if Tmce Weekly Three section MONDAY nd mm 5C per COPY homo1111 4090 LLAS NAIL Ii III IKIIII no1 Ioiiuu II ill CUT NO In Poul Donia ULPARIMINI oIIAnA APRiL ll tQc II it 0F CIRCULAIIUNQ Presrdent Parker Town PostponeSIFlyers Score 30 Shutout On Dukes Speaker At Barrie Lead Senes ur im AMmammmvirrK ll VINt lIll hr ARMY LORRYTOWSI DOUBLE BILL PROGRAM HOUSE OF HITS LOWSLUNG CARS IiIIit II1 iI 11 ills i1l animal ii mmhd rst with the Best in Barrie 4V o11 191 lrltltil morning Itil1 1111 tillleJlA It ti 110 iiuotliII mar liir Vo Itout 111 unlit 1It1x llI1I iohi VlMi till gt III VV XXLll Nitl llii mtvr I2 IIVJVVI Iixz1illllIkiIII1111IIflllgttillivkAEII II II Inurr than iiiihm Irv IIII 10 Ann MarlOWQI Hobart Cavanaugh Igf at the wittrr oi tln lt1llllll adiaii litirzii ltiIilll Iliillnll oi StartingVVTonighl Thursday MG Cram Lanny 3895 Irene RY iiilllltti leVli iidtlil luV liltilll IIVllti ujiitJinVir it lunth icitViiI IVV II in rum IVHUHV II II IIIIIII IIIIIQtIIlIlllIIIIUII IIIlIlIIIII foiIIth1 IwIuIntIt lllltlil lirill 1i 11 Is IITHE Good Friday Easter Monday 230 pm warmv in fill Iiimt lilitil ITI IHHIRS OPEN III IIIIIII 111IIilhltth1I1 IIMI Irmuh III IIII illliiii limit iid tIIili HarIi Ware Llh MiV natrr uii Iiiizl1i fill VltilltV tiil 1il limitv1 Itlli motor ll l1l iliiililililli IIIIIIHXD ixts liiti not attempt to Li Great Bock Becomes Illlalri ilic 1111111 tvi ilJti lllittl Hummh II II IHI II II itll to lump Inuitm nl lioitiianii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII staltlil in IittI utcr that 14m II III 2II III Greater picture wm li Iii ill 1it i1 iitl iilt taetioiii hat hi lot at tlnii IV III II Ii titiiitw iic Ill rd coiii lilllw ii 111 ii llVlU 1th VVK mm VVVVH UV Hlit VQ lulu 111 21 iil ll 1t 111 1il11f111 llu othcr titullll iillii Uliiti 2till luv 11 111114 to ililt hmnI led tiv Mavor Iliil uioij 1Vl Io ln shrub II gt gt was 1111 tiii n1 tILI iii vi lt vgtgt rlt iiii 11 MIN on tttligtlttllitill tiltlit It iiIL1 mm 111 11 IIIIII II IIIIIIII IIIIIIII III III IIIIIIIIII II II III IIII IIHIIIII IIIII ittls approval 11H ttlli 111111 lur Wuim llrlwiii Wilson xiantctl the iis i1li othli lt1 had moi Dihar SunrinteiidiIit Ull II V1 hdlIIIII 1IIIIII11I1II the itcms ii iii inattm ililtll that iill discussion ln iiiti II III III IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III III IIIIIIIIIIII III III IIII iiLUlViiV iitiiinitori vLIisioVanlinilliSIlHIWI iVii ml Wk IVthVii1i iltlii VV mmm Most llititlllllll niadi liasti ti Siinixini strength that was to ill II mcr tlir Iitttlitlli 1rl tmw Ii 11 III II II II iliiliIl it LVN VI ml to 1Ir land In an AIM VViVlVIVVVt 1Vme 1M hilitlVIlr Hill ii Illit lllllLL III II II II In IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III Vanothir Hmwi llarl had tttlllt It1V lltli1iilihlili martyr oi IIVIIIVIVEI IIHI IVIIVlilILH 11 iiVlulll loiuiito iiiiI for the Vill illti run 11 lie1 tiiv tiriallti 1le 1111 iti II In IIIIHINIII IIHII IIIIIHI IHII Iittilt 1111 It iitliliil VIIIII iv IN IllIlVI liix trip iitti in il1i1 HILitl ln Uilliitli iV V7 II II II Iwruiitl l1111a Ni lliim Iitlit liiiiiii on the government which lie snit Lm hlld HVl Vm puiictzati iiit hard111 1111 tow ROOkIC Award Winner 1Ul EHH vested was in itlili icmndniv on mwlmu mi mm might NV