood 31 Iloi Iilt Rm 111111 lvtioiiolitn liiiiled hugil on UIVIVVVllie sVlrriVts to slthfl mp IVIIIII 111 111 lit 1111 Lllt 11 Wild and 311s ll White 1111 SI lIllv 1111 iivl and mill ll 15 UIIlli RI VVVlV lxn 111 gt1 11 1111 11 1111 1sito1s 111ess11l 111 411 111 ll 11 lililLItlll 111111 shown the Church by Rev ll Cll HitHlll it 11115 til it MI II ln 111 11 11 to 111 linuliiuon and there 111 lihli 11111 Iiobbv tlrisoin Ulii oi 111 assistant liliiiiK more than rescue work About 2111 1Ltrv urn11mm VVVV VVVVVVVVVV VV IVV IVVVL 11V VV 1VV111VV 11 mm HVVVVVVVVV 1111s and Vounn ililltll menu 11 11 11 VV LITIC lILklll IIVtly Ills All itll li it mm ll11 ilie gtitl1 the limits look llllIIl IHIIII1 IIIlII IiiIV VII IKIIIIIVIIVVIVI IVIVIIVIVVIIVVV i111 tlis Until Look the oppotrliiiiil to utter their 1111111 Win in deiisei populated VIVVVI VV Vii VVV VVV VVVVVV VhV VVVjV 11 111111111 1111 lis Miss Doreen Blau iiiizthila LVlttlill1gt to the Iiisidini iistzir and has 1veIl11uippii VV VV LVIIVVV VVVV il ligt Rifle li= 11 11111 211111 iillil sir111 ilttiI holdings to do II The unis werel VV 51 11111 71 Brlde Of 11 111 111 seiviti iltii through the club iuoins and Hit tlit lllllld llll Ill li 111111 and l1 it Itiri aiiilitoriiiins and offices through LVIWHII will st gt1 VI VVtl i111 Ci In tic LHiinasiums aliu locker IUUIII mull mlll Vii 51 43 TllliSWle bl iMrS GUIHO le of the lecture rooms llicCtliiiliith id 1lilUthli lllt 1llnt liiiinh iooni One hCGnOn Stratford IIIlI lllt lirih meeting of ilz 131 1111 11 Miss 011111V1TO Head md 1de 1VVV1 11W Vm1 MW 111on vithVVits beautiful paiiitingsV ItlitlltI 11 tiin hilti 11 iii11 tlauwliiir of Ir andl lltlll lot ol splvlltlltl ideas for lllk llllll llll Ittlil 1110 VV VVV VV CI es Illuur Inf It 1111 rid11111 $111 511 til 11 11111 li Pen1 111 loronloV in VFOI V1111 111111 chmch llhlllmll Mid IUIVKIIMVI 25an IIIIIIIIIL IIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIICIIII III IIIIIIIII 5U IIII IIII Th NI III LIIHHIIII MI IIIII iileilIilIiiLClIitIiIIr IliIIlltII False Teeth Flt loi11il 11 411 111 1V1 p11 Vi Ii iVi1i lV lleii VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVS VVVVVVVV V15 VVVVVVVVMVWV VVVthLmVc and VIVV VlVVV VVV VVVV VVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVV VVV FVVVV VVV AVV Liltll him lIlliIIlll Im 111 11 Jtilllililil slapped silass Windows 11 11 111119 is 111 11 Ill lIlitIs li1lltlli thiiirh Tllllltiillt VI IV VVVVV VVVV VVVVEV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVUVV pannelleil office of Dean Mathew your Plates itiis aii gt1 ace aina 11111 gt1 Im ltti1tlitl illllltlil NM ll ll DJIUWIIIW Alllth ll lilo IIII vork iii the chancel lliiv saw how mn IUhn ammml Iltt Booklet HS tk VVVV VVV VVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVV VVVV VVVVV1VVVVVV RV 1111 111 111111111 ii VVV VVV VVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVV taught lliiillc1 st United Sundav Sales ud Service 11111 1121 111 11 111111 11111 11111111i lliiil1s 1111fVVVVVVd 111V The officers for the Vvini 1910 VVVVVVVVVtVVV VV VVV VVVV VVV VVV VVVVVVVY School 1151 your 11 11d11 11 ll 111 It linl YNl 3731 II II IV IJIIrlIIII HHIIII IIVIII IVI1 II IV the live inaniiai essavant organV Im ll lldi Em It II IWI WI IIuIlIImI Ile liiiiie 111111 was elven III ll mm ml 11m hVVV mm V1 111 to Annesley Ilall and tyinilvoi1d1 Lvelusive Agency 139 union 5L1 lil Ml Him Hit 51 il lIiLL iltltl in St Josephs IliLh 11 t1 ll 111111 lli 11111a VVVVVVVVVVPV 11 111111 me Ililinblo oi llairie waitii for H5 51 It II II IiII 1iii1 Iiill 111 ioi ll VVVVVV IiV VIVVi VVV 1V muuwl 11 Illlml Olllli tlIflllW Aplll IIVIVVI VVV VVVV VV TVVV VVVL LsSi l1 118 11111911111 Is 111115111 ll Alli iiilllii Mill Ml MI ill0 With Ill neat tower with its walls so llllCh loronto ldV All illml tllVlVlVUII lill 11111111 