ii1gtilti r= WW Niivs 0r ttllIIiSlthN nlt it Itlttiwwtalw tillii hit gt Ax llltllll ttmh Llll its pei ii liaixgl lIlJIllt is llaki infinite uh nhy in ildlinili IIt itltll ii lltIIt iltllz 17 Sunday mvk llaili ulll Xiluidm tlllll Illlliltl oi Iltoiiitoit spy iit uitia illeiaivil the in To tlltlllf iolatai liiiieini lltlllt3 mti ll Iran llttl ol his pitil llrtti limtl III leyuns and illt Iltlttl aiin ltiiles eoiiitittiti ill lla on Saturday thiti illltlitlttl Illi wut entiteiiioi oi the taiiadiauiiield second llllt to lihhi tltis Shemly 7gtIIlltlltl IUltllllll thaihs HalLet li iiieliii oiilluidi ti llll iii if ItSiilditis Mriiitiiial III lull im liisl pine win to Mrs tiazi Ilt alts littlitll ltizl Mis lilioy and Mrs Ileelii lovee Mtller and Miv lZva llaiiisay of Ilurliiuxtoit spent the weekend Ilaiitsay confined to bed for these last few itIls with her faili lttl Wm tlio SALES RENTALS BarrieBusinessCollege Jose oiii 60 TORONTO STREET Phone 4824 1in after 330 piii Please Mrs Velma atid and dauuliters Lillian pie til Mrs Vi iplit was Memorial 0w EXACTLY As PRESCRIBED Your doctor is specialist in di agnosing your ills We are spe cialists in filling his prescrip lions accurately You can rely on his judgment and our skill OPPPOST OFFICE Favorite gift from the Easter Bunny on That Morning Call us or come in early to place you or der We delivery Beachiirmingbouqttetf personalj bioEBming potted plant each fresh and fragrant from our own greenhousealsotruly the perfect Easter Day remenibrance To please her espe ciallyLonr messenger will deliver her favorite flotrer array at your convenience Walletwise prices ized corsage ilt Ltlaltt ltl teaiim Iitl tizii and tables ii llil ii id Illllllt Toronto and Mrs IIIWtIILv In ltl Pal Veterans Euchre About till Lgui six ll ii tI toyniilt lthItlll the ti 111 llllllilll teuiid pitv Ii ll Kidd items tiist piixv ii ti llia ly After lIlk iiie lailir Itiltli Ilosss Work lronp illosw stitlill group had to pol home of Mrs ll Iuiphy and min pleted quilt Another tltlttli it yal the home of Mrs It NiXoii and eompleted itllttlIlIl lllll lite par of iuiiipeis tlltl oiig vest Hlt tinn ed in for the Iled Crew and par spump an oi pyjamas tor the hildiens ti Society The regular netliiuz nifl llllltll on Saturday the funeral of Illltl Ilt M114 Mlllttll iii the formers father William Siiiir1lllllIil Allll lltIltlltlIl Walter tieiit in Stevenson pilal illisioii this past week UV tlnited liiireli Young People On Monday evening Maren ilIlt United Church Young People entertained tliiily members of lll regular wetlily iiieetiiii There DGmmmounu leople ol Slroud ii iliiir twere aioiiiid seventy present Stroitd put on the worship servo and Mrs Gordon Sellers and Mrs IIlttly iilroy led in the recreation Ioi games Xllll song and diiett EMrs Chas levons and Miss lletti Ciilioy of the ookstowii member Esau duet and Miss Kllt Gibbon and Miss Jean Mulholland oi Stroud duet Aftir tlelieim iluneli was served by Miss Andrei liVlapts and her eoiiiiiiiitee this llltlIll an enjoyable evening to in close Deaths Nevils Samuel Georgehi Sua day March 26 ltltl the Royal tVictoria llospitil Barrie Samuel xGeorgie Nevils husband of Wil lamina uiie Walters and father of JViolai Mrs Wood IIosepii iiic Minal Mrs Smith llClli iGeorge Sinclair Mary Kenneth and Elwood He was in his Sikh year The funeral service was hed on Wednesday afternoon March 39 in Cookstown United liurelr Ir termeiii iii Thornton Union ceme terv Barry Catherine0n Tuesday March 28 1930 at Stevenson Living souvenir of memorable holiday one of our pot ted iplants Tour choibe Of Spring lovely blooms Or darnpw Fendleys Flowers BOULDEREEL GREENHOUSc 74 Blake 51 WE DELIVER IPlione 3015 Itllll nae ittd Hi lite IIK1IIIt lliiitisoii lilioy til Toronto spent will WWW itlttlllltl 1i 111 ltlt the tttlitlltl