PERSONALS tilsons Iouiirys CHOCOLATES l7 EAST il LUNCH AI BRYSONS Ice Cream Candy ELIZABETH ST S$ X$$ ll ll ll ii lil It It Ii In at it St Andrews Presbyterian Church lllA lAAilIH llilIUISliN BA Alliiiatei EASTER SERVICES HUNDAY AllIII II liliitl ll am and pm lllll MINISIICR lilinHi Music By The hoir Bill pm THE IIIJIKIII SflIOOI ome to liurllil GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES pril 11 Light Central United Churc GUEST SPEAKER Rev Auld BA BD of Midland CENTRAL UNITED CIIURCII CHOIR AN INlIiRDICNOANATIONAL SERVICE Indcr the direction of the Barrie Ministerial Association II inillliimnmimi PENTECOSTAL First Baptist Church lH HOLI NESS CHURCH Evanccl Gospcl cntrc NEW It llAll lllill Sl iSouth Off Bradford Stl lastor Ilriseworthy SUNDAY EVANGEIJSTIC SERVICE AT 700 pm EVERYONE WELCOME Full Gospel Tabernacle it nulcaster Street Affiliftlcd with Pentecostal Assemblies Of Canadai SERVICES gt SUNDAY APRIL II Illl 10 antSunday School 11 amilorning Worship 73 pmEvangelislic Service Friendly Welcome Awaits You FREE METHODIST Church 200 Bayfield St Phone 4572 REV AND MRS CHASE ministers SUNDAY APRIL 1950 Tune in im CHML no mm for Light and Life Gospel program 200 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL 300 pmPreaching 730 pmPreaching All Are Welcome my GOSpel Hall 19 PdrksideDrive sunDAv APRIL 971550 In armyBREAKING OF BREAD pinSunday School and Bible Class prnGOSPEL MEETING Thurs 8pmPrayer Meeting Welcome Seats Free No Collection MMW1 sT GEORGES CHURCH OF ENGLAND ALLANDALE Rev NewtonSmith Rector Mrs Shaw ATCM Organist GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 730 pm EASTER DAY g8am HOLY COMMUNION 1030 ramsnow COMMUNION Special Easter Music Sunday School As Usual 17pm EASTER CAROL SERVICE hildren Especially Invited 11 umMORNING WORSHIP April 23rd Thc Gideons The Home of Friendly Worship SrCaptain and Mrs Strachan himEASTER CANTATA JSWEARING 1N OF SOLDIERS IVVed pmFellowship Club gt lThLirs PinWomens Meeting trv Luck BA BB Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Chair Leader SUNDAY APRIL 1950 950 lmySUNDAY SCIIOOL Classcs for all ages Ill amMORNING WORSHIP Subject III1 IS RISEN ll am NUIlSERY SCHOOL Mrs Erett in Charge lli omeVENING SERVICE SubjcctiIARY MAGDALENE Mon at pm THE FRIENDLY CHURCH gm Collier St Baptist Churchi Independent REV MITCHELL Minister SUNDAYQAPRIL 1950 EASTER SERVICES panBIBLE SCHOOL pmTHE EVANGEL April IlOtliRev Rae Japan All are tlcaitily Invited To Attend These Services gm The Salvation Army 60 COLLIER ST SUNDAY APRIL 1950 It amHOLINESS MEETING 230 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL EASTER BELLS ENGAGEMENTS Lilu lildlt il lhuicl lilll Lll iilliillx Holly Sunday SchoOl pm Discuss Finances At School Board Meeting Friday ltw VV If It Til tut Ill llama1 tiatzizldi It Iiv All and xlis Iiil wt Simiti Ill Illum triangularl iihvidmi v11 lilwldlil ofwivivctalksciitcrla1n llllfljlvl Ili Iltlll lllil liilllil llllllll Ila nut Iii lioii Ba SitJULIA and to Central United Church REV lilidlill ISA Aliiiislei LItUII lander Allin llitlll llnlllt llllI lllliltlASTING Aniliciii lIlSlC Sllll Fololsls Miss liiitly llool lll Eldon Tuck Sollr Mrs Ross lliil llSIS ONLY lnlEVENING WORSIIII IIic hoir will ietiilvr the Easter Cantata RESURRECTION HOPE DOTII SERVICES OVER CKBB CHURCH SCHOOL ll llilrrl3ICINNICIIS AND llllhlAliY 200 