VhV VVIVV HHV IHHVHHVV livchiiic illtil mus tlit VV1 iliIH who lt 11 lII in VV II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII until Ullt oi tiio ntlotk iili InaImi h1 1Il1d iiiJ liiul IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIIIIII IIII la 111IL In illtil the LUllliltllLV has introduced Voikiin 11 tinn lIl 1141111111 in li let lli llaiiu Ifaiuiii1r Iioui Ullt ot tln sides and iht illilt Ulll liltlllllill tlu oiipmlllnil IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III III In le VV VIWVUVVVLL Viit was about ttii itthiiliii Illi liliiiiiill McCarroll outlined opera Lillltil liil liillii lurthur IllHi 27 Harrisin 1I1lt IIIIIIS III IIIIS bIIIIIIIIII IIIII mm IIIIIII IiiI lliIlIlL Ittttlltllltltdtti non 11 IIIIIIIII IIIII SIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIkIII IIII IIIIIII tor Tuesday for Vcdnesdav for tan lill appariiit nalnnss tor chiIII NFUNSFIUFS IISIII1IIHIIIIIHI dNUNd mm LVVV Vctk Iucsda and other tiiiics Ntltttk 11 with motion that the hm Join Vvc 111 wu 11f qyii 11w 1u and lloii lllllll chinlulu tlu 10mm ml blmm Hm icll as toiattcr tlic tlllliCli much Illtlllllll luv iitili Iursda April ll iil Ill innunwiqu In lni in it 1i laiil Im mm Mb mdl inc The summit lhursiiiii ullm 111i twinii ItlIllllt was ollcrwl 1531le IIIVIIVIVHU IVVIVIV 11i1 on mio itHi Hospital nun1 my Ii gt gt igt an DHMH JUN lAslt Wednesday was not broached iand 1hr EltttillltL 41gt EttlIIItllllltti IIIIIII HIM IIII IIILIIIII tamed at tlic illlit of Mr and Mrs IIII IIAI II Alan min tliilligt walla1c II McCurroll ilioiii tlncl1melirclz Thu lilLiil 112 iHIUi tic Iiituiiv iliitl The party procrtdid on to laii ilLllI look Ililllt in the Mmiul whoa II litIIl Hl1 3l1lgt i1l Irula liv WU limiti iHH ll Spitlldiii HI Wistoiis liill lacl11laiiri in 111 1111 il and llgt l1lllli ncr was CllIVIUCiri thc closi warcii of illV stick It all staitid lll1 llllil to lllk load by Ilnci lilt dinner lrcsitleiit Parker illi laii lacloiiall 11ltllar lilln unrltiinn Inttmtd 51 ovetiVillillllti lancch near the i1ltlli COLUMBIA ow Kay of Port Eight in recognition Mmmlm iVY VHIVVJ llillt points rcsprctivclv lcger II 1xnmiivvV iNiclitilsnn of the Ililkts tiiniilI II hh 13 if ml llltiltillliiV stick mr uh 101th mm tm tht Impmdl Lllt In BIWI ttnllli hitsthr 1mm Ills lk 00 Wm mum 1V IM 1I1V1VV1 VSVVVV1VV 1VVVVV1VVVlVV 1in Dudhi Red DematestDonathGoodwmMcCOIMICkhs av licatid objection to the proposal locked as it has Iireii for l1lt hltlsgIlIldI Lil II IIIT HIV larrctt Memorial ilropIiIv and VV IIFT IF NFSI closing off for building purposes of by llu llUllHltlltliilltll Inf Mr 51IITIUIMIII I31IIIIIIII bonus of $300 from the league for IOX ll Block Street was raised by Dcputy Griffin lr Swain Igtitli aliliruriitl IHIIII ION $in mill rtmkii humus Vllt Iv CARTOON STARS T0 REMIAIBLR Recve Grittin when the at the uni WHY0 IWW is 111W ill mix iIIIIXII1I Ilf II llilti SItltl for the Illstar selec EVEI SHOWS 650 pImI tioii was liLUllllllilKiCd by report lililllll Miiitti Irv lllillillllltiIII lNdlxt IsIlIthiIlsinu auI I11IiuisII RIIIIIl 0N0 IN MI Tm fumuwunu Mm of tho pmpvrtr cmnmittcc 11 town Tito matter was referred ilti to lwlvd WiiiiV VVV VVVW iii1391Klhrlmird Him rmlnutr of thi Srlkirk Himituhu mumMl 31s 3F 0mm mum