1111 111ltl full skirt ixliiid VIVsVlVi 11 ImmmII hm 111V Venn1 Sm 11m1mp 11 111p lmlnon It illllltlu on liii1l 1111 meatll 1111 Hill Ion1 train 1191 full jV1VV11V 15 1111115011 Um U1 111 lllm Witm ll lent7h lll was held by eorone Other members of the new exerV VLVVVVVNVV 11 names is1111 ilii litlgtlt VVV VVVVVVQVV VVVVVSVVVVVS VVVVVV She we 111V mm1 a1 1111 pawn 111 VV 1V All3 ltIi Ml lII ill1 iieil cisciii b1 iii1iiet of IlIiillSliitii lib lliffron Isl ieepresi ImVVMVllIIKIHVVI IV IVVVVIVVIVIIltVVVVTUIV 11 cc ot illtl lr lviisiv H1 n11mm 111111 Irs Meiiiek 1nd icL VV VVVUVV V11 11111 1resident Mrs ll Ilal tid vicel Im llit main of honor Miss lillll mmmd VVm 1111 emu1 11 1111 Dally except sundCIY Im tltSHILliI Mrs olds secretary ltilllgt oi Lorne lii we VV 1mm Humph 111111111 in 1111 lllllilllil itlii 1nd 111 11111111101 1111 115 3v Im IiIII ta and wore from pm to pm iI IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lIIIIIIIIlIII IillIlitIlAIllllIIIIltbullildss liss Viol li 15 lltlClm IllidiiiIiILI slhiIIilIIiIvOiIle item 1111 s11 long ago 11111 111 1s MnV 5150 Cam bv ateliliililllUll Saturday noon me VVVVIVVVVVNVV VVV VEVV BVVVVV VV1VVV llllL of Streetsvilli 11gt Dims lers and WMS worker tub VV VVVVVn mm of 11110 It w1s lolelCd at the meeting 1111 VV VVVH VVVVVV 0mm 11rks lite ltlil oil1s he mm 11C 11 ll aifeta Willi iilniClllIlL llfdmICSI mlmm mp mm l1 veral secretaries illtI t1lll as established In his 11 division of the atliolic Women Itd CT lhi 11 lit ir Prince in Im 5M 1m MM V1 VV otli cantthen Ilm IOHO 11 gtl 11 ll illllt Lilli Mllm WI 43 71 11 11 which every room it For Information It Inn1 1111 11111111 HI stitlw IVVVVV my 11 111111 and blue tal snvial eveniiiu at the ominunii VVVVVVVV 1VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV CVVVVVVVVVV VV 31 lVriuei 5p 1111111 out 1111 lulu 111th matching flowers in House The leagues plans also in 1V VUVVV VVVVIVVVVCVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVCLV mecVee VV slim iKiilS its itCllllillll and Chm1511 105114315 111 ilude card parties to be held in VV ti xi 111V 111V tm 11111 mm 111111 1111111 VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVOVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV of VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVCVV VVVVCV dl VV Vinnilwg III ILIIIIII IIIII nu IIIIII IIIIIII III Clinics leliei of Toronto was Easter in aid of the hospital build1 The llttttV lVClUt Veil010 11 Montreal ll 11111 been established ill the ltl1 VVVVVVOVVVKVqImI and Roy Kine of tilt mil lower Jarvis St district was an il VlV VllIIVHIIIV IV lVIInlmVld IEVHVEIVVTVIIVI shrunsvillp 11nd Dennis Hobbs li IIII 111 11 11 iv its ililt 11 VV VV oine lath icud as usivis IIINIIUI Ill by than 1in Ircderick Packer of Hamilton llo his llllllllV VVVVVVVVVVV VVf the 300 SV1V11 lillow chitis oiind villow tzi 11 II the reception lath out Ii 1111s loiinres and baskets were Mrs at the liOitlL of am II II III IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIlIIIIKI IIIIImId by King aunt and uncle of tilt III KIlllII rhI mmIHI It bride in Streetsvilli the mothel Ill IIIlith mm Emlml and IlI of the bride ieceived wearing III II III lrinii iut ll himself The reastilt nnvv faille with eorsllgic of itInk I1 if illlllltllllfi ll VllmI II Ilearinitions Irs Lane received obtain the white 1111 biifIV colors for her bmlhmV cm111 1111111 111 obtainable only in Inelant 01 111111 corsaec of yellow earn The business was located who 8110113 IlllIiIlltII RlIlCllIFI 50 IS For her wedding trip to TVOroiiVlo the comer of Maryand Elizabeth bride VOlC bmansmt 11111 Sis matchin topcoatand pink access Il Arthur lrince trained carpen 1111155 and Cotgc of park IUSI ter cumc out With his father 1111115 Mr and Mrs Packer are this country to help VLl liiin estao making their