The OBrien Letters Cedargrove Hall Is Christened At Shanty Bay Summer 1832 Several Visitors First Summer lontli hilt 111 11 re in the owls our 111111111 unwil us 111 111 111111111 11111111 111 1s 11111111 the 11 11111 111 311111th strapped 111111111 l1l Ionlien tutti 11111111 111 11111 1111t 111ml loll111111 the eldest 11111 111111 luutlle pxoportioneil to his strength strum 111 the llile 1111111111 then another lllllt Mill Hill fmnr l1o and then little girl too 1111mm 111 1111 11111 111tlitt 1111 tonne to bank llalll lltgt ll liq iiine the mother 111111 Hi ill lmll 11111 emelopeil in the folds of Hi ll ll 11 blanket iiid 1111121111 11 her 11 IWlfl lml lurk 111 the sallle manner Volll li1111 llllli Brown 0lttl Seedsmen Since 1371V illllllualop St Barric the bundles ot inanimate 11111 ter Phone 2435 111 milliliter1 511111111511 BETTER gnnarnn PROFITS led your calves replacements cea limited omit iirsiicus IN YOIK DISTRICT Ira Wilson ooasrowx Wilson IINESING IIrie Mercer THORNTON 11 111111 ripen Alliston Purifiers oop 1111sros Brown 111351111111 Dennis liltAlHillltIl 11 Business menVlarge and small TV borrow ittto expiitidso that they can serve you more fully andiprovide wider range of consumer goods yOu need Some 201 it is lent to Canadian Municipalities to pay forroads sclioolsand utilities so that your living conditioiagcan be improved The benefits of your savings anthhe savings of thousands of others are reected in almost every phase of youreveryday life Still the money in your Savings Account is always available to you with the interest ithas earned Madmen Manager barrio ovomoniMnmiqor Allandal 111 11 44 ll 11 it 11 11 11 xiii 11 11 11141 1111 1111 1111 litlli settlement as 11111t1t 11111 111111111 1111 that 11411111 liiilis e111t nien 1111111 we 1111 11 111k tltd li 11 11 the 111111v the li 1g in 31111 1111 do 11 from the tltr1n 11111 ll in one 1111111 or the 1111111 11l pre 11111 11ird returned bring Ll 111111 111111 the 111ll1ll11 dent 11 the tlllllllls Wk 1111 tilli in lime 11s the solitude 11 our Itlltlltll in the woods litt r1lned1 11311111 and 11111 11l Iia 111111 out 111111s111 life r11 saw e1 of tlitft I1 1111111 1111111 11 1111 them to be 11111 that litiward 1e 14 11e111111 of 111m 111111111 whether we 1V1 1V1 11 111111 lllt t1tlfi 1111111 or 1111 we the tit111 of the shan 11lt tr11ek by the of 1211 ltltlltltllt and 1I 11111 than the strange 11 111111 ot mind whiett so perfectly at home 1111111 ll1e contemplated 111 rttillllg mad 111 lilllt shanty in tanaihan forest husbands return 111 112 11 111 111 11 111111111 11 my side 111111112 summer 1811 11111 31111 had contracted for getting vgry low so much so that we had sent boat to the other side to forage for some barrels of pork The success of this mission however was un certain At all events some better fare than salt pork is sistallls at such meetings The food was the more necessary in 2111 puts 11 11111111111 it 11 to ltlltll 1V 111111 provisions could 11111 slarlu lake with my bah Vtelllil 1111 the logs and frame of 1111111l111 the bee for raisingI 1f lt to 111 1111111 by us and 1si 11111111111l ealled 1111 to prepare 11 11111 ooner than expected 1111 summons came at an unlucky moment seeingr that our statk of provisions was tltltl by the voluntary as pitals inNcw Southrwmes Til INTERN KARITVWT Survey Committee Arrivesl Walsh 11 lastrrtl 011141111 Itiiudirr irttlflt Ilst 11111111111111 r11 12111rii1111 of 1111111 11111111111111 sunry 1111 limp ttordiii lso on the com Years VLouis Henry Trott Oi BrentwoodV Dies inittte 11e Brigadier Helll n1rr ortranzo CANADA 1i 111 21 111131 Vglax 1111 ieoltiu Liisii tttti 11511 is Si11111 117111 1111 l1i 11111111 and Mrs lael 11111 nett 01 ointnamieiz lestirn nt Hum VIVVVV VVVVVV IVVV 1111 l1 11211111111 51111 111111 ariu Area and 11101101 Todd VV pump ALVIVHHVVV 11 l111 111 11 1d 111 1150 