lllltSII IIOYS CLASS 1130 pmII OIIIEII CLASSES AA Trinity Ch ANGLICAN BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH MINISTERREV CARDER BA ORGANISTMR DEMPSEY HA JO MEASTER SUNDAY SERVICES 11 amThe Risen ANTHEM Sing Unto the Lord Soloist Mrs Spearn JR CHOIR Christ the Lord Is Risen ToDay DUI3T Selected Mrs Wm Little Mrs Gordon Roach pmIThePromise OI Eternal Life ANTHEMS They Have Taken Away Merord Christ Being Raised From The Dead Sir Geo Elvey Wlicri TheSabbathWas Passed Soloist Bell Easter Communion Srvices pm Georgian Successful Event lnl Iit lliillll llllrl loi II llti Ili ttttiy low It lttl lil ii It lltllltlii All lllif Ilit that if lllll lt my TIxilil the tliiltlllllfi ailstd Hit hr lsoazt 1tllll Jht Ulllt Iltlllllt ill clunil lll id Ill lillllllL svlnro linwcvcr Il lli adr foii ttn illtliltd xd moi the town itivziilnis liii 41k prevent Newton in 1il blurry atloitaiz unidid llulkl ti Annual Service Clinic Dangerfield Motors ltil ctiicii of IIIllllt lltl lllt llIlll Itll iiil stHzcv iiziic lltll by Dan il lltlll Motors luvstlay cvoninu tl tln llt illlli iovciillv built llll liti Illll with the pxocctluic nuts to usloiiicis and ltli tltll attendance enjoyed iirws itiiieial lllllllltiiil ot tho llllillltlillt Dealers Awawialrons ot Ontario ill llllll addresswian lilavi AtjiitK llc uracil courtesy and lllllllllllyiniiltS attention to the nccds of tourists especially American in Illt tiilllllll Illl Dams tial in law llic Zunilion lri intciidld to pro ol lasham hiidl llli ii HDllllllHlllI for closer rc Illlll and it dins business With operators lll toriiialiozi on parts and service of illlilllllll llllAlLll iln lltlltlllk afford viic llltlllttilll for Chrysler lro ducts emphasich lllt precision built qualitiis ot lirysler parts and drew attention to the careful inspection given at tho factory ll fore any parts arc rclcasml sMiTii EASTER isunoAVHsERVIcrs II MORNING WORSHIP lrmnid Alli his thanks for the patronage iiiven by the garagcmcii and cxplained that the policy of the firm is to our fast friendly service in parts why unto rand other phases to thctradc lives of Chrysler Corporation Jack ltcid assistant icizional manager for Chrysler Products izave short talk it Ilzlliucrfioltl Motors chairman of the meeting introduced the lspeakers and gave an outline of credit and collection of accounts urch GOOD FRIDAY LITANY AND ADDRESS 12 noon to 300 pm THE SEVEN LAST WORDS Rev Eric Richards Easter Day am Holy Communion am Holy Cammunion 11 amHoly Communion and Sermon PreacherTH RECTOR 230 pmCHILDR Ns SERVICES pm EASTER CANTATA NOW IS CHRIST RISEN Rev ELdeP Wright Rector Mrs Roberts Organist rist lce LWeslcy Stainer 470516 that keepscolors fresh as Erna pm Prayer Meeting Mayftheir be an Easter morning in your heart it United Church Services STROUD 1100 am LEFROY 73opm Three Words from Calvary New members will be received by certificate St James Chair will sing at Lefroy sacred cantata The Conquering King LEFROY 1030 am STROUD 730 pm HOLY COMMUNTON Three Words in Josephs Garden COLLIER STREET uNiT MiiiisterRevssz LeWisMALBD Organist 85 Choiimaster Lloyd AW Tuftord sownth TEASIER SUNDAY APRIL 91950 coon FRIDAY ANTHEM Now Christ 11 AM ANTHEM Up Up My Heart Rejolcing ANTHEM Christ The Lord Is Risen Again SERMON Life Everlasting THE CHURCH SOHOOL 945 amJunior Intermediate and Sen or Depts 11 amNursery