home in Entire V1 Ilished and their returned to Engwhcre the groom has recently piir land for it years before coming chased the grocery busmcss of Liaek to Canada When he first arlBrown 3th Company sI VV riied iii Battle he 1de 101 GL Ball at the oViigimii 13111 ViVIiniVn VVVVV sVVVdVV VVV VVVVVC VVVVVVVVVVV WVOV VVVVVVVV VV VV Iill where Callie was fore VVV VVdVd VVVCVVVV VVV VVVLV VVQV VVVVVVVVCVV man The father of Rodgers 7SMOOTH 10601 AT 57 snooTH ToVWEAR VV VV SHVEERVVldEER Springs LatestShade Tones We present our new Gordon Mockay Ny Ions for your Easter Day and Spring selection Featuring these pretty new shades Sun Time Visa Dawn Taupe Grey Eve Taupe Sheen Gauges 42 45 5154 IIIVFiCs $135 $160 $1951 was extremely was chief clerk at the tune Event11m the mmbn com etent techmcalli Mls Ham Hall he bought the fouracre lo VV VV VdVVaVVVVOVV her WVVV he now lives on and began to builll ll If vl1oaiiDlltCl gold sta lt house which was never tinishedrl VOIVV VVVVVVVVVEVq Lake RaVVV Robt Skinner was another of theV31lVSVlVCVVlVIVaVkQ WraVVVVVVda Nanng wik lie remember it tliI VVIVVVIVVVVVV ga Georgian Bay scene Both Vol the ITheIWieker Works wentIout otilmgr were exmblted IIIU business in 1923 or 1926 but tiles111 IliariVinVrVV LOVV nianv oi the old homes of Barrier 3m VV WVVV licr Hamlin ClVll engineer its products are still in use or 1911 VV BVVVVVVQ VVVQVV VVVVCd on Owen SVVV away in attics The industry itsell1Vm dQ V0 VVCVVVVVVV Mr Prince fears has become land Ham 1V V0 thnn of the 211 and with it theihere summm 61 tandem foi manv years she be linen who were traian to skin and VVCd VO VV VVVVOVVVV of aVVVaVCVVVV an on lt 111 care the 11111011 into the liea whose VOVVVVVVVg aVVCa VS Wm 11tists patteins scen in the old willow VkVVVVda ISVand Vin GBOVVgVaVV BayV 1chan1s and setteesVV PaVnVVngs of Sudbury amsVV the Barrie Artiwho had several canvasses in the Club who is spending the winterlrecent Barrie CXhlblllfm BIul in Sudbury received favorable Cavallo drew WT high PrQC from artist Masson and were de comment on her work from prorn inent Ottawa artist Henri Massor clared among the OUIStandlUg 1m the recent exhibit by the Sud the Sudbuiy exhibition buer Arts and Crafts Club Of Mr 1Mildred Iiainlins work particu llarly hEi water colors the artis VSeal Sale for crippled Chlldlen remarked that she had nice unai Ontario is 53201000 Us E35 ityof freedom and that hCIVIfl0 Seals Help Crippled ChllEVeVlVV mini member of The 1950 objective of the Easter It Easy VToBeV Just bring thattired worn looking Chesterfieldsuite toV VOur shop and in shorttime youll have shinyV new looking suite VV 71 IeV Remodelling Rebuilding The frame of your present suite contains good IVseasoncd hardwood that can be converted into modern piece of furniture Simply choose from our wide selection of covers in pleasing patterns and colors You can depend on expert craftsmanship at Barrie Furniture Repair PHONE 5048 We will be pleased to call at your home You are 11111111 no obligation Barrie Furniture Repair VDcnnis Clive Mgr 20 Years With Simmons Co Ltd 74 Henry Si Barrie lllh iiAItItlE EXAMINER BAItItIL ONTARIO CA Treasure Seelrer OOIT NADA SudcorLeather blueblack brown grey AAB fittings suede VVISMARTLIY swim or comfort and to show woMENs SHOESe V0 MURRAY HEELHUGGER For Children IWoloItts VI Wrap Around VI CREPE CASUALS bluefbtack broWn or grey $395 to $995 pr off your new Spring ensemble VVoVVnUCHAINIE TANGO EMerry Go Round Wlde Awake Shoe Store BARRIES LEADING INDEPENDENT SHOE STORE 29 ELIZABETH STREET The NegVPinch Instep makes TaanosI cling VIwithout gapingf without binding it Black or Brown Calf $1195 Blue Kid Black SVued illLItSlLil DORSAY CUT 111111157 Leather with Platform Sole Cuban Heels Blue black grey $695 1L AAVB Fittings Cuban Heels V=5= ClosedToes Elill ri BARRIE