Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1950, p. 10

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iRSDAY PAGE TEN MW liltl HI Ill lHI III II THE BAKER EXAMINER BARKER ONTARIO CANADA Expecting 8000 Delegates At OEA From April 1013 755 Beauty Soap 111211 11111111111 and Cold Cream ELECTRIC APPLIANCE AND RADIO SERVICE lilCUllVHjll mumpi 1r1111n or 1II 141111 md models of llltlrlt Appliantn 4111111 aim itiiiii 11114115 11 liliillAI SERVICEI FUR Till Illfnj Families of 50 Under One Roof Incomes Pooled For Parents Only The Easter Festival By Nancy Cleaver 1211 II tuttiurird Illpair Serrice l11r iilll llly Ill lItiUVllf SIAItltIV HOME APPLIANCE SHOP 21 1111111114111 51 ML 3377 Illlilltll lIIlllt 11 GIVES 10113 BEAUTY TREATMENTS 111 vlASH 11 J1 MAGIC baked 15 1111 111I111g1r I1g111111111111211111111111Igratcd 1111111111 111 1ililt tiiili1rl 1111rleiiing 111111 Inn in GINGER CUP PUDDINGS 11 11 ll 1111 NI 111101 111ml 1I1111111 11111111 111r 11115 laxir lliliiigl1itd1r 011 11111 lp 131111111111111141111111 11 lllllv 11 p11111111111111151111111 Hlllltlllt iiite 11 1n 111riirup 111111 inill1 1l1k11yll 1n 111 11 11115111I11111 11111111111 Illltlltl 111111 llgllll 11 Til1 11 111111111 1111 l11l1Ilril till gnawI 1111111111 11511 1111111 11cl for out 111111r 111111111 1111111111111111111 1111 11111111 11 l21l 1111 tl1 111l l1l1l1l11111 11 11 11111511 111 lo pubic 95122 Beauty Soap Iitli lanolin 1111C1111ICrcaiii 1111111111 011 111111111131 hare 11 llllJlJlt 211111111 11 ltIll 111111 115 W111 11111tl 11 3111111 ffl nltii lirists haven 111111211 11111 wele 111 111111 of 1111 1111 iii1115 1111 111111111 111111 l1 1111 1111 No ron1ltr gt11 1111111 11111115111114 111 41ii11iiin 111111111 rs agree 11111 11 1111 1111M A1111 Sloans 15 so 1111111121411 1115 1111 1111111111 1111115511111 1111 1111 0le llllt 11 1111 and 111115 orglnn B113 art llllflLSl in tin of union 111111 folk low 1111 21115 of blond 1LILML1111f 111111121111 115111 11 Hint11111 home ht lllf1111 11 the 111 of 111 children inc ll11 laurht 1111 llmun 111 111 In 111111111111 111111 lie explai centralized 11 11 small 11121 la itv like 81111111 the ieadei of 5everal small lt1andard1 Ile rer Canadian crime news as in India althoullh tllth weni committed they were not pulp licized The speaker was thanked for 1115i informative address by Club 1111511 flitZtlllllll 1111 liollt nun11111 at Easter lime Ittl f1t1i of 1111 11111111 be 111111Itnr111 Fe holiday with fan and feiiOw lo the Shirt Easter 1111 11115125 litsur 1111101 and the glad assurance that 511111 lire5 or after death Llllil tIlltrllUlt about the end of 1111 whether asked now or on any 111 occasion should be answered 1111 15 111101 time for mother 1id father to dist115K their own 121 iltf about ininortalit They l1oilld know lllll Churchs teach ing and be sure of their own con wiclion about the spiritual signi flcancv of thls 1101 Day The Easter morn 15 sacred For with each verdant spring Our faith and hope return to 11s Whenever robins sing festival lime cent1 kilo 1111 lazulir hymn lzr 111l century WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE BU SWWH tS lll 111 hither educm that it was de 111111 colleges 1111 11 11 11 MONIRIZXL Eitlll 91111115 wili its damp 11 1111 11111111r Ftllllttlllll pins 11 1111115 11 11 11111 1111 11 511111 11111 make 115 I111 111 11111t 1111l11111l i1 111111111211121111111111111 know fur $111 lllli4lr1lll Illlilltllldlid 11 211111 1111111411 to pat on Sltl Illllnl It 1111 woluhtlillli quickly to I11111L 111111111 ili1f 111111 111111 111111 11111111211111 11111 p1 1lt 111 1111 New lilt Emblem 1111 no modern Hon 1112110 Unit 1111 OlllOTlO TO M801 conideud by In Hamlion April 19 IFIE 11 2111111111 The purpose of His birthcrclong 1119 brand Was known to 2311 the sinsick no 1111mm and IIIUSIIII1 throng 1lllIOIl at loiir Babys Dirt EMILE You 1110 CT linell 31 Wanl To