lll town and called on tioktowii friends ltziiiiii home with him isitois at Mr Smiths to thi weekend were Min Toronto tlis llaitord Fisher of edar liar thlg In Iltt bad 1Iitl lln ipoiie lIltli ieizulai ltttllli but it order In have si ipiills tllltllllltl for the bath tow ladies izuiii th north ltlt of the ittottpiuet at Memorial Hospital Alliston Catli was performed by Rev Lew 1215 15mm NEW LO LL it tij ill Stpp at ruizei gite min tltt liv =1 011 done Zltll tlllltlltl to will learner and pupils itt il Iii tluiel iili nl IZLIiil Bait it Voilain Hill pm ll in Illl li Units illttiM liti at held on lit Iltitill Lliitli lltl ll da it itl illitllil Inuit gins lit in St lulins cum High School Tea and Bake Sale lzi 1pm oi toolwtown Iilttll liid iittisstul sale lmICiill and afternoon tint It Saturday ptl ill ill Sltltllt Memorial llill llllll tIltlIltitill luelqv names we ltlllll The first prize large Ilia alut oi iltltllt Itlllllttl bv lit llllil Etlliiill pupils iiitit to Ioan iltllltll tfllltl pite 3ll but of ii Itll eiiuiy doirited by Mi Kemp and Statiuvd won lin Tlgt Iiiiiies Ilitonj lite tIiitlI Home Euniititully decorated tIbl lllll tttltt mule by Leni fill and won by Mrs Arti old pitlute donated Il Lloyd Hindus the fourth prize was tll lty Iltiby Anderson iitli prize fountain pen donated by any iitise won by lhos Fraser llioiiiioii This high school group ate busy piaitisiiui for their con lltIltllltlll iiid plar Ileie Com tliarhe Ia threeart playt Willtll will be ill the Town Hall on illl Jti Heath iesideiit of the vicinity 12L iokstouii all his life IllIlIl Jebh tllttl on Wednesday March 22 193 at the home of his son llelliei ltllll alter lengthy illness TIl luneial sttvlte was held on March 34 at the home of his son with llt Lewis oi the United tliiireii tioltsloull officiating in ltllltltl was made in Newton Rob inson ceiiielery His wife llebecea Ilodey predeceased him severil years ago Surviiini relatives are one son Herbert pranddmtuhtcr liniuiiiie Mrs ll Reed ant one greatgiandsoii Peter all of tookstowii Mr Iebb was bori on June 21 1866 in tlze township ol West lwillimbury son of John lJebb and Isabelle tllobiiisont Ieobl of Cookstowit lie was tlireslier in his younger years and few years as lumber man Io belonLu ed to the United Church and was staunch Conservative Attending the funeral were relatives and lfriends from Aurora Orillia Mini esinu and Beeton Pallbearers We Neilly Reed Ira Wil son lllltlllllllltl Stanford Cool lliltl lorteiice llnnter Wedding wedding of interest to Iatge circle of friends in the communitv took place at the home of th brides parents Mr and Mrs Hei bert Armstrong of Cookstown on Saturday afternoon March 25 at oclock when Miss Bernice Edna Armstrong only daughter Mr and Mrs Armstrong be came the bride of Joseph Glen wood of Roseinoutit son of Mr zindlvlrs Thomas Wallace Pcndle ton of Roscmount The common is to small group of relatives and close friends The bride who was uven in marriage by her father lioked charming in floorlength gown of white satin with finger tip veil of bridal tulle and carried nOsegay of white and red rosca Her only attendant Mrs Donall Gregg of Toronto wore floor lcngth pink ta ta gown and mat ching headdig of pink net anti carried nos gay of blue flowers Robert Little of Roscmount per tormcd the duties of qroomsmaii and Miss Betty Gilroy played the wedding music Following thc rc ception dainty buffet luncheon was served from tliediningv room where roses and white and pink streamers decorated the table aiil centred with threetier wedding cake The grooms gift to the bllll was lovely string of pearls The brides mother received Welllli gown of navy crepe with cor sage of red carnations She was as sisted by the grooms mother who wore navy crepe with corsage of white carnations Mr and