ominander amp Borden it 1mm Wqu IHVM 111111111 loiamo 11111 111 117 1111 llngmlwm JN mhut lleltttuul tnitett hurch on Sat MINIHf Mil All 1111 lIHdI arrived in camp on ednesday and MVW wrmmn wax mupr NV and 11111 nlgt wt to Mpeet to be here until Monday our case as lidward determin ed on limitng their aeeess to the whiskey barrel My 11111ions of what would be re 11115111 to furnish out such feast were not clear partnnlarlv as could obtain no 1111111111 inform lhe talked of 1111 some times of 111 Meantime we had an nnusiril lnuinber of hands collected to pre lpare the clearing for the house lllie site for the house makes us linore gtatis1ied every day ll11l walked 11111 to the 1111 lehers 111111111 he engaged to kill beast for 11s This relieved us 111 1111111 perplexuy 11111 involved us In lanotlier that of preserving three 11 ifour hundred pounds of meat 111 such weather as this The next day Edward Rent for line to come armed with bottle 111 whiskty to see the foundation tom of the house laid in their plates an operation of some nieity it ffonnd that they deviated from the lproposed site by foot or two 1111 the purpose of avoiding heap 11 dirt and of placing the end of one of the logs on large stone which lay conveniently for the purpose They drank to the success oftht house giving it the name of Cedar grove llall because as Edward says no one in the province but ourselves would hin spared theE cedars as we intend to do 1Io be continued 1rir WILEFR It was reported by error in the Lefroy news that Mrs Allan lhad been elected president of 1110 chroy Womens Institute The 10710 president is Miss 11 anniue if IEBEXRDSV Bites April Most of the fish shanties are in 011 the lake now Mrs Green visited Mrs Parsons on Sunday Saturday night for theTsEason The bowling club has decided to carry one for three more weeks Sorry to hear the death of Mrs McGowan one of our neigh bors Funeral was in Toronto onv Wednesday The children are having quite time to get to school these days iIhe roads and washouts are bail this year However Easter will soon be here and they may dry up then MIDHURST April Mrs James Craig is under the doctors care Her manyiriends hope to soon see her out again Mrs Pierce and Donna were in Weston last Monday attending the funeral of her cousin the late Mr Cameron and Mrs Kellogg and family They have movedinto the house recent ly vacated by MrKeats At the School and Home Club social evening last week eight ta blesplayed euchre with high scor es going to ladies Mrs Howey consolation Mrs Coutts and gents Hunter Russell consolation Thompson There was quite large gather ing at the LTB etichre on Friday evening Miss nMyrtle Fralick Vgot first for ladies and Mrs Beelby got SecondJ Doran get first for men lick won the special door prize IritHospitclsV Red Cross Service SYDNEY Anstralia March 29 CP One of the most popular Australian Red Cross facilities is musicaLlibrary service for hos The library has more than 3000 musical recordings of all types and everytwo weeks an album of 12 or 251ecordsis sent 103 hospital so that patients will hear different records The musical album service grew out of music club at an army repatriation hospital here The hoSpital now has permanent li biweekly programs of classical and light classical music Swing and jazz sessions did not prove pop ttlar catalogue of the records is sup plied by the Red Cross to all Nevd South Wales hospitals and irom this any iecords may be chosen WAGES BILLv UP Australian factthlcs paid out 3857690001956850451600 in wages in 194748 as compared with the 193839 total of $100748000 V1 VV GVI We extend welcome 10 Mr and Norval Lucksecond Fra Vl11l ttllt et 111 2111111 to 11 T111 Mir itlltlttl ltl 1111w1tl 1111121115 petration and the Sunday School illttltlwtuul 111111111 chili tentral eral friends and relatives lhose attending the funeral