Remind You about Again vorship at His feet proved nding about ianlntfpmp And hope in penitence seek their III 1111 2111 Iascal 11 1111 113111 11 11 1111 l1 11 1111 r1151 11 1111 111111 l1 on Laritr 21 Gd lm1 ML 111 1111 11112111115 Nrw 11111 with iiiiII1 111111 lltt 111111111 each 1111111 Illtl111 lstu VJIVE lhe Christians name Easter Coloring practice 111111111 the 114 hard and decorated lll 111ll Possibly in the III mm piliU the iliii5tlaits colored ti11 to epIsint the Colors of 11111 11131 13 IIIIIIII IIIIII 111 1111 the 111 ii i11pio1 I1 IlItIIIjIl 11 1111 The Spark That was ZlFlHd the officer who stood at the 1111 111111 top 11 the 51111125 1011Ian to the 111 Turned Into Flame cells Aplil Continued from page nine 11f 11 II111 El1lill on Lamr Would Be Easter riiliout rainbowecu and rIiorolutn liunnins lit iialle 71s 1111511 511 111 111111 011 dent Mrs Bowman Humiiw 11111 fainilv wiili 1111s niaiiwloiis 12311111111 II RgItIiIc IIiIiInei 1hul 80112 1111 1111 511111111 111n115111111111111111 515 l1 1111 1a art 5pon=or1ng party Il1llfor tender 111ih1rliglit 1111111111151115d for new an in the ha=ic 12 113115 English night at 111 mpi cup sifted Swans unbeaten 101111110 tomorrow evening tlrs Down Cake Ilour 1r lispii Calumet Baking mitt11115 Harry Kerr amir Mrs Herman Powder 12 cup 111 milkI Tomlinson are in charge of the Mb Im 53 Mal$93 Slalel mm 5pn mace rm pa md mm II It 1Cm Sift flour once meaaire add baking powder salt and mace Sift together lll 131111 With rotary egg beater until they are foamy throughout Add 51 or gradually beating constantly until very thick and and shortening to hot milk and heat until melted then add to mx1ns quickly Add all flour and lemon mid and cater only until smooth liirii into round 9inch deep which has been fined on bottom with pripei lllLCb Bake in moderate oven 1375111 about 13 minutes Cool 11 1111 Split 1150 in half Spread whipped cream orcustuid 111111111 liclttccn mitt1 511 powdered sugar orcr top of cake first inn11 SIIIIMIII I1oI said the judge well give him five days 101111an it over and the time 21 inbleu for When 11 1111 days had expired the openair meeting it seemed as and 11110 was 0111 domg my 1115 11 the whole town had turned outdtarion an gym0r 11119d mv 11111 the Salvation Army arrested nal1mg place mm comch war Si poiiceiiien wure detailed tom wanting to mum good 10 llliln 11 in if we attempted to my 11 mm match or beat the drum but the tlJ eliiir 111 Mi11 1n crux5d was so great and apparent trunk 1111111lily 111111 11 11 1111 lg 111 on the Armys side thatthe 111111 auxiliary of Iollu S1 fI 11o officers decided that dis cretion was the better part of valor We were allotsod pass Landausled was taken quietly after the mettint was over but allowed to go after promising to appear in court at ten the next morning Th1 coiirt room was packed to Everii 11111111121211 Supper Meeting 111111111 lifld Easter Meditation The Christmas bells since rung carols too song My thoughts were turned lchcm To Elllp the Christ the Sar iourof men have long The wrrc sweetly 111 1111141111 r1 cw Wonderful Free Booklet For Your Baby 110 01 COME F017 rout be able 751 10 read if knelt iith mo liut lit11 Unitc adore on the tliinus had no gifts for am poor 33 01 All He Had inthe World All he possesses is trunk said thr landlady and suddenly an idea came to her He has not paid his board this week yet she told the police officer guess have the first claim on that trunk havent He admitted she had wrote across the warrant No to Beth 311011le err1 shepherds 111 1i111 Following 1hr Zillpll which aan 130 111111 llflll meeting 1121111 The 11i1li1iy president 31 l1II1ln Goodtvllow rrall an 11111311 11111111 the innsioriaiy monthly on 311rittiiy of missions in Simcoe heard no more ofthat five dol l1711un1y tlrra Danson ltd 1111 Wol rolls 32 suffocation and many of our can friend Iars or ten days until received