MNmuy lht lltltlJLlU CulltlmllVWf0 fllllilll IiIlIlfIiIIIIIiiTIEICYIEIIIIIIIII II Illarric Myers iiis tiiat received goals and It assists dilrinIr the sea lI Iaul lcgcr ilicii= ilt as rated in Seven times be scored IIiat 7V iiicfi llililll hitiinss on ltltl itiou aiidI ltpllll iilt II II II gt IIIIIIIIIICII by ML Grim and 81mm III1AILKI elmmg hue lMn appmyv II Int IIiIxTlILI INIEII1IIIIIS Ilitc outstanding rookie in the proved to be winning goal for the iDiSHiC growsIVE SCIVicps both cdiI tlic lnnllaiininl Board in IIIIriean Hockey magma llie Ilisoiis liger formed onethird gt in all tour majors tlt asstssid II 0f whom have buildings located on II II II Iiinoiinceimiit as made earl this DIIOIN oi the highest MIIrini com Ithe street which Is not used as ITVIILITIISIIIIIIIIEUIIiItIEKIfIZIId week as thi avourlid leftwing hiniilions in the Ill which lioast thoroughfare the dispute aioscI I1 Ii er far outdistiiiutII ili rivals III cd vetcrans li llcinario and Iiiom the Coops request that the II II aniassiiig 36 out it possible lrant Warwick When Buffalo gt street he closed so the tirm can IVIUII1RIIVIHCI VI III points in voting by sports writers were eliminated from alIIirlup Mmmd lpurchilsc land for expansion My ma lrIuhIlwrsI is dan mm II IPVIIIIIIIII Imus III Griffin alino owncrI of buildinuI located on the street contends ac Iid Iiou know Ovurniuht soul lanania II licatIrI on ieb 135 15 IIId Kelvin hiriiett of Springeld zMoIitrIal and saw action with the button and buck covering Iniiilih Will rIIIiercd mints 1VIlI gt ti Ctss to his adjaccnt pIopLItIL and I1L lllI II Ia Itns lust as III also its value will be affected hr WLm D1l bumm Town May Take over cxt In lintwere pair ot litts stund ott elimination from the closing of ICIISImNI III Iliurgh Hornet treslinicn Ray lIan Stanley in playoffs with 31 The deputyrccve told council he CV WNW Mllt AV Garbage Collection Iiigan and Tim Horton with and iw hv Tllmd lmhd HIM ipItitiou tame lroin litllli IIy weekend Ihliger was called to in over New York Rangers was speaking as private Citixcii Marks Bsilllly helium ficuular AND not IIS II civic DmCIIIL He mam 3390 periiianents ahth szi11 also Purchase Samvan OF OTHERS this clear when Aid 11 $1foldf1If II II Iixsrotn READY erIIr roc WAIT SonI Chairman while the comm ISchial tioc tarial llil Ll ptiI in council Al to toiisirui Iin committee of UK who my muncnt $600 and urcr EVNHLIJ rccomIncndatitm by the special BREAKS IV 20 am siderV committee reports cautioncdilllllmlllmtllli WW 3731 CIIIJEconIIIiittce that the ltlyll purchasi iLLSlI xBrRDINE S49JU Vthat th deJIItyrceve was address Attcittioti Ladies lo com Sanivan and take over llillbullt 11ERS IIIIIIIIIIII 328I50II334I50 3451 mg $6133 man pletc your p516 ciiscmblc atollcetion on Nov of this year STEme yfg cs 30 $10 00 ROCK c5 00 Tune In EaCh Morning Chm ERNEST MILLER has csgned Giving few reasons Mr GriftiiiIlacial pcrmaiiciIIt or hairstylc The CUIWHIULU mildt WWII AI VV Reevef Chldwatel am there IVllgmid he docs not want the street iPhonc 3804 La Velma Beauty Iinendations after Colisidtlint ill 3015 SL115 All TWO Pants $1400 to 32492 Hi Uifi IV be noIlInlnatfonI meetgng hIeld IInCIOSCd at this time Ht accused lilC ISEIIQII R93 Coiiltt SLI 242linUlllIlf11Wn I01 hdlIbIInL