were 111111 as to the 111111111ers 51111101111113llilm 015thlimitlllL Mldlilllll llarrie Ilrentwood hieQuav laek Allen were llolmes l1gt111 1111ell lhe Ma wallpaper Truly Colorizer nish VToO create the color youvelected you VV paintsgpep 1V 1r gxpewVVworld just addcornplete tubes of premc ured color 43 cg ant to the correct size can of base ainrduring normal process of stirring paint or use Its 11 oessnmrk mixmg as slinple is uid ii 2VV V3 ccuracy Vo gco or Creationi ensured 1FhOcGLAViVrChl0naer paintsbanish wasteful matchingnumbers on tubeswir numbers iii VhltOhmlSSCQlOr inning Theres no waiting C010TiZT Album Alior special colors to be prepared No tiresome Beauty that lay sho SVprISIVIVEdfemm Store to Store searCh 0f Inlquality toVoVFLOGLAZEC rizcr paints are outstanding Theyre flawlsly smooth To gth VthVe colors you wantV just make your 1VtVVoSapplyVdurable Available allVintcrior choice fr th vi VOIOVVVIVVZE r012 Cm erfl Pamt 511an he This Spring get your colors all in and see re arrange in color the wonderful Colorizer Album your nearest brary of1000 records and provides 1l1= tw llK Iarit 111111111111 11 1101 Mr Cook f1 out the Church Wohelo thureh Barrie teemore Angus and pallbearers Xtll Arthur Parsons dance hall will open ott litettt111l in 11 111 tile l1e 1115111 I141 lultll illitlllli 11111 ll11e ilillll ot lloV111a 111n1 of lhere Were loel floral committee 01111111111 11 111 1r The Ttllt1 was tolltltltl New 1or1nanii1o Vej iFrank Goodwin 76 Marine Engineer 111111111 111 1111111 at Nlli 1111 111111 1111117 titltthln and Earlieltl llVltLIIt lllmtr inttit was in llV1l 11111111 CRAIGHURST ies At Cundles BELLE EWART tl1311 lx x1l VVVVVVVVVV r1l1E ierald DH 1111 and Jack 3111311111 Inter Heud Olco Toronto Barrie Office 13 Dunlop Street 38 yum In Business Pep Vim Vigor 111111 lll li1l 11 llilllittl 111 111 1111 stall VVV 1111111 is 1111 until VVVV VV VVVJ ll 1V 1111111 11 1ll 1111 VVV 111VIV1 1V11V V11V 11 man L1 VV 11111 111 11 1111113 111111 111 11111 11111 11 11111111121 VVVVVV VVV 111t 11d 11111111 the 11111 11 1111 11111111111s 11 lt iii 111 111111 ii 1111 11rtee HVLW it 11 llttltVV 11ott was iugle VV1VVVVVV VHV VV gtttlte11 ltV tltlti htets V1VVV 11 111111 were l11ilile you eould be sure that yourplanforroanstate1e11e1rr111loi1t111 aeroplaniu with your islies 1111 51111111 lrusts orporation your exeeutor and planning 11 1111 their assistance you run make certain that your wishes will he faithfully and tlll11Illl earried out in frnntlly epitit which may 11112111 11111111 to the Lets tails it over without 11a Maren Ltl lit 11 1111211 1111 m3 wumww Steekle 19111111111 lioiin 31w Ullllliullu tirl 11114111 111 11111111 A121e11 tlittlelt Ullttliltti iiai 111111111111 ll in lilVWVrzis at lllr11111 11111111 temetetx lllllltltlitlt were laiir thwue mm 111L111 laik l1111kt11111 11114111 1111 lo1 1111111111 l1 111111 CORPORATION H0051 FROM 62 0101110115 PAINTCOLORSQ Use them to match the colors in your ilrapes rugs wallpaper create your own custom color schemes Imagine Now you can uctuoll colors in FlOGLAZE Colorizer paints From delicate pastels to rich deeper tones here are all the lovely inbetween shades you so often wanted but never could find And theyVre all artisrically blended to give you tones thiatVVhre decoratorapproved What thrilling opportunity to create your Gwn distinctive drelimroomst What joy to fihd paints thatrnatchocblend with colors in your floor1CoyeringS drapes slipf covers or 11 groups for quick easy selection And you can duplicate there colors againexactlyanytlme THc IMPERIAL vVARNsH COLOR cog111111511 FloGlaze Dealer Available atFloGld16 ealers 151218 the Countriwa Heres the secret of the FLOGLAZE Colorizer choose from hundreds and hundreds of beautiful uses only two base paints lepte and gra in each 2V on is sVL to 11 11y naming gain51015lhs Get Ne 11 all 11 11