orders to farewell from London he Upon Moum SHnd i112 and nourishni wiiitrn lor foil lltt hat pleasant customafternoon entIt1 been tea Inalwnys have 11 11 11111110 YOIII baby by 2250 Sift Slngrzrs roar product I1IS Cl Ill th Clt1lrl gc offered hisvsrerviccs to lllUAllll free of charge but told him that while appreciated his kind offer believed God wanted me topicad my own case If God be with ybu who can be against you Go ahead youll be all right he said told the court that The Salvai lion Army folk were not law brcakcrs that indeed they were laboring to make lawbreakers in long way to lawabiding citizens We havellhat llwas mcn here this morning said Oh well he remarked when who have been before this court W0 lam YOU well go 10 California againand again but where the and get you have never paid law could not help them Gad has that five dollars nor have done used the Army as an instrument the 18 days and never shall in their conversion They are no because all of Gods promises are longer drunkards but sober men Sureif we only believe no longer deadbeats but honest men bad men are now good men At this pointan cxdrunkard shouted out Heres one right here Heres another And another and our con verts were soon testifying all over the court room Order Order shouted the judge this is not camp meet ing iship Service The remainder of the Ivviiing git15 spent in sewing blockstozeth rr for quilt for the halo And View the nail prints in EL hands Rock of Ages cleft for me Take my thoughts to Calvary Lo there dawns aglorious morn With awe View the Sacred Form When from His hear Death has no sting the grave no fear when Im alone or at restaurant after shopping or the movies Tom on many afternoons friends 1111111 in by invitation And what tli111 01111in enjoyable way it is to relax 111111 enjoy an hour of fricnrlltliill while Sipping teal And heres tipinviting friends to afternoon emu splendid way to return sorial obligation Oh yesanother 101 tip Always mgkc sure the 191 brews fully five minutes for full enjoyable flavor large staff of IIISINZ baby food cxprrfs who are in constant touch with doctors clinicians ltSOltltll crs 11111 dietitians Read about breast feeding bottle feeding how to care for utensils warming and Storing food There are new charts too Weight Height and Age Table Progressive Development Chart All in all this is book no mother should miss Simply write to rileBarbara Brent 1411 Crescent Sr Montreal PQfor your lree copy of Your Babys Diet Only The Rich could afford to drink tea in the dayslof Queen 1311211111111 23 Tea taxes in England were So high that 1111 Id smuggling was common occurrence in fact more than half the tea drunk in England was smiigglrdI have come to go to jail said to satisfy that unjust law have leccivcd orders from our Headquarters in New York to say goodbye to London and be readyl to proceed to California in two weeks and have just nice time to do those ten days before go Rising to his feet and pacing the floor the chief said California is it Surveys show the preference for WHITE SWAN is tlmes the next brand in Ont Que and the Maritimes lips methinks Igoods or chattels and went away isnt agreed Rutter appear on the market was priced at 10 cents bunch The market began to show signs of spring rush of trade on Satur day In spite of the stormywea vther good crowd of buyers quick ly bought out the maple sugar and dairy products Eggs were 43 and 45 cents for large and jumbo sizes 40 cents for medium an1L38 cents for pullets Roasting chickens were priced from 45 to 50 cents pound Fresh pumpkin pies werc145c each Ben Davis cooking and eating apples were 45 cents sixquart basket and Mann apples for cook ing were 40 cents into the country The Kings men whipped and hanged the daring smugglers but they were 11 guided more as heroes than as criminals by the people for tea even then was 111miiclisoughtuft11 