Im SHIRTS Tub SUFKS BEL Monday Ievcmng Apr 17 It l5Coop management 01 loci of co WELCOME OlNCly 10m WHICIDRIIIKS corned to the Barrie Town Council expected at least one of the counIopcraiion 3in numerous matters in AldI Gym MCCUInkcII was TL Included in the report was the 120115 and BOYS ciilors vili resign to seek tththc past alidIclaIIIied his busmess silggostion that Istartinig wrth 191 nunlnn Rt Rnrrw worker delegates theiconfew Reeves chair and if there are enIis being squeezed by the larger meetin on MIIIIdIII mum I0110Itax bills domestic taxpayers he as or onI waln may oug candidates there will be ann Emerson Swain manager of the in MSMCCHUH Ildormm IJSUSSCd 55 Vtilli ilC Vllh IJHHHSS lJJOlllUOltl0 Dele ate to Geneva Metings win by held April 1V1 election Mr Miller atormcr IIarICoop was present btit did not ad ward MII McEmVIkI bumim in its ItllilinIll dIHlII PiCkUP PM to 22 in Geneva Two repiescnta den of Simcoe CountY has been allVdrIeIss ttllIeCI chlIlnIIciIl II last Dccembct IIIId IIIIdbIICII IIdIIIscha nsIlIfIIIiIiIoIIIItIhlyIIII IIIIIIII uxaminer or ta quor Conventlon I19I9rqaggnempoyf5 $155232 gleVVEStigigzithe street has never been used for I1an dOCthIVIItI IVCNVItII3IldI 18ch0 licipalities as receivcd by town Gordon Melitvain son of Mrs are eligible Ind attenad thse effective Julv access V10 property H0 531d MVV iffiiif 91 iiiV53 VIVZIiioVVVtiiidik 13 Bumm revealed that VVV Mcnwam OI BaIIIIIe sailed OII enceI Iriffinh hIaIs Lted rightofway bSSILISC Ithc avcrdtIIe cotIst aging 12 locinIl g====u rouI to 00 ro or IV on ies was ess ian mon Thursmg March 130 fImmeCamL agreeiiient audit isspVioproschthatV Its surc to be bright checrylusing an average of one and In halfV iggnfortiieogeggzdlgggiioof Vespra Subscribers permanent riglIitofway to any EdIHlflII Willi Cards from CrosiIISanivans the municipalities Ch Ind IIIqu Secton of the lowner of the Griffin propcrty be lands tresh Easter Iwrappci gcontacted eight operated systems ten lusL bI OIIII III an ed or art included in the deeds closmg tiic ClIiocolatcs washable coyred bun under the works department and Vi 85naegmsvitend Hanna lo Hospital Canvass Dance Craighurst Hall chapged street mes $169 in plush 75 snupinihc operated gamma simiiar 77 Oriiiia Curling Club 00000 from Thursday April to M0 day This to all practical purposes that new Easter outt with KoIivchicles Only one had privatcl Mr McIlwain who makes his Ves wansi did exec tion April 10 Admission 500 hi inch lremoves any possible objection dk Bruwnic its Easter WUenterprise dealing directly with the home in Salim OM is inielna any V5811 inte 35110 and Dinid counter II 27X ithai there could be to the closing at Crosslands 271 Iiiouscholders tt th Intv en St of the sreet Th xi VILE Mona lepresen Memom Hgsptal Campag and Bmgo Lpgm Hal 26 OW 5m mom national CileVIllical orkersi AF raised almost double its quota The auspices Ladies Auxiliary to Can NIX Swain said he belicyed ICIU Easier Vfrom rugslands ino into Hi he ipom was Due to the generosity and wholehearted cdoperation 0f Lv and is V0112 0f two canadianV following letter has been received dian Legion MGHday April 101815 9390 i5 31319135th in only Small $0011 Bible in iDidclx 01 Yhilkviilm lbut the envelope addressed to The at The