MI Pendleton left for short trip to St Marys London and Chathan to spend their honeymoon The bride travelled in pearl grey gabardine suit with navy accessor ies The out of town guests at the wedding ver Mr and Mrs Enters son Gilroy Mrs Hector Porritt from Long Branch others from Orangeville Shelbuine and Rose mount AN UPLIFT BELT FOR MEN Two detachable pouches made to our specifica ttOns to give cOmfort and maximum support Ex pertenced Fitters to serve you tor all Surgical Sup ports WHITTYS DRUG STORE PAGE THREE Emu UNIAHIU JANA ss litll sl itill wow 2ll in this limit mili III1IIIItlIlJ 1lllt tnl in r1 Barrie Iron Works GOWAN ST STEEL for SALE Plates Bots Angles Flats Channels and Beams House Rails all kinds of Ornamental Iron Work and General Blacksmiihing PHONE 5046 Vw rin i2xaiiiitis iiii voirit in Illlll suns PHONE 2111 Kodak 1ri1lii0iiie liliiis Arc IIIO or the Canadian PRIIE womens piiu liil NJIIOnJI Exhibition iridy yet so how an obtain copy tosl prize lists NE na lin ll lion Write or budd Have Your Fair britc Negative Enlarged to Size 6x and Mounted in Dcsutilul Reg 63c for 29c rii DHZCS us tin your MOUNT ARENA it it lruc tint few drops at Ancestor Bitten will Live on the amount oi tollce used It seems an Odd thing to strengthen the brew 0t collcc It Oll munJ vii Lil ictunl COFFEE SAVER oilalsaiitiameras We Curry Cotiiplelo Range of lII Types Bar humms Folding Itotlulis and fine Rollo10 KODAK 001 FLIS KODAKIi KODAKPHOTO Fit KODAKTOiiiii maroon KO0AKWTTTMERA Willi RANGE FINDER Kadet 1450 ii lttlllllERLLLL 400 285 3050 Requisites For Beautifying the Hair FLAS sin in DIAPER RASH What is the name of the new ointment iniroduqd by the diuggisl horn Vancouver mean the man who was on the brotdcast Is this product avail about three HUDNUT HOME PERMANENT REFILL With FREE Egg Creme Shampoo 175 29 Tambly weeks ago lblc at Tamblyns Name oi the new healing ointment It was InlIOdUCCd in Toronto by Henry Hersog of the Vancouver Tnmlwlms expect the ointment to be available in all Tamillm stores aim May ltli No62 88 Lens gtN0 620 153 Le PROPHYLACTIC ROLL WAVE HAIR BRUSH TONI HOME PERMANENT SPIN CURLER SETS 279 BRECK LATHEROIL LIQUID SHAMPOO 75c 150 TONI SHAMPOO Tubes 330550 TONI SHAMPOOJar 95 HUDNUI HOME PERMANENT at 325 Duocia Uni wa or IliirmJC 10800 robot tiAOiZiNi iii CAMERA 00320 670 GET N0 010 810 111753 irsiiitiiinj 300 OIL Flicuc send your questions to AITKEN 225 Iatvis Shl Toronto Ont LENT COLOGNE TWEED SHANGHAI ABIENTOT MIRACLE 115i 155 With Dome Atomizcr BROWNIF IARGE BROWNIE TAR BROWNIE REFLEX IC BABY BR OWN EA IIEILSOIIS ARISTOCRAT EVERY PIECE DIFFERENT PAGE SHAW ALICE BLUE lb 85 lb 170 BOND STREET lb 125 Iblt250 MINIATURES lb 125 67 REVLON BEAUTY AIDS TouchandGlow Makeup 125 WILLAIRDS ANNE HATHAWAY lb 85 CHANEL COLOGNES No No 22 and Gardenia 003550 PERFUMES Cuir de Russia Canienia No and No22 500 1000 til Listron Nail Polish 75 Lipstviclerl651 73 REVLOINSV NEW LIPMIRROR COMBINATION PACKAGE POLISH mom and NAIL BRILLIANCE Reg 68c for 59 Tl 111001 Cmiibiiiulioh for FlllgfrsTlllcllllly MI DG ET SPIN CURLERS For Perfect Neckline Curls Far Easier Far Faster Get Yours TodayIn This New SPECIAL VALUE TONI REFILL KIT Six Toni Midgnl SPIN Curlu Ronulurlonl Homo Pumanunl Ilollll Toni Cum Shampoo 30 Ill $188 Value 00 CamusCOLOR iN ONE Lipstick and LipSize Mirror 200 lg 77704041 He SPmi ORTRAIT FACE POWDER 125 LIPSTICK 125 COMPACT ROUGE 125 DRY SKIN CLEANSER 100 150 ORANGE FLOWER SKIN LOTION 125 250 Valliiond ll MakeUp Preparations COMPACT ROUGE 125 LUXURIA FACE POWDER 100 150 CREAM rouse 150 LIPSTICKS 150 MAKEUP FILM 130 LUXURIA FACE CREAM 150 300 LUXURIA CLEANSING CREAM 150 300 All limo or only DELIVERY STORE HOURSMon Tue Thur 830 Mn 330 pmweci 330 am 10 PIione 2650 After Htsurs to 330 pm Sat 330 am 10 pm Sun 12 Phone 38 1230 pm 1311 12 to to pm 79 pm