beverage In those days it wasnt blended but was consumed by Single varieties and would be almost unrecognizath as ten to us Today tea blending is an art wellunderstood by Blenders of famous IRED ROSE TEA Yes you know from the that Red Rose Tea 15 good Teaths famous fluvour its truly satisfx It goodnessmake it the favourite in thousands of Canadian homes at tentimeand all thetimcl And remember tliatRcd Rose Coffee is as good as Red Rose Tea ii Scarce But Tasty Maple Syrup $5 Gal Maple syrup brought in from Shanty Bay and Holly sold at $5 gallon or 80 cents for 24ounce jar at the farmers market last Saturday morning There were smaller containers being sold at 55 cents each The slowrunning sap hadim proved by the weekend since the beginning of the week when cold 1111 all steadiness andftaste as Ireptirted very fine Iroamadn Limited thisyegn Outside the market 3buildin 11 Carer TllmSprln time th shouldpay the fine as friend farmer1 from thenorthern partgof SALES SERZICE SUPPLIES what youll thirst about haddone the day before and quot the Id1istrictI was offering 18 seven CLEANERM QPQLISHERS Bcrilmptioua JELLO dessert when ing thatpromiseJeremiehl19711 Wek Old yorkShire MES 31 $11 Branchmmfiee 31Vespra 81 you 11111111111 mmeevenihg sob II chose the jail sentencg amecen TELEPH0NE 3392 his not onlybewhl to look at 312 teaspoons Calumet Bellini Shall I1 put him down now but thelresh inty10cked1 POWder The Next Time Youhtwe Odds and ends of 4=1Ameatzitouseup try this tender Corn Meal Shortcake The twoway action of CALUMET TV BAKINGPOWDER rst in tlie mixmg bowl then in the oven makes the Shortcake dream 101 deliciousiiessasit does with all my baking CORN MEAL SHORTCAKE cups sifted flour The Bench in Quandary When Ilhad finished the judge wagiina1guIandary He had sen tencedour11drummcr the day be fore for the same offence So with out looking1111116 said TThe ordin ance has been brokenfive dollars or ten days asked that no one Hothouse leaf lettuce the first to Underline this date on your calendar II now to be sure you visit our store and obrtiiri the invaluable petisonal assistance 3of thisrecognized authority on shoe fitting and foot comfort Mr McKerihen can offer youhclpful advice and will gladly cooperate with your own physicianintting you Recent laboratory tests by professional In Our Shoe Department 11111110111111 fully conrm the comfort and MI to 550 plot assistance ivenb DR MW LOCKE LKWEL 3110153101115 ppIPasl Office Phone 2397 Barrieu nune llfaVOlIlarIipf JoligtJellyLPowdera tgggoifaggu awe rna cu ea Immeyf II es IIck forII cu sasgyniggj cup In PEAR AND CHERRY MOLD Creamd Elliiiliiled beef meat GXI er 3181 llgmwrltiifiw at at 995 powder Ehlilealxsilireuagar s1 int he Cl cup drain9d canned Fittedred in ShOISlenilivE gill cgirilkmd 5m cherries 1mm 50 dough is formed Turnip 1111 111111 canned pm liaiseretail adrif II 315311 Italo in 11 nqutd cum inch thick and3 ciitS 131i floured 51g yI thickened then told 34mm Cutter Bake ungreased SP mitts Chill 1n fncy mold Un baking Shth ht 42503 II roldband garnish wml peat which gguh 15tminutes until done Spin Get them hr ou soonert attracts Wm mu constructor111115 servings and on top Makw shortcakes Grand Opportunity to send for Ibis dollarvalue Plastic Juice0071 II tamer thatq yours for us 251 and 100 II II II aililnglspllllus coiitaingr unbreakable11011 II I1 1Iproo an itholds ve leftgiver Juices Simply put the Juice you want to keep freehciiiJ this II Bonb 1112er your toe boxl It seals in the vitaminsl Jun and me 331 rile rent 1411 Crescent 811 Montreal PQa 00151 Note or Ipouage Impound one label rgnlt oqnl Cordial or Concentrate boule The 012 off candy when soaked in worth water for erIt or IteenI minutes And remember BOVRIL not on yIma es wonderfully delicious 110111 drinlita xciungiytipzouiiu 11111111111 tiara or in kindsl

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