Barrie Examiner office Dm Sharp Everybody welcome COlnIelr of the street he gave his to $900 Testaments 35c to $425 lExanncrI was mych mm he on We would like to say at this 15 games 250 21b11m5 reasons for Wishmg the Street Resaries 20c to $800 Prayer tice just as the last section was go time how much we yeciaterthe Reserve Wedne dayV April 12 for closed as The rm plans 10 and Hymn Books150 to $7150 Th 1115 CII pp the Barrie Businjss and profession erect Storagerbundmg and the 919 01 splendid support you have given Youll find them at Crosslands 27b Import win he published in the next very worthy cause and to all 31 701179115 Evenlng Tea and 5126 Of the blinding ngcessndth INNISFIL REPORT FOUND IISSLIe 0f Thc Barrie ExamineII 0f the 01mm Cllling Club we are taking our Bonspicl tOIIItlieir club in 0111113 this yeah THE GREATEST ARRAY 1N Plums EVER GIVEN FOR BONSPIEL 10 of work also tea 0qu reading use of part of the street The our township canvasseis Iand sub 53 II II lowmg the IniiIis Township scribers we say very hearty 1139 held at the Eager Sta Halli mm 5th io meet gdboim Council mectine last Monday Re Hawaii the crossroads of the Pa umps which Is not possible llh thank you Owen Street pm 10 10 Pm porter Simpkin handed hislcilic consist of 20 iSiands of which 3mg 93 Of we To The Barrie Examiner and to Admission 25c Proceeds for Hospi Import to councillor who was COIII Inc IIIIII InhabIIdI III II II tl bl nd this will DANCING THURSDAY NIGHT Bilailthif113 DONT MISS THIS II iI CI II Children and grandchildren Don HIV vVorC r87 Iml Team who may have been II II III II II II II II an Hes $75000 in IPRIZES oI 001 Donated by the following HARRIS MOTORS LONoRIg Morons IEMIVISELECTRIC HARIRYI ARMSTRONG II Green Front Hardware BOYS TONY SASO IRoxy GraiiadIIIIThcatres CRAIGunit sons TEPHENSOINS EWELLERS SMITH STEPHENS The IIStore for Men THE SARJEANTCO LTII SIMCOE ISO0P SERVICES DIXIES SMOKE SIIIOP HAMP FRALICK Canadian Tire Corporation 9IEVASTERJMONDAYVCDANCEIV IMondayApriI1 10 phi CKBB aIISQg0050u1appreciationfoy tal Ward Eundu 27p Stating that the matItIeris dead II heIaIirty cooperation ahdnssistancci ==== =====7== =========EIT= IEI You all have helped to make missed or to thOseIIwhoIfeel they would um contribute More the DANCING SATURDAYINIGHT Joe McNeiIIie and HIisIfOrAtheslraVIV ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE LiilESAAw IPINE CREST DANCING stop to non I00J00000 fund is always open fOiir quot wasV$3800Vand resi dentsIIor Vespra subscribed over Watch this spae $6600 On behalf of the team cal tains again say thank you For Further IEarl Richardson Carman Downey DETAILS Walter ForbesHunter Russell Dobson R0 Hickiin chair Donald Bell Andrew Cumming IIIlull JV= All Prizes Given Are General Electric Products Bombgs VV 9w Annoances The Opening the New Dining Room II If EASIER SUNDAY APRIL Private d1n1ng room available for part1es 9th 41Dunlop Sig BARBIE Dial 3735 No11HighWay Smiles north tilBarrie Q55ssssssssssssssssssss 0000000000 Federation of AgriCulture Farm FaCtOry 0r Dwelling We insureihem allVI No risk too large And none too small Meeting at Strand Monday April 1071 850m lt 333$i22lit13352 Everybody Welcome Bring VVLunch ZcIouii mIiITaoonIiro MalcomVsOns Insurance Agency lVO0O7 xVI II It