Beginners and Prima Depts pmThe Adult Bible Class RM Portion Of The Messiah ByG Handel Concerning Christs PassionfDeath and Resurrection SOLOISTS Mrs Dobson Mrs Taylor Mrs Carson Mr Shepherd Mr Knox ED CHURCH tallalityfleiming th 85 Xvi1th Cen arr Pluddemann Cruger Thiman Is Risen XIII rf ll lm fill ll1 ilil ltlh Ziii if li ltiia im ia II UTill iiilltl Hill lllt iii Iltlllli mm 14 fill was iln the lIllflll awn liwi Nun LIIA iiazitriVi it tyiai til llaiia tit1 Aron it IM ll 1i Ill llllll whimu iiiii It ozit In lln lllltl iin lin ilinllli pzii latill trig only haul il wiinl litllttll lilll lIIllxlll ioeiblw not llllii ILlli lfi Vti ll Ill isuois llt illlllllllllll ititalii lllSlllI on The lines rar llktl Ihc lllSl sinalter Sox Sllllllll Sinclair regional Scr noriu Dangerfield exprcssod Among several other representa William Merrick office manager Opening at pin tho program ifcaturcd an entertainingr film on tlieSalt Laki district of Utah TIlt film was supplied by the Chrysler Corporation Many words of praise were pass ed on the unique buffet lunch consistinnr of pigs tails spare ribs lthSSClt and coffee Ilolding of the event at the garage was depar ture from former years when it was held at Club It was felt that by holding it at the garage more informal gathering would bc achieved resulting in more beneficial exchange of ideas and information RY AN EXAIVHN El WANT AD no 00K is anythingl in your life youll insist that your clothes have this gentler thOrough cleansing newtliis precise shaping that holds their style to the linethat is rargspsg All harem1 PHONE 2472 for PickUp and Delivery NUSERVICE CLEANERS urnament Here OIHII II illtll IIIIII llti VAI Painting Contractors Brush and Spray Painting Specialists in Floor Finishing BARRIE BETTER PAINTBRS Free Estimates Green Phone 30l0 Caiiutliers lhi gt an LlilrllSllltz lIi iii Iii to ila twin and Whatever the weather rain or shine youll look lovely in this Hill ill 3111 and All Final ll Ull Illll ll Imviinml oiz and AIDS lwilvl Slv Ill Ililllf ltiiili llll iiil lmiahoia Iiiial land Illl Inuit 1hr in iiilit to llltlll lairm and iiiili Ill lill nannies as will balm tli Itlllt tllltll IDAIvy ltlgtllt Of icersStylc Trench Coat lloiiiit altlw tlvili ltnzi Illillllllr when layiio and liiilt Ir siiulon and IIIl gnu ltiltl ytlltlllifl ltllI littl lllllllll itil ll uppl iiii Um iolilioii Ono ol the top tllliilliltt liillll ll iiiii illilt aiinst Iiiiiiliiial final in Zill il llilY loiiiptlw in the and lit lltli lit il Ilil ll1lll luv Ilitliii Wm lo Illllthi Nintht Illl double the out uiiiiit ltil Mail Wil coat that is all the rage this season Woolandrayon aidine doublelireasted front buckled tlap on left slitnildcr and dashing epaulcts Rayon lined for extra protcct fort Navy sizes illlo lo llllll liatlli ill llll gab smart ll onia championship finals umpired by ol itlll Wllll SAFETY SERVICE Accident Sickness Fire Automobile Burglary Plate Glass Guarantee Bonds General Liability PEACOCK General Insurance PHONE 2165 MIDHURST liclt storm mmyvyWlaaa and com Shop Today at iiiiasuiivs AIJIES WEAR llbllll0q QI0000u0d00m0 Available in god selec tion ofall the newest cov shades Priced tip For two pieces ers in all frbm awe These stylishsuites may be purchased with either two or three pieces BUY on LIBERAL rams STOVES ll29l3l Dunlap St LltltIt9tqd0b000